
    Ep 33: The Complete Entrepreneur How to Remove Yourself from Your Business in Order to Scale with Katya Sarmiento

    enJanuary 07, 2020

    About this Episode

    The Complete Entrepreneur: How to Remove Yourself from Your Business in Order to Scale with Katya Sarmiento

    Katya Sarmiento, the founder of Reach and Make Millions is a business consultant who helps busy entrepreneurs scale to 7 figures or more per year by giving her clients repeatable processes, “tough love” business and marketing advice, and market-tested systems design.

    In this episode, Katya shares how to manage and setup a transparent system to cut workload on your business and how to scale up your business successfully.

    What You’ll Learn

    • Learn what system is all about.
    • What are the signs or patterns that you have a broken system?
    • Discover how to change an entrepreneur’s limiting beliefs through the system.
    • And much more!


    “My mission is to see more businesses not attached to the person running it and owning it because it will become a jail for you. You have to craft a system made for your needs.”

     – Katya Sarmiento

    Key Takeaways

    “Things that you do that are replicable and repeatable, that you do it over and over again that if you documented it into a process, it would become a system.” – Katya Sarmiento 

    “In order not to complicate system building, you have to embrace how you think, how you work, and how other people work.” – Katya Sarmiento


    Click here to check out Katya’s Website

    Click here to check out Katya’s 7ffa Manifesto


    Recent Episodes from Marketing from the Roosevelt Room

    Ep 33: The Complete Entrepreneur How to Remove Yourself from Your Business in Order to Scale with Katya Sarmiento

    Ep 33: The Complete Entrepreneur How to Remove Yourself from Your Business in Order to Scale with Katya Sarmiento

    The Complete Entrepreneur: How to Remove Yourself from Your Business in Order to Scale with Katya Sarmiento

    Katya Sarmiento, the founder of Reach and Make Millions is a business consultant who helps busy entrepreneurs scale to 7 figures or more per year by giving her clients repeatable processes, “tough love” business and marketing advice, and market-tested systems design.

    In this episode, Katya shares how to manage and setup a transparent system to cut workload on your business and how to scale up your business successfully.

    What You’ll Learn

    • Learn what system is all about.
    • What are the signs or patterns that you have a broken system?
    • Discover how to change an entrepreneur’s limiting beliefs through the system.
    • And much more!


    “My mission is to see more businesses not attached to the person running it and owning it because it will become a jail for you. You have to craft a system made for your needs.”

     – Katya Sarmiento

    Key Takeaways

    “Things that you do that are replicable and repeatable, that you do it over and over again that if you documented it into a process, it would become a system.” – Katya Sarmiento 

    “In order not to complicate system building, you have to embrace how you think, how you work, and how other people work.” – Katya Sarmiento


    Click here to check out Katya’s Website

    Click here to check out Katya’s 7ffa Manifesto


    Ep 32: The Complete Entrepreneur - Catching Dreams and Turning Them into Reality with John Bourgeois

    Ep 32: The Complete Entrepreneur - Catching Dreams and Turning Them into Reality with John Bourgeois

    The Complete Entrepreneur: Catching Dreams and Turning Them into Reality with John Bourgeois

    John Bourgeois is a writer, investor, and dreamcatcher. He hosts The Dreamcatchers Show, which is an award-winning, top-rated podcast that discusses strategic and practical tools to help you stop chasing your dreams and start catching them both in life and business.

    In this episode, John shares how to fight for your dream, pursue your vision and accomplish it with other people.

    What You’ll Learn

    • Learn how to overcome your limiting beliefs.
    • Get to know the difference between chasing vs. catching your dreams.
    • Know the concept of self-affirmation.
    • And much more!


    “To accomplish anything, you have to be doing it with other people.”

     – John Bourgeois

    Key Takeaways

    “If you were ever going to catch your dream, it starts in having the dream and understanding what that looks like.” – John Bourgeois 

    “Your dream is not for you. Your dream is for you to accomplish, and the fantastic thing is it ripple effects and help other people understand that they, too, can achieve their dreams.” – John Bourgeois

    Ep 31: The Complete Entrepreneur Increasing Profitability through Systems and Processes with Tony Banta

    Ep 31: The Complete Entrepreneur Increasing Profitability through Systems and Processes with Tony Banta

    The Complete Entrepreneur: Increasing Profitability through Systems and Processes with Tony Banta

    Tony Banta is a managing partner at Venture Greatly; he works with client businesses to generate remarkable client results, lifetime client retention, and endless referrals.

    He believes when you install systems for client success, your time, worry, and frustration also plummet. Along with his team, Tony creates predictable client fulfillment operations.

    What You’ll Learn

    • Know why the system and process are essential to running your business.
    • Discover what makes up a good leader. 
    • Learn how to increase your profitability through systems and processes.
    • And much more!


    “The focus of optimization has to be in your client’s success because your client’s success is your success.”

     – Tony Banta

    Key Takeaways

    “The two personality factors of a good leader are having self-awareness and the willingness to be uncomfortable.” – Tony Banta 

    “The company that just markets well and sells well but can’t fulfill those promises well is not long for this world.” – Tony Banta

    “Systems got to be optimized for different outcomes.” – Tony Banta

    Click here to check out Tony Banta’s Website

    Click here to Schedule a Call with Tony

    Click here to check out ClientWhispererShow Podcast


    Ep 30: The Complete Entrepreneur Making of a Champion with Nate Bailey

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    The Complete Entrepreneur: Making of a Champion with Nate Bailey

    Nate Bailey is a speaker, author, and coach whose mission in life is to impact men and women who are ready to truly have the life they have always desired.

    His career started in the United States Army where he was charged with the safety and leadership of 40 soldiers. Now, Nate is the Lead Trainer and Lead Coach of the Prosperity Revolution, ManWealth, and Shield Maiden programs, where he focuses on creating a better life for people and their families.

    What You’ll Learn

    • Why it’s essential to understand what emotions and clarity can do in our life.
    • What is the role mindset? 
    • How to take charge and create the life that you want as an entrepreneur.
    • And much more!


    “Don’t make a decision when emotions are high, clarity is low.”

     – Nate Bailey

    Key Takeaways

    “The mindset is ever-evolving and changing thing.” – Nate Bailey 

    “If you’re gonna invest in yourself, why would you not completely open and ready to get as much as you can out of it to make a worthy investment.” – Nate Bailey 

    “Clarity is power. You just have to be extremely clear of what you want and why it matters.” – Nate Bailey 

    Click here to check out Nate Bailey’s Website

    Click here to check out Nate’s Free AudioBook


    Ep 29: The Complete Entrepreneur Financial Path to Scalability with Adam Rundle

    Ep 29: The Complete Entrepreneur Financial Path to Scalability with Adam Rundle

    The Complete Entrepreneur: Financial Path to Scalability with Adam Rundle

    In this episode, we’ll be digging into the roles finance and accounting play for a successful entrepreneur with our guest Adam Rundle.

    Adam Rundle is a qualified Accountant & Tax Professional and the owner of ABR Consulting. ABR Consulting is a strategic consulting firm specializing in accounting, tax, and consulting for entrepreneurs specifically Digital Marketers, Coaches, and Consultants. 

    Adam shares insight on key factors that entrepreneurs should keep in mind when running a business, the first being if you’re not measuring your finances than what’s the point?

    What You’ll Learn

    • Why understanding and measuring your finances is crucial to succeeding in your business.
    • What are the first things business owners need to know to handle their finance?
    • How to make accounting simple and easy to understand.
    • And much more!


    “One of the most powerful ways of finding out if your business is working towards your goal is your finances.”

     – Adam Rundle

    Key Takeaways

    “If you want to be a successful business owner you have to accept that there are things like accounting, team management, running a business that are fundamental to you as you succeed.” –Adam Rundle

    “You as a business owner are probably the most fundamental part of your business.” – Adam Rundle

    “The healthiest thing for a small business, it’s cash.” – Adam Rundle

    Ep 28: The Complete Entrepreneur- Health and Wellness with Jason Priest

    Ep 28: The Complete Entrepreneur- Health and Wellness with Jason Priest

    The Complete Entrepreneur: Health and Wellness with Jason Priest

    Jason Priest is the founder of Dad Bod Health and is a registered nurse, personal trainer, health coach and fitness nutrition specialist. Jason is extremely passionate about health and wellness and was featured in Men’s Health for his own body transformation. 

    As a father, Jason always tries to lead by example and he is on a mission to change the lives of 1,000,000 men so they can become the leaders of their family in every aspect. Jason is also a contributor at Future Sharks and Thrive Global and is the host of THE Dad Bod Pod podcast.

    What You’ll Learn

    • Why self-care is an important part of our business.
    • What benefits health and wellness can do to our physical and mental well-being?
    • How to simplify and make a practical decision when starting to be fit.
    • And much more!


    “My mission is to help other men be able to do what I did so that they can be the leaders of their family and be around with their kid’s long term.”

     – Jason Priest

    Key Takeaways

    “In reality, the most consistent imperfect plan will work so much better than the inconsistent perfect plan because it’s all about taking action.” – Jason Priest

    “Find the community of people who like to win, people who like to become the healthiest version of themselves because having the support of these like-minded men means you are not alone in this journey of healthy living. ” – Jason Priest

    Ep 27: The Complete Entrepreneur The Power of Networking with Kevin Thompson

    Ep 27: The Complete Entrepreneur The Power of Networking with Kevin Thompson

    The Complete Entrepreneur: The Power of Networking with Kevin Thompson

    Over the last decade, Kevin Thompson has created over 16.1 million in revenue solely through strategic partnerships. Depending on who you are, this might not sound like a big number, or it may seem huge.

    But here’s the best part… Kevin’s an expert at structuring profitable and rewarding strategic partnerships that are a huge win for everyone involved.

    He’s proven the process he’ll be sharing with you today over and over again… 453 times over the last ten years to be exact. After years of experience, Kevin now serves his clients by delivering appointments with pre-qualified high-end buyers who want to talk about working with them.

    He knows things many people don’t when it comes to strategic partnerships. He knows how to set them up, he’s done it hundreds of times and is passionate about showing other entrepreneurs how they can have the same kind of results.

    What You’ll Learn

    • Why it’s important to know and understand the value of networking.
    • What is a strategic partnership?
    • How this strategic partnership works effectively in your business.
    • And much more!


    “Do not worry about how you’re gonna contribute, the fact that you just want to, that’s all that matters.”

     – Kevin Thompson

    Key Takeaways

    “When you have a conversation with somebody and you are asking engaging questions it creates a whole different environment.” – Kevin Thompson

    Ep 26: The Complete Entrepreneur: Sales Without Being Slimy with Landon Porter

    Ep 26: The Complete Entrepreneur: Sales Without Being Slimy with Landon Porter

    The Complete Entrepreneur: Sales Without Being Slimy with Landon Porter

    Landon Porter AKA the Sales Gorilla joins Marketing from the Roosevelt Room to discuss the topic of sales. 

    Landon is a sales therapist who helps business owners get the results they want by building real relationships. His main philosophy is that people can make sales without being salesy, which is why he created LeadsLab; an online course teaching exactly how to do that.

    In this episode, Landon shares insight on his non-traditional approach to sales and how it’s effective.

    What You’ll Learn

    • Why building the right relationship with your customers is really important. 
    • What is an ideal client avatar? 
    • How to find the clients that you adore.
    • And much more!


    “As somebody with something to sell, we should not be going into the call looking to sell. We should be finding out if we wanna work with somebody and if it’s totally a fit.

     – Landon Porter

    Key Takeaways

    “If I’m looking for natural relatability I’m looking for people that are like me.” – Landon Porter

    Ep 25: The Complete Entrepreneur Advertising That Works with Bobby Stocks

    Ep 25: The Complete Entrepreneur Advertising That Works with Bobby Stocks

    The Complete Entrepreneur: Advertising That Works with Bobby Stocks

    This episode is about the toolkit of advertising with our guest Bobby Stocks. 

    Bobby is a business strategist and an accomplished serial entrepreneur with vast advertising, marketing, and business growth skills. He has built a successful empire of his own by teaching other advertisers and agency owners on how to scale their business.

    Bobby shares his strategies, tips, and tricks related to ads and discusses how advertising plays a role in the marketing mix for an entrepreneur.

    What You’ll Learn

    • Why it’s beneficial to the entrepreneur to understand advertising. 
    • What role advertising plays a role in a business? 
    • How to effectively use advertising in scaling business.
    • And much more!


    “Every marketing agency should confront is, what do I need to do to get my client as close to a sale as possible.”

     – Bobby Stocks

    Key Takeaways

    “For any marketing agency, it is really important to look at and be honest with yourself on where you are on sale.” – Bobby Stocks

    “Unfortunate challenge that I’ve seen with so many entrepreneurs is that fears of spending money to hire professionals that can do it really well, they step over dollars to save pennies.” – Kyle Willis

    Ep: 24 The Complete Entrepreneur Copy That Converts with Sarah Temte

    Ep: 24 The Complete Entrepreneur Copy That Converts with Sarah Temte

    The Complete Entrepreneur: Copy That Converts with Sarah Temte

    Sarah Temte is a messaging strategist; she helps high ticket coaches and consultants understand their offer, their market, and their clients better so that they can start selling more.

    Sarah discusses her process of creating compelling content and how she allows the client’s voice to guide where the content creation comes from.

    Today’s episode is all about understanding your audience and how to communicate with them.

    What You’ll Learn

    • Why it’s important to understand the offer and the market of your business.  
    • What can you do to make a compelling content connecting with customers?
    • How stories sell effectively?
    • And much more!


    “I think people like to be told what to do and people like to know what comes next.”

     – Sarah Temte

    Key Takeaways

    “Stories that make people smile, or feel like a breath of fresh air, or that make them feel like their loaded or lighter or there is light at the end of the tunnel are in my opinion sometimes are more valuable.” – Sarah Temte

    “I love that aspect of being able to you said, hold their hand, guide them through because it keeps that relationship intact.” – Kyle Willis

    Click here to check out Sarah Temte