
    Ep 22: Ali Zeck on Healing from Abuse, Awakening To The Matrix & Transcending The New World Order

    enJanuary 29, 2021

    About this Episode

    Ali Zeck is a trauma/abuse survivor and a suicide attempt survivor who escaped the clutches of the pharmaceutical industry to facilitate her own healing and awakening. Now she is crusader for truth, healing and transparency in a world seemingly gone mad. This episode is incredible powerful, important and relevant to the current global situation we find ourselves in. This is a deep discussion in which we covers many topic including victim identity, gaslighting and narcissistic abuse, the dangers of pharmaceuticals, cognitive dissonance, unconsciousness and corruption in the mental health establishment, governmental abuse in times of COVID, mainstream media monopoly,  and the agenda of the billionaire class that is moving us toward neo-feudal, technocratic digital slavery.

    Recent Episodes from BEING with Patrick Cooke

    Ep 50: Zoe Davenport on How To Enter Higher States of Consciousness

    Ep 50: Zoe Davenport on How To Enter Higher States of Consciousness

    Zoe Davenport is the founder of The Haven Collective. A high-frequency container for creators of the New Earth Paradigm who are ready to come together & amplify the field through the potency of collective group consciousness. She is a gifted Multi-Dimensional Channel, Psychic Visionary for Leaders, Author, Speaker & Coach.




    Topics discussed in this episode:

    • Path to Transformation [3:54]
    • Awakening [8:36]
    • How To Take Steps Toward Your Calling [11:50]
    • Patrick’s Activation Story [18:05]
    • Entering Into Higher States of Consciousness [21:45]
    • Frequency, Dimensions & The Quantum Field [26:28]
    • The Trauma of Childbirth [32:11]
    • Collective Trauma [34:32]
    • Doing The Inner Work [36:38]
    • Tuning Into Inner Guidance [44:52]
    • The Importance of Critical Thinking & Discernment [48:41]

    Ep 49: Daniel Mangena on Winning The Money Game

    Ep 49: Daniel Mangena on Winning The Money Game

    Daniel is all about abundance. After receiving a late diagnosis of Asperger‘s and experiencing what can only be described as life shattering trauma at the age of 20, Daniel spent the next seven years struggling to keep these revelations and events from spilling into every area of his life. Through his own struggles, Daniel found a path to lasting joy and purpose and he wants nothing more than to share the tools that saved his life.


    Topics discussed in this episode:

    • Who is Dan?  [1:51]
    • What is abundance? [4:11]
    • Financial Abundance [6:15]
    • Is there enough for everyone? [8:34]
    • The Pointless of Purpose [13:01]
    • How Life Is A Waking Dream [16:52]
    • Universal Conscious [17:52]
    • Why You Should Stop Meditating [19:15]
    • The Law of Polarity [24:02]
    • The Money Game [27:55]
    • Definition of Success [30:15]
    • Taking Responsibility [31:54]
    • Nature of Competition [32:58]



    Ep 48: "Why Are So Many Still Buying into The Narrative?"

    Ep 48: "Why Are So Many Still Buying into The Narrative?"

    In this solo episode Patrick explores the idea that a large percentage of the global population has been seduced into a form of mass hypnosis called "mass formation" which inevitably leads to a totalitarian state. Based on the work of Dr. Mattias Desmet, a clinical psychologist and statistician at the University of Ghent, Belgium.

    https://youtu.be/uLDpZ8daIVM https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Qj5bo_KFqgo https://thomascasey.wordpress.com/2021/08/28/mass-formation-by-dr-mattias-desmet-professor-of-psychology-university-of-ghent/ https://larryturner.substack.com/p/mass-formation-and-consequent-totalitarian Follow Patrick Cooke: https://being-podcast.com/ https://www.instagram.com/patrickcooke https://www.instagram.com/beingwithpatrickcooke https://t.me/BEINGwithPatrickCooke​ https://www.facebook.com/patrickdgcooke/​ https://www.linkedin.com/in/patrickdgcooke/ https://patrickcookecoaching.com/​ http://www.hvnterwest.com

    Ep 47: Leonard Perlmutter on Unlocking Limitless Wisdom & Creativity

    Ep 47: Leonard Perlmutter on Unlocking Limitless Wisdom & Creativity

    LEONARD PERLMUTTER (Ram Lev) is the founder and director of the American Meditation Institute and the originator of National Conscience Month. He studied in India under Swami Rama of the Himalayas whose lab studies at the Menninger Institute demonstrated that blood pressure, heart rate and the autonomic nervous system can be voluntarily controlled.  He is the author and editor of Transformation: The Journal of Yoga Science as Holistic Mind/Body Medicine and his most recent book is entitled Your Conscience: The Key to Unlock Limitless Wisdom and Creativity and Solve All of Life's Challenges



    Topics discussed in this episode:

    • 4 Functions of The Mind - Conscience [2:35]
    • 4 Functions of The Mind - Ego [4:37]
    • 4 Functions of The Mind - Senses [8:58]
    • 4 Functions of The Mind - Unconscious Mind [13:11]
    • The Superconscious Mind [14:23]
    • Emotions [17:35]
    • Origin of Creativity [25:13]
    • Anger [27:53]
    • The Relationship of The 4 Functions [34:30]
    • Conditioned Values [44:43]
    • Trauma of The Birth Experience [48:12]
    • Power of Meditation [54:07]
    • Outer vs Inner Guru [59:08]

    Ep 46: Wylie McGraw on Optimizing Performance, Blowing Through Blind Spots & Eradicating Stress

    Ep 46: Wylie McGraw on Optimizing Performance, Blowing Through Blind Spots & Eradicating Stress

    Wylie McGraw is a former star athlete, competitive bull rider, and 3-tour combat veteran in the US Military. Through those intense experiences he discovered his crazy superpower of being able to expose blind spots, erupt & eradicate stress, and fully unleash the untapped potential of high achievers. This is an explosive episode jam packed with hard won wisdom and insight into self-optimization.

    Topics discussed in this episode:

    • Epic Beards [1:55]
    • Childhood [2:42]
    • Seeking Challenges [4:31]
    • Bull Riding [5:48]
    • Discomfort as a Path To Self Mastery [6:14]
    • Joining The US Military [7:05]
    • Lessons from War [9:40]
    • Compartmentalization [11:34]
    • The Politics of War [14:15]
    • Addressing The Person [16:30]
    • Helping vs Optimizing [17:43]
    • Business Through Beingness [18:47]
    • Blowing Through Blind Spots [21:32]
    • Society’s Obsession with Thinking [22:33]
    • How To Identify Blind Spots [26:15]
    • How To Develop Trust in Intuition [28:30]
    • Moving Past Blocks [40:31]
    • Ethics of Wielding Power [45:07]




    Ep 45: Roy Biancalana on How To Get In Relationship Shape

    Ep 45: Roy Biancalana on How To Get In Relationship Shape

    Certified relationship coach & author Roy Biancalana walks us through how to assess and increase your intimate relationship fitness level and attract last love by taking responsibility and dealing with your baggage.

    Roy is a certified relationship coach and a nationally-recognized expert in the field of attraction and conscious relationships. He is the author of three #1 best-selling books, the latest of which is Relationship Bootcamp: Hard-Core Training for Life, Love & the Pursuit of Intimacy.

    For the past 15 years, Roy has been supporting single people in the art of attracting healthy, sustainable, intimate relationships. His experience has taught him that getting in “relationship shape” is the key to attracting lasting love.


    Topics discussed in this episode:

    • Relationship Fitness Test [3:00]
    • Relationship to Your Past [8:15]
    • Taking Responsibility for Your Baggage [14:32]
    • The Rescuer Archetype [21:35]
    • Relationship to Inner Truth [28:45]
    • Redactive Dating [30:11]
    • Withholding Leads to Withdrawal [34:13]
    • Coming Back to Wholeness [38:11]
    • The Check-In Technique [47:21]
    • Relationship Fitness Test Pt 2 [54:51]

    Ep 44: Gabrielle Bonneville on Creativity, Healing & Building Community

    Ep 44: Gabrielle Bonneville on Creativity, Healing & Building Community

    Gabrielle Bonneville is a Lucid Dreamer. Circus Aerialist. Yoga Teacher. Community Designer. Mystic & Musician. She is also the co-founder of Momentom Collective - the world’s leading artist residency program for healers, creatives and digital nomads. In this lively and insightful episode we dive deep into becoming a creative channel, building community and how introspection can power creative expression.

    Topics discussed in this episode:

    • Gaby’s Journey [3:19]
    • Entering The Circus [6:12]
    • Sacred Clowning [8:04]
    • Momentom Collective [10:12]
    • Patrick’s Journey [12:24]
    • Introspection vs Expression [15:57]
    • Challenging Limits [18:36]
    • Momentom Collective [21:21]
    • Importance of Integration [25:20]
    • Tapping into Morphogenetic Field [28:30]
    • Importance of Community [29:02]
    • Building Momentom Community [33:00]
    • Where Does Creativity Come From? [37:49]
    • Becoming A Creative Channel [39:38] 
    • Channeling Truth [41:09]



    • Resources mentioned in this episode: .
    • Punta Mona [33:00]
    • BOOK “Creativity” by Osho [39:36]

    Ep 43: Julien Desforges on Living in Balance, Flow and Play

    Ep 43: Julien Desforges on Living in Balance, Flow and Play

    Julien Desforges is a movement artist and entrepreneur from Montreal, Canada. Founder of Slackline Mtl, he has been deeply invested in practicing, performing and teaching the balance art of slacklining and highlining for the past 15 years.

    His endless curiosity for healing and optimal living also guided him into breathwork, dance, kung fu, yoga, acroyoga meditation and most recently, hair hanging, the ancient chinese practice of suspending from the hair.

    His future goal is to design and build play spaces, where communities can experience these movement, healing and play practices.



    Topics discussed in this episode:

    • Modalities of Healing [3:28]
    • Art of Slackline [4:22]
    • Managing Fear  [7:27]
    • Centering Practices [12:05]
    • Julien’s Mission [21:23]
    • Growing Through Play [27:39]
    • Collective/Individual Trauma [29:03]
    • Playing with Shame, Blame & Judgement [42:50]
    • Non-attachment [44:12]
    • Meaning of Healing [45:34]
    • Finding Balance & Alignment [49:30]
    • Flowing with Creativity [55:55]

    Ep 42: David Strickel on How To Channel Higher Consciousness

    Ep 42: David Strickel on How To Channel Higher Consciousness

    Everyone is a channel according to David Strickel. David is an author, speaker and medium who has been receiving what he calls “downloads of thought” from Source consciousness since childhood. He refers to this consciousness as “the Stream.” The Stream’s wisdom provides a deep understanding of the meaning of life and the universe, as well as the universal process of creation. This is an intriguing episode and later in the show I get the chance to interact directly with The Stream and ask questions - wait til you hear the answers!


    Topics discussed in this episode:

    • David’s Story [3:00]
    • Going Inward [7:00]
    • Emotional Spiral [11:25]
    • Detuning Fear [21:40]
    • State of Consciousness While Channeling [28:40]
    • Truth about Law of Attraction [33:33]
    • Navigating Being ‘Down The Spiral’ [35:22]
    • Dismantling Institutions of Control [40:37]
    • Being Open to Channeling [46:54]
    • Channeling Session with The Stream [48:56] 

    Ep 41: Adena Sampson on How To Breakthrough and Rediscover Your Authentic Self

    Ep 41: Adena Sampson on How To Breakthrough and Rediscover Your Authentic Self

    Adena Sampson shares her 9 foundational principles for recovery and healing from her new book "The Road Back To Me". Having overcome the insurmountable, Adena leads by example, teaching her clients and audience how to turn challenges into victories and inspiring us to live a more authentic, courageous, and passionate life.



    Topics discussed in this episode:

    • Adena’s Story [2:50]
    • Relationship between Illness and Mindset [9:40]
    • Failures of Western Medicine [10:45]
    • Integrating Shadow [14:14]
    • Breaking Generational Patterns [17:45]
    • Subtle Co-dependency [20:50]
    • Taking Personal Responsibility [22:30]
    • Embracing the Richness of Experience [27:01]
    • Navigating Societal Programming [28:02]
    • Exploring Unconscious Beliefs [30:00]
    • Grounding Yourself in Being [35:09]
    • Dealing with Overwhelm & Anger [36:50]
    • Listening in Stillness [44:33]
    • Life as Dance Between Destiny & Choice [45:28]
    • Spirituality vs Organized Religion [48:56]
    • Music as Catharsis [52:08]
    • Live Musical Performance [59:50]