
    Ep 458 Liberals Are Going to Lose Their Marbles Over This Latest Trump Policy

    enMay 12, 2017

    Podcast Summary

    • Emphasizing Self-Reliance and PreparednessDan Bongino encourages listeners to be self-reliant, prepare for emergencies, and not rely on others to run their lives. He also advocates for effective policies and criticizes those that don't work just for political gain.

      Dan Bongino, the host of The Dan Bongino Show, emphasizes the importance of self-reliance and preparation, especially in terms of emergency food supplies. He encourages listeners to be responsible for their own needs and not rely on others to run their lives. Bongino also discussed his political stance, identifying as a conservatarian with libertarian leanings. He criticized policies that don't work just for the sake of making good talking points. Additionally, he touched on the sensitive topic of the DOJ policy during the Obama years and the efforts to discredit the justice system. Overall, Bongino encourages listeners to be prepared, think for themselves, and support policies that are effective.

    • Obama Administration's Emotional Approach to Criminal Justice IssuesDuring Obama's presidency, the administration prioritized emotional appeals over facts when discussing criminal justice issues, leading to policy changes based on feelings rather than logic

      During Barack Obama's presidency, his administration, specifically Eric Holder as Attorney General, focused on emotional talking points rather than facts when discussing issues like disparate impact and prison overcrowding. They used these issues to create an emotional response rather than a logical one. For instance, they claimed that a higher percentage of minorities in prison equated to discrimination, ignoring individual cases and circumstances. Similarly, they used prison overcrowding as a reason for policy changes without addressing why individuals were in prison or suggesting which inmates should be released. These talking points were used to push for policy changes without considering the reasons behind the issues. The Renegade Republican podcast's theme is to explain the motivations of the left, and in this case, the left's desire to empty out prisons is likely driven by emotional responses rather than logical reasoning.

    • Democrats' focus on identity politicsThe Democrats' political strategy of emphasizing identity politics and labeling individuals based on their race, ethnicity, sexual orientation, or union membership has not resonated with voters and led to significant losses at the national level.

      The Democratic Party's political strategy focuses on identity politics, which involves isolating people into various groups and making them believe that Republicans hate them. This strategy has been a failure for the Democrats, as evidenced by their losses in national elections. Instead of emphasizing policies, they label individuals based on their race, ethnicity, sexual orientation, or union membership, and then claim that Republicans are against them. This approach has been used consistently over the past few decades, as seen in campaign ads and other messaging strategies. However, this tactic has not resonated with voters, and the Democrats have lost significant ground at the national level.

    • Democrats' focus on identity politics and abortion rightsDemocrats' messaging on criminal justice reform lacked factual basis, oversimplified complex issues, and perpetuated stereotypes, leading to alienation of pro-life Democrats and divisiveness.

      The Democratic Party's focus on identity politics and abortion rights has led them to alienate pro-life Democrats and prioritize wedge issues over individual cases. The Obama administration's criminal justice reform efforts under the guise of Republican brutality towards minorities lacked factual basis, as there was no systemic evidence of Republicans hunting down minorities and putting them in jail. Instead, the large minority population in jail largely preyed upon people in minority communities. The Democrats' messaging failed to acknowledge this and instead fueled a narrative of Republicans as "bullhorn-wielding, night stick-carrying thugs." This approach has not only been ineffective but also divisive, as it oversimplifies complex issues and perpetuates stereotypes.

    • Obama's Justice Department distorted minimum sentencing guidelinesDuring Obama's tenure, sentencing guidelines were manipulated to target minorities, but abolishing drug laws isn't the answer. A balanced approach with alternative penalties or treatment could be more effective.

      During the Obama administration, minimum federal sentencing guidelines were distorted to target minority communities and create a narrative of Republican hostility, leading to their near-uselessness. Prior to this, these guidelines were implemented to combat high crime rates and offered little discretion for judges. While some argue for leniency for low-level offenders, abolishing all drug laws isn't the solution. The real-world impact of the Obama Justice Department's theory would have resulted in harsh sentences for minor offenses. Instead, a more effective approach could involve expensive tickets or focusing on treatment rather than incarceration.

    • The Complexities of Investigating and Prosecuting a CrimeInvestigating and prosecuting a crime involves more than just an initial arrest. It includes probable cause establishment, indictments, complaints, and arrest warrants.

      The process of investigating and prosecuting a crime, such as passing counterfeit money, involves more complexities than just an initial arrest. The example given in the discussion was of a person passing a counterfeit $100 bill at a 7-Eleven store. The store identifies the suspect based on the purchase of a small item and the change received. However, the liberal narrative might assume that the suspect is immediately jailed for a long time. In reality, the suspect would be arrested and given a lawyer. The investigation could proceed through a complaint and arrest warrant, an indictment by a grand jury, or an information process. Probable cause must be established to justify the arrest. Indictments are rarely dropped, making it a difficult process. Instead, a complaint and arrest warrant are usually the preferred methods. Complaints are often dismissed, but the process serves to identify and apprehend the person responsible for creating and distributing the counterfeit money.

    • Old counterfeiting laws led to lengthy prison sentencesNew leniency in sentencing for minor offenses weakens law enforcement's ability to build cases against larger criminal networks

      Before the Obama administration, there were strict minimum sentencing guidelines for federal crimes, including counterfeiting. These guidelines often resulted in lengthy prison sentences, even for minor offenses. However, the guidelines were later thrown out, leading to more discretion for judges and attorneys. In the real world, this means that when a small-time offender is arrested, they may be released without facing significant consequences, even if there is evidence against them. The speaker argues that this lack of consequence undermines the effectiveness of law enforcement efforts to apprehend larger criminal networks. The use of cooperating offenders to build cases against larger criminals was a common tactic in the old system, but with fewer consequences for minor offenses, this strategy may no longer be as effective.

    • Political climate impacts sentencing outcomesAttorney General Jeff Sessions reversed a policy allowing prosecutors to omit drug amounts from indictments, leading to harsher sentences for offenders. Political climate and leadership influence policy interpretations and applications.

      In the real world, policies and their interpretations can significantly impact sentencing outcomes. During certain periods, mandatory minimum sentences for drug-related offenses were tied to the amount of drugs or counterfeit involved. However, some prosecutors would omit these amounts from indictments to reduce sentences. This practice was known as "sentencing leniency" and was common in drug cases. However, when Attorney General Jeff Sessions came into office, he reversed this policy, leading to harsher sentences for offenders. This illustrates how the interpretation and application of laws can vary greatly depending on the political climate and leadership. In other news, consider subscribing to CRTV for access to a range of conservative programming, including shows by Dan Bongino, Mark Levin, and Steve Crowder, among others. Use the promo code Bongino to get a discount.

    • A Personal Story Challenging the Narrative of Prison OvercrowdingPersonal stories don't always reflect the bigger picture, do your own research and take legal action if injustices occur.

      The criminal justice system and prison overcrowding are complex issues that cannot be reduced to simplistic partisan narratives. The speaker shares a personal story of a home invasion, which resulted in the theft of valuable items, including a computer. Despite the loss, the speaker's wife was able to recover the data through an automatic backup system. The speaker uses this anecdote to challenge the notion that prisons are overcrowded with innocent individuals who should be released. Instead, he encourages those who believe injustices have been committed to take legal action. The speaker also emphasizes the importance of doing one's own research and not relying on partisan rhetoric. The story serves as a reminder that the criminal justice system is nuanced, and solutions to complex issues require careful consideration and factual information.

    • Overburdened criminal justice system leads to lenient sentencesEffective public safety requires prioritizing resources for hiring prosecutors, building courtrooms, and constructing prisons.

      The criminal justice system can be overburdened and under-resourced, leading to lenient sentences for serious crimes. A personal experience of a home invasion resulted in the arrest of the perpetrators, but they received minimal punishment despite a long list of other crimes and the homeowners' public profile. The speaker emphasizes the importance of prioritizing public safety and effectively addressing the issue by allocating more resources to hiring prosecutors, building courtrooms, and constructing prisons. The justice system should not be focused on liberal priorities at the expense of individual safety.

    • Discussing blue slips, Obamacare, and other news storiesDespite not fully exploring all topics due to time constraints, Dan promises to continue the conversation on blue slips, Obamacare, and other news stories in the upcoming episode. Listeners can access Dan's podcasts on multiple platforms and stay updated on Twitter.

      During this episode of The Dan Bongino Show, various topics were discussed, including blue slips, Obamacare, and other news stories. However, due to time constraints, not all topics could be fully explored. The host expressed gratitude for the audience's engagement throughout the week and promised to continue the conversation on these topics in the upcoming episode. Listeners can access Dan's podcasts on iTunes, SoundCloud, and his website conservativereview.com. Dan is also active on Twitter (@DBongino) for real-time updates. Stay tuned for more insightful discussions on current events and politics.

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