
    Ep. 476 - A Fake Reopening

    enApril 29, 2020
    What does the article say about reopening states?
    Who was involved in the unemployment claim controversy?
    What were Stacey Abrams' controversial statements about?
    How does the article compare dieting to reopening economies?
    What criticisms did the speaker have about Mayor de Blasio?

    Podcast Summary

    • Not All Reopenings Are the SameReopenings are happening in an inconsistent manner, with some regulations lifted while others remain. Be cautious and understand the nuances behind the process.

      The ongoing reopening of states across the country may not be as it seems. While some may view it as a return to normalcy, a closer look at the plans reveals that many places are not truly reopening. Instead, reopenings are happening in an arbitrary manner, with some regulations being lifted while others remain in place. It's essential to be cautious and understand the nuances behind the reopening process. Additionally, in other news, a recent incident involving Kentucky Governor Andy Beshear and a man named Tupac Shakur serves as a reminder that not everything is as it seems. The governor had accused someone using that name of filing a false unemployment claim, but it turned out that there was an actual Tupac Shakur in the state who was legitimately filing for benefits. The incident highlights the importance of double-checking information before making assumptions. Lastly, in the world of politics and cancellations, Stacey Abrams and a bishop made headlines for their controversial statements. Abrams defended an accused rapist due to her desire for the vice president job, while the bishop claimed that God doesn't punish. These statements sparked heated debates and showcased the complexities of modern-day issues.

    • One size doesn't fit allPersonalized guidance and expert coaching are crucial for reaching individual goals in weight loss, fitness, and reopening economies.

      There's no one-size-fits-all solution when it comes to diets, exercise routines, or reopening economies. The speaker shares her experience of not being able to fit into one size fits all clothing due to her unique body shape, and similarly, everyone's goals and needs are different when it comes to weight loss, fitness, or reopening plans. The speaker emphasizes the importance of personalized guidance and expert coaching, such as what Noom provides, to help individuals reach their specific goals. In the context of reopening economies, the speaker discusses how different states have various stages and timelines for reopening, and some sectors may remain closed for months. Therefore, it's essential to understand that there's no one-size-fits-all approach to these situations, and individuals and communities must adapt to their unique circumstances.

    • Trusting People vs. Government Control in Reopening EconomyThe economy's full reopening raises the question of whether to trust people or the government, with implications for individual freedom and government power.

      Despite the phased reopening plans being implemented in various states, the economy will eventually have to fully open with the virus still present. The question then becomes whether to open now or later, and trust people to be responsible or the government to control the situation. The speaker argues that trusting people with their freedom is the more American choice, but it's important to consider the potential consequences of both options. The government's handling of power during the pandemic has shown a tendency towards abuse, while people have demonstrated their ability to be irresponsible. Ultimately, the choice is between trusting citizens or trusting the government, and the decision will have significant implications for individual freedom and government power.

    • Large groups disregard lockdown rules, Stacey Abrams pressures Biden for VP spot, Serious allegations require evidenceLarge groups ignore lockdown rules, Stacey Abrams pushes for VP spot based on race, Allegations against Biden lack evidence, Importance of personal responsibility and thorough investigations

      Despite lockdown orders and regulations, some individuals continue to disregard rules and gather in large groups, making the current situation nonsensical. The responsible citizens who follow regulations are the ones who need less control. Meanwhile, Stacey Abrams, a potential vice presidential candidate, has been attempting to pressure Joe Biden into selecting her for the position, using her race as her primary qualification. She has shifted her tactics from threatening Biden to sucking up to him. A recent allegation against Biden regarding rape has been brought up by Abrams, but she lacks credibility as she has not provided any substantial evidence or investigation into the matter. Instead, she has relied on implying that Biden is racist if he doesn't select her. The situation highlights the importance of personal responsibility and the need for thorough investigations and evidence when addressing serious allegations. ReadyWise, a food company, offers long-term nutritional food options during uncertain times, making it an excellent choice for individuals looking to prepare for potential disruptions in the food supply chain.

    • Joe Biden's Me Too allegations and Catholic leaders' views on COVID-19The lack of clear denial and address from Joe Biden regarding sexual assault allegations, coupled with corroborating evidence, makes the claims more compelling than many cases during the Me Too movement. Catholic leaders have differing views on the COVID-19 pandemic, with some acknowledging its severity and others dismissing it as not a divine punishment.

      The lack of a clear denial and address from Joe Biden regarding allegations against him, combined with corroborating evidence, makes the claims against him more compelling than many cases during the Me Too movement. The speaker expresses contempt towards those who supported the Me Too movement but now seem to be dismissing the allegations against Biden. In contrast, Catholic leaders have varying views on the COVID-19 pandemic, with the President of the German Bishops Conference, Bishop George Batzing, stating that it is not a divine punishment. The speaker emphasizes the importance of acknowledging and addressing accusations, especially for public figures.

    • Debate over God's role in crisis and economic dilemmasThe ongoing crisis raises ethical questions about God's involvement and creates economic dilemmas for governments and individuals, with some earning more from unemployment and others struggling to find work or benefits.

      The current global situation brings up complex ethical and economic issues. Regarding the ethical, there's a debate about whether the ongoing crisis is a punishment from God or a natural occurrence. While some argue it's not a punishment, others find it hard to accept that God would inflict additional suffering on the vulnerable. Economically, the government's relief efforts have created an unusual dilemma: some people earn more from unemployment than their previous jobs, while others struggle to get unemployment benefits or are unable to find work. This situation leaves many people in need and others with no incentive to return to work, causing a mess for employers and the economy as a whole. Additionally, the CDC's recommendation to socially distance from pets adds another layer of challenge for pet owners. Lastly, the CDC's models predict a rise in deaths as the economy reopens, adding uncertainty to the future.

    • Learning from Experts to Build Better BusinessesFocus on improving skills, learn from experts, and adapt to challenges for small business success.

      Small business owners are facing unique challenges during these uncertain times, and effective management and systems are crucial for success. The Benham Brothers, known for their successful businesses and conservative values, have created a course called Expert Ownership to help entrepreneurs and small business owners build better businesses. Amidst the chaos, it's essential to focus on improving skills and learning from experts. Additionally, even in the midst of a crisis, there are moments of joy and connection, like weddings and friendships, that remind us of the importance of human connection. And when it comes to public speaking, the best advice is to not be bad at it and keep it as short as possible.

    • Criticizing Mayor de Blasio's Public Speaking and ActionsSpeaker criticized Mayor de Blasio for inconsistent pandemic response, controversial tweet, and loss of respect due to inappropriate words and actions.

      Public speaking is important and can be judged harshly by others. If you're not confident in your abilities, keep your speeches short and avoid trying to be funny if you're not good at it. The speaker also shared their criticism towards Mayor Bill de Blasio, labeling him as an incompetent, evil doofus. They criticized his inconsistent response to the coronavirus pandemic and his controversial tweet threatening to arrest those who gather in large groups, specifically mentioning the Jewish community. The speaker argued that this statement was unacceptable regardless of the context and urged readers to imagine the same statement with different communities. They concluded that de Blasio's actions and words have lost them respect.

    • Speaker's disapproval towards NY Mayor's actions towards churchesSpeaker argues against tyrannical actions, emphasizes importance of living in the present and dealing with realities

      During the discussion, the speaker expressed strong disapproval towards New York Mayor Bill de Blasio for threatening to permanently shut down churches, singling out Jews, and disregarding the Constitution. The speaker believes these actions are tyrannical and unacceptable. Regarding the cliche "live in the moment," the speaker argues that while it's been reduced to a platitude, it contains an important truth: facing reality and living accordingly. Despite its clichéd status, the speaker suggests rephrasing it to emphasize the importance of living in the present and dealing with the realities of the current situation.

    • Living in the present momentFocus on the present, as the past is forgotten and the future uncertain. Make each moment count and prioritize thoughts and actions.

      We should focus on living in the present moment, as the past is largely forgotten and the future is uncertain. The speaker emphasizes that all we truly have is the present moment, and encourages us to make the most of it. He also notes that our thoughts, which number in the thousands each day, are largely fleeting and soon forgotten. The speaker reflects on the impermanence of memories and experiences, and encourages us to prioritize our thoughts and actions in the present. He warns that at the end of our lives, we may regret the moments we wasted, so it's important to make each moment count. The speaker acknowledges that living in the moment is a challenge, but encourages us to try and do so. He concludes by acknowledging that the past cannot be changed and the future is uncertain, so the present is all we truly have.

    • Who Decides What Information the Public Should Have Access To?The ongoing debate centers around social media experts controlling public access to information, raising concerns for freedom of speech and individual autonomy.

      The debate surrounding information control has come to the forefront during the ongoing global health crisis. On The Matt Walsh Show, produced by The Daily Wire, host Andrew Clavin challenges the notion that social media experts should be the ones deciding what information the public should have access to, based on approval from organizations like the World Health Organization. Clavin argues against this idea, questioning its validity and potential implications for freedom of speech and individual autonomy. The issue is complex and multifaceted, but in essence, it boils down to a fundamental question: who gets to decide what information is acceptable for public consumption? As the media landscape continues to evolve, it's crucial that we engage in thoughtful and open-minded discussions about these important issues. Tune in to The Andrew Klavan Show for more insightful perspectives and engaging conversations.

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    Ep. 1442 - Robin DiAngelo Freaks Out Over 'Am I Racist?' And It's Glorious

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    The Matt Walsh Show
    enSeptember 13, 2024

    Ep. 1441 - Diversity Killed His Son, But He Wishes A White Man Did It?

    Ep. 1441 - Diversity Killed His Son, But He Wishes A White Man Did It?

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    From the white guys who brought you “What is a Woman?” comes Matt Walsh’s next question: “Am I Racist?” | IN THEATERS TOMORROW! Get tickets NOW: https://www.amiracist.com


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    Tax Network USA - Seize control of your financial future! Call 1 (800) 958-1000 or visit https://www.TNUSA.com/Walsh


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    Ep. 1440 - Media Paints Millionaire Athlete As Another "Oppressed" Victim of Police

    Ep. 1440 - Media Paints Millionaire Athlete As Another "Oppressed" Victim of Police

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    From the white guys who brought you “What is a Woman?” comes Matt Walsh’s next question: “Am I Racist?” | IN THEATERS THIS FRIDAY! Get tickets NOW: https://www.amiracist.com


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    Daily Wire Backstage: The Presidential Debate

    Daily Wire Backstage: The Presidential Debate

    Donald Trump and Kamala Harris go head-to-head in a historic face-off, clashing over key issues like inflation, abortion, and immigration. Join Ben Shapiro, Matt Walsh, Michael Knowles, Andrew Klavan, and Jeremy Boreing as they break down the debate, analyze the key moments, and discuss what this monumental exchange means for the upcoming election and the future of our nation.


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    PDS Debt - PDS Debt is offering a free debt analysis. It only takes thirty seconds. Get yours at https://PDSDebt.com/backstage


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    Oracle - Do more and spend less with OCI. Take a free test drive at https://Oracle.com/SHAPIRO


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    The Matt Walsh Show
    enSeptember 11, 2024

    Ep. 1439 - Our Towns And Our Pets Aren’t Safe Thanks to Third-World Migrants

    Ep. 1439 - Our Towns And Our Pets Aren’t Safe Thanks to Third-World Migrants

    Today on the Matt Walsh Show, a surge of immigration from Haiti is destroying communities in America — even those thousands of miles away from Haiti. It's gotten so bad that, according to many reports, the Haitian immigrants are killing and eating people's household pets. Will this be the thing that finally convinces the cat ladies that the border must be secured? Also, Kamala Harris is fading fast in the polls. Climate alarmists predicted historic, devastating hurricanes this season. Instead, there have been no hurricanes at all. And a film glorifying euthanasia earns the top prize at the Venice Film Festival, and an 18-minute standing ovation.




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    From the white guys who brought you “What is a Woman?” comes Matt Walsh’s next question: “Am I Racist?” | IN THEATERS THIS FRIDAY! Get tickets NOW: https://www.amiracist.com


    Join us tomorrow for live coverage of the presidential debate on Backstage Live! Watch on DailyWire+ at 8:30 PM ET: https://dailywire.com


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    BetOnline - Use code "Walsh" to receive a 50% signup bonus of up to $250 at https://www.betonline.ag


    Birch Gold - Text "WALSH" to 989898, or go to https://birchgold.com/walsh, for your no-cost, no-obligation, FREE information kit. Qualifying purchases will get an exclusive GOLDEN Truth Bomb.


    Good Ranchers - Exclusive offer for my listeners with promo code WALSH: https://www.goodranchers.com


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    Ep. 1438 - Why Kamala's Campaign Is Spiraling Into Desperation Mode

    Ep. 1438 - Why Kamala's Campaign Is Spiraling Into Desperation Mode

    Today on the Matt Walsh Show, the Kamala campaign is falling apart as they plunge in the polls. This has just made them even more desperate and deceitful, as we've seen this week. Also, Kamala is on the record saying that schools shouldn't have resource officers handling security. But two resource officers just saved dozens of lives. Plus, Will Ferrell has a new pro-trans documentary coming out. And the Hawk Tuah girl keeps extending her 15 minutes way beyond the breaking point. Now she has a new podcast on the way. 




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    From the white guys who brought you “What is a Woman?” comes Matt Walsh’s next question: “Am I Racist?” | Get tickets NOW: https://www.amiracist.com


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    Balance of Nature - Get 35% off Your Order + FREE Fiber & Spice Supplements. Use promo code WALSH at checkout: https://www.balanceofnature.com/


    PureTalk - Get one year free of DW+ Insider: https://www.PureTalk.com/Walsh


    Reagan Movie - Head over to https://reaganmovie.com to grab your tickets today!


    Young America’s Foundation - Attend a local YAF advanced screening for Matt Walsh's latest film "Am I Racist?" at https://yaf.org/air


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    The Psychology of Power & Influence

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    Welcome to Grit & Growth’s masterclass on power, featuring Dr. Deborah Gruenfeld, Stanford Graduate School of Business professor of organizational behavior. From the body language of power to the authority vs. authenticity debate, Gruenfeld provides insights on how and when to use your power to gain the trust and respect of others.

    Professor Gruenfeld is a psychologist by training and she’s been researching and teaching about the psychology of power and powerlessness for decades. So, she has a deep understanding of why this invisible force can have such a profound social and business impact.

    There are plenty of myths and misconceptions about power, starting with the fact that most people believe that only other people have power and that power corrupts. Gruenfeld says the research disproves this idea, explaining, “It’s having power while feeling powerless that leads people to behave badly.”

    So, how do people in positions of power use it as a force for good? If you want to have a positive impact on others and on your organization, Gruenfeld suggests there’s no advantage career-wise to being a jerk. Instead, she recommends “behaving in a way that leads others to trust you more.”

    Top Five Masterclass Takeaways 

    • Your body language can communicate power … or powerlessness. Gruenfeld advises entrepreneurs to imagine putting on a headdress or crown before you walk in a room full of strangers. The stillness and physical expansiveness you convey will provide nonverbal cues that you’re comfortable and in charge.
    • Sometimes it’s better to lead with deference than dominance. While dominance tends to look more authoritative, deferential behaviors are more approachable, show respect for others, and help build relationships.
    • Effective leaders need to balance authority and approachability. You need to be equally capable of behaving in a way that commands respect and shows respect to others because people will need different things from you in different situations. 
    • Leaders need to practice types of power that may not come naturally. More than likely, you’ll be more comfortable with either an authoritative or approachable style. Use this as an opportunity for growth so you can be the leader whom others need you to be.
    • Often the best way to use your power is to empower others. While not intuitive for most leaders, showing vulnerability and asking for help can be highly motivating for teams.

    Listen to Dr. Gruenfeld’s insights, advice, and strategies for how entrepreneurs can use power more effectively as you manage growing teams, pitch investors, and negotiate deals.

    See Privacy Policy at https://art19.com/privacy and California Privacy Notice at https://art19.com/privacy#do-not-sell-my-info.

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    Your sales page can be the key piece of success in your sales funnel and customer journey if you take a critical (yet organic) view of it.

    Your sales page should be clear on exactly:

    • what you’re offering
    • who it’s for
    • why it’s important
    • how it will help solve a problem or deliver a transformation 

    Your copy should be organic to you and your brand. It should be conversational and include the reader. Use copysation, the writing style I teach that uses copy as conversation. It will flow better, come across more natural, and will immediately connect with your reader.

    In this episode, I go through how to structure your sales page from top to bottom.

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