
    Ep. 538 Panic Everywhere on the Left as They Lose the Narrative

    enSeptember 01, 2017

    Podcast Summary

    • Left's obsession with narratives during crisesThe left's insistence on pushing unfounded narratives during crises is a problematic response and a political tactic.

      The left is unwilling to let go of their narratives, even during national crises. Dan Bongino discussed the ongoing debate about the causes of the crisis in Texas, with the left insisting on attributing it to climate change despite there being no evidence to support this claim. Bongino emphasized that the left's obsession with narratives, no matter how unfounded, is a problematic and pitiful response to national tragedies. The left's insistence on pushing their climate change narrative, even when it's not applicable, is a political tactic they use to take advantage of the situation. The Dan Bongino Show had a record-breaking month of downloads, with listeners appreciating the facts and data presented on the show.

    • Ignoring Climate Change Impact on HoustonLocal officials disregarded climate change risks, Trump administration rolled back flood risk regulation, denial of climate change role in storms hinders recovery efforts

      Local officials in Houston were not considering the potential impact of climate change on the city, despite scientific consensus that warming waters increase the frequency and intensity of rainstorms, such as Hurricane Harvey. The Trump administration's rollback of an Obama-era regulation requiring government construction to account for flood risk caused by climate change adds to the issue. Some individuals and media outlets continue to deny the role of climate change in storms, despite factual evidence to the contrary. This denial, according to the speaker, is a sign of a moral vacuum and a sick mentality, as the crisis caused by Hurricane Harvey involves hundreds of billions of dollars in damage and loss of life. Instead of focusing on helping those affected, some individuals are more concerned with scoring political points through lies.

    • Prioritizing Facts Over Political Narratives in Times of TragedyDuring crises, focus on facts and support each other as humans, rather than spreading misinformation and contributing to the divide.

      During times of human tragedy, it's essential to prioritize facts and truth over political narratives. The discussion revolves around the concern that some individuals, particularly those identifying as liberals, continue to spread misinformation regarding climate change and its connection to natural disasters, even in the face of factual evidence to the contrary. This behavior is seen as harmful and divisive, and the speaker expresses sincere frustration over this issue. The facts presented in the conversation include data showing no increase in frequency or intensity of hurricanes, tropical cyclones, or floods in the US since 1900. These claims are made by no climate change denier, Roger Pilkey Jr., in an op-ed piece from the Wall Street Journal. Despite this evidence, the speaker laments that those spreading misinformation lack a genuine response and instead resort to personal attacks and labels. The underlying message is that in times of crisis, it's crucial to focus on the facts and support each other as humans rather than contributing to the divide through misinformation. The speaker encourages a shift from politically motivated narratives to a sincere and fact-based approach to understanding and addressing human tragedies.

    • Political discussions and baseless racism chargesDuring political debates, some individuals use racism charges as a deflection tactic when losing the narrative. It's crucial to focus on facts and nuanced discussions, rather than baseless accusations.

      During political discussions, the use of baseless charges of racism as a deflection tactic has become a common strategy for some individuals and groups when they lose the narrative on a particular issue. This tactic was observed in a conversation regarding a Tucker Carlson appearance, where the topic of looters during a hurricane led to accusations of racism. However, the speaker argued that calling out lawless behavior is not racist, but rather a matter of upholding law and order. The speaker also criticized the Democratic Party for their focus on the climate change narrative, which he believes has lost credibility due to fudged statistics and dire warnings that did not come true. He also noted that the Democrats are becoming increasingly irrelevant in the national political discourse. Overall, the conversation highlights the need for nuanced and factual discussions on political issues, rather than relying on baseless charges and deflection tactics.

    • Shift from climate change to zoning regulations as cause of Texas power outagesThe narrative around Texas power outages has changed from climate change to zoning regulations, with some suggesting Houstonians and Texans are to blame for fewer regulations, but the left's push for zoning laws stems from their ability to discriminate and manipulate neighborhoods based on racial quotas.

      The narrative surrounding the causes of the power outages in Texas during the winter storm has shifted from climate change to zoning regulations, with some far-left outlets suggesting Houstonians and Texans are to blame. However, Houston's relatively few zoning regulations have led to lower rents and fewer regulations to comply with, allowing people more freedom to build what they want on their own land. The left's love for zoning laws stems from their ability to discriminate and manipulate neighborhoods based on racial quotas. As the climate change narrative falters, the focus has shifted to religion and Texans' faith, which the left cannot accept due to their opposition to God-given rights and affirmation of faith.

    • Political reactions to Hurricane HarveyLiberals criticize non-government actors and the Trump administration, while conservatives praise private citizens' heroism and effective response.

      The aftermath of Hurricane Harvey has sparked intense reactions from different political groups. Liberals are particularly disturbed by the power of non-government actors in rescue efforts and the perceived success of the Trump administration and local leaders. They are also critical of the decision not to evacuate Houston, made by a Democratic mayor. Meanwhile, conservatives are praising the effective response and the heroism of private citizens. The tension between these two perspectives is likely to continue in the aftermath of the disaster, with significant implications for the political landscape.

    • Politicians and Media Push Narratives During CrisesDespite evidence, liberal politicians and media prioritize control and power over truth and people's wellbeing, currently focusing on blaming lax zoning regulations for natural disasters.

      Liberal politicians and media continue to push their narratives, even during times of crisis, and will quickly move on to the next issue when the previous one doesn't fit their agenda. Currently, their focus is on blaming lax zoning regulations for natural disasters, despite evidence to the contrary. They prioritize control and power over the truth and the wellbeing of people. Additionally, a shoutout to Brickhouse Nutrition and their product Dawn to Dusk, a 10-hour energy supplement that provides consistent energy without the crashes typically associated with other energy drinks and coffee.

    • Actions overlooked by media but significant to conservativesTrump revoked welfare waivers, potentially ending DACA, aligning with self-sufficiency and upholding laws

      President Trump has taken actions that have been overlooked by the media, but are significant to conservatives. The first example is Trump's revocation of Obama-era waivers that allowed people to collect welfare without actively looking for work. While this may not have a major impact due to the lack of states utilizing the program, it is a step in the right direction for self-sufficiency. The second example is the strong rumor that Trump will be ending the Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals (DACA) program. This action aligns with the belief that the country should uphold its laws and encourage legal immigration. These actions, though potentially not earth-shattering, demonstrate Trump's commitment to conservative values.

    • DACA's End and Trump's Charitable DonationThe speaker confirmed DACA's end, emphasized Trump's donation to hurricane relief efforts, and encouraged listeners to appreciate the gesture despite political differences.

      The discussion covered two significant topics: the end of DACA and President Trump's charitable donation towards hurricane relief efforts. Regarding DACA, the speaker confirmed that it will not be renewed, and individuals subjected to deportation will not receive waivers. Moving on, Trump's donation of a million dollars to the Harvey relief efforts was highlighted as a kind gesture, despite some individuals' reluctance to acknowledge it due to political differences. The speaker encouraged listeners to appreciate the gesture, even if internally. Lastly, the speaker touched upon the ongoing debates surrounding Trump's handling of tax cuts and hurricane response, with liberals expressing concern over the shift in narrative. Overall, the discussion emphasized the importance of acknowledging both the political and charitable actions of public figures.

    • Tax Cuts vs Unionization: Separating Fact from FictionThe narrative of tax cuts only benefiting the rich and the decline of unions require a nuanced analysis, as the benefits and drawbacks of each are complex and multifaceted.

      The narrative of tax cuts only benefiting the rich is causing panic on the left, leading to a wave of articles and opinions to that effect. At the same time, unionization in America has seen a significant decline since 1953, despite a rise in workers' share of national income. The author argues that unions may no longer be the automatic public good they once were, as many of the benefits they used to provide have become laws. The ongoing debate over tax cuts and unionization highlights the importance of examining facts and data to understand complex issues.

    • Disagreement with some labor lawsThe speaker disagrees with forced union and labor laws, questioning their necessity and advocating for transparency in union lobbying efforts.

      While there are various government laws in place regarding work hours, minimum wage, health insurance, and safety standards, the speaker expresses his disagreement with some of these laws, particularly forced union and labor laws. He questions the need for unions when most of the significant legislation has already been passed, and suggests that if unions are asking for a large portion of people's wages to support their lobbying efforts, they should be transparent about what they are advocating for. The speaker also encourages listeners to join his email list to receive more stories and appreciates iTunes reviews. Overall, the speaker's perspective is that individuals should have the freedom to make their own contracts and decisions, rather than being forced into certain arrangements.

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