
    Ep. 588 Another Liberal Scam Exposed and Debunked

    enNovember 10, 2017

    Podcast Summary

    • Dan discusses serious allegations against Roy MooreDan emphasizes fair hearing for Moore, but if allegations are true, condemns actions and suggests Moore should exit the race

      During a recent episode of The Dan Bongino Show, Dan discussed the serious allegations against Republican Senate candidate Roy Moore. Moore, who won the Alabama Republican primary, is accused of pursuing relationships with teenage girls when he was a 30-year-old district attorney. Dan emphasized that these are allegations and Moore is entitled to a fair hearing. Dan also shared his opinion that if the allegations are true, Moore's actions are abhorrent and deserve condemnation. Dan referenced Ben Shapiro's perspective that regardless of political affiliations, if the allegations are true, Moore should be out of the race. Dan acknowledged that he felt an obligation to address the topic with his listeners.

    • Republicans and Democrats face a coordination problemBoth parties must be held to the same moral standards to prevent a class of moral degenerates in power

      We have a coordination problem between the Republicans and Democrats, as pointed out by Ben Shapiro, which creates a classic prisoners dilemma situation. This means that both parties are not holding themselves to the same moral standards, leading to a potential class of moral degenerates in power. For instance, Roy Moore, a Republican, is being pressured to step down based on allegations, while Democrats like Bill Clinton, who have admitted to moral failings, remain in power. Similarly, Senator Bob Menendez, a Democrat, is currently on trial for bribery, yet there's no commitment from the Democrats to remove him from office. This double standard highlights the need for both parties to be held to the same moral standards. Shapiro's argument is not whataboutism but a call for fairness and consistency.

    • Understanding Income vs WealthMisconstruing income and wealth can lead to misinformed policy decisions, highlighting the importance of accurately distinguishing between the two.

      It's crucial to distinguish between income and wealth when analyzing economic inequality. Income refers to what one earns in a given period, while wealth is the accumulated value of assets over time. A recent report claiming the three richest men have more wealth than the bottom 50% ignores this distinction, leading to misleading conclusions. This misunderstanding of income and wealth can have significant implications for policy decisions. It's essential to approach such analyses with a clear understanding of the difference to ensure accurate and effective solutions for reducing economic disparities.

    • Misleading wealth inequality studies due to lack of consideration of negative wealthWealth studies focusing on income can underestimate wealth inequality in countries where people can borrow and accumulate debt, making individuals appear poorer than in countries where borrowing is limited.

      Wealth studies often paint a misleading picture of wealth inequality due to the lack of consideration of negative wealth in income-focused studies. The United States may appear to have greater wealth inequality than other countries because of the ability for people to borrow money and accumulate debt, leading to negative wealth. This can make individuals in the U.S. appear poorer than those in countries where people have little to no ability to borrow, despite potentially having more income. It's crucial to consider the measurement of negative wealth when evaluating wealth inequality studies.

    • Caution with Household Data and Importance of Air FiltrationBe wary of misleading household data and consider lifestyle and borrowing capabilities. Improve indoor air quality with air filtration systems like FilterBuy.

      It's important to be cautious when interpreting household data and wealth distribution statistics, as they can be manipulated or misrepresented. The speaker argues that comparing households based on total wealth or size can be misleading, and that people's lifestyles and borrowing capabilities should also be considered. Additionally, the show discussed the importance of air filtration to improve indoor air quality, and promoted FilterBuy as a reliable and convenient solution for purchasing air filters. Lastly, the Senate's version of the tax bill was discussed, with a focus on the challenges posed by the filibuster and the importance of understanding the details of the legislation.

    • Senate tax bill changes due to reconciliation processThe reconciliation process in the Senate requires tax cuts to be offset by equivalent spending reductions, leading to new tax cuts necessitating tax hikes elsewhere to maintain neutrality within the 1.5 trillion dollar limit.

      The ongoing changes to the tax bill in the Senate are a result of the reconciliation process, which requires tax cuts to be offset by equivalent spending reductions. This process, which requires 51 votes with the Vice President acting as a tiebreaker, has led to a situation where every new tax cut necessitates a tax hike somewhere else to maintain neutrality within the 1.5 trillion dollar limit. Yesterday's Senate tax bill saw a reduction in the top tax rate from 39.6% to 38%, but this came at the cost of keeping the estate tax, which negatively impacts farmers and other individuals with large estates. The process itself, which necessitates making blanket assumptions that tax cuts cost the government money, infuriates many, as there is little evidence to support this claim. The next step is to find a solution to this complex situation.

    • Trade-off between corporate tax rates and deductionsThe US tax bill debate involves a trade-off between lowering corporate tax rates and maintaining certain deductions, with the House and Senate proposing different approaches and timelines.

      The ongoing debate around the US tax bill involves a trade-off between lowering corporate tax rates and maintaining certain deductions, such as state and local taxes. The House bill proposed a rate of 25%, while the Senate bill offers a larger deduction, resulting in a rate closer to 20%. However, this comes with a one-year delay in the corporate rate cut from 35% to 20%. Some argue that this delay is unnecessary and suggest either scrapping the filibuster rule to pass the bill without delay or making the tax cuts sunset after 10 years. The latter would allow for tax cuts without the need for trade-offs but comes with the risk of losing all tax benefits after 10 years. Ultimately, the focus should be on economic growth rather than revenue neutrality, given the accumulated government debt.

    • Trade deficits can stimulate economic growth during downturnsDuring economic downturns, trade deficits can help import necessary goods and stimulate growth

      Trade deficits are not always a bad thing. During times when the US had its lowest trade deficits, economic conditions were not ideal. Contrary to popular belief, a trade deficit does not equate to losing out. Instead, it represents the difference between a country's imports and exports. The Investors' Business Daily article explains that during economic downturns, such as in 2009, trade deficits can actually be beneficial as they allow a country to import goods it needs while exporting fewer goods, which can stimulate economic growth. Additionally, the discussion highlighted Brickhouse Nutrition's Dawn to Dusk energy product, which offers sustained energy without the crash typically associated with other energy sources. The product's time-release formula makes it an excellent choice for individuals with long, demanding days.

    • Mutual exchange of dollars in trade transactionsTrade imbalances don't necessarily mean disadvantageous consequences, as the inflow of foreign currency can contribute to economic growth

      Free and fair trade requires mutual adherence to regulations, and imbalances in trade do not necessarily equate to negative consequences. The speaker explains that when the United States buys goods from China, the dollars used in the transaction must be returned to the United States, either by being spent on American assets or by purchasing U.S. debt. This inflow of dollars contributes to the purchase of homes, real estate, and U.S. debt. Contrary to concerns, having a large amount of debt held by another country does not automatically put the United States in a disadvantageous position. Instead, it represents the result of mutually beneficial trade transactions.

    • US-China Debt: More Complex Than Meets the EyeDespite owing China large sums, US deficits don't make China powerful. US dollars spent on imports result in trade deficits, but China invests them back in US. US pays back debts, making it a safe investment. Deficits aren't always bad, and US economy thrives with higher deficits. Strategic assets take priority over titles in times of conflict.

      The US-China debt relationship is more complex than it seems. The US owes China a large amount of money, but this doesn't mean China holds significant power over the US. The US can continue to borrow money from China and spend it on imports, resulting in a trade deficit. The US dollars China receives must be spent back in the US, and the US always pays back its debts, making it a safe investment for China. The idea that deficits are always bad is not supported by evidence, and the US economy has performed best when deficits have been higher. Additionally, in times of conflict, strategic assets take priority over titles, meaning China's ownership of US real estate or assets would not prevent the US from taking control if necessary. Overall, the US should focus on building its industrial base and seeking fair trade, but there is no need to panic over deficits.

    • Liberal-leaning industries face losses due to perceived disconnect from middle-class AmericaThe entertainment and sports industries are experiencing losses due to their perceived ideological biases, leading to decreased viewership and subscriptions, as seen in Hollywood's declining box office and ESPN's layoffs

      The liberal-leaning entertainment and sports industries are facing significant losses due to their perceived disconnect from middle-class America. This disconnect, fueled by the culture war and ideological biases, has led to a decline in viewership and subscriptions. For instance, Hollywood's box office receipts have dropped dramatically, and networks like ESPN have experienced massive layoffs due to a decrease in cable subscribers and an increase in cord-cutting. The anecdotal evidence suggests that many people are avoiding these networks due to their perceived left-leaning biases. This trend is a reminder that catering to specific ideologies can lead to a loss of audience and revenue.

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