
    EP 41: Fear & Failure Prevents Action. Reframe Failure into Feedback to Keep Moving Forward

    enSeptember 20, 2021

    Podcast Summary

    • Embrace setbacks as opportunities for growthFear of failure can be debilitating, but seeing setbacks as feedback and practicing emotional detachment can help us learn and grow.

      Fear of failure can be a major obstacle to taking action and achieving growth. However, it's important to remember that there is no such thing as failure, only feedback. Emotional detachment and the ability to separate from anxiety and stress in specific situations are crucial components of getting into a state of flow. By embracing this mindset, we can learn from our experiences and continue to grow. So, don't let fear hold you back – instead, view setbacks as opportunities for learning and improvement. And if you found this tip helpful, please consider leaving a review on iTunes, Apple Podcast, or Google Podcasts to help spread the word about two-minute growth tools.

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    - Hygiene factors include things like social status, compensation, work environment, company policies and management practices
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    - Regardless of what we are pursuing in our lives, we need to have positive motivating factors to feel fulfilled
    - Improving hygiene factors can reduce your dissatisfaction, but it follows the 80/20 rule in that the more you focus on it, the less benefit you will get for each improvement
    - There is a limit to how much happiness you can get by pursuing making more money; money makes you "not unhappy," but it is not what will make you feel fulfilled
    - When you start a business you don't often have hygiene factors, and everything is based on the motivating factors
    - This model applies in school, in that the hygiene factors--grades, assignments, environment--need to be good enough for you to not be dissatisfied but they will not truly motivate you to enjoy school
    - In sports, hygiene factors are the facilities and your gear and your workout schedule, whereas your motivating factors are doing your best and achieving your goals and potential
    - In families, hygiene factors are our chores, responsibilities, and obligations, whereas our motivating factors are the positive experiences we create and the moments we share together
    - Reversing something that makes you unhappy doesn't often lead to happiness, it simply leads to "neutral". 
    - We can be both unhappy and happy at the same time, because the causes are different. There are two different spectrums.
    - We may be able to apply this kind of thinking, about two spectrums for one general idea, to other areas like success. We have success relative to others and success relative to our expectations, and they do not always align
    - How easy it is to judge yourself based on one set of factors when you the other might lead to less stress, a more positive mindset, and a happier outcome
    - Why our clothes represent more than a slogan, but the pursuit of self-improvement and exploration that we do in all of these podcast conversations


    Frederick Herzberg - Wikipedia

    Two-Factor Theory - Wikipedia

    You Need to Know Your "Why" - Go Be More Podcast

    The 80/20 Rule - Go Be More Podcast


    Bryan Green, Go Be More Blog

    Jon Rankin, @chasejonrankin, Go Be More


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    Go Be More YouTube Channel


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    All businesses work to engage employees, prospects and clients. What are the best strategies and how do you measure engagement? Learn from Dave’s experience of what works and what doesn’t in this session of Founders Focus. 

    Dave Will is the Co-Founder and CEO of PropFuel, a cloud-based SAAS software platform that is designed to capture the voice of your stakeholders (employees, customers, members, etc) through feedback campaigns. 

    Dave is also the host of the EO 360° Podcast, a podcast by the Entrepreneurs’ Organization that explores entrepreneurship. Dave previously started, scaled, and sold Peach New Media, a learning platform software company.

    Dive deeper into the episode here: http://bit.ly/3btLugl

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