
    Ep. 33 | 2 Bears 1 Cave w/ Tom Segura & Bert Kreischer

    enJune 08, 2020

    Podcast Summary

    • Mint Mobile's Affordable Wireless PlansMint Mobile saves customers money by cutting retail store costs and offers unlimited plans for $15 a month on a three-month deal, a significant savings compared to overpriced plans with hidden fees.

      Mint Mobile offers affordable wireless plans by cutting out retail store costs and passing the savings to customers. The current offer includes unlimited plans for $15 a month for new customers on a three-month plan. This is a significant savings compared to overpriced wireless plans with hidden fees and unexpected charges. The conversation also touched on the importance of understanding context and intent behind jokes, as well as the impact of social media and public perception. The elimination of a problematic joke was discussed in depth, emphasizing the need to replace something taken away with something in return to keep all parties satisfied.

    • Two comedians chose to stay silent during social unrest, accused of virtue signaling but emphasized importance of speaking up when compelledComedians debated whether to use their platform for activism during social unrest, some chose to stay silent to avoid confusion with audience, accused of virtue signaling but believed in importance of expressing care and concern for social issues, emphasized role as regular people and comics, encouraged respectful dialogue and understanding

      During a time of social unrest, some individuals chose to use their platforms for activism while others, like two comedians, felt they were not equipped or intended to do so. The comedians decided to stay away from posting about the events, fearing confusion with their audience regarding their jokes. They were accused of virtue signaling, but the comedians believed that expressing care and concern for social issues should not be dismissed as mere signaling. The comedians acknowledged the importance of speaking up when one feels compelled to do so, and criticized the labeling of such actions as hack or insincere. They emphasized their role as just two regular people and two comics, and encouraged respectful dialogue and understanding in the face of differing perspectives.

    • Online harassment and racial insensitivityOnline interactions can escalate into negative experiences, leading to feelings of disrespect and the need to block or delete individuals. Value humor but draw the line at hate speech and bullying, and prioritize respectful communication.

      Online interactions can quickly escalate into negative experiences, leading to feelings of disrespect and even the need to block or delete individuals. The speaker in this conversation shared an experience of dealing with harassment and racial insensitivity, which resulted in blocking multiple people from their page. The situation was particularly distressing because it involved the speaker's tour bus drivers being targeted due to their race. The speaker emphasized that they value humor but draw the line at hate speech and bullying. The incident left them feeling violated and bothered, highlighting the importance of respectful online communication. The speaker also shared a desire for a trade-out or a change in the conversation, but ultimately felt that the best course of action was to remove those who disrespected their boundaries.

    • Using humor to transform negative perceptionsHumor can help turn negative perceptions around, even if based on misconceptions. Consider using light-hearted jokes to engage with fans and transform negative interactions into positive ones.

      Humor and creativity can turn negative perceptions around, even if they are based on misconceptions. During a conversation, the speaker discussed the idea of using a joke about him supposedly smelling bad as a way to engage with his fans. He acknowledged the existing joke about Brad Pitt not showering and smelling bad, and suggested a new joke with the hashtag #BertSmellsBad. Although some may find it silly or even offensive, the speaker believed that it could lead to harmless interactions and even fun exchanges with fans. He also mentioned that he had considered other over-the-top jokes but decided against them. Ultimately, the speaker saw the potential for humor to transform negative perceptions and create a more engaging experience for himself and his audience.

    • Personal experiences and beliefs shape our realityOur memories and beliefs can influence us significantly, even when they don't align with objective reality

      Our memories and beliefs can be powerful and influential, even if they don't align with objective reality. The speaker in this conversation shares an example of how he holds onto a memory of attending a Nirvana concert, even though he later discovers it was actually a different concert. He also mentions his observation of a colleague's red hair, which he had previously not noticed. The speaker also expresses a preference for believing in heroes, like Lance Armstrong, despite evidence of their flaws. This conversation highlights the importance of personal experiences and beliefs, and the potential disconnect between what we believe to be true and what is objectively true.

    • Narcissism and controlling the narrativeNarcissistic individuals may engage in deceitful behaviors to maintain a hero image, even if it means ruining their reputation. This was seen in the cases of Lance Armstrong and Michael Jordan, who faced accusations of using performance-enhancing drugs but denied them, demonstrating a desire to control the narrative.

      Narcissism and the need to control the narrative can lead individuals to engage in deceitful behaviors, even if it means ruining the hero image they have built. This was evident in the case of Lance Armstrong, who was accused of using performance-enhancing drugs during his cycling career. Despite the evidence, Armstrong maintained his innocence and attacked those who accused him, demonstrating a narcissistic desire to control the narrative. This behavior was reminiscent of other high-profile figures, such as Michael Jordan, who faced similar accusations. The prevalence of cheating in their respective sports was not widely known at the time, and some individuals, like the speaker, were disappointed to learn that their heroes were not as they seemed. However, despite the disappointment, many continued to admire these individuals for their incredible achievements and determination to win.

    • The Power of Storytelling to Connect UsThe power of storytelling to transport us to new experiences and connect us with others is a valuable lesson that can bring joy and understanding in our daily lives.

      Stories have the power to transport us to larger-than-life experiences and connect us with others. The speaker shares his memories of being captivated by the storytelling abilities of Cuban kids in high school, who painted vivid pictures that made everyday experiences seem extraordinary. He reflects on how he often focuses too much on himself and realizes that others are likely doing the same. This realization came to him after noticing a colleague's hair color, something he had worked with him on numerous occasions. The speaker expresses his excitement about the podcast, which feels less like work and more like a conversation with a friend. He forgets that it's being recorded, highlighting the conversational and engaging nature of the show. Ultimately, the power of storytelling to bring people together and transport us to new experiences is a valuable lesson that the speaker has taken away from his high school days and continues to appreciate in his adult life.

    • People finding ways to connect and make a difference despite pandemic challengesDespite pandemic restrictions, people are connecting through virtual events and in-person protests, and individuals remain resilient and adaptable.

      Despite the ongoing challenges of the pandemic, people are finding ways to connect and make a difference. Whether it's through virtual events like Cameo or in-person protests, people are coming together to support causes they believe in. The speaker expresses surprise at the number of people participating in protests worldwide and the potential for a surge in coronavirus cases as restrictions are lifted. However, he remains hopeful and is looking forward to getting back on the road for a socially distanced comedy tour. The speaker also reflects on the power of branding and the importance of embracing one's perceived flaws. Overall, the conversation highlights the resilience and adaptability of individuals in the face of uncertainty.

    • Unexpected conversation with a neighbor about tour and COVID-19Despite the challenges of the pandemic, it's important to find moments of human connection while prioritizing safety and considering the impact on loved ones.

      The speaker shares an anecdote about walking around his backyard naked and accidentally encountering a neighbor, leading to an unexpected conversation about their upcoming tour and COVID-19 precautions. Despite the serious topic of the pandemic and potential tour cancellations, the conversation shifts to the importance of peaceful protests and the speaker's concern for his daughter's safety. The speaker expresses his frustration with the complicated nature of balancing various issues during the pandemic, including the desire for human connection and the need for safety precautions.

    • Unpreparedness and Disorganization of those in PowerThe response to unexpected challenges in 2020 has revealed varying degrees of organization and laws, raising questions about individual rights and safety.

      The year 2020 has presented unexpected challenges, from the pandemic to social unrest, which have highlighted the unpreparedness and disorganization of those in power. These events have led to heightened emotions and behaviors, such as protests and looting, which have accelerated the process towards returning to normal life. However, the response to these events has revealed varying degrees of organization and laws, raising questions about individual rights and safety. Despite the uncertainty and chaos, people are trying to make sense of the situation and adapt to the new normal, even if it means reevaluating long-held beliefs and values.

    • Gun laws and home protection vary by stateBe informed about gun laws in your area and practice responsible gun ownership and storage.

      During discussions about gun laws and home protection, it was acknowledged that while some states allow homeowners to defend themselves against intruders, others have stricter laws. The speaker expressed gratitude for past training and the presence of firearms in his home for safety, emphasizing the importance of responsible gun ownership and proper storage. The conversation also touched upon the varying gun laws across different states, with California being mentioned as having relatively restrictive gun laws. The speaker emphasized the importance of being informed about these laws and the potential consequences of using a firearm in self-defense.

    • Security and Preparation are KeyUnderstand the importance of having the right tools and knowledge to keep yourself and valuable possessions safe. Train and understand the limitations of your tools, and maintain a balance between accessibility and overexposure.

      Security and preparation are crucial. The speaker emphasizes the importance of having the right tools and knowledge to keep oneself and valuable possessions safe. He shares an analogy of a lock box, emphasizing the need for accessibility but not overexposure. The speaker also mentions the importance of training and understanding the limitations and potential dangers of the tools used. Additionally, the speaker expresses gratitude for the support he has received during a time of uncertainty and anticipates an upcoming event. The conversation also touches on current events, including protests and the role of ALS translators in society.

    • Imagining the Use of Sign Language for Communicating with Deaf AudiencesThey discussed their admiration for individuals using sign language and imagined using it in hypothetical situations, appreciating the freedom and creativity of podcasting.

      During a conversation, the speakers discussed their interest in sign language and the possibility of using it to communicate with a deaf audience. They joked around about trying to improvise sign language and even imagined themselves in hypothetical situations where they would need to use it, such as speaking at an event with a large deaf audience or going to space. They also discussed their admiration for certain individuals, like Amanda Seals and Snoop Dogg, and their desire to see them excel in their own podcasts. Additionally, they touched upon the challenges of fitting complex messages into short television segments and the benefits of having more time and freedom to express thoughts on a podcast. Overall, the conversation showcased their playful and imaginative banter, as well as their appreciation for various forms of media and communication.

    • Judging a book by its cover is misleadingFirst impressions of a house don't always reflect its inhabitants' success or wealth. Consider all available information before making assumptions.

      First impressions can be misleading when it comes to profiling people based on their homes. The speaker shares a story about visiting Dr. Dre's old house, which appeared modern on the outside but had outdated areas on the inside. He was able to deduce that Dr. Dre was a successful figure in the music industry, but was surprised to find that his kitchen and other parts of the house were decades old. This experience highlights the importance of not judging a book by its cover and considering all available information before making assumptions. Additionally, the speaker expresses his enjoyment of profiling people and making accurate guesses about their lives based on their surroundings.

    • Observing a celebrity's home reveals personal detailsNoticing details in a home can provide clues about a person's life, similar to profiling a crime scene

      The details of a person's life can be revealed through their surroundings, especially when visiting their home. This was demonstrated in a conversation where a group of people were touring a celebrity's house, and one person was able to deduce information about the celebrity's daughter attending USC just by noticing details in the garage. The group found this experience so intriguing that they discussed the idea of touring celebrity homes without their knowledge, using the information gathered to make educated guesses about their lives. This idea was compared to the work of a profiler, who analyzes a crime scene to determine the characteristics of a killer. The group found this concept to be fascinating and discussed the potential of turning it into a reality TV show. Overall, the conversation highlights the importance of observing one's environment and the potential insights that can be gained from it.

    • Wondering how successful people afford luxurious homesThe speaker reflects on their youthful fascination with the wealth of successful figures and regrets not being cooler or more confident to potentially start a career with them.

      The speaker was in awe of how people, especially successful figures in the entertainment industry, could afford luxurious homes. As a young person, they were fascinated by the concept and often wondered how they managed to save enough money for such large down payments. The speaker also expressed a sense of regret for not being cooler or more confident when they were younger, which may have hindered their ability to connect with these successful individuals and potentially start a career. Ultimately, the speaker hopes to one day reach a level of wealth where they no longer worry about material possessions.

    • Comparing oneself to others can hinder financial progressDespite appearances, wealth isn't solely about material possessions, and small steps towards financial stability can lead to significant progress.

      Wealth and financial stability can seem unattainable when comparing oneself to others, but small steps and persistence can lead to significant progress. The speaker recalls feeling financially inadequate compared to his wealthy friend Joe, who owned a large house and lived a seemingly extravagant lifestyle. However, he was impressed by Joe's down-to-earth wife and the simplicity of their home. The speaker also learned that wealth is not always about material possessions, but rather the mindset and attitude towards life. The memory of Joe's impressive house and lifestyle served as motivation for the speaker to strive for financial success. Additionally, the speaker's awe of Joe's deprivation tank and fight setup shows that wealth can also bring unique experiences and enjoyment. Overall, the speaker's experience highlights the importance of staying focused on personal growth and not comparing oneself to others.

    • Misunderstandings and empathy in resolving conflictsEffective communication and empathy are essential for resolving conflicts, even if uncomfortable. Reflect, approach with openness, and find healthy coping mechanisms to prevent arguments from escalating.

      Communication and understanding are key in resolving conflicts, even if it's uncomfortable. The speaker in this conversation had a misunderstanding with his wife over social media, leading to a heated argument. However, after taking some time to process and reflect, he was able to have a productive conversation with her and resolve the issue. It's important to remember that everyone has different perspectives and experiences, and it's crucial to approach conversations with empathy and openness to finding a solution. Additionally, finding healthy ways to cope with stress, such as exercise or connecting with loved ones, can help improve mood and prevent arguments from escalating.

    • Bert and Tom's Unique Sense of HumorComedians Bert and Tom's raw, unscripted comedy style, fueled by their shared sense of humor and camaraderie, pushes boundaries and makes audiences laugh despite crude jokes and raunchy topics. They value all people and commit to making them laugh, even if it tarnishes their own image.

      Comedians Bert and Tom have a unique and uncensored sense of humor, which often involves crude jokes and raunchy topics. Bert expresses his excitement for the reactions of audience members, particularly a small petite white girl who has a habit of gagging during their meet and greets. Despite the crudeness of their humor, they emphasize their love for all people and their commitment to making audiences laugh, no matter the cost to their own image. Their comedy style is raw, unscripted, and fueled by their shared sense of humor and camaraderie. They embrace their reputation for dirty jokes and raunchy humor, and their act is a testament to their dedication to pushing boundaries and making people laugh.

    Recent Episodes from 2 Bears, 1 Cave with Tom Segura & Bert Kreischer

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    Death Row Last Meals | 2 Bears, 1 Cave
    SPONSORS: Sign up for a $1 per month trial period at https://shopify.com/bears Head to https://PolicyGenius.com/BEARS to get your free life insurance quotes and see how much you could save. This week on 2 Bears, 1 Cave, Tom Segura and Bart Chrysler want to take over France. What starts with some fantasy vacation booking ends with Bert developing some wild ideas about being the mayor of a small French town. Tom's been a real true crime kick lately and has prepared a buffet of famous death row last meals from a collection of very cool guys and one gal. Bert and Tom taste test and give their two cents on each meal, plus get to know the crime and type of person behind each curated dish. They also talk about some revenge movie classics. Hope you're hungry! https://tomsegura.com/tour https://www.bertbertbert.com/tour https://store.ymhstudios.com 2 Bears, 1 Cave Ep. 244 Learn more about your ad choices. Visit megaphone.fm/adchoices

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    Is Jimmy Kimmel In The Illuminati? | 2 Bears, 1 Cave
    SPONSORS: Head to https://www.liquidiv.com and use code CAVE at checkout. Brought to you by BetterHelp, head to https://BetterHelp.com/BEARS today to get 10% off your first month. Make sure to catch the Chicago Street Race on July 7th at 4:30 PM Eastern on NBC. Go to https://Babbel.com/BEARS to get up to 60% off. We're back with another episode of 2 Bears, 1 Cave! This week Tom and Bert are joined by talk show host and possible member of the Illuminati, Jimmy Kimmel. Jimmy talks about his humble beginnings meeting Adam Corolla and the early Comedy Central shows he hosted, The Man Show and Win Ben Stein's Money.  They also talk about Bert's Kool-Aid habits, the proper way to pronounce Terrell Owen's name, going viral, Bob Hope's cul-de-sac of girlfriends, the best comedy duos, being honest, Dua Lipa, Ben Affleck, and so much more! Sacrifice some virgin blood and dig a tunnel to the kingdom of the lizards cause this is a good one. 2 Bears, 1 Cave Ep. 243 https://tomsegura.com/tour https://www.bertbertbert.com/tour https://store.ymhstudios.com Learn more about your ad choices. Visit megaphone.fm/adchoices

    Bussin' With The Bears w/ Will Compton | 2 Bears, 1 Cave

    Bussin' With The Bears w/ Will Compton | 2 Bears, 1 Cave
    SPONSORS: Get 5 dollars off your next order of delicious cereal at MagicSpoon.com/BEARS. Or look for Magic Spoon in your nearest grocery aisle. Don’t miss out on all the action this week at DraftKings! Download the DraftKings app today! Sign-up using https://dkng.co/bears or through my promo code BEARS. Tune-in to the NASCAR Cup Series race on Sunday, June 30th at 3:30 PM Eastern on NBC! We're back with another episode of 2 Bears, 1 Cave! This week Tom and Bert are joined by Will Compton, former NFL linebacker and one half of Bussin' With The Boys! Will chats with the bears about raising a family while committing to professional football, how receiving compliments from black folks hit differently, the power of saying No, and the philosophy of stoicism. They even have author Ryan Holiday jump into the show via phone to cover all things stoic. They also talk about how Tom's growing, the importance of always staying busy, and more! 2 Bears, 1 Cave Ep. 242 https://tomsegura.com/tour https://www.bertbertbert.com/tour https://store.ymhstudios.com Learn more about your ad choices. Visit megaphone.fm/adchoices

    The Wildest Take On Soda w/ Stavros Halkias | 2 Bears, 1 Cave

    The Wildest Take On Soda w/ Stavros Halkias | 2 Bears, 1 Cave
    SPONSORS: Brought to you by BetterHelp, head to https://BetterHelp.com/BEARS today to get 10% off your first month. Go to http://liquiddeath.com/BEARS to check out all their healthy, infinitely recyclable beverages and find your closest retailer. Head to https://NetSuite.com/BEARS, NetSuite has extended its one-of-a-kind flexible financing program for a few more weeks! We're back with another episode of 2 Bears, 1 Cave! This week Tom and Bert are joined by the great and powerful Stavros Halkias!  Stavros and the Bears got soda in their hands and on their minds as they debate which diet sodas are the best. They next get into praising Zach Galifianakis and his contributions to alt-comedy. They also talk about the confederate army, Kirstie Alley's parents, pointy hats, and a very interesting auction item Bert found. Get your root beers and hang out with 3 Bears this week! 2 Bears, 1 Cave Ep. 241 https://tomsegura.com/tour https://www.bertbertbert.com/tour https://store.ymhstudios.com Learn more about your ad choices. Visit megaphone.fm/adchoices

    Ever Been Knocked Out? w/ Brian Simpson | 2 Bears, 1 Cave

    Ever Been Knocked Out? w/ Brian Simpson | 2 Bears, 1 Cave
    SPONSORS: Download the Gametime app, create an account, and use code BEARS for $20 off your first purchase. Terms apply. Don’t miss out on all the action this week at DraftKings! Download the DraftKings app today! Sign-up using https://dkng.co/bears or through my promo code BEARS. Download the DoorDash app and use promo code BEARS24 Go to https://Babbel.com/BEARS to get up to 60% off your subscription. Welcome back to another episode of 2 Bears, 1 Cave! This week Tom and Bert are joined by comedian Brian Simpson and he and the bears talk thrill rides over some micheladas. They also talk about gift giving and the hardest person to shop for(it's Joe Rogan). They also talk about bushes, the things men are delusional about, knockouts, breadwinners, legacies, and inheritances. 2 Bears, 1 Cave Ep. 240 https://tomsegura.com/tour https://www.bertbertbert.com/tour https://store.ymhstudios.com Learn more about your ad choices. Visit megaphone.fm/adchoices

    Don't Call It A Comeback w/ Jon Stewart | 2 Bears, 1 Cave

    Don't Call It A Comeback w/ Jon Stewart | 2 Bears, 1 Cave
    SPONSORS: Brought to you by BetterHelp, head to https://BetterHelp.com/BEARS today to get 10% off your first month. Head to https://Babbel.com/BEARS to get up to 60% off your Babbel subscription. Head to http://policygenius.com/BEARS to get your free life insurance quotes. Don’t miss out on all the action this week at DraftKings! Download the DraftKings app today! Sign-up using https://dkng.co/bears or through my promo code BEARS. Bert is down for the count this week and sitting in for him is the great Jon Stewart joining Tom Segura for 1 Bear, 1 Jew...or No Cave, 1 Bear...idk it's still 2 Bears, 1 Cave! Jon Stewart has recently returned to The Daily Show host chair on Mondays and he talks about how his return has been going. They discuss the idea of time being able to pass you by, legacies fathers leave behind for their kids, Tom's own son's colorful vocabulary, and then dip some bear paws into political issues. They also talk about the gift of gift giving, stuff Tom's sons are into right now, and Jon Stewart details his run in the WWE, having a moment at Summer slam, and turning heel on John Cena. Check it out! 2 Bears, 1 Cave Ep. 239 https://tomsegura.com/tour https://www.bertbertbert.com/tour https://store.ymhstudios.com Learn more about your ad choices. Visit megaphone.fm/adchoices

    Tony Hinchcliffe ROASTS The Bears | 2 Bears, 1 Cave

    Tony Hinchcliffe ROASTS The Bears | 2 Bears, 1 Cave
    SPONSORS: -Don’t miss out on all the action this week at DraftKings! Download the DraftKings app today! Sign-up using https://dkng.co/bears or through my promo code BEARS. -Get 25% off your next alcohol order of $35 or more, up to $15 off max value. For eligible users only. Terms apply. Must be 21+ to order alcohol. Drink responsibly. -Get 20% Off + Free Shipping, with the code BEARS  at https://Manscaped.com. -Upgrade your wardrobe and get up to 25% OFF @‌trueclassic at https://trueclassictees.com/BEARS We're back with another episode of 2 Bears, 1 Cave! This week Tom and Bert are joined by the great and powerful Tony Hinchcliffe! Tony talks with the bears about the origin and legacy of Kill Tony, doing arena shows, and of course the Netflix Roast of Tom Brady. They swap stories on how they each got involved with the show and the creative process behind it all. Tony even drops a hot scoop from the event just for Tom and Bert. They also talk about the good and bad parts of the roast, the performances of Andrew Shultz, Nikki Glaser, and Ben Affleck, plus much more! You can't really tell, but Tony looks like he's dressed like a UPS delivery guy. Grab a deflated football and enjoy! 2 Bears, 1 Cave Ep. 238 https://tomsegura.com/tour https://www.bertbertbert.com/tour https://store.ymhstudios.com Learn more about your ad choices. Visit megaphone.fm/adchoices

    2 Bears 5K Champ Cameron Hanes | 2 Bears, 1 Cave

    2 Bears 5K Champ Cameron Hanes | 2 Bears, 1 Cave
    SPONSORS: Visit https://www.liquidiv.com and use code CAVE at checkout. Head to https://bluechew.com with promo code BEARS. Brought to you by BetterHelp, head to https://BetterHelp.com/BEARS today to get 10% off your first month. Don’t miss out on all the action this week at DraftKings! Download the DraftKings app today! Sign-up using https://dkng.co/bears or through my promo code BEARS. We're back with another primal episode of 2 Bears, 1 Cave! This week Tom and Bert relive some moments from this past weeks 2 Bears 5k with bowhunting athlete Cameron Hanes. Cameron is no stranger to bears, as a hunter they are one of the many types of game he takes down throughout the year. His hunting eventually attracted the eye of the one and only Joe Rogan, who picked Cam's brain about everything there is to know about bowhunting. Cameron tells the bears some hunting stories and even gets them interested in joining in as well. They also talk about proxy parenting, diet coke, relieving yourself during marathons, the competition of life, active lifestyles, some wisdom from Bert's dad. https://tomsegura.com/tour https://www.bertbertbert.com/tour https://store.ymhstudios.com 2 Bears, 1 Cave Ep. 237 Learn more about your ad choices. Visit megaphone.fm/adchoices

    Tackling The Tom Brady Roast w/ Jimmy Carr | 2 Bears, 1 Cave

    Tackling The Tom Brady Roast w/ Jimmy Carr | 2 Bears, 1 Cave
    Jimmy Carr returns to Netflix with his latest stand-up special Jimmy Carr: Natural Born Killer out now. Jimmy’s brand-new international tour Jimmy Carr: Laughs Funny and his double headline show with Jim Jefferies, The Charm Offensive Tour are on sale now. For tickets and info visit http://jimmycarr.com. Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/@jimmycarr Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/jimmycarr Threads: https://www.threads.net/@jimmycarr Twitter/X: https://twitter.com/jimmycarr SPONSORS: Head to http://policygenius.com/BEARS to get your free life insurance quotes and see how much you could save. Don’t miss out on all the action this week at DraftKings! Download the DraftKings app today! Sign-up using https://dkng.co/bears or through my promo code BEARS. Visit https://Shopify.com/bears to sign up for a one-dollar-per-month trial period. Go to http://liquiddeath.com/BEARS to check out all their healthy, infinitely recyclable beverages and find your closest retailer. Your summer wardrobe awaits! Get 20% off AT Chubbies with the code BEARS at https://www.chubbiesshorts.com/BEARS We're back with another episode of 2 Bears, 1 Cave! This week Tom and Bert are fresh off a gig roasting Tom Brady on Netflix and they tell the story of how they got there and how challenging it was being a last minute addition to the show. Jimmy Carr joins them and offers his more posh take on the festivities as well. They also talk about Nikki Glaser's performance, Rob Gronkowski, the sensibilities of being Irish and English, the joy of comedy, and getting laughs in different languages. https://tomsegura.com/tour https://www.bertbertbert.com/tour https://store.ymhstudios.com 2 Bears, 1 Cave Ep. 236 Learn more about your ad choices. Visit megaphone.fm/adchoices

    Strip Club Stories w/ "Dr. Phil" | 2 Bears, 1 Cave

    Strip Club Stories w/ "Dr. Phil" | 2 Bears, 1 Cave
    Be sure to visit https://drphillive.tv/ tonight at 9:30pm CDT for a livestream of Dr. Phil Live! SPONSORS: Brought to you by BetterHelp, visit https://BetterHelpcom/BEARS today to get 10% off your first month. Head to https://Babbel.com/BEARS get up to 60% off your Babbel subscription for a limited time. Download the Gametime app, create an account, and use code BEARS for $20 off your first purchase (terms apply). Download the new DraftKings Pick Six app NOW and use code BEARS. Alright, we'll keep it here....Welcome back to another episode of 2 Bears, 1 Cave! This week Tom and Bert are looking to grow and heal and have some help in the form of the one and only "Dr. Phil" (Adam Ray)! Tom and Bert start off by getting the good doctor a stiff drink, before they debate soft drinks and famous Jasons. They deep dive into Brad Pitt lore and discuss the old saying "age is just a number". "Dr. Phil" surprises the bears with some fun facts and people with funny sounding names. They also play a couple of bonding games "Dr. Phil" has come up with and share some wild stories they've experienced at gentlemen clubs. Other topics covered in this one include Alex Trebek, little people, favorite comedians, and running bits. We'll be right back! https://tomsegura.com/tour https://www.bertbertbert.com/tour https://store.ymhstudios.com 2 Bears, 1 Cave Ep. 235 Learn more about your ad choices. Visit megaphone.fm/adchoices

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