
    Ep. 237 - Black Holes And Black Lists

    enApril 11, 2019

    Podcast Summary

    • A black hole discovery and Pope Benedict's apologyThe universe's mysteries and the Catholic Church's crisis demand our attention, not trivial distractions.

      The vastness and complexity of the universe, as demonstrated by the discovery of a black hole 55 million light years away, can be easily overshadowed by our fixation on mundane and superficial matters, such as a blurry image of the event or a new cartoon trailer. Meanwhile, Pope Benedict spoke out about the sex abuse crisis within the Catholic Church, acknowledging the truth and expressing remorse. Elsewhere, a report claimed that the host, Matt Walsh, has been blacklisted by Google. These events serve as reminders of the importance of maintaining perspective and staying informed on significant issues.

    • The Desire for a New Church Led to Moral Chaos and the Sexual Abuse CrisisThe sexual abuse crisis in the church can't be solved by practical measures alone. We need to address the deeper spiritual and moral roots of the problem.

      The expectation for individuals in the media to have informed opinions on every news topic is a false assumption. People often form their opinions based on the perspectives of others in their ideological camp, rather than developing their own perspectives through research and critical thinking. This was discussed in relation to the job of news commentators and the recent essay by Pope Benedict on the causes of the sexual abuse crisis in the church. Benedict argues that the desire for a new, worldly church in the 1960s and 70s led to moral chaos and the crisis. He criticizes those who rejected tradition and sought to create a new church, citing examples of seminaries where priests and seminarians lived together and were exposed to pornography. Benedict's solution to the problem involves returning to traditional values and rejecting the idea of creating a church based on worldly morality. The key takeaway is that addressing complex issues like the sexual abuse crisis in the church requires looking beyond practical solutions to the deeper spiritual and moral roots of the problem.

    • God's love as the counterforce against evilThe speaker argues that God's love is crucial for a moral and free society, and that strong church leadership is necessary to navigate challenges.

      The love of God is the ultimate counterforce against evil in the world. According to the speaker, God's love is the purpose and compass that provides orientation in society, and the absence of God leads to a loss of freedom and morality. The speaker also emphasizes the importance of learning to love God as the path to human redemption. However, the speaker raises a question about why Benedict XVI, who seems to have a clear understanding of the issues facing the church, is not in a leadership position. The situation of an old retired pope providing guidance from the sidelines while an older pope in power does little to address the problems is described as bizarre and confusing. Overall, the speaker's message is that the love of God is essential for a moral and free society, and that the church needs strong and effective leadership to navigate the challenges it faces.

    • Google's power to manipulate search results and maintain blacklistsGoogle's blacklist, 'deceptive news domain blacklist', filters out problematic sites, impacting their reach and visibility in search results, raising concerns about transparency and potential bias.

      Tech companies like Google have the power to manipulate search results and maintain blacklists that can impact the visibility of certain websites, including those with conservative viewpoints. Benedict, who was once a prominent blogger, found himself on Google's blacklist despite his current website primarily containing contact information and links to his work on other platforms. This raises concerns about transparency and potential bias in the way tech companies curate information online. Google denies manipulating search results, but documents obtained by The Daily Caller suggest otherwise. The blacklist, known as the "deceptive news domain blacklist," is used to filter out problematic sites that violate Google's policies, preventing them from appearing in certain search features like top news, videos, and sidebars. While the targeted sites still appear in the "10 blue links" portion of search results, the blacklisting can significantly impact their reach and visibility. The fact that conservative sites like Gateway Pundit, Matt Walsh's blog, and The American Spectator are on the list adds fuel to accusations of bias. It's important to note that tech companies have the right to regulate content on their platforms, but transparency and clear guidelines are crucial to maintaining trust and preventing the appearance of bias.

    • Online censorship and inconsistent tech platform policiesTech platforms' content moderation policies can be inconsistent and arbitrary, making online censorship challenging for individuals and organizations.

      While various tech platforms may not openly admit to targeting conservatives, the criteria they use for content moderation can be inconsistent and arbitrary. The speaker shared their personal experience of being blacklisted by Google and Wikipedia, while having no issues with Twitter or Facebook. The lack of coordination among these platforms makes navigating online censorship challenging. Another topic discussed was the speaker's perspective on biblical end times prophecy, as shared in an email from a listener. The listener, a Pentecostal Christian, explained their beliefs about the imminent rapture, the great tribulation, and the antichrist's reign. The speaker did not express their own opinions on the matter but appreciated the engagement on the topic.

    • The rapture's questionable origins and misinterpretationsThe rapture, a Christian belief in the sudden removal of believers from Earth before tribulation, lacks clear biblical support and can lead to misunderstandings if taken out of context

      The idea of the rapture as a Christian doctrine is questionable due to its relatively recent origin and the fact that the biblical writers did not mention it. The passage from Matthew 24:40, often used to support the rapture, actually describes the destruction of the wicked, not their ascension into heaven. The rapture interpretation is an example of taking a few sentences from scripture and building a whole new theology around them, which can lead to misunderstandings and misinterpretations. It's important to consider the context of the verses and the intentions of the original writers.

    • Understanding Bible's prophetic textsDespite predictions of end times, Bible's prophetic texts are complex and symbolic, not infallible predictions. Approach them with humility.

      The Bible's prophetic texts, including those in the books of Daniel and Revelation, are complex and heavily metaphorical. While it's natural for people to want to understand and predict the end times, it's important to remember that no one has the ability to know exactly when the end will come. Throughout history, Christians have predicted the imminent end of the world, but they have been consistently wrong. The Bible's authors were not omniscient, and their predictions were not infallible. Instead of becoming dogmatic about our interpretations of these texts, it's essential to approach them with humility and an understanding that their meanings may be multifaceted and symbolic.

    • Perspective from historyFocus on living life to the fullest and preparing for mortality, rather than fixating on the potential end of the world.

      While it's natural to feel alarmed by current events and the state of the world, it's important to keep a historical perspective. The world has faced catastrophic events before, and civilizations have risen and fallen throughout history. Our individual lives are short in comparison, and focusing too much on the end of the world may distract us from focusing on our own mortality and the things that truly matter in our lives. Ultimately, we cannot know for certain when the world will end, but we can be sure that each of us will face our own end at some point. Therefore, it may be more productive to focus on living our lives to the fullest and preparing for our own mortality, rather than fixating on the potential end of the world.

    • Values and virtues matter most in a marriageFocus on shared values and virtues like honesty, generosity, and trustworthiness. Maintain individual identities and interests while building a strong foundation for a lasting union.

      While shared values such as having children and faith are crucial for a lasting marriage, it's not necessary for couples to have identical beliefs or goals on every level. Instead, focusing on virtues like honesty, generosity, and trustworthiness is essential. Couples should also maintain their individual identities, interests, and passions rather than sacrificing them for the relationship. As for doctrine, it may not be as important as having a strong foundation in fundamental values and a virtuous partner. Ultimately, differences can add variety and intrigue to a marriage rather than being a problem.

    • Shared interests and passions in marriage, don't give them upIn marriage, keep your interests and passions, adjust and compromise instead of giving them up. Morality can be understood through reason, but divine revelation provides a complete understanding.

      Marriage should not require giving up or changing everything that is good and edifying in your life. Instead, you might need to adjust and make compromises. Morality, on the other hand, can be derived from reason to some extent, but for a full understanding, we turn to divine revelation. During the show, Michael discussed the importance of shared interests and passions in a relationship, and how giving up these things for marriage is a warning sign. He also touched on the topic of morality and reason, stating that we have an innate moral sense and can arrive at basic moral truths through reason, but for a complete understanding, we need divine revelation. Additionally, Michael mentioned a historical example of civilizations recognizing and adhering to moral codes, despite committing atrocities, showing the need for both reason and revelation in understanding morality.

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