
    About this Episode

    Good news!  We’re talking about manifestation at least all month and possibly beyond here on the Limitless Mother Podcast, whoop whoop!


    As someone who entirely changed her life (for the better!) after discovering the power of manifestation and learning how to leverage the Law of Attraction, if you know me at all you know this shiz is my JAM.  


    I’m obsessed with helping women manifest whatever it is they desire:


    The epic blowout holiday, the landscaped garden, the dream home, the spa days, solo trips, manicures, personal stylist shopping trips, the date nights, regular time with besties, quality time with the kids, the money, lots and LOTS of it and ultimately the FEELINGS: contentment, fulfilment, joy, inner peace, health, love.  My clients and I have manifested it all and so much more.


    So I want to start at the beginning today so we can level set here.  


    Let’s talk about how the F you actually manifest with intention.  


    I’m breaking this down and making it super simple for you to understand and ultimately wield as a force for positive change in your own life.


    I’m not here to live the dream alone after all.  I’m not stopping until we’re ALL living the dream.


    Ready for Limitless Money?  Join here: https://corijavid.com/limitless-money/ 

    Save your space in the Elevated Abundance Mastermind: https://corijavid.com/elevate

    Recent Episodes from The Limitless Mother Podcast

    [BONUS EP 3]: Assessment: Pinpoint the EXACT things keeping you from multi-6-figs

    [BONUS EP 3]: Assessment: Pinpoint the EXACT things keeping you from multi-6-figs

    Discover the real reasons keeping you from hitting your next income level using the assessment in this episode! Be sure to take notes during this juicy episode!


    Grab your free workbook - you'll need it as you listen to this episode! https://corijavid.com/matrix

    Curious about working together? Check out the Elevated Abundance Mastermind: https://corijavid.com/elevate 

    Ready for Limitless Money?  Join here: https://corijavid.com/limitless-money/

    [BONUS EP 2]: Beyond 6 Figures: Lessons from Shattering Plateaus

    [BONUS EP 2]: Beyond 6 Figures: Lessons from Shattering Plateaus

    Get ready for more inspiration and some hard won lessons from my journey and client experiences in our next episode which will pave the way for your breakthroughs in Episode 3!


    Ready for Limitless Money?  Join here: https://corijavid.com/limitless-money/ 

    More info on Elevated Abundance Mastermind here: https://corijavid.com/elevate

    EP 299: Doing What’s Right For YOU in the Season You're In

    EP 299: Doing What’s Right For YOU in the Season You're In

    I have a feeling you need to hear this my love, whether that’s today or someday soon. 


    I know this because we are mothers and deeply caring business owners who want to make an impact on our families, our clients, and our communities. But, let's be real, life throws curveballs that can leave us feeling a tad drained.


    And we all know how important it is to maintain energy to do great things in the world ;)


    Today's show is all about giving you the lowdown on what navigating this journey looks like for you, how I’m managing the current season I’m in, and how this can serve us in getting results and showing up for the incredible people we are serving. 


    So, let’s have a chat about what season of life you're in right now and doing what feels oh-so-right for you in this particular chapter. 


    Curious about working together? Check out the Elevated Abundance Mastermind: https://corijavid.com/elevate 

    Ready for Limitless Money?  Join here: https://corijavid.com/limitless-money/

    [BONUS EP 1]: This is the LAST Time You Hit That Income Ceiling

    [BONUS EP 1]: This is the LAST Time You Hit That Income Ceiling

    Omg, omg, omg.  Do I have a treat for YOU?! 

    We are going deep on the topic of Breaking Through an Income Plateau.  It's the thing I get MOST questions about, the thing most women mention when they book a discovery call with me and the thing I have helped countless women smash through this point. 

    And now that list is going to include, YOU, my love.

    Ready for Limitless Money?  Join here: https://corijavid.com/limitless-money/ 

    More info on Elevated Abundance Mastermind here: https://corijavid.com/elevate

    EP 298: BTS: The TOP Way I Stay Productive + Make Consistent Income Because Of It

    EP 298: BTS: The TOP Way I Stay Productive + Make Consistent Income Because Of It



    I am ;)


    Seriously though.  The reason I have such sustainable, consistent cash results in my biz is because I am productive AF.


    But that might not mean exactly what you think.


    On today’s show we’re going behind the scenes.  I’m defining what productivity REALLY is for us (because it gets so misconstrued).  I’m sharing the key tasks I complete in my biz each week to create momentum.  AND I’m letting you in on the TOP way I stay productive… even when life throws a curveball… or when I just want to take a Wednesday off to spend with my bestie (like I am this week).


    If you’ve ever wished you could just be more productive, you’re going to THANK me for the clarity I’m bringing on today’s episode.

    EP 297: The SINGLE Biz Decision that Unlocks More Time

    EP 297: The SINGLE Biz Decision that Unlocks More Time

    I made one decision back at the very start of my business which shaped EVERYTHING thereafter.


    It was a decision that unlocked time freedom for me in that moment that I have been able to enjoy every day during my journey of creating and growing my business.


    It was a decision that has helped me create a business that gets to bend and flex and accommodate whatever is the latest version of the Dream Life that I decide I want to be living.

    I don’t see anyone else talking about making this decision and making it early…


    And so it doesn’t surprise me that I don’t see so many business owners enjoying time freedom ON the journey to the next milestone and WHILE creating the funds to live their Dream Life.


    Around here, we don’t need to compromise.


    So let’s talk about this decision, how it shaped my business (and life!) and how a similar decision can be the key to unlocking that time freedom for yourself.


    Get on the waitlist for my upcoming course! https://corijavid.com/fundthedream


    Ready for Limitless Money?  Join here: https://corijavid.com/limitless-money/ 

    Book a call with me if you want to work together! https://corijavid.com/elevate

    EP 296: Full Circle Money Moment: BTS in France

    EP 296: Full Circle Money Moment: BTS in France

    You may or may not know that we are travelling full-time around Europe as a family right now.


    Recently I found myself magnetised back to this particular place in France where I’d experienced a really pivotal moment in my life and business.  And while we were there this second time I reflected on what had changed and had a really powerful realisation that I want to share with you today.


    Today, I’m mapping out the path to your next level Dream Life by shining a light on the energetic shifts and progressions that happened for me along the way and the impact they had on what I was manifesting and creating in life.


    This is going to be one massively expansive episode, let’s dive in!

    Stay up to date on my new course! https://corijavid.com/fundthedream


    Interested in Limitless Money?  https://corijavid.com/limitless-money/ 

    Check out the Elevated Abundance Mastermind: https://corijavid.com/elevate

    EP 295: The 2 Things You Need to Start Living YOUR Dream Life

    EP 295: The 2 Things You Need to Start Living YOUR Dream Life

    Ok, look.  It’s all very well me being over here in Europe, travelling full time, enjoying my Dream Life… but I won’t be satisfied until we’re ALL living our dream lives.  That of course, includes you, my love.


    Here’s the thing though, it wasn’t always all dreamy for me. I once lived a life that felt kind of “meh”.  There were good things about it for sure, but I was definitely NOT living the dream.


    So having figured out how to make the dream life the real life, that’s not a discovery I’m willing to keep to myself.  So let’s get TO it today.


    I’m going to share the only 2 real things you need to start living your dream life now.


    Pluuuus… a key mindset shift that unlocks the whole game.


    Get on the Fund the Dream waitlist! https://corijavid.myflodesk.com/fund-the-dream-waitlist


    Ready for Limitless Money?  Join here: https://corijavid.com/limitless-money/ 

    Elevated Abundance Mastermind info here: https://corijavid.com/elevate

    EP 294: Money | Women do cool sh*t like this when they have money

    EP 294: Money | Women do cool sh*t like this when they have money

    If you were sitting where I’m sitting you would KNOW


    That money is not bad or wrong and that wanting to earn and receive more is not greedy


    Because you would see the COOL AF SH*T that women do –

    WHEN they have embodied a feminine energy of abundance.


    I am lucky enough to witness this on the daily in my work as a Success Coach for some seriously badass women


    And I want to share my vantage point with you today.


    This episode is like a rally cry, expansive and potent energy upgrade and TedTalk rolled into one lol


    So buckle up and let’s look at the truth of the RIPPLE effect that is created when women make amazing money


    Ready for Limitless Money?  Join here: https://corijavid.com/limitless-money/ 

    One space open in the Elevated Abundance Mastermind (last one of 2023!). Details here: https://corijavid.com/elevate or DM me: https://www.instagram.com/corijavid/