
    Ep. 567 Trump’s Lasting Legacy Will be the Collapse of Sacred Cows

    enOctober 12, 2017

    Podcast Summary

    • Criticizing the Left's Love for Framing and Distorting FactsThe left manipulates facts to advance their agenda, such as the false narrative against tax cuts leading to revenue loss.

      The Dan Bongino Show is known for delivering the truth, unlike some political rallies or leftist narratives. Dan Bongino criticizes the left for their love of framing and reframing facts to advance their agenda. He used the example of the tax argument, where the truth is that tax cuts, such as those instituted by George W. Bush, led to an increase in federal tax revenue. However, the media and leftists have a narrative against tax cuts and distort the facts to push their agenda. Dan also shared his personal experience with stem cell therapy and upcoming consultation.

    • Reframing Facts for PR DisastersThe NFL and leftist groups on college campuses are trying to change the narrative on their PR disasters by reinterpreting facts to fit their agendas. NFL players' protests during the national anthem are seen as disrespectful, while conservative speakers are being banned from college campuses due to violent protests.

      Individuals and organizations, in this case the NFL and leftist groups on college campuses, often try to reframe facts to advance their agendas when they're losing an argument. For instance, the NFL's handling of player protests during the national anthem and the efforts to limit conservative speech on college campuses are both PR disasters that have led to these entities trying to change the narrative. The facts are clear: NFL players are well-paid and choose to kneel during the anthem, which is widely seen as disrespectful. Similarly, conservative speakers are being effectively banned from college campuses due to violent protests from the left. However, these groups are trying to reframe these issues as something other than what they are in order to protect their respective agendas.

    • Shifting focus from free speech to campus discourseThe debate over free speech on college campuses is evolving, with the left reframing the issue as one of discourse quality, potentially raising concerns about bias and subjectivity.

      The ongoing debate surrounding free speech on college campuses is not just about the right to speak, but rather the perceived quality of the discourse. While conservatives argue for equal treatment of all speakers, the left is increasingly reframing the issue as one of campus discourse, in an attempt to shift the focus away from free speech. However, this strategy may backfire, as it raises concerns about subjectivity and potential bias in determining the quality of discourse. The attorney general's involvement in the issue and shifting public opinion in favor of free speech may further pressure colleges to reconsider their policies. Ultimately, it's crucial to recognize that the debate goes beyond free speech and requires a nuanced understanding of the underlying issues and motivations.

    • Free speech on college campuses: Objectivity vs. SubjectivityConservatives push for objective values and individual liberty, while the left advocates for subjective values and government intervention. The left's approach to speech quality is criticized as gaslighting, and the NFL's stance on anthem protests illustrates this issue's complexity.

      The ongoing debate around free speech on college campuses and the quality of discourse is rooted in the contrasting philosophies of objectivity and subjectivity. Conservatives argue for objective values and individual liberty, while the left advocates for subjective values and government determination. The left's approach to analyzing speech quality is seen as a form of gaslighting, where false narratives are presented as truth. The NFL's recent edict for players to stand during the national anthem is an example of this, with Goodell's change of stance being a response to potential financial losses due to shifting public opinion. Ultimately, this issue highlights the importance of clear communication, objective truth, and individual freedom.

    • Comparing NFL to a plantation is an inappropriate reframing of the issueAvoid making light of slavery's historical significance when discussing current issues, as it undermines players' agency and equality in the NFL.

      During a recent sports discussion, Michael Wilbon was criticized for comparing the NFL to a plantation, suggesting players are in a state of human bondage. This comparison was widely criticized as an outrageous and inappropriate reframing of the issue, as it trivializes the historical significance and horrors of slavery. The NFL is a dream career for many, and the suggestion that players are in a state of servitude undermines their agency and equality. The use of such a comparison is not only disrespectful to the historical significance of slavery but also a distraction from the real issues at hand. It is important to avoid making light of such a significant and horrific part of human history, especially when discussing current social and political issues.

    • NFL Players Kneeling: A Leftist AgendaThe NFL kneeling controversy was orchestrated by the left to discredit America and promote their agenda against freedom.

      The ongoing debate surrounding NFL players kneeling during the national anthem was orchestrated by the radical left to discredit America and advance their agenda against liberty, conservatism, and economic freedom. Colin Kaepernick, who initiated the protest, wore controversial items like socks depicting cops as pigs and a t-shirt celebrating a communist killer. The left is now attempting to reframe the issue as a power inequity, even comparing it to slavery, but this comparison is discredited and absurd. The NFL's involvement in this protest was a result of being manipulated by the radical left. The energy industry's problem was addressed with the creation of Dawn to Dusk, a time-release energy product that provides a consistent energy boost throughout the day. This product, available at brickhousenutrition.com/Dan, is a must-try for anyone who needs to stay focused and productive.

    • Media's biased narrative on Trump's tax cutsEconomists question tax cuts' ability to spur growth and provide new revenue, yet media repeats discredited arguments about debt and deficits, ignoring economic impact of tax cuts

      The ongoing argument over Trump's tax cuts has seen the media acting as a mouthpiece for the left's narrative, with many Democrats repeating the same discredited arguments about debt and deficits. However, as the speaker points out, many economists question the theory that tax cuts can spur economic growth and provide new revenue, even if deficit-financed. It's surprising that a reputable journalistic outlet like the LA Times would fail to acknowledge this simple fact. The speaker also criticizes the left for trying to reframe the debate around debt and deficits, when the real issue is the economic impact of the tax cuts. Overall, the discussion highlights the importance of factual accuracy and critical thinking in political debates.

    • Tax Cuts Don't Decrease Federal RevenueTax cuts don't decrease federal revenue in the long term. Verify this with tax tables and basic arithmetic.

      Tax cuts do not lead to decreases in federal tax revenue in the long term, contrary to what some may claim. The speaker encourages listeners to fact-check and consult tax tables to verify this for themselves. He argues that it's simple to access this information and challenges those who make such claims without proper knowledge or evidence. The speaker also criticizes the tendency of some individuals, particularly those on the left, to use academic credentials to bolster their arguments. He emphasizes that basic arithmetic and accessible data are sufficient to debunk such claims.

    • Criticizing Academic Elitism and Hypocrisy in Policy AnalysisSpeaker criticizes Paul Krugman for using jargon and ignoring basic facts, calls out Tax Policy Center for hypocrisy, and highlights inconsistency in liberal policies on immigration and labor. Upcoming story discusses international debt and the risks of low interest rates.

      The speaker expresses frustration towards individuals who excessively tout their academic credentials and use jargon, such as economist Paul Krugman, who was criticized for not knowing basic economic facts. The speaker also criticizes the Tax Policy Center, a left-leaning think tank, for being hypocritical in their skepticism towards the White House's tax plan estimates while ignoring historical evidence. The speaker also points out the inconsistency of liberal policies regarding immigration and labor. Lastly, the speaker mentions an upcoming story about international debt and the precarious situation caused by the fascination with government debt and low interest rates.

    • Trump's Transparent Approach to Government FailuresThe Trump presidency's direct and honest approach to addressing government failures is a refreshing change, allowing the public to see issues in a new light and prioritize policy changes accordingly.

      The Trump presidency has exposed the failure of the government through direct and unfiltered communication. This is a departure from past administrations where government failures were often covered up or excused. Trump's willingness to call out failures, such as the North Korean and Iran deals, and revoke policies like the Clean Power Plan, has allowed the American public to see these issues in a new light. This direct and honest approach is a significant benefit of the Trump presidency, according to the Washington Examiner article discussed. The article also notes that Trump's lack of allegiance to big donors allows him to speak his mind without concern for political correctness. Overall, the Trump presidency's transparency in addressing government failures is a refreshing change from past administrations.

    • Dismantling the power of media, academia, and HollywoodTrump's presidency has questioned media credibility, exposed government failures, and challenged dominant narratives, leading to a potential cultural realignment within the Republican Party.

      Donald Trump's presidency has dismantled the perceived power and illusion of knowledge held by the media, academia, and Hollywood. Trump's unapologetic approach to politics, free from donor pressure, has exposed the failures of the government and challenged the dominant narratives of these institutions. The media's credibility has been questioned due to their biased reporting, and the Weinstein scandal and Hollywood's constant attacks on Trump have further eroded their moral authority. The illusion of knowledge and expertise once held by these influential groups is collapsing, leading to a shift in power dynamics and potentially paving the way for a cultural realignment within the Republican Party.

    • Dan thanks listeners for support and engagementDan values listener feedback and encourages engagement with his content on various platforms

      Dan Bongino expresses his gratitude to his listeners for their support, whether it be through iTunes reviews, email subscriptions, or following him on social media. He encourages everyone to continue engaging with his content on various platforms such as conservativereview.com, iTunes, SoundCloud, and Twitter. Furthermore, Dan reminds his audience that they have been instrumental in helping his show reach nearly 700 subscribers on iTunes. He values their feedback and looks forward to continuing the conversation with them. Overall, Dan's message emphasizes the importance of community and engagement in consuming and sharing content. He encourages his listeners to stay informed and involved in the political discourse by following him and engaging with his content.

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    Greenwald- https://rumble.com/c/GGreenwald


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    Episode 20: The [Un]Sanctioned Citizen Podcast

    Episode 20:  The [Un]Sanctioned Citizen Podcast

    We are making preparations for the budding of the [Un]Sanctioned Citizen podcast at Callin.com.


    3/13 UPDATE:  To no real surprise to anyone your Host admits to oversecuritized microphone settings.  I liken it to hiding a safe key code so well even you cannot find it.  So until the microphone and other hyper-private settings are managed, I am moving forward with old school guest-talk interview formatting, to post right here at Podomatic.  

    We really like Callin because you can have a panel of guests and issue commmentators on for a discuss and then open the phone partition to take caller questions and frame the discussion. 

    Callin is going to be awesome because you can produce Town Halls and side bar public input comments on issues where say, Zoom locks you out of US City Hall meetings. Meetings where no one is admitting the public in-person to deliver comments and everyone is still wearing masks. This models as an excuse to not serve and not answer the public, yet still tax us for those services.  [If this is you, Callin.com.]

    We needed a port in a storm of phone applications hang ups. So we are posting the flagship content here.  It's going to require a visit to the phone service to unlock some of the microphone applications options.  You cannot yet upload static mp3 files to Callin, yet!  While it would be cool to drop in cutaways from prior recordings, I think the point is to have an open dialogue.  It's not just for you to talk but for others to talk as well.

    There is currently no Callin phone schedule to date.  I will be updating this post with some air-times.  We may have to experiment with air-times that are going to work for other people to listen in and participate.  So what may happen is we have one Callin with a Guest for a good while, semi-longform. Think midi vs maxi in airtime length. The reason is we want other people to get on and talk.  From there, I will just have the Guest call back in. Then we can take some calls. 

    So here is an example of what it might look like:

    It lasts for approximately 30 minutes.  We announce a move to  the "Green Room Discussion".  We end this room and start another room, titled "[Un]Sanctioned Green Room with #1 NERD EVER".

    1) Get a Callin profile using a phone number of choice.  If you want to use a burner number you can.  There are ways to do it with the Burner app, but just choose a phone you can use that Callin will like and accept for either single or multiple uses.
    2) Enable your phone and your settings to allow access to your microphone.  You can revoke access for privacy later.  This is so if you want to call in on Callin, you can actually talk.
    3) I'll do my best to screen for people I know vs. complete strangers. Developed relations with my show increases your chances dramatically that you can speak.  I am still learning content moderation policies and options as a Callin talker. 
    4) Invite me to your show so I can drop in and thank you for stopping by at a later time AND HAVE FUN!


    Questions for me about the show?  SheilaMDean.com/contact
    Put [UnSanctioned] Citizen in the Subject line. 



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