
    About this Episode

    Finding ways to enjoy the process will help you stay motivated because it can be challenging. It will be much simpler to stay motivated and accomplish your goals if you keep certain things in mind. We ought to be motivated by the right things. Managing your motivations is probably easier if you know who you are.


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    Recent Episodes from FINDING ME: Your Roadmap to Happiness

    EP #66 Flying By the Seat of Your Intuition

    EP #66 Flying By the Seat of Your Intuition

    One of the hardest things for us to allow is to watch our loved ones go down a path that we just know is not good for them. But, it's not our job to take away the experiences that will teach them what they need to know so they can choose better for themselves in the future. It's not our job to keep others from stepping in emotional holes. LaRae explains how she felt about a family member and the choices he was making but then it was what God said to her that put her completely at ease. Her intuition was right but it was more important to find peace in this instance!


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    EP #65 What Spiritual Success Can Look Like

    EP #65 What Spiritual Success Can Look Like

    On the worldly plane, we think of success as something we do. But spiritual success is who we become. It’s not easy troubleshooting life without God, but when you include God, you can feel fully supported and guided. What used to be hard is no longer the same struggle and clarity, and momentum takes the place of confusion and emotional dysregulation. Spiritual success is also always the goal of those looking for love in all the wrong places and eases the need to fill life with non-essentials just do not fill the empty places inside. Doing the spiritual work can feel difficult at first but it ends up being the most natural thing you have ever done. Listen in as Teresa explains why Spiritual Success is her Theme for the year 2023.


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    EP #64 Power of Wisdom

    EP #64 Power of Wisdom

    LaRae shares her word for 2023 to keep her focused and on track. Your spiritual journey is revealed here and how it contrasts the worldly journey of healing and finding herself again. Now, with the unveiling of this focus word for the year, she has discovered a whole new meaning for FINDING ME and how her search for truth and light is shifting her mind, heart, and soul to do better in the world and let go of the things that no longer serve her. Get ready to be amazed! One word can be SO powerful and change the trajectory of emotional healing!


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    EP #60 E Is For Earthing

    EP #60 E Is For Earthing

    When you are feeling lost or disconnected, earthing will be your new best friend to get grounded and centered in a very noisy world. But even more than that, LaRae has an Epiphone or a revelation about earthing. Not only is it healthy for you to receive the natural detoxification process the earth offers but you’re earthing whether you like it or not!!! Listen as LaRae makes an astonishing realization about how our lives mimic the restorative and regenerative narrative of nature!!


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    EP #59 R Is For Revelation

    EP #59 R Is For Revelation

    Today, LaRae chose the word revelation to discuss. We cover all the ways revelation can come to us including the most recent interesting, serious and hilarious ways God tries to get our attention. However you receive revelation, you’ll love listening to this episode as LaRae reveals her special location and method for receiving personal revelation. 


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    EP #58 I Is For Individuality

    EP #58 I Is For Individuality

    Individuality has a lot to do with understanding your worth and knowing what you stand for. It’s the example we set for our families because of who we are becoming that helps them know a better way to live, love, and learn from life. And, when you know who you are, and align with the values you hold as your standard because that’s the example you set for others who are watching. Individuality is different for everyone. In this episode, LaRae shares her take on what it means to her.


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