
    Ep. 525 The Truth About Charlottesville

    enAugust 15, 2017

    Podcast Summary

    • Media bias and suppressing free speechSome on the far left aim to silence opposing viewpoints, causing media bias and fueling political division. Truth and accuracy in public discourse are crucial.

      There's a trend among some on the far left to suppress free speech and silence opposing viewpoints. Dan Bongino discussed this issue on his radio show, expressing frustration with the media's role in instigating partisan strife rather than promoting national healing. He also highlighted the case of Nora O'Donnell, who had tweeted something that annoyed him due to its inaccuracy and what he perceived as an attempt to mislead the public. In a lighter segment, Bongino promoted Brick House Nutrition's Foundation product, which he claimed helped users look bigger and stronger in the gym. Overall, the show touched on themes of media bias, political division, and the importance of truth and accuracy in public discourse.

    • Misleading Statistic on Extremist AttacksNorah O'Donnell's statement about right-wing extremists causing more fatal attacks than Islamic extremists in the US between 2001 and 2016 is misleading due to the exclusion of the 9/11 attacks from the data.

      The statement made by Norah O'Donnell, suggesting that right-wing extremists were responsible for more fatal attacks than Islamic extremists in the US between 2001 and 2016, is misleading. The time period she chose for her statement excludes the 9/11 attacks, which significantly skews the data. The goal of sharing this statistic seems to be to diminish the threat from Islamic radicals and exaggerate the threat from right-wing extremists. This manipulation of statistics is a tactic used to promote critical theory, an ideology that has infiltrated academia, media, and Hollywood, and portrays white males as the root cause of society's problems. It is essential to evaluate statistics critically and recognize the potential for manipulation. Any threat of violence, regardless of its source, should be taken seriously and investigated.

    • Misleading statistics on right-wing vs Islamic extremismMeghan O'Donnell's argument on MSNBC manipulated data by excluding fatalities and including bizarre cases, skewing the results and fueling fear and hatred without contributing to a productive discussion on terrorism in the US.

      The statistics often used to claim that right-wing extremists are more dangerous than Islamic extremists in the United States are misleading and manipulative. MSNBC's Meghan O'Donnell, in her argument, intentionally left out the September 11 attacks from the data, which significantly skews the results. Furthermore, she counted the number of incidents instead of fatalities, leading to the inclusion of bizarre cases like neo-Nazis in prison killing pedophiles as right-wing terror incidents. These manipulations contribute nothing to a productive discussion about terrorism in the United States and are merely intended to stoke fear and hatred towards right-wing politics. It's essential to critically evaluate such statistics and consider the context and methodology behind them.

    • Misrepresentation of terrorism statistics for political gainDespite 94% of US terrorism fatalities caused by Islamic terrorists over the past 25 years, some liberals distort data to diminish conservative ideology, which is not only inaccurate but also misleading, hindering an honest conversation on terrorism and free speech.

      During a discussion on prison violence and neo-Nazi ideology, the misrepresentation of terrorism statistics to make a political point was criticized as embarrassing and distracting. The correct data shows that over the past 25 years, 94% of US terrorism fatalities have been caused by Islamic terrorists. This is a fact that cannot be ignored, especially after significant attacks like 9/11 and the Orlando nightclub shooting. The left's attempts to diminish conservative political ideology and Republicans by inflating the numbers of right-wing terror attacks is not only inaccurate but also misleading. It is essential to have an honest and informed conversation about terrorism and the First Amendment, as many liberals do not seem to understand the fundamental protections it provides for free speech.

    • Understanding the difference between free speech and hate speechFree speech is a constitutional right, hate speech is a subset, and attempts to silence or label it differently can be misguided

      Free speech and hate speech are not the same thing. Free speech is a fundamental right protected by the First Amendment, and hate speech is a subset of free speech. While not all forms of speech are protected under the banner of free speech, there is a three-prong test established in the Brandenburg v. Ohio decision to determine if speech is protected. It's essential to understand that hate speech is still free speech, and attempts to silence or label it as something other than protected speech can be a misinterpretation of the constitutional implications of the First Amendment.

    • Understanding the limits of free speechFree speech isn't absolute, hate speech is not protected if it incites violence, is likely to incite violence, and violence is imminent. The Charlottesville incident highlights the importance of proper response from authorities to prevent violence.

      Free speech is not absolute, and hate speech is not protected if it meets the three prong test: it is intended to incite violence, is likely to incite violence, and the violence is imminent. The example given was of a man who threatened to take the streets later, which did not meet the imminent prong of the test and was therefore protected. It's important to understand this test to have an informed debate on the topic. Additionally, there has been controversy over the police response in Charlottesville, with allegations of a stand-down order. While the police chief denies this, it's important to note that the proof is in the pudding – if there was a stand-down order, nothing would have stopped the violence from occurring. Ultimately, the responsibility lies with politicians and police management to ensure public safety.

    • Stand down order during Charlottesville protestsDelayed arrests and weak law enforcement during protests infringe upon rights and set dangerous precedents, while the Rudy Giuliani approach protects rights and enforces law

      During the Charlottesville protests in 2017, there was a clear stand down order given to the police, whether directly or indirectly, resulting in a delay in making arrests and controlling the violent situation. This is problematic, as it sets a dangerous precedent and infringes upon the rights of peaceful protesters and victims of violence. A solution to this issue is the Rudy Giuliani approach, which involves protecting the right to protest while also enforcing the law against criminal behavior and making arrests promptly. This approach ensures that everyone's rights are respected and maintained during protests.

    • Maintaining order in protests: Protecting free speech and preventing violenceEffective crowd control requires allowing equal space for all groups, preventing violence, and protecting free speech, while avoiding the heckler's veto tactic used to suppress opposing viewpoints.

      Effective crowd control in protests involves using overwhelming force to maintain the right to protest for all parties involved. This means allowing one side of the street for each group, but intervening immediately when someone infringes upon another's right to speak through violence or destruction of property. Free speech, even if it includes hateful or offensive content, must be protected. The strategy of causing violence at rallies to justify shutting them down is known as the heckler's veto, and it's a tactic used by some groups, like Antifa, to suppress opposing viewpoints under the guise of maintaining order. It's important for individuals and law enforcement to be aware of this tactic and not fall victim to it. Preparation, such as having emergency supplies, is also crucial in uncertain situations.

    • Preparing for emergencies and standing up for principlesHaving a month's supply of emergency food is crucial for families, and standing up for personal beliefs, like Colin Kaepernick, can have consequences but is still a valid exercise of free speech.

      It's important to be prepared for emergencies, such as having a month's supply of emergency food. The speaker emphasizes the significance of this, especially for families. He encourages listeners to consider the potential consequences of not being prepared. The speaker also discusses the Colin Kaepernick controversy in the NFL and emphasizes that while Kaepernick has the right to kneel during the national anthem, teams are also free to not sign him due to the potential negative impact on their brand. The speaker shares his personal experience of tuning out the NFL last season due to the controversy. In summary, being prepared for emergencies and standing up for principles are important values.

    • NFL's Handling of National Anthem Protests Sparks Controversy and Frustration Among FansFans are expressing anger towards the NFL due to players kneeling during the national anthem, impacting the league's brand and reputation. Some fans are switching allegiances, causing a divisive rift. NFL executives must find a solution to satisfy both parties and prevent further damage.

      The NFL's handling of players kneeling during the national anthem has become a major issue for many fans, who feel disrespected and are threatening to stop watching and supporting the league. The controversy surrounding Colin Kaepernick and his unemployment, as well as other players like Marshawn Lynch sitting during the anthem, has significantly impacted the NFL's brand and reputation. Fans are expressing their frustration and anger towards the league, with some even going as far as to switch allegiances to other teams. The issue has become so divisive that it's causing a rift among fans, with some arguing that players have the right to protest and others believing that they should show respect for the flag and the national anthem. The NFL executives are urged to address this issue and find a solution that satisfies both parties to prevent further damage to the brand.

    • Consumers turning away from brands due to political activismConsumers in the 25-54 age group are avoiding brands, such as the NFL and Hollywood, due to perceived negative political activism, leading to declining ticket sales and revenue in these industries. To regain consumer trust, these industries should focus on their core function of providing entertainment and avoid expressing political opinions.

      Consumers, particularly those in the 25 to 54 age bracket who spend money, are turning away from brands, in this case the NFL and Hollywood, due to political activism that they perceive as negative. The example given is that consumers are refusing to spend money on movies or NFL games featuring actors or actresses who express anti-American views. This trend is evident in the declining ticket sales in Hollywood, which have reached record lows in the past 25 years. The speaker implores these industries to focus on their core function of providing entertainment and avoid expressing political opinions, as consumers are increasingly turning to other sources for their entertainment needs.

    • Consumers can influence businesses through purchasing powerBusinesses should focus on economic success and avoid expressing political views publicly to maintain customer loyalty and avoid alienation.

      Consumers have the power to vote with their wallets. The speaker in this discussion expresses his intention to support businesses whose values align with his own, while avoiding those whose political views he disagrees with. He believes that businesses should focus on their economic models rather than expressing their political views publicly, as it could potentially alienate customers and negatively impact their bottom line. He also emphasizes respect for political differences and the importance of maintaining a professional demeanor in business settings. In essence, the speaker's message is that businesses should prioritize their customers and their economic success over expressing political views that may divide their audience.

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