
    Podcast Summary

    • Improving Firearms Accuracy with iTargetPro.comDan Bongino discussed iTargetPro.com, a device enhancing shooting skills via laser bullets and a phone app. He also touched upon political conflicts, emphasizing the importance of accurate information.

      Dan Bongino, on his radio show, discussed the importance of accuracy in firearms usage and introduced iTargetPro.com, a device that helps improve shooting skills through laser bullets and a phone app. He also revisited the topic of the political conflict in the country, suggesting that the dismantling of the Obama administration's agenda could lead to significant changes. Dan emphasized the reliability of media reports about the British passing intelligence to the US and the ongoing investigation into the Obama administration's spying on the Trump team. He hinted at a larger cover-up and urged listeners to stay informed.

    • Obama administration's complex relationship with Russia and IranDuring Obama's tenure, U.S. reportedly ignored Russian uranium purchases for nuclear capabilities in exchange for Russian support on Iran deal

      During the Obama administration, there was a complex relationship between the United States, Russia, and Iran. The Iran deal was a priority for the Obama administration, and to secure Russian support, they reportedly turned a blind eye to Russian purchases of uranium assets in the United States. This arrangement allowed the Russians to expand their nuclear capabilities while the U.S. looked the other way. The Wall Street Journal and other credible sources have reported on this, and the evidence suggests a quid pro quo arrangement. Additionally, there have been reports of Hillary Clinton deleting 33,000 emails during her tenure as Secretary of State, which some believe contained evidence of this deal. The significance of this is that it highlights the intricate geopolitical maneuverings and potential compromises that can occur between world powers.

    • Unanswered questions about investigations during the Obama administrationThe Obama administration's handling of investigations involving Hillary Clinton's emails and the Trump campaign raises questions about political bias and the intentional sidelining of investigations to avoid negative publicity.

      There are unanswered questions regarding the handling of certain investigations during the Obama administration, particularly those involving Hillary Clinton's emails and the Trump campaign. The speaker mentions that some high-ranking officials, such as Bruce Orr and his wife Nelly, who worked for Fusion GPS and were involved in the Trump-Russia investigation, also had roles in other investigations, such as Project Cassandra, which looked into Iranian proxies running guns and drugs into the United States. The speaker suggests that there may have been political bias at play in the decision-making of these investigations and raises questions about who knew about certain emails and why they have not been made public. The speaker also implies that the Obama administration may have intentionally sidelined investigations to avoid negative publicity and ensure the passage of certain policies, such as the Iran deal. The speaker emphasizes the importance of answering these questions to ensure transparency and accountability.

    • Possible active Russian involvement in the 2016 election and related mattersThe speaker raises the possibility that Russians may have had an active role in manipulating events, not just sowing chaos, and suggests that Nelly Orr's ham radio license could provide insight into this.

      The involvement of the Russians in the 2016 election and related matters, such as the Uranium One deal and the Steele dossier, is a complex issue with many potential layers. The speaker in this discussion raises the possibility that Russians may have had an active role in pulling strings, rather than just sowing chaos and taking advantage of people's stupidity. One intriguing detail mentioned is Nelly Orr's application for a ham radio license around the time Fusion GPS was working on the dossier and hired her to work on Russian information. The assumption that the license was for transmission of information was challenged, as during the Cold War, people also used ham radios to receive information. The question then arises, what if Nelly Orr was receiving information through her ham radio? And from whom? This could shed light on the extent of Russian involvement in these matters. The speaker also hints at the possibility that the Clintons may have turned a blind eye to active Russian influence. The full scope of the 33,000 missing emails could potentially provide more answers. The discussion concludes with the speaker promising to delve deeper into this topic in an upcoming book.

    • Democrats vs. Republicans: The Battle for a Rules-Based GovernmentThe ongoing political conflict between Democrats and Republicans over rules vs. discretion poses a threat to constitutional freedoms and the rule of law. Indoor pollution, with air containing up to 100x more pollution than outside, also affects health and wallets. Use Filter By for HVAC solutions.

      The current political climate in the US is shaped by a larger ongoing conflict between the Democrats and the Republicans over the role of a rules-based government versus discretionary powers. The Democrats' actions, such as threatening a government shutdown and boycotting the State of the Union, are part of a larger narrative of their commitment to undermining the constitution and implementing a discretion-based system. This trend, which can be traced back to post-FDR era, poses a threat to fundamental freedoms and the rule of law. Indoors pollution is another concern, with air indoors containing up to 100 times more pollution than outside, leading to health issues and costly repairs or replacements of HVAC systems. To address this, consider using Filter By, America's leading provider of HVAC filters for homes and small businesses, which offers a variety of options and saves money and time with auto-delivery.

    • Political conflicts leading to civil unrestDemocrats should not threaten government shutdowns or boycotts over policy disagreements, as it undermines the stability of the political system

      Political conflicts are escalating into civil unrest as one side refuses to acknowledge the legitimacy of the current Republican-led government. This was discussed in the context of ongoing threats of government shutdowns and boycotts of state of the union addresses. The speaker argued that if Democrats truly believe government is indispensable to daily life, they should not threaten to shut it down or boycott it over policy disagreements. The inconsistency and hypocrisy of these actions were highlighted, with the speaker suggesting that Democrats should stay home from the state of the union if they do not respect the existing authority. The speaker's overall message was that these actions are damaging and undermine the stability of the political system.

    • Democrats' inconsistent behavior undermines democratic processDemocrats' selective application of principles disrupts democratic process and hinders progress

      The democratic process relies on consistency and adherence to established principles. However, when certain groups or individuals fail to recognize the legitimacy of the government, they engage in hypocritical behavior and double standards. For instance, some Democrats criticized government shutdowns and disrupted the State of the Union during Obama's presidency but now praise similar actions during Biden's tenure. Likewise, they once argued that immigration is a federal issue but now advocate for state autonomy in the matter. This inconsistency undermines the democratic system and hinders progress. Daniel Greenfield's piece highlights this trend, stating that the left's ideology takes precedence over laws and institutions. This mindset threatens the peaceful transfer of power and the very foundation of our democratic system.

    • Perspectives on laws and government can change based on powerRegardless of personal beliefs or ideologies, it's crucial to respect the law and uphold the process consistently.

      People's perspectives on laws and government can shift based on who is in power. When their ideology is in control, they may prioritize discretionary government. However, when they lose power, they may suddenly become strong advocates for the rule of law. It's essential to respect the process and uphold the law, regardless of personal beliefs or ideologies. The left may ignore federal laws when they disagree with them, but constitutionalists and those who value the process hold a deep respect for it. The tax laws, for instance, were once seen as necessary for investment and job creation under one administration, but now, under another, they are criticized for benefiting the wealthy. Ultimately, it's crucial to remain consistent in our commitment to the law and the process, regardless of who is in charge.

    • Liberals' Inconsistent Stance on Taxes and GovernmentDespite advocating for higher taxes and larger government, some liberals in California are pushing for laws to reduce taxes for the wealthy, showcasing inconsistency and hypocrisy.

      The discussion revolves around the inconsistency and hypocrisy of liberal views on taxes and government. While they often argue for higher taxes on the wealthy and the benefits of expanding government, some liberals in California are trying to pass laws allowing wealthy individuals to pay less taxes. This contradiction was also seen during the Obama administration when the federal government, through the Supreme Court, determined the Second Amendment as an individual right, but some local governments ignored it. The left's desire to disregard the law and their authoritarian tendencies were highlighted in the conversation.

    • Political inconsistency and disregard for the rule of lawThe use of obstruction tactics and disregard for the rule of law by both parties is concerning, potentially leading to increased government illegitimacy and targeting based on political beliefs.

      The use of obstruction tactics and the disregard for the rule of law, which were criticized heavily during the Obama administration, are now being employed by the Democrats under the Trump administration. This inconsistency in moral standards is concerning and highlights a growing divide within the country. The speaker expresses worry about the potential consequences of this trend, including the possibility of increased government illegitimacy and potential targeting of individuals based on political beliefs. The Obama-era spying scandal on Trump and the cover-up of the Iran deal in Uranium One are examples of this troubling trend, and the fact that many liberals do not see a problem with it is even more alarming. The speaker emphasizes the importance of acknowledging and addressing these issues in order to maintain unity and respect for the government.

    • Obama administration allegations and potential Democratic responseConcerns of government misconduct under Obama, potential Democratic retaliation if they lose the presidency, and falling apart of Obama's agenda leading to increased left-wing extremism

      There have been allegations of government misconduct and targeting of political opponents during the Obama administration, which the speaker believes could escalate if the Democrats lose the presidency in 2020. These allegations include the Obama team spying on Trump to cover up their misdeeds, the targeting of conservative groups by the IRS, and a press witch hunt against journalists like James Rosen from Fox News. The speaker expresses concern about the potential for retaliation and escalation if the Democrats lose the presidency, as they may become even more ideologically driven and disrespectful of the current government. The speaker also believes that the Obama administration's agenda is falling apart, and as it collapses, the left's response will only get more maniacal. The speaker encourages listeners to read certain articles for more information on these topics.

    • Shift in power dynamics between federal and state control under Obama and TrumpThe Obama administration expanded federal control with broad discretionary power, while Trump is returning control to states and individuals, eliminating regulations and challenging the constitutionality of certain federal agencies, weakening the foundation of new socialism.

      During the Obama administration, there were several policies implemented with broad discretionary power, particularly on college campuses regarding Title IX, the Clean Power Plan, net neutrality, and the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau. These policies allowed for significant federal control and often favored the left's agenda. In contrast, the Trump administration has taken steps to return control to the states and individuals, eliminating regulations, cutting taxes, and challenging the constitutionality of certain federal agencies. By doing so, Trump is inflicting a fatal blow on the new socialism, which relies on taxation and regulation rather than direct government ownership. This shift in power dynamics is a significant change in the balance between federal and state control and individual rights.

    • Criticisms of Paris Accords and China's Bitcoin mining crackdownThe Paris Accords faced criticism for harming the US, while China's Bitcoin mining crackdown could lead to a Bitcoin value collapse

      The Paris Accords, as discussed on the Dan Bongino Show, were criticized for being detrimental to the United States environmentally and financially. China's crackdown on Bitcoin mining, which involves using computers to solve complex mathematical problems to earn new Bitcoins, is another concern. With China being a major player in Bitcoin mining, a potential shutdown of these mining operations could lead to a significant collapse in the value of Bitcoin. This is an important development for those invested in Bitcoin and cryptocurrencies, as the Chinese government's actions could significantly impact the supply and value of this digital currency. The Dan Bongino Show also emphasized the importance of staying informed about global events and their potential impact on various markets and investments. For more in-depth analysis and insights, check out the show notes and the linked Bloomberg article on the Dan Bongino website.

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