
    EP: 244 King Solomon's Treasure with Jim Barfield

    enJune 12, 2024

    Podcast Summary

    • Copper Scroll ProjectThe Copper Scroll Project, led by Jim Barfield, is a potential treasure map found among the Dead Sea Scrolls, believed to reveal hidden treasures including articles of Solomon's Temple and the Ark of the Covenant, impacting history and eschatology

      The Copper Scroll Project, led by retired investigator Jim Barfield, could potentially lead to the greatest archaeological discovery in history. This project revolves around decoding the Copper Scroll, an ancient treasure map found among the Dead Sea Scrolls. Jim, a self-proclaimed "obsessed guy," has dedicated nearly 20 years to this endeavor, believing it could reveal hidden treasures, including the articles of Solomon's Temple and even the Ark of the Covenant. The implications of such discoveries would significantly impact history and eschatology. Jim's journey is a testament to the fascination with the ancient world, its mysteries, and the relentless pursuit of knowledge. Whether one believes in giants, Bigfoot, or ancient alien influences, the Copper Scroll Project adds another layer to the intrigue surrounding the past.

    • Copper Scroll decipheringRetired law enforcement officer Jim Apache, using his investigative skills and biblical knowledge, deciphered the first five locations on the Copper Scroll in a short time, a feat that had eluded scholars for decades.

      Jim Apache, a retired law enforcement officer with a passion for biblical research, dedicated his time to deciphering the enigma of the Copper Scroll, a mysterious artifact discovered in the ruins of Qumran along with the Dead Sea Scrolls. Inspired by his investigative skills and deep biblical knowledge, Jim applied his expertise to understand the cryptic instructions on the copper scroll. After meeting Vindal Jones, the then-preeminent researcher on the copper scroll, Jim felt confident in his abilities and began his investigation. Within a short time, he was able to decipher the first five locations mentioned in the scroll, a feat that had eluded scholars for decades. This discovery not only showcases Jim's unique approach to research but also highlights the power of dedication, passion, and the application of skills to solve complex mysteries.

    • Copper Scroll Treasure MapThe Copper Scroll, discovered among the Dead Sea Scrolls, is a treasure map believed to lead to King Solomon's temple treasures, created by the Melchizedek order, linked to Noah's son Shem, and hidden during the Babylonian exile.

      The Copper Scroll is a treasure map leading to the hidden treasures of King Solomon's temple, as believed by some researchers. This map was created by the people of Qumran, who are believed to be part of the Melchizedek order, a group of prophets. The copper scroll was discovered among the Dead Sea Scrolls and contains instructions to find treasures at various locations, each with significant amounts of gold. The Melchizedek order is linked to Noah's son Shem, and the prophets at Qumran built their community as a replica of Jerusalem. The real copper scroll is housed in the Museum of the Jewish Quarter in Jerusalem. The belief is that these treasures were hidden during the time of Jeremiah, and the Essenes at Qumran hid the map to ensure its discovery by those who would protect and use the treasures appropriately. The exact timing of when the treasures were buried is believed to be around 3331 from Adam, which corresponds to the time of the Babylonian exile.

    • Jeremiah's priests hidden treasuresJeremiah's priests hid treasures from the Tabernacle and Temple, including 17 talents of silver and sacred vessels, in three locations near Qumran during Babylonian invasion. The locations include a mikveh, a basin for women, and a cave. A copper scroll found in the Dead Sea Scrolls provides instructions to locate them.

      During the time of the prophet Jeremiah, priests in ancient Jerusalem hid immense treasures from the Tabernacle of Moses and the Temple of Solomon, including a breastplate of righteousness, in three specific locations near Qumran. These treasures, documented in Jewish texts, include over 17 talents of silver and various vessels for the sacrificial system. The locations, which are in a straight line, include a mikveh, a basin for women, and a cave mentioned in Second Maccabees. The last scroll found in the Dead Sea Scrolls, made of copper, provides instructions to locate these treasures. The treasures were hidden to protect them from the Babylonians, who attacked Jerusalem in 3331 AD (from the Jewish timing), taking many lives and almost losing Qumran. The discovery of these locations and treasures would be an archaeological find of epic proportions, akin to an Indiana Jones adventure.

    • Copper Scroll Treasure MapThe Copper Scroll, discovered at Qumran, may contain a hidden treasure map leading to the Temple treasury, including the Ark of the Covenant, according to similarities with Second Maccabees and Emek Humbelek. Support for this theory is divided among scholars.

      According to the discussion, the Copper Scroll discovered at Qumran in the 1950s may contain a hidden treasure map leading to the location of the Temple treasury, including the Ark of the Covenant. This belief is based on the similarities between the descriptions in the Copper Scroll and the texts in Second Maccabees and Emek Humbelek. The discovery of these treasures is believed to be linked to the coming of the Messiah. The reception of this theory in archaeological circles has not been positive, with some skepticism and criticism towards the researcher. However, the researcher managed to gain the support of a leading rabbi in Israel after presenting his findings to him.

    • Jim Barford's treasures discoveryA man's claim of discovering treasures connected to the Messiah's bride dowry gained skepticism but later credibility among Israeli archaeologists, leading to a planned excavation that was halted by a rival.

      A man named Jim Barford claimed to have discovered important treasures connected to the dowry for the coming bride of the Messiah, hidden in Israel. He shared this information with the head of the Antiquities Authority of Israel, who was initially skeptical but eventually became interested after consulting with other experts. With their support, Jim planned an excavation in 2009, but it was halted by a rival who spread negative information about him online. Despite the setback, Jim's discovery gained credibility among the top archaeologists in Israel, marking a significant development in his quest to uncover these ancient treasures.

    • Israeli temple artifactsPolitical and religious reasons hinder the excavation of potentially significant Solomonic temple artifacts in Israel, which could include purification ritual items needed for temple rebuilding, causing controversy and opposition

      A discovery of significant historical importance was made in Israel, involving potential Solomonic temple artifacts. However, the excavation of these items has been hindered due to political and religious reasons. The discovery could potentially include the purification ritual items needed to rebuild the Jewish temple, making it a controversial and potentially explosive situation. The discovery was made using advanced metal detection technology and documentation exists to prove the findings. The red heifer ritual, another crucial piece of the temple's completion, has also been in the news recently. The closer the Israelis get to unearthing all the pieces of the puzzle, the more pressure and opposition they face from various sources.

    • Biblical artifacts and the AntichristDiscoveries of biblical artifacts won't bring about the Antichrist, but the Antichrist may use them to establish himself as a false god. The rebuilding of the temple is necessary for this declaration.

      The discovery of ancient artifacts, potentially related to biblical figures and temples, is a subject of great excitement and controversy. Some see it as a potential treasure of immeasurable value, while others fear it could usher in the Antichrist. However, it's important to note that the Antichrist will not be brought about by these discoveries, but rather will use them to establish himself as a false god. The sacrifices mentioned in the Bible were not bloody or nasty, but rather a way of expressing gratitude and devotion. The rebuilding of the temple is necessary for the Antichrist to declare himself as God. The chronology research using only biblical dates and external confirmation points aligns with historical records, revealing fascinating connections. The upcoming election and the Abrahamic accords may play a role in the ongoing discoveries related to these ancient artifacts.

    • Qumran TreasureA group believed a significant biblical treasure, possibly guarded by the Essenes, could be hidden at Qumran, Israel, including 900 talents of gold for the coming of the Messiah. The discovery of the Dead Sea Scrolls brought international attention and further excavations may reveal more.

      A group of people believed they were guarding a significant biblical treasure, possibly hidden by the Essenes, at the site of Qumran in Israel. This treasure, which may include 900 talents of gold, is believed to have been stored for the coming of the Messiah. The discovery of the Dead Sea Scrolls at this site in the mid-20th century brought international attention to the area, and further excavations may reveal more about this fascinating piece of history. Jim Barfield, a treasure hunter and researcher, shares his passion for this story, which he believes has elements of biblical history, heroes of the faith, and eschatology. He encourages listeners to engage with his work on his website and to prepare for the coming of the Messiah. The treasure, which is located on the eastern edge of Israel, remains a mystery, but the story behind it is bigger than any treasure that may be found and rooted in the faith of both Christians and Jewish people.

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