
    Ep. 516 Something Has Got to Give. This Can't Continue.

    enAugust 02, 2017

    Podcast Summary

    • Far-left's attempts to silence opposing voicesDan Bongino discussed the arrogance of liberal groups like The Young Turks, the importance of acknowledging facts, and the impact of Obamacare on healthcare plans.

      Dan Bongino, host of The Dan Bongino Show, discussed the far-left's efforts to silence opposing voices and highlighted the arrogance and lack of knowledge displayed by liberal groups like The Young Turks in debates. He also promoted Dontadusk, a time-release energy product from Brick House Nutrition, and shared concerns about the impact of Obamacare on healthcare plans. Despite apologizing for bringing up Obamacare repeatedly, Bongino emphasized the importance of acknowledging the facts and the left's immunity to them. The show also featured sponsors, including Brick House Nutrition and Checkout Foundation. Overall, Bongino's message emphasized the importance of truth, knowledge, and resilience in the face of misinformation and challenges.

    • Liberals blame Trump for Obamacare premium hikes, but critics argue it's due to regulations and financial instabilityLiberals blame Trump for Obamacare premium hikes, but critics argue it's due to regulations and financial instability of the plans, not a lack of cost sharing reduction payments.

      The ongoing debate over Obamacare premium hikes has reached a new stage, with liberals attempting to blame the increases on President Trump's decision not to pay cost sharing reduction payments to insurance companies. However, critics argue that this is a misrepresentation of the situation, as the premium hikes are a result of Obamacare's regulations and the financial unsustainability of the plans. The debate highlights the contradictory nature of liberal arguments on healthcare, as they simultaneously criticize insurance companies while also relying on them to provide affordable plans through government subsidies. The issue is particularly pressing in states like Iowa, where only one insurer remains in some counties and premium hikes have reached dramatic levels.

    • The 'death spiral' in Obamacare marketplacesAs insurance companies exit Obamacare marketplaces, remaining plans become more expensive for those who need them most, creating an unsustainable situation. Trade disputes with countries like Japan further complicate matters.

      As insurance companies leave the marketplaces under the Affordable Care Act (Obamacare), the remaining insurance plans become increasingly expensive due to the high number of sick individuals who are the only ones able to afford them. This phenomenon is known as the "death spiral." For instance, in Iowa, premium hikes are dramatic because only those who need the more expensive plans can afford them. The situation is unsustainable, and the trade wars with countries like Japan add to the economic challenges. The U.S. withdrew from the Trans-Pacific Partnership (TPP), leading to tariffs on American beef exports to Japan, making them less competitive in the market. These issues underscore the importance of understanding the consequences of policy decisions and their impact on various sectors of the economy.

    • US-China trade tensions and potential tariffs on Japan and ChinaTariffs on Japanese and Chinese imports could harm US consumers, diplomacy may be a better approach to address complex issues like North Korea and intellectual property theft.

      The trade tensions between the US and China are heating up, with the US applying pressure on China to do more to address the North Korean nuclear threat. This has led to discussions about potential retaliation through increased tariffs on imports from Japan and China. However, it was argued that such tariffs could hurt US consumers and that diplomacy could be a better approach to addressing these complex issues. The discussion also touched upon China's requirement for foreign companies to share their technology with Chinese firms, which raises concerns about intellectual property theft. Ultimately, the speaker urged caution and encouraged exploring diplomatic solutions rather than relying on tariffs as a primary tool for resolving these complex geopolitical issues.

    • Misconceptions about TariffsImposing tariffs on Chinese and Japanese products due to defense issues is ineffective and may lead to higher costs for consumers, retaliation, and protectionism. The 'recirculation of money' theory is a misconception, as the money continues to circulate in the economy through savings, investments, and consumption.

      Imposing tariffs on Chinese and Japanese products in response to defense issues is not an effective solution. Instead, it is more likely to lead to higher tariffs on US products, retaliation, and protectionism, resulting in more expensive consumer products. Furthermore, there is a common misconception that high taxes or tariffs are beneficial for the economy due to the "recirculation of money" theory. However, this theory is based on economic ignorance, as the money does not simply sit idle when the rich have it. Instead, it continues to circulate in the economy through savings, investments, and consumption. It's essential to consider alternative ways to engage in international diplomacy beyond tariffs.

    • Misconception of the rich hoarding moneyThe rich don't hoard money and it doesn't disappear from the economy. Instead, they reinvest or spend it, causing the remaining money to hold more value through supply and demand principles.

      The rich have various ways of handling their money, either spending it to recirculate in the economy or saving it for financial institutions to lend out. The idea that the rich hoard money and it disappears is a simplistic and misinformed perspective. Even if the rich did withdraw all their money from the economy, the principles of supply and demand would cause the remaining money to hold more value. The money is a representation of value, not monopoly money, and the rich acquire it through selling goods or services. Therefore, the idea of them burning or hiding it is not economically viable.

    • The Significance of Money During Economic InstabilityDuring economic instability, the value of money increases due to scarcity. Prepare for emergencies by stocking up on essential supplies, such as food and water.

      During economic instability or when large amounts of money disappear from the economy, the value of the money you possess becomes more significant due to scarcity. The speaker used an extreme example of the rich burning money and trillions disappearing to illustrate this point. He also emphasized the importance of being prepared with essential supplies, such as food and water, in case of emergencies. Additionally, the speaker criticized a man named Dan, who claimed to have a unique recirculation of money theory, but the speaker found it to be economically unsound and unconvincing. The speaker encouraged listeners to prepare for emergencies by purchasing a month's supply of emergency food from his sponsor, Patriot Supply, for $99. Tom Cotton, a US Senator, also introduced an immigration bill, which the speaker had been advocating for a long time.

    • Shift from Family-Based to Merit-Based ImmigrationSenator Tom Cotton's RAISE Act proposal aims to limit legal immigration, focusing on skills and economic value over family ties, creating new jobs and ensuring economic stability.

      Senator Tom Cotton's RAISE Act proposal aims to limit legal immigration and shift from a family-based system to a merit-based one, focusing on skills and economic value. Critics argue against judging people solely based on economic value, but the speaker believes it's necessary for a country's economic progress. Chain migration, which prioritizes family ties, can lead to exponential growth in immigration and a lack of control over economic benefits. The speaker supports Cotton's plan as a win-win solution, allowing for reduced national immigration and focusing on skills to create new jobs. Despite opposition, the speaker believes this plan is a reasonable and necessary step for economic stability.

    • The correlation between income tax rate cuts and increased revenueHistorical evidence shows a strong link between income tax rate cuts and increased revenue, but it's crucial to distinguish correlation from causation.

      While some argue that tax cuts do not lead to increased revenue, the correlation between income tax rate cuts and increased revenue is strong based on historical evidence. However, it's important to distinguish between correlation and causation. The liberal use of Kansas as an example to disprove the effectiveness of tax cuts is disingenuous, as there are various factors at play in the state's budget shortfalls. Dan, the host of the podcast, emphasizes that he is not suggesting that tax rate cuts directly cause increased revenue, but rather that they are highly correlated. He encourages listeners to read a Cato Institute piece on the topic for further understanding. The host disagrees with Daniel Mitchell's assertions, but acknowledges that there is room for debate on the issue. Ultimately, the host emphasizes the importance of understanding economic concepts and the potential impact of tax policy on revenue.

    • Correlation vs. CausationWhile tax cuts may lead to economic growth, it's crucial to consider all factors involved before making definitive conclusions.

      Correlation does not necessarily mean causation. Using the example of tax rate cuts, while there may be a correlation between tax cuts and economic growth, there are often other factors at play. For instance, the money put back into people's pockets from tax cuts can lead to increased spending and investment, but it can also take time for these effects to be felt. Additionally, if spending and regulations are not addressed, economic growth may still be hindered. It's essential to consider all the variables involved before making definitive conclusions. The example of Kansas illustrates this point, as the state experienced economic struggles despite tax cuts, but the reasons for these struggles were not solely due to the tax cuts themselves. Instead, it's crucial to examine the complex interplay of various factors in understanding economic phenomena.

    • Critique of Kansas Economic ModelDespite tax cuts and small business growth, Kansas' unemployment remains high and taxes haven't significantly decreased due to high spending levels and slow economic impact of tax cuts.

      The economic situation in Kansas, despite tax cuts and small business formation, has not resulted in a significant reduction in unemployment or a lowering of the state's relatively high tax rate. The speaker argues that the state's spending levels remained high, leading to budget deficits. He also points out that tax cuts take time to filter through the economy. This is not a defense of liberal economic theory, but rather a critique of the Kansas economic model. The speaker suggests that it's too early to judge the long-term effects of the tax cuts and encourages people to wait and see what happens in 10 years. The conversation also touched on the topic of tax competition and the impact of Missouri's tax rate cut on Kansas. Overall, the discussion highlights the complexity of economic policies and the importance of considering multiple factors when evaluating the success or failure of a particular economic model.

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