
    Ep 485 If the Dems Win Today the Impeachment Talk Will Explode

    enJune 20, 2017

    Podcast Summary

    • Georgia Sixth Congressional Race and Its SignificanceThe Georgia Sixth Congressional Race is crucial as it's used as a referendum on Trump, could impact impeachment proceedings, and the Supreme Court case may change electoral dynamics. Protect savings against inflation with precious metals like those offered by Birch Gold.

      The Georgia Sixth Congressional House race, although often seen as an afterthought, is a significant event with potential major implications for Donald Trump's future and the political landscape. Dan Bongino emphasized the importance of this race, as it is being used by the left as a referendum on Trump, and could impact potential impeachment proceedings. Additionally, the Supreme Court has agreed to hear a case that could change the way electoral dynamics are conducted in the country. Another key point is the need to protect savings against inflation, as the Federal Reserve's loose monetary policy may lead to significant inflation in the future. Bongino endorsed Birch Gold, a company that specializes in securing savings through precious metals, as a way to hedge against this risk. Overall, the Georgia Sixth race and the potential impact on Trump, as well as the importance of protecting savings against inflation, were the main topics of discussion on The Dan Bongino Show.

    • Georgia congressional race closer than expectedDespite the district's Republican-leaning nature, the close polling numbers and historical context suggest that the Georgia congressional race may be closer than expected.

      The Republican candidate in the Georgia congressional race is expected to outperform the national average of Republican votes by a significant margin due to the district's Republican-leaning nature. However, the close polling numbers between the two candidates and the fact that the previous Republican representative won by a larger margin are cause for concern. It's important to remember that congressional races are not the same as presidential elections, and incumbents hold unique advantages that can sway voters. While the outcome of this race may not directly impact President Trump, it's a reminder that local elections can still have national implications. The close polling numbers and historical context suggest that this race may be closer than expected, despite the district's Republican lean.

    • Advantages of Incumbency in ElectionsIncumbents can help people in their district, leading to support from individuals outside their party, and local interests play a role in their re-election.

      Incumbents often have an advantage in elections due to their ability to help people in their district, regardless of political affiliation. This can lead to support from individuals who may not typically vote for their party. Additionally, local interests and parochial concerns can also influence voting decisions, making incumbency a significant factor in elections. Despite any frustrations or close election results, it's essential to remember that incumbents hold power to benefit their constituents and can sometimes sway voters across party lines.

    • Possible Impeachment of President TrumpIf Democrats win control of House, they might attempt to impeach Trump based on dislike, without solid grounds

      If the Democrat candidate, Ossoff, wins the Georgia special election, the Democrats may try to impeach President Trump despite having no solid grounds for it. The speaker expresses concern that the Democrats, driven by their intense dislike for Trump, could make up charges and impeach him based on their newfound House majority. It's important to note that impeachment does not equal removal from office, as demonstrated by past impeachment attempts against Johnson, Clinton, and Nixon. However, Nixon resigned before the vote on impeachment. The speaker warns that if the Democrats gain control of the House, they might vote for impeachment regardless of the facts.

    • Impeachment: A Political StatementImpeachment is a process to bring charges against a president, but it doesn't guarantee removal from office. Parties may use it as a political tool to rally their base.

      Impeachment is a process of bringing charges against a president, but it doesn't mean they've been proven guilty. The trial takes place in the Senate, and two-thirds of senators are required for conviction and removal from office. Even if the House impeaches a president, they likely don't have the Senate votes to remove them. The Democrats, despite wanting Trump out of office, may impeach him in the House as a political statement and to appease their base, knowing they won't have the Senate votes to remove him. This is similar to how the Republicans voted to repeal Obamacare numerous times when Obama was in office but couldn't do it when they had the power. Both parties use this tactic to send a message and rally their base.

    • Checks on the presidency: Impeachment vs. IndictmentThe presidency has checks in place to prevent local prosecutors from indicting presidents for minor offenses that could hinder their diplomatic duties. Impeachment is the political process for removing a president, while indictment is a legal process for a citizen.

      A sitting president cannot be indicted, but they can be impeached and removed from office. The founding fathers established this political process as a check on the presidency to prevent local prosecutors from indicting presidents for minor offenses that could hinder their ability to conduct international diplomacy. This misconception is still prevalent, with some people mistakenly believing that a president can be indicted like any other citizen. However, this is not the case, and it's essential to understand the distinction between these two processes. My friend Mark Levin, a lawyer and conservative commentator, discusses this topic in depth, and I encourage you to listen to his analysis for a more eloquent explanation of the legal intricacies involved.

    • Impeachment and Indictment: Two Different Legal ProcessesImpeachment involves a Senate trial for removal of a president based on House charges, while indictment is a grand jury process deciding probable cause for a federal trial

      The impeachment and indictment processes serve different purposes in the legal system. During an impeachment trial in the Senate, a house majority votes for charges against a president, who can be removed from office if 67 senators vote for conviction. In contrast, during a federal indictment process, a grand jury of 16 to 23 people, without the defense present, votes on whether to indict based on probable cause presented by the prosecution. A federal trial requires a unanimous jury decision, unlike the Senate trial which requires a supermajority. Prosecutors may choose not to indict upfront to use potential cooperating witnesses later.

    • Negotiating Charges in Federal Cases through ComplaintsIn federal cases, negotiations during complaints can lead to charges being dropped if suspects cooperate, saving resources and potentially apprehending larger criminals.

      In the federal system, not all cases result in indictments. Instead, some cases are handled through complaints, which can be dismissed and do not start a strict timeline for trial. Indictments, on the other hand, are reserved for major cases and cannot be dismissed easily. The speaker, who has experience with credit card fraud cases, explains that during a complaint, suspects can negotiate with prosecutors and potentially have charges dropped if they cooperate. This method is beneficial for both parties as it saves resources and can lead to the apprehension of larger criminals. The speaker also emphasizes the importance of laborers in society and promotes Brickhouse Nutrition's Dawn to Dusk product, which provides a consistent energy boost throughout the day.

    • Redistricting: A Contentious Issue Between Democrats and RepublicansThe Supreme Court is set to hear redistricting cases that could impact the balance of power in Congress, with both parties accusing each other of manipulating the process for political gain

      The redistricting process in the United States has become a contentious issue, with both Democrats and Republicans accusing each other of manipulating the process for political gain. Daniel Bongino, a former congressional candidate, shared his personal experience of running in a district that was redistricted from Republican to Democratic. He was proud of his campaign's performance despite the odds against them. Now, the Supreme Court has agreed to hear a couple of redistricting cases, which could have significant implications for the balance of power in Congress. Democrats argue that Republicans are packing Democrats into Democrat districts, resulting in surplus and wasted votes, while Republicans maintain that they are simply drawing lines based on constitutional principles. This issue is far from settled and will likely continue to be a topic of debate and litigation.

    • Democrats' claims of gerrymandering overblownStudy finds Democrats' urban concentration, not gerrymandering, causes surplus and wasted votes

      The Democrats argue that Republicans are packing them into districts, resulting in surplus votes and wasted votes in other districts. However, a study suggests that even if redistricting were done fairly, the Democrats' congestion in cities would limit their gains. Republicans, on the other hand, are dispersed across the country and have the advantage of not being packed into urban areas. The Democrats' reliance on big government and their concentration in cities are the reasons for their surplus and wasted votes, not Republican manipulation. The study concluded that even a fair redistricting effort would not significantly help the Democrats. The Democrats' claims of losing the house majority due to redistricting are overblown, and they should focus on improving their party instead.

    • The Wind Industry and Free MarketsMarket forces drive innovation and efficiency in the wind industry, but misunderstanding free markets can hinder progress.

      The wind industry serves as an interesting example of the power of free markets and the importance of understanding their dynamics. Dan Bongino shared a story on his show about how the wind energy sector has evolved, highlighting the role of market forces in driving innovation and efficiency. However, he expressed frustration with those on the "loony left" who seem to misunderstand the concept of free markets and the benefits they bring. Despite this, Bongino encouraged listeners to continue learning about these issues and to engage in thoughtful dialogue. If you're interested in exploring this topic further, be sure to check out Dan's book or follow him on social media for more insights.

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