
    Ep. 583 Another Bombshell Democrat Scandal Revealed

    enNovember 03, 2017

    Podcast Summary

    • Democrats accused 2016 election of being rigged, but DNC under Clinton's leadership rigged primariesDemocrats, including Hillary Clinton, accused election of being rigged, but they had rigged their own primaries, revealing their hypocritical and manipulative behavior.

      During the 2016 election, Democrats, led by Hillary Clinton, accused the election process of being rigged. Yesterday, it was revealed that the DNC, under Clinton's leadership, had indeed rigged the primaries in her favor before she became the nominee. This hypocritical behavior is a common tactic used by the Democrats to distract from their own wrongdoings. The host, Dan Bongino, expressed his frustration and disgust towards this revelation, emphasizing Clinton's manipulative and lying nature. The discussion also touched upon the Democrats' use of gaslighting tactics to mislead and confuse the public.

    • Hillary Clinton used 'straw donations' to help DNCDuring her campaign, Hillary Clinton utilized legal but questionable fundraising tactics to help the DNC, raising large sums by encouraging donors to write multiple checks to state committees.

      During Hillary Clinton's tenure, she took advantage of campaign financing rules to raise large sums of money for the Democratic National Committee (DNC) by encouraging donors to write multiple checks to state committees, circumventing federal donation limits. This practice, known as "straw donations," is not illegal but is considered a scam. Both Democrats and Republicans have used this method, but Clinton's actions were particularly noteworthy due to the significant amount of money involved. This allowed Clinton to help alleviate the DNC's debt and strengthen her campaign.

    • Hillary Clinton bought control of DNC during 2016 primaryDuring the 2016 Democratic primary, Clinton manipulated DNC control to influence actions against Sanders, including preventing press releases and potentially rigging the election.

      During the 2016 Democratic primary, Hillary Clinton effectively bought control of the Democratic National Committee (DNC) from her primary opponent, Bernie Sanders. She did this by funneling large donations through state committees and using that control to influence the DNC's actions against Sanders before she became the nominee. This included preventing press releases supporting Sanders and potentially rigging the election in her favor. This account comes from a Democrat and was published in Politico. It's a reminder that political parties and their leaders are not always transparent or honest, and the election process is not always fair. It's crucial for voters to be informed and vigilant against manipulation and corruption in politics.

    • Radio Show Discussion on Election Rigging AllegationsJimbo Green and Donna Brazile clashed on a radio show over allegations of election rigging, highlighting the polarized political climate and the need for clear communication and factual information.

      During a discussion on a radio show, Jimbo Green expressed frustration towards a Democrat woman, Donna Brazile, who accused Fox News of promoting sexism for discussing an article she wrote about alleged election rigging in favor of Hillary Clinton. Green argued that Brazile's accusation was ironic, as she herself exposed the scandal. The conversation escalated with Green criticizing the liberal mindset and accusing them of abandoning America and spreading misinformation. Green also mentioned receiving critical emails about missing topics on his show. Despite the heated exchange, it's important to note that Green is a Republican and Brazile is a Democrat, making it unlikely that they colluded to rig the election. The conversation highlights the polarized political climate and the importance of clear communication and factual information.

    • Speaker criticizes Hillary Clinton and Democratic Party for corruption and lies during 2016 electionSpeaker accuses Democrats of rigging election, funding Russian propaganda, and being manipulative and dishonest. They urge voters to remove corrupt politicians from office.

      The speaker is expressing strong criticism towards Hillary Clinton and the Democratic Party for what they perceive as corruption and lies during the 2016 election. They believe that the election was rigged, and the Democrats admitted to funding Russian efforts to spread false information. The speaker also accuses Clinton of being a manipulative, lying, and awful person, and alleges that the same people who accused others of violence are the ones who have produced violent ads themselves. The speaker urges voters to "vote these imbeciles out of office everywhere" due to their perceived corruption and dishonesty. It's important to note that the claims made in this speech are controversial and have been subject to much debate and fact-checking.

    • Speaker's disagreements with political partiesThe speaker critiques both Democrats and Republicans, viewing the Democratic party as a 'disgusting disease' and expressing opposition to the recent tax plan, while emphasizing emergency preparedness.

      The speaker expresses strong disagreements with both the Republican establishment and the Democratic party. He criticizes the Democratic party as a "disgusting" and "disease" that relies on identity politics and accusations of phobias and hate. He also emphasizes the importance of being prepared for emergencies and encourages listeners to purchase emergency food supplies. The speaker also expresses his opposition to the recent tax plan and clarifies his stance on the issue. Overall, the speaker's tone is passionate and confrontational towards both political parties.

    • Middle and lower income groups to benefit from tax planThe tax plan will bring significant improvements for middle and lower income groups, contradicting common belief and even the Washington Post's criticism.

      Contrary to popular belief, the tax plan is not just beneficial for the rich, but it will particularly help the middle and lower income groups. The speaker emphasized that those in the middle class and lower income categories will see significant improvements if this tax plan is implemented. He also pointed out that the top 1% earners currently pay a large portion of the taxes, and keeping the top tax rate the same would continue to suck money out of the economy. The Washington Post, which is often criticized as a far-left propaganda machine, even gave the Democrats a "four Pinocchios" rating for their claim that the plan won't benefit the middle class.

    • Tax relief for middle-income earnersThe Tax Cuts and Jobs Act of 2017 brings significant tax cuts for middle-income earners, including reduced tax rates, doubled standard deductions, and increased child tax credits.

      The Tax Cuts and Jobs Act of 2017 brings significant tax cuts for middle-income earners, particularly for singles making under $57,000 and married couples earning under $114,000. These taxpayers will see a reduction in their tax rate from roughly 15% to 12%, and married couples with children will benefit from doubled standard deductions and increased child tax credits. For married couples with incomes between $114,000 and $200,000, the tax cuts are also substantial due to the expansion of the 25% tax bracket. However, those earning above $200,000 for singles and $260,000 for married couples will face higher taxes due to the expansion of higher tax brackets. Overall, the Tax Cuts and Jobs Act of 2017 is expected to provide meaningful tax relief for the middle class, contrary to the common misconception that it primarily benefits the wealthy.

    • Impact of new tax bill on individuals making $200,000-$1 million in high-tax statesNew tax bill negatively impacts upper income earners in high-tax states by limiting state and local tax deductions, potentially shifting tax burden onto property taxes, and advocates for lowering top individual tax rate and simplifying tax brackets for economic growth.

      The new tax bill will negatively impact individuals making between $200,000 and $1 million, particularly those living in high-tax states, as they will no longer be able to deduct state and local taxes and will only be able to deduct property taxes up to $10,000. This change is expected to shift the tax burden onto property taxes, causing a significant problem for affected individuals. The speaker also advocates for lowering the top individual tax rate and simplifying the tax brackets to promote economic growth. Additionally, the reduction in the corporate tax rate is expected to offset some of the negative effects on upper income earners.

    • 529 plan expands to cover K-12 expenses, but tax breaks for second homes are eliminatedThe 529 college savings plan now covers K-12 education expenses, benefiting middle-class families, but eliminating tax breaks for second homes may negatively impact related industries in high-tax states.

      The 529 college savings plan is expanding to cover K-12 education expenses, allowing families to invest post-tax funds for private and religious schools. This is a positive development for many families. However, there is a downside as tax breaks for second homes are being eliminated, which some argue could negatively impact industries related to second home construction and related industries. Overall, the plan benefits the middle class but may disadvantage high earners in blue states with high income taxed as ordinary income. The job market shows signs of improvement with 261,000 new jobs and an unemployment rate of 4.1%. Businesses are optimistic about the future despite the tax cuts not yet passing, suggesting that other factors may be contributing to the economic upturn.

    • Trump's Impact on Business Growth and the Economy: Relief from Regulations and Tax CutsUnder Trump, regulations decreased by 30%, providing relief and certainty to businesses. The tax package also contributed to potential explosive economic growth if top tax rate is lowered to 28%.

      The reduction of government regulations under the Trump administration, beyond just the removal of existing red tape, has had a significant impact on business growth and the economy. The anticipation of new regulations had been a burden in itself, and Trump's actions have brought a sense of relief and certainty to the business community. The federal register, which stands at 45,678 pages under Trump, was over 97,000 pages under Obama, marking a 30% decrease in federal red tape. This, combined with the tax package, could lead to explosive economic growth if the top tax rate is lowered to 28%. The potential for such a change would bring the economy to levels of growth not seen since the mid-1980s. Overall, Trump's efforts to cut red tape and lower taxes have created a business environment that fosters growth and confidence.

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