
    About this Episode

    RJ and Elle finish their coverage of charms by looking at the remaining charms present in Lucky Charms Cereal. RJ and Elle give their backgrounds with breakfast cereal. RJ opens by describing what a blue moon is, and why we call it that. He then talks about when the moon actually turns blue. He then discusses some of the mythology and magic connected to rainbows, the lucky and unlucky parts as well as some historical background on the pride flag. He discusses the legend associated with pots of gold, and then finally the historical background of Lucky Charms cereal.  Elle then performs a charm casting reading using Lucky Charms cereal.

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    Recent Episodes from Mancy

    Ep 67 Geomancy Part 2

    Ep 67 Geomancy Part 2

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    Ep 66 Geomancy Part 1

    Ep 66 Geomancy Part 1

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    Ep 65 Hexes Part 2

    Ep 65 Hexes Part 2

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    en-usDecember 06, 2023

    Ep 64 Hexes Part 1

    Ep 64 Hexes Part 1

    Mancy returns to kick off a new season! Hexes, magic intended to do harm. RJ dives into the Powow magic of the Pennsylvania Dutch and explains the disambiguation between their brand of hex magic what is commonly accepted as a hex or curse. Elle reads hexes from a grimoire and RJ attempts to use one of the hexes to cure hir chronic headaches. RJ discusses the history of the nithing curse, odinism, and the volkish movement. Elle weighs in on the magic battles practitioners can sometimes engage in. Elle hexes a person who left a racist message in an immersive art exhibit. 

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    en-usNovember 29, 2023

    Ep 63 Seance part 2

    Ep 63 Seance part 2

    RJ and Elle continue their discussion of Seances live at the UAA Art Castle. RJ goes over the biography of Cora Scott, a medium and notable organizer in the spiritualist movement. He discusses fraud psychics, and the debunkers. RJ goes over the history of The Ghost Club and the Society for Psychical Research or SPR. The drama between spiritualists and skeptics. And also the drama between skeptics and other skeptics that continues to this day. 

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    Ep 62 Seance Part 1

    Ep 62 Seance Part 1

    A special live episode of Mancy recorded from the UAA art castle, a historic church built in the 1800s. This live episode is made possible by the Utah Arts Alliance offering this venue. 

    RJ discusses the history of Seances in America and does a short biography of medium Leafy Anderson who spearheaded the spiritualist movement for black americans.  He discusses Leafy's spirit guide, Black Hawk, and the ways in which she led the charge for black spiritualists. RJ also discusses the seances performed in the white house at the behest of Mary Todd Lincoln so that she could communicate with her dead sons. 

    Elle performs 3 mediumship readings for live audience members in the spiritualist tradition. 

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    Mancy Season 5 Annoucement

    Mancy Season 5 Annoucement

    A special announcement! We're kicking off Season 5 on October 26th 2022 with a special live show! We're going to be covering Seances and you can be in the audience while Elle performs a Live Seance at the UAA Art Castle. Tickets available here:  https://www.eventbrite.com/e/seance-mancy-podcast-live-tickets-430465141827?utm-campaign=social&utm-content=attendeeshare&utm-medium=discovery&utm-term=listing&utm-source=cp&aff=escb 

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    en-usJune 22, 2022

    Ep 60 CHARMS! pt 3

    Ep 60 CHARMS! pt 3

    RJ and Elle finish their coverage of charms by looking at the remaining charms present in Lucky Charms Cereal. RJ and Elle give their backgrounds with breakfast cereal. RJ opens by describing what a blue moon is, and why we call it that. He then talks about when the moon actually turns blue. He then discusses some of the mythology and magic connected to rainbows, the lucky and unlucky parts as well as some historical background on the pride flag. He discusses the legend associated with pots of gold, and then finally the historical background of Lucky Charms cereal.  Elle then performs a charm casting reading using Lucky Charms cereal.

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    Ep 59 Charms! Pt 2

    Ep 59 Charms! Pt 2

    Elle and RJ continue their coverage of charms. RJ looks into the egyptian ankh and Elle provides context with her experience from Egypt. RJ then continues his coverage of each lucky charm in lucky charms cereal. Starting with clovers, then hearts, and then finally balloons. RJ gets a guest reading from @theworkerinclay on tiktok using a magnus archives themed charms set. 

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