
    EP 28: When you are lacking Motivation...eat a pie

    enMarch 11, 2021

    About this Episode

    So many people ask me how i stay motivated and how to keep yourself motivated.


    So what better way than to answer it in our newest podcast episode. MOTIVATION is different for everyone, but this tool I give you in today's episode is a simple processing and reviewing tool that you can start implementing into your life right now.


    I want everyone to picture their life as a PIE, then work out the slices of pie that represent each section of your life; Work, Life, hobbies, friends, family etc. and all pieces should balance out into a perfect shaped pie. When you lose your motivation go back to thinking about your Pie and see if you can discover which piece is causing the off balance = YOUR WHERE

    and then figure out YOUR WHY. 


    when you utilise these two steps you will begin to figure our a solution to why you are feeling unbalanced. it is very easy for us to feel we are lacking in a particular slice and then suddenly over exert yourself to fill it, meaning you are not balanced just trying to "quick fix". 


    Apologies if you are hungry by the end of this episode haha

    Recent Episodes from Heels Down Fitness Podcast

    EP 30: It's TIME to let guilt go when it comes to enjoying nothing.

    EP 30: It's TIME to let guilt go when it comes to enjoying nothing.

    Are you trying to fill every spare second of your day with a new activity, but then feeling awfully guilty because you couldn't complete all these tasks? Today we unpack what time anxiety is and how we can start to understand it with a more mindful and logical mindset moving forward.

    Our lives are filled with too much and we forget to shut off, we feel guilty for slowing down and hustling can be a negative if you don’t take time to breathe, calm the mind and even reassess…step back into yourself before you take your next step.

    When you live by a calendar, it’s no big surprise that your relationship with time can get a little complicated. Time is a limited resource so be truly present in THE NOW! 

    You can follow us on Instagram Here

    You can find our website Herewww.heelsdownfitness.com 

    AD// Learning to use active recovery and light exercise to recover after physical exertion assists with the removal of lactic acid and soreness from our used muscles. Flexibility and stretching also encourages recovery in readiness for your next workout. Download the Heels Down Fitness app today and enjoy 20% off the ‘Flex and Active Recovery’ Program today with code WELCOME20  xx

    EP 29: Pauly Daniel teaches us to listen to every horse, train the mind, every minute, every moment. ​

    EP 29: Pauly Daniel teaches us to listen to every horse, train the mind, every minute, every moment. ​

    Imagine growing up in a horsey family and discovering your life's path by listening and following the horses instructions...well thats exactly what Pauly Daniel did...jealous?....we are too ;) 

    Pauly’s connection and affinity with animals and horses in particular is life-long. Born and raised working stock on the family property in the beautiful Flinders Ranges and having inherited his family’s respect for the beautiful animals, he started his journey with horses from an early age. He has spent his early working life on cattle stations in Australia as a Ringer, drover and colt starter and over the years he has competed in various disciplines...not to mention working on the set of the film 'Australia' by Baz Luhrmann.


    **PSA that at 18:30 the sound goes quiet, but don't worry it only lasts for 8 seconds**

    This wont be the last we hear from Pauly - I have already roped him into future episodes :P

    Come meet Pauly in person at this years Equitana in Melbourne AUS July 8-11 2021



    Instagram: @dthr_horsetraining


    Download the Heels Down Fitness app today to join the #HDFmates and to welcome you please use WELCOME20 to receive 20% off any of the programs. Join our supportive Instagram community today on @heelsdown.fitness 

    EP 28: When you are lacking Motivation...eat a pie

    EP 28: When you are lacking Motivation...eat a pie

    So many people ask me how i stay motivated and how to keep yourself motivated.


    So what better way than to answer it in our newest podcast episode. MOTIVATION is different for everyone, but this tool I give you in today's episode is a simple processing and reviewing tool that you can start implementing into your life right now.


    I want everyone to picture their life as a PIE, then work out the slices of pie that represent each section of your life; Work, Life, hobbies, friends, family etc. and all pieces should balance out into a perfect shaped pie. When you lose your motivation go back to thinking about your Pie and see if you can discover which piece is causing the off balance = YOUR WHERE

    and then figure out YOUR WHY. 


    when you utilise these two steps you will begin to figure our a solution to why you are feeling unbalanced. it is very easy for us to feel we are lacking in a particular slice and then suddenly over exert yourself to fill it, meaning you are not balanced just trying to "quick fix". 


    Apologies if you are hungry by the end of this episode haha

    EP 27: Don't let Comparison steal life's joy

    EP 27: Don't let Comparison steal life's joy

    Why do we compare?


    Why do we believe that we have to compare ourselves to others and not just compare ourselves to the person who we were yesterday and the person we want to be tomorrow.

    It is not what you go through that determines where you end up- its who you listen to.

    Cause I think right now you are walking through a valley between two voices- one is wisdom and one is worry. One is gratitude and one is grumbling. One is blame one is faith.

    When you feel like you are down or comparing then you might need to realise there is also an opportunity in front of you. To become stronger, get smarter, get faster, get tougher and become more stable that the next time self doubt and comparison kicks in that you don’t dwell on the “other” voices so much and let them have a chance to penetrate into your strong self loving mindset.

    You have the opportunity to show the world why you are YOU.

    Today we talk about 8 Tips to help you stop comparing yourself to others.


    use code: WELCOME20 to receive 20% off any of the Heels Down Fitness app programs.

    iOS Apple - https://apps.apple.com/us/app/heels-down-fitness/id1513113826

    Android - https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=au.com.heelsdownfitness



    EP 26 part 2 - The Coaching Lab continued with Olivia Orchowski

    EP 26 part 2 - The Coaching Lab continued with Olivia Orchowski

    Part #2 Continues on with Olivia Orchowski 

    Co-Founder of 'The Lean Lab' 


    As we continue on where we left off (don't worry we put a recap so you wont forget the last few sentences...your'e welcome!) we hope we start some conversations with the upcoming topics. 


    Now we know that this might not be everyones cup of tea, and if it ruffles some feathers (thats totally fine) the idea of us conversing about these topics is to simply to open your mind to thinking outside your current understanding, that maybe there is more to discover or deep dive into for your own workings of your OWN BODY because no one is the same.

    - Periods and cycles 

    -Polycystic ovaries

    - The pill/ contraception

    -Society pressures.


    Follow Olivia through the below links:

    Instagram @oliviaorchowski



    These episodes were brought to you today by The Lean Lab We are not PT's that count reps. We are coaches that change lives! The Lean Lab is the one and only home to The Booty Builder Program® and offers a variety of training styles to suit your needs. Whether you’re looking for a Coach to lead you through your own personal training with that 1:1 attention, or love the social aspect of training, our group training options have you covered.

    EP 26 Part 1- The Coaching Lab with Olivia Orchowski

    EP 26 Part 1- The Coaching Lab with Olivia Orchowski

    Yep we did it again!!


    This is a 2 part extraordinaire as I chat to the lovely Olivia Orchowski Co-Founder of 'The Lean Lab' which thrives on the philosophy of MINIMAL EFFORT FOR MAXIMUM RESULTS! (perfect right?)

    But before we dive into Olivia's amazing business we go back to where it started. Olivia's journey began with her modelling industry days before shifting into health and wellness in the Bikini Body Building comps, igniting a flame to create a unique offering to comp hopefuls with her business partner Melita and taking an unexpected turn into women's hormone and gut health issues, unravelling the many facets of hormonal and undiagnosed stressors in each of their clients bodies' and not treating them as a cookie cutter approach.


    We can guarantee that you will want to listen to Part #2 straight after Part #1. We chat about some topics that we believe need to be discussed more openly and not feel ashamed to research and discuss with your friends, family, doctors and of course your health coaches.

    Find Olivia and her (good boy) Astro on:

    Instagram: @oliviaorchowski





    EP 25- Part 2 Trauma and my story

    EP 25- Part 2 Trauma and my story

    I am not a stranger to the dark
    Hide away, they say
    'Cause we don't want your broken parts
    I've learned to be ashamed of all my scars
    Run away, they say
    No one'll love you as you are


    **WARNING- trauma is discussed in this episode and is suitable for mature audiences...please see links below if you seek help with trauma**


    So this is me, this is my story and why i am so passionate about helping others and giving back. Because some traumatic events took place for me which made me become my true self quicker. Trauma needs to be discussed, we so often believe it is our fault, that we blame ourselves, that we hide it away and never speak about it as it may draw "attention" in a negative way, but what we should be doing is talking and listening to one another. These are only a few reasons listed above to why people suppress and never speak about trauma- it can come in many shapes and there is no need to compare (another shi**y trait we do) even those who are not in the traumatic event but feel guilty for not knowing sooner, the support, the family etc. 


    All of these feelings are actually your natural reaction and if my conversation today brings one person to open up, or to listen, to start the conversation and maybe even resonate with some of the feelings mentioned- then thats all I wanted. I wanted to thank you all for being you, for supporting and being on this journey to grow this community and also Thank you to my loved ones who may not have thought they were "there for me" but they were, you all saved me and helped me become my true self. I am here for each and everyone of you and I hope this episode helps you realise that you can always get through and maybe it just takes a conversation to start.


    (call) 13 11 14 Australia Lifeline 

    (call) 1800RESPECT 



    EP 25 Part 1- Career paths....ain't ever going to be a straight line honey.

    EP 25 Part 1- Career paths....ain't ever going to be a straight line honey.

    Part 1 because I realised that this would give listeners time to breathe and soak in everything from this episode before going into Part 2. 


    Talking today about a question from one of our amazing HDF community peeps. "How do you know what you wanted to do in life (career work wise).


    This was a perfect question that i'm sure many have thought to themselves, I share my own journey and the things I have learnt to hopefully give you some solace to realise that nothing is set in stone, that you will learn amazing things when things fail, and when you finally listen to your true passions you will realise what job you truly want, because that job/career wont ever feel like work....it will be yours!!


    To inspire yourself and not be so harsh on yourself when it comes to validation from others and sometimes perhaps choosing what we think others think "is best for us"


    This will lead into Part 2....

    EP 24: Jade Willis OTT Retrainer, Eventer and coach

    EP 24: Jade Willis OTT Retrainer, Eventer and coach

    Today's episode we speak with Jade Willis who is one of Racing Victoria's Acknowledged Retrainer's of the year finalist.


    We have pretty much adopted this Kiwi (New Zealander) and we are never letting her leave haha. Jades amazing knowledge and knack for reading horses- working out their best abilities to help re-home them to the best home. We discuss some of your IG queries you sent through including some good old wives tales about Off the Track Thoroughbreds. 


    Jade's tenacity and drive makes this episode an inspiring one for anyone who is interested in learning to become a trainer or maybe has been interested in entering the career path of the equine community. Jade and her amazing team have accomplished so much at their new property and we cannot wait for their 2021 and years to come with exciting clinics and offers. So make sure you sign up to their newsletter and follow Jade and her team on socials. 






    EP 23: BE YOU!! and love yourself....because everyone else is taken

    EP 23: BE YOU!! and love yourself....because everyone else is taken

    You is smart,

    You is kind,

    You is Important (The Help 'Movie')


    Ok so I think this is the perfect time before the end of a uniquely odd year and before the new year that we should truly reflect but also start (for some) a true journey into ourselves so that we can start shedding off this shitty layer to which we believe we are not worth success, love, drive and acceptance. It all start with you! This is a tough journey and I am not going to sugar coat it, but I would never talk about something unless I had gone through it myself and I have and now I can't wait for you to start and see how amazing (try and count how many times I use this word in the ep...facepalm) you really are, let alone how the world changes when you gain the power through loving and accepting yourself. 


    Today I talk through why it's normal to feel weird about loving yourself, why guilt and selfishness is not allowed to be a cover to hide under and neither is envy or comparison. YOU ARE YOU- no one else can be you but you...Isn't that actually insane!


    Oh and i even take you through a little manifestation meditation exercise to hopefully shed off a couple of specks of negative dust on yourself ;) xx



    >>Download in your app stores today! 

    >>. use code: WELCOME20 for 20% off HDF programs