
    Ep: 4.15 Strengthening Franchisor-Franchisee Relationships w/ Carey Gille

    enSeptember 28, 2023

    About this Episode

    Discover how Carey Gille's journey took an unexpected turn, propelling her from the fast-paced world of startups to the structured realm of corporate America. Witness her transformation as she embraces new concepts and strategies, leading to unparalleled success for her company. But what happens when Carey returns home and stumbles upon a franchise opportunity that ignites a passion within her? Join us as we delve into her thrilling story and uncover the surprising twist that sets the stage for a whole new adventure.

    My special guest is Carey Gille

    Meet Carey Gille, a committed entrepreneur who flawlessly blends her affinity for business development with a personal mission for creating impactful franchise opportunities. She's a co-founder of Franchise Fastlane, a company she's been steering towards success since its inception in 2017. Carey's keen eye for spotting potential in brands and her ability to build robust infrastructures for franchisees and franchisors sets her apart. She's known for her strategic insight, hands-on approach to operations, and her distinctive ability to handle rapid growth effectively.

    The key moments in this episode are:
    00:00:04 - Introduction,

    00:02:43 - The Genesis of Franchise Fastlane,

    00:06:12 - Finding the Right Brand Fit,

    00:10:47 - Case Study: Everline,

    00:11:51 - Franchise Consultants as Franchisees,

    00:12:56 - The Importance of Investing in the Right Leads,

    00:16:08 - Development Techniques and Franchisee Selection,

    00:19:09 - Programs to Enhance Brand Performance,

    00:22:30 - Handling Terminated Brand Partnerships,

    00:24:17 - The Role of a Franchise Sales Organization,

    00:26:07 - Brands and Growth,

    00:26:53 - Introducing Carpool,

    00:29:21 - On-Ramp and Off-Ramp,

    00:31:27 - Avoiding Heartbreak,

    00:35:13 - The Value of Relationships,

    00:39:47 - The Importance of Succession Planning,

    00:40:09 - Waves and Flags,

    00:40:40 - Future Plans,

    00:41:16 - Compassion for Founders,

    00:41:35 - Conclusion and Gratitude,

    Recent Episodes from Free Agent with Meg Schmitz

    Ep. 4.26: Navigating Franchise Challenges and Achieving Success

    Ep. 4.26: Navigating Franchise Challenges and Achieving Success

    In a moment of unexpected revelation, Karen Abrams found herself embarking on a journey into the world of franchising. Little did she know, this decision would lead to a rollercoaster of emotions, from exhilarating highs to unforeseen challenges. As she shares her captivating story, aspiring entrepreneurs are given a glimpse into the unpredictable nature of franchise ownership. But what unforeseen obstacles did Karen face, and how did she navigate them to achieve success?

    My special guest is Karen Abrams

    Karen Abrams, a seasoned real estate attorney with nearly 30 years of experience, stumbled into the world of franchising over a decade ago. It all began when she attended a franchise trade show out of curiosity and ended up representing franchisees on real estate matters. What started as a side interest quickly grew into owning and operating multiple franchise locations, giving her a unique firsthand perspective on the challenges and successes of the franchising world. Karen's journey from buying, building, and selling businesses, to experiencing both failure and triumph, has shaped her into a knowledgeable and insightful figure in the franchise industry. Her diverse background in the cosmetology and food industries adds a layer of depth to her understanding of the franchising landscape, making her a valuable source of practical wisdom for aspiring entrepreneurs.


    In this episode, you will be able to:

    • Gain valuable franchise industry insights from real experiences.

    • Understand the importance of personal and financial considerations in franchising.

    • Overcome challenges and discover effective strategies in franchise ownership.

    • Explore diversification and find the path to success in the franchising world.


    Ep. 4.25 Overcoming Entrepreneurial Anxiety: Kendall's Journey into Franchise Ownership

    Ep. 4.25 Overcoming Entrepreneurial Anxiety: Kendall's Journey into Franchise Ownership

    Does this sound familiar? You want to gain control of your financial future but need the courage to live with the uncertainty being an entrepreneur brings. Are you seeking a way to attain the insights necessary to take the leap into business ownership?

    Look no further because our guest, Kendall, will share her process of stepping into the unknown. Get ready to unlock your potential and fearlessly navigate the challenges of entrepreneurship with Kendall's invaluable insights.

    My special guest is Kendall

    Kendal Kineard joins us on Free Agent Season 4 as a brand new franchisee in the process of training and launching her business. 

    In this episode, Meg and Kendall discuss:

    • Discovering the secrets to leaning on family and faith.
    • Building trust and relationships for exponential business growth.
    • Being scared and doing it anyway.
    • Explore the importance of listening and paying attention for business breakthroughs.

    Ep 4.24 Franchisee Conversations: Learn directly from those who have walked the franchise path

    Ep 4.24 Franchisee Conversations: Learn directly from those who have walked the franchise path

    Does this sound familiar? You're considering investing in a franchise, but you're overwhelmed by the sheer amount of information out there. You've been told to research online, read articles, and attend seminars, but despite all your efforts, you still feel uncertain and confused. The pain of not having clear and valuable insights is keeping you from making an informed decision and taking that leap towards franchise ownership. But what if there's a better way?

    My special guest is Kristine

    We are thrilled to have Kristine Givens join us on this episode of Free Agent. With a background in accounting and a successful stint as a business owner, Kristine's journey into franchise ownership is both captivating and enlightening. She shares her experiences, including the challenges she faced and the lessons she learned along the way. Kristine's story serves as a reminder that even the most informed and educated individuals can find themselves in unexpected situations. Her candidness and willingness to share the bumps and warts of her franchise journey make her a relatable and trustworthy source of insights for anyone considering franchise ownership. Join us as we delve into Kristine's story and discover the valuable lessons she has to offer.

    In this episode, you will be able to:

    • Discover the key factors to consider before investing in a franchise, ensuring a solid foundation for success.

    • Learn why trust and intuition play a crucial role in making informed decisions about franchise ownership.

    • Uncover effective strategies for researching a franchise's financial performance, helping you evaluate its long-term viability.

    • Gain insights into the importance of evaluating the leadership team behind a franchise, ensuring their expertise aligns with your goals.

    • Hear firsthand experiences from successful franchisees, providing valuable insights and tips for navigating franchise ownership.


    Ep 4.23: Overcoming Challenges and Achieving Greatness

    Ep 4.23: Overcoming Challenges and Achieving Greatness

    Does this sound familiar? You've been told that in order to achieve success in business, you need to work harder and sacrifice your personal life. But despite putting in the long hours and making sacrifices, you're still not seeing the results you desire. The pain of feeling burnt out and unfulfilled is all too real. It's time to explore a different approach, one that allows you to achieve a balanced work-life while finding success in the business world.

    My special guest is Lori

    Meet Lori Karpman, a dynamic entrepreneur with a deep-rooted passion for franchising. With a background in law and a successful career as a tax lawyer, Lori made the leap into the franchise industry and never looked back. Throughout her journey, she has worn many hats, from being a master franchiseor to founding her own chain of restaurants, which she later sold. Today, as the founder of a full-service franchise consulting firm, Lori brings her wealth of experience and expertise to help businesses navigate the world of franchising. Her boutique approach ensures that every client receives personalized attention and top-notch support in areas such as legal, operations, marketing, sales, and administration. With a reputation for excellence and a commitment to delivering exceptional customer service, Lori is a trusted advisor for entrepreneurs seeking to take their businesses to new heights through the power of franchising.

    In this episode, you will be able to:

    • Discover the benefits and challenges of franchising - gain valuable insights into this popular business model that can help you make informed decisions about your entrepreneurial journey.

    • Explore the education process for selling franchise agreements - learn the step-by-step strategies to effectively educate potential franchisees and attract the right partners for your franchise brand.

    • Uncover the qualities of a successful franchise brand - understand the key characteristics that make a franchise brand stand out and resonate with customers, setting you up for long-term success.

    • Recognize the importance of profitability in franchising - learn how to prioritize profitability in order to build a sustainable and lucrative business within the franchising industry.

    • Navigate the challenges and seize the opportunities for women in business - gain practical advice and inspiration to overcome obstacles, harness your strengths, and thrive as a female entrepreneur or executive in the business world.

    Ep 4.22 From Dreams to Reality: How Franchising Transform Lives

    Ep 4.22 From Dreams to Reality: How Franchising Transform Lives

    Do you want to unlock the key to thriving in the franchising industry? Are you searching for the ultimate way to achieve financial success and personal fulfillment through owning a franchise? Look no further, because we have the solution you've been seeking. Our guest, Monica, will be sharing invaluable insights that will empower you to attain your desired outcome of becoming a successful franchise owner. Get ready to discover the secrets that will pave your path to prosperity in the franchising world.

    My special guest is Monica

    Franchise expert Monica reveals the surprising truth about who succeeds in franchising, defying stereotypes and showcasing the determination and resilience of women, veterans, immigrants, and individuals with limited resources who turn their dreams into profitable businesses.


    In this episode, you will be able to:

    • Gain valuable industry insights and stay ahead of the competition in the franchising industry.

    • Discover the key success factors that can make or break your franchising venture.

    • Learn about the growing diversity in franchise ownership and how it can lead to new opportunities.

    • Understand the significant economic impact that franchising has on local communities and the wider economy.

    • Explore the personal and financial benefits of owning a franchise and how it can transform your life.



    Free Agent with Meg Schmitz
    enNovember 16, 2023

    Ep 4.21: From Family Business To Entrepreneurship

    Ep 4.21: From Family Business To Entrepreneurship

    Unconventional and determined, free agent Jaime White defies societal expectations as she forges her own path, embracing challenges, seeking validation, and inspiring others to break free from traditional systems in pursuit of their dreams.

    My special guest is Jaime

    Jaime White is a force to be reckoned with in the world of free agency. With her vast experience as a real estate investor, entrepreneur, coach, and mentor, Jaime has carved her own path to success and is now helping others do the same. From stepping into the unknown as a young adult, running a furniture store and navigating the complexities of a toxic family business, Jaime knows firsthand the challenges and rewards of being a free agent.

    As a mother of six, she understands the importance of finding balance and creating a life that aligns with your values. Jaime's journey is a testament to the power of taking control over your destiny and embracing the possibilities that come with being your own boss. Her insights and wisdom will inspire and empower individuals seeking to make their mark on the world as free agents.


    In this episode, you will be able to:

    • Discover the inspiring journey of Jaime White, a free agent who defied expectations and carved out her own path in the business world.

    • Uncover the unique challenges faced by individuals who leave the comfort and familiarity of a family business to pursue their own dreams.

    • Explore the healing process and self-discovery that comes with embarking on a new journey as a free agent, and how it can lead to personal growth and fulfillment.

    • Learn the importance of seeking outside help and guidance as you navigate the challenges and uncertainties of being an independent entrepreneur.

    • Be inspired by the uplifting stories of individuals who bravely pursued their dreams, and discover how you can find the motivation and courage to follow your own passion.


    Ep 4.20 Entrepreneurial Spirit Meets Compassion

    Ep 4.20 Entrepreneurial Spirit Meets Compassion

    In a world where corporate monotony seemed the only path, Jimmy's journey took an unexpected turn. From a triumphant offseason with the NBA to a newfound passion for startups, he catapulted himself into the entrepreneurial realm. But as Grubhub flourished into a behemoth, Jimmy yearned for something more. Little did he know that a project on the future of aging would ignite a fire within him, leading him to embark on a remarkable venture. Get ready to discover how Jimmy's quest for purpose took an unforeseen twist, and what it means for the future of personalized home care services.


    My special guest is Jimmy Zollo.

    Jimmy Zolo is an accomplished entrepreneur and the co-founder and CEO of Joe and Bella, a personalized home care business. With a strong background in marketing research and a proven track record working with notable brands like Reebok and the NBA, Jimmy brings a wealth of knowledge and expertise to the table. His experience in launching new markets and product lines has been instrumental in the success of his ventures. Recognizing the growing need for quality care for older adults in the face of the impending "silver tsunami," Jimmy embarked on a mission to create a business that provides personalized and compassionate home care services. With Joe and Bella, he aims to make a positive impact in the lives of seniors and their families by offering tailored care solutions. Jimmy's entrepreneurial journey and his dedication to improving the future of aging make him a valuable guest on the Free Agent podcast. Prepare to gain valuable insights into personalized home care and entrepreneurship with Jimmy as your guide.

    Someone ought to make really beautiful, comfortable clothes that make dressing safer, faster, easier, and more dignified. - Jimmy

    In this episode, you will be able to:

    • Discover the freedom and fulfillment of self-employment and business ownership.
    • Learn about the future of aging and how personalized home care services are revolutionizing the industry.
    • Gain insights into the challenges and rewards of entrepreneurship and learn how to navigate them successfully.
    • Explore the importance of adaptive clothing for older adults and how it can improve their quality of life.
    • Discover the power of mentors and support systems in entrepreneurship, and how they can accelerate your success.
    Free Agent with Meg Schmitz
    enNovember 01, 2023

    Ep 4.19: Breaking Away to a Path of Freedom and Flexibility

    Ep 4.19: Breaking Away to a Path of Freedom and Flexibility

    In a world where resumes and grades often dictate our future, one man dared to challenge the norm. Meet Chad, a visionary who discovered the untapped potential of the millennial generation. As he embarked on a journey to revolutionize the way we hire, Chad stumbled upon an unexpected twist that forever changed his life. This is a story of unconventional methods, genuine connections, and the power of understanding. But what exactly did Chad discover? Stay tuned to find out how his bold step into entrepreneurship transformed everything he thought he knew.

    In this episode, you will be able to:

    • Discover valuable insights and lessons learned from my career journey that can help you navigate your own path to entrepreneurship.

    • Gain a deeper understanding of the importance of mentors and guidance during the transition to entrepreneurship, and how they can accelerate your success.

    • Learn practical strategies and tips for transitioning from a traditional job to entrepreneurship, including overcoming challenges and leveraging opportunities.

    • Explore the benefits of flexibility and control that come with entrepreneurship, and how they can enhance your work-life balance and overall satisfaction.

    • Uncover the mindset shifts and focus on attitude, concentration, and effort that are key to achieving success as an entrepreneur.

    • Tap into a wellspring of motivation and inspiration as you hear powerful personal stories of individuals who have successfully made the leap from a traditional job to entrepreneurship.

    • Discover resources and tools to help you successfully navigate the transition process, including networking opportunities, training programs, and online communities.

    My special guest is Chad

    Chad Kopitzki is an expert in talent acquisition and a solopreneur based in Appleton, Wisconsin. With a diverse background that includes twelve years in a not-for-profit organization and experience working with millennials, Chad understands the importance of putting people first. His unique approach to recruitment, where he focuses on the person behind the resume, sets him apart from traditional methods. Chad's passion for creating honest and transparent conversations between job seekers and hiring managers led him to start his own business, providing executive search services and speaking engagements. As a guest on Free Agent, Chad shares his insights and experiences, offering valuable advice for individuals considering transitioning from a traditional job to entrepreneurship. Listeners will gain inspiration and practical tips for navigating the transition process successfully.

    The key moments in this episode are:
    00:00:00 - Introduction

    00:01:15 - People First Strategy

    00:06:33 - Job Search Challenges

    00:09:34 - Becoming a Solopreneur

    00:14:19 - The People First Principle

    00:15:04 - The Importance of Mentors

    00:18:02 - Finding Your Tribe

    00:20:57 - The Risk of Not Taking a Chance

    00:22:30 - The Freedom of Being Your Own Boss

    00:26:05 - The AHA Moment

    00:29:56 - Chad's Journey from Football to Baseball

    00:31:39 - The ACE Presentation

    00:35:23 - Overcoming Mental Barriers

    00:37:51 - The Power of Taking Risks

    00:39:47 - Working with Chad

    Ep 4.18: The Power of Passive Real Estate Investing with Jeremy Dryer

    Ep 4.18: The Power of Passive Real Estate Investing with Jeremy Dryer

    Have you ever found yourself unexpectedly drawn towards a new path in life? Jeremy Dryer, a successful sales professional, certainly did. After watching HGTV, he and his wife took a leap of faith into the world of real estate, with dreams of flipping homes. Little did they know, this venture would lead them to a surprising twist that would change their lives forever. Curious about the unexpected turn of events? Stay tuned to discover the incredible journey that transformed Jeremy's life and allowed him to achieve financial and time freedom.

    In this episode, you will be able to:

    • Discover the power of passive investing in real estate syndications and unlock the potential for generating consistent cash flow without the hassle of being a landlord.

    • Learn the importance of education in passive investing and how it can help you make informed financial decisions that can lead to long-term wealth creation.

    • Gain valuable insights from past investment mistakes and avoid common pitfalls, ensuring a more successful and profitable investment journey.

    • Experience the life-changing benefits of financial and time freedom, allowing you to live life on your own terms and pursue your passions without being tied down by a traditional 9-to-5 job.

    • Explore the concept of diversification and discover how investing in different franchises can minimize risk and maximize potential returns, creating a well-rounded investment portfolio.

    My special guest is Jeremy Dryer

    Jeremy Dryer is an experienced investor and entrepreneur with a strong track record in passive real estate investing. With over 25 years of experience in sales and a proven ability to generate top results, Jeremy has successfully transitioned from a corporate job to owning his own real estate syndication fund company. He initially started his real estate journey with fix-and-flip investments, leveraging his wife's interior design skills and a trusted general contractor. However, as his family grew and priorities shifted, Jeremy made the strategic decision to focus on passive investing in real estate syndications. This move allowed him to achieve financial independence and time freedom, enabling him to prioritize his family and personal pursuits. Jeremy's expertise and success have led him to share his knowledge and educate others on the benefits of passive investing. Through his podcast appearances and real estate syndication fund, Jeremy is dedicated to helping individuals make informed investment decisions and achieve their own financial and time freedom.

    The key moments in this episode are:
    00:00:00 - Introduction

    00:01:34 - Starting in Real Estate

    00:04:58 - Educating Potential Investors

    00:07:28 - Challenging Mindsets

    00:09:59 - Lessons from Mistakes

    00:16:03 - Diversification and Passive Investing

    00:18:00 - Building a Business and Investing

    00:19:33 - Hot Trends in Real Estate Investing

    00:21:08 - Getting Started with Passive Real Estate Investing

    00:30:43 - The Benefits of Reinvesting in Franchise Opportunities

    00:32:09 - The Importance of Getting Started

    00:33:11 - Take the Leap

    00:33:39 - Closing Remarks

    Ep 4.17: Strategies to Separate Personal and Business Credit w/ Andrew Cervenka

    Ep 4.17: Strategies to Separate Personal and Business Credit w/ Andrew Cervenka

    Discover how small business owners can break free from personal guarantees and unlock the power of financial independence by strategically separating personal and business credit in this eye-opening episode featuring the insightful and determined Andrew Cervenka from J Galt.

    In this episode, you will be able to:

    • Discover the importance of building business credit to fuel sustainable growth and increase your financial independence.

    • Learn effective strategies for separating your personal and business credit, allowing you to protect your personal assets and establish a solid financial foundation for your business.

    • Uncover the benefits of business credit for financing large purchases, opening up new growth opportunities and ensuring you have the capital you need when you need it.

    • Gain insights into maximizing your business credit in trade industries, enabling you to take advantage of favorable trade terms, discounts, and increased purchasing power.

    • Get valuable tips for building a strong business credit profile, equipping you with the knowledge and tools to position your business for success and access better financing options.

    My special guest is andrew

    Andrew Cervenka, a credit expert from J Gault, is the featured guest on this episode of The Free Agent. With his extensive knowledge and experience in helping small business owners separate their personal and business credit, Andrew offers valuable insights and strategies to listeners. From understanding the different tiers of business credit to navigating the intricacies of building a solid foundation, Andrew shares practical tips and advice to help entrepreneurs achieve financial independence. His expertise in maximizing the benefits of separating personal and business credit makes him a trusted resource for small business owners and entrepreneurs looking to grow their businesses and secure their financial future. Tune in to this episode to gain valuable insights and take your business credit to the next level.

    The key moments in this episode are:
    00:00:00 - Introduction,

    00:01:19 - Maximizing Business Credit,

    00:04:19 - Building Business Credit from the Start,

    00:07:42 - Non-Recourse Lending and Financing,

    00:10:44 - Growth in the Trades Industry,

    00:15:49 - Researching Unknown Phone Calls,

    00:16:26 - Benefits of Building Business Credit,

    00:17:43 - Qualifying for Corporate Accounts and Credit Cards,

    00:19:38 - Building Business Credit Methodically,