
    Ep. 560 The Democrats Never Let a Crisis go to Waste

    enOctober 03, 2017

    Podcast Summary

    • Liberal exploitation of tragediesLiberals can manipulate tragedies for power and control, disregarding facts and ethics. Be cautious with news sources and do your own research.

      Liberal obsession with power and control can lead them to exploit tragedies for their own gain, disregarding facts and ethics. Dan Bongino discussed the politicization of the Las Vegas shooting and Jimmy Kimmel's stance on gun control and Obamacare. Bongino emphasized the difference between semi-automatic and automatic weapons and argued that gun control only leads to people control, as criminals will always find ways to obtain guns. He advised caution when consuming news and encouraged listeners to do their own research. Ultimately, Bongino's message was that individual rights and limited government are the foundation of conservatism, while the liberal focus on state power can result in a moral vacuum.

    • Misunderstandings and mischaracterizations in gun control debateHonest and informed discussions about gun control are necessary, focusing on the merits of the issue rather than labeling opponents as bad people.

      The ongoing gun control debate is fraught with misunderstandings and mischaracterizations. Liberals often insist on banning automatic weapons based on the belief that they are widely available, but the truth is that obtaining an automatic weapon is a complex and heavily regulated process. This misinformation fuels the divide between liberals and conservatives, with each side viewing the other as bad people attached to ideas. The recent incident involving a CBS news executive expressing a lack of sympathy for Trump supporters who were shot is just one example of this mentality. It's crucial to engage in honest and informed discussions about gun control, focusing on the merits of the issue rather than making up talking points or labeling those with opposing views as bad people.

    • Misconceptions about automatic weapons and gun showsDespite common beliefs, background checks are required for gun show purchases, and automatic weapons are not solely used for violent purposes.

      The assumptions made about automatic weapons being solely used for violent purposes and the existence of a gun show loophole are not factually correct. Background checks are already widely used when purchasing firearms, including those from gun shows. These misconceptions are often used as talking points by some politicians and media figures, but it's essential to base our understanding on accurate information. The Second Amendment is a deeply held belief for many, and the infringement of rights due to criminal actions is a contentious issue. It's crucial to recognize that the Democrats' agenda on gun control lacks substantial evidence and primarily focuses on restricting law-abiding citizens rather than addressing the root causes of criminal behavior.

    • Separating fact from fiction in gun control debatesBe truthful and factual during gun control debates, clarifying misconceptions and focusing on evidence-based solutions to address gun violence.

      During debates about gun control legislation, it's important to be truthful and factual. Some politicians and commentators have been accused of using crises as opportunities to pass new laws without sufficient evidence, while also infringing on the rights of law-abiding citizens. They may make claims about non-existent loopholes or the need for gun confiscation, but it's crucial to separate fact from fiction. For instance, there's no gun show loophole when it comes to background checks for firearms purchased from federally licensed dealers at gun shows. It's essential to clarify these misconceptions and focus on evidence-based solutions to address gun violence. Ultimately, honesty and accuracy are key to productive and effective policy discussions.

    • Suppressors vs Silencers: Setting the Record StraightSuppressors reduce gunshot noise but don't make weapons silent; gun ownership and crime rates show a negative correlation

      There is a common misconception about firearm accessories called "silencers," which is not an accurate term. According to the speaker, what people refer to as silencers are actually suppressors. Suppressors can reduce the sound of gunshots, making it easier for homeowners to defend themselves, especially during nighttime. However, they do not make weapons completely silent as portrayed in movies or liberal rhetoric. Furthermore, the speaker emphasizes the importance of statistical analysis in understanding the relationship between gun ownership and crime rates. Contrary to some beliefs, increased gun ownership in the United States has been linked to a decrease in crime and violent crime, as evidenced by a rise in privately owned guns and a fall in crime rates to all-time lows.

    • Cherry-picking data can be misleadingFocusing on individual cases instead of the bigger picture in gun control debates can lead to incorrect conclusions. Always fact-check and consider the entire context.

      During a discussion about gun control and statistics, it was pointed out that cherry-picking data can be misleading and potentially harmful. An example was given of a medicine study where focusing on one outlier case (Johnny Bagadonuts) rather than the larger study with a significant number of subjects (100 million) could lead to incorrect conclusions. Similarly, in the context of gun control, some individuals are focusing on isolated incidents rather than the larger issue. Jimmy Kimmel was criticized for suggesting immediate action on gun control without offering any concrete solutions. The speaker emphasized the importance of fact-checking and considering the bigger picture rather than being swayed by individual cases. Additionally, Brick House Nutrition's Dawn to Dusk energy product was promoted as a time-released, effective alternative to other energy drinks.

    • Jones Act increases prices by limiting competitionThe Jones Act, despite concerns for national security and foreign subsidies, raises consumer prices due to limited competition.

      The Jones Act, which requires American flagged vessels for transporting goods between American territories, increases prices for consumers by limiting competition. A listener brought up valid concerns about national security and foreign subsidies, but ultimately, the Jones Act makes products more expensive for Americans. The speaker, who believes in taking on challenges and getting "big," encourages addressing issues head-on rather than avoiding them. He also shared his personal experience from his time in the Secret Service, emphasizing the importance of standing firm in beliefs and being willing to take hits for the greater good.

    • Opposition to President Trump's tax plan from unexpected quartersThe tax plan faces opposition from within the Republican party due to concerns over potential loss of specific deductions, estate tax, and protectionist policies like the Jones Act.

      Opposition to President Trump's tax plan is coming not only from the Democratic party but also from unexpected quarters within the Republican party. This opposition stems from various concerns, such as the potential decrease in value of specific deductions like mortgage interest and charitable giving, as well as the prospect of ending the estate tax. The real estate industry and charities are among those expressing concern. Additionally, the speaker argues against protectionist policies like the Jones Act, which he believes are detrimental to business and the economy due to decreased competition. The speaker encourages a more nuanced perspective on these issues, emphasizing that simplistic arguments about national security or foreign ownership do not hold up under scrutiny. Overall, the tax plan and related policies are facing significant opposition, complicating their implementation.

    • Impact of increased standard deduction on charities and taxpayersThe higher standard deduction simplifies taxes for some Americans but may negatively affect charities and those relying on charitable deductions.

      The increase in the standard deduction from $12,000 to $24,000 for taxpayers will simplify the tax system for many Americans, but it may negatively impact charities and those who rely on charitable deductions to reduce their taxable income. Additionally, the estate tax, often referred to as the "death tax," remains a contentious issue, as it can force some families to sell assets or donate to charities to avoid large tax bills upon death. The irony is that these actions can actually consolidate wealth among larger entities, contradicting the liberal argument against generational wealth.

    • Preparing for life's difficulties: Stay informed and stock up on emergency suppliesStay informed about current issues, like the ongoing Supreme Court case regarding redistricting, and prepare by having emergency supplies, such as food and water, on hand.

      Life's difficulties, such as the potential disruption of food supply chains or political power grabs, can make it essential to be prepared. Preparation involves having emergency supplies, like food and water, and being aware of current issues, like the ongoing Supreme Court case regarding redistricting. The Democrats are attempting to expand their power into the judicial branch by challenging the constitutional limits on redistricting. This case, known as Witford v. Gill, could potentially alter the way congressional districts are drawn and could impact the balance of power in politics. It's crucial to stay informed and take action to prepare for potential challenges. Additionally, companies like My Patriot Supply can help individuals be better prepared with emergency food supplies.

    • The Efficiency Gap Case: Understanding the Differences Between American and European Political SystemsThe Whitford v. Gill case reveals the significance of regional representation in the American political system and the challenges Democrats face in influencing policy through the courts when their preferred outcomes cannot be achieved through other means.

      The ongoing legal case Whitford v. Gill, which revolves around the concept of the "efficiency gap" in electoral districts, highlights the fundamental differences between the American system of federalism and European systems based on proportionality. The speaker argues that Democrats, who often have a strong presence in urban areas, are not wasting votes due to their concentration in certain districts, but rather, this is a result of individual choices and regional representation. The Democrats' attempts to challenge this system through the courts, according to the speaker, demonstrate their unwillingness to accept the outcomes they cannot influence through other means. This case underscores the importance of understanding the unique aspects of the American political system and the role of regional representation in shaping policy.

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    It's nearly all Main Topic!

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    Show Notes

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    More about our Guest:

    Gaylene Stingl, MST, CPA, CVA

    Blau Himmel LLC




    Visit The Women's Financial Wellness Center for a full directory listing of experts.



    Be sure to reach out if you would like to connect personally with The Women’s Financial Wellness Center. You can visit our website at https://www.womensfinancialwellnesscenter.com or grab a complimentary 30-minute consult at http://bit.ly/dashboardwfwc.


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