
    About this Episode

    The House of AC Podcast gets a makeover!  We have a new name, a focused agenda, and actionable steps to get you to retire early through real estate.

    Alan dives in on identifying your biggest expense is most likely your house and that it eats up a third to half of your paycheck.   We discuss 4 strategies to eliminate your rent or mortgage payment by using a variety of strategies like house-hacking, short-shifting, rental arbitrage, and third-party vendors that can use to turn your paycheck-eating living costs into a cash-producing money machine.

    Learn more about leaving your 9-5 through real estate at www.realestatemaxi.com  

    Join the community and send your questions to Alan Corey at https://www.facebook.com/groups/realestatemaxi 

    Recent Episodes from Real Estate Investing with Real Estate Maximalist Alan Corey

    112: My Airbnb Guest is a Drug Dealer!

    112: My Airbnb Guest is a Drug Dealer!

    Alan Corey shares his sister show with us called "Investing with House Money" which is a podcast targeting first-generation real estate investors.    Give us a follow and like over on the House Money Podcast.

    House Money Podcast Episode 13 includes:


    House Money Weekly

    In this week’s House Money Weekly segment, your hosts discuss blog 115 – what do look for in an inspection. Even though they cost $500-$800, inspections are very, very worth it. None of the hosts have had a clean report, though, so that’s to be expected. Alan thinks of inspections as an opportunity to ask for the price of problems found, plus a headache fee. Thus, you get the cost of your inspection back. Alan tells a recent story about the reason a client backed out after an inspection. Tom accuses Alan of being a slum lord. Alan also suggests running potential improvements by the inspector. The number one thing to look for in an inspection is water damage and intrusion.


    Real Estate Is Easy Interview

    Lauren interviews Nita the inspector! She’s from Cleveland, and she got into this space from seeing a lot of bad inspections from her own properties and her clients. Nita talks about what it takes to become an inspector. She has many opinions about the future of the inspection space and changes that should be made too, which is interesting. Naturally, Lauren and Nita dive into what an inspection is, what they cost, what the reports are like, and what to look for. Nita had an interesting answer to the question, how do you make real estate easy? She simply decided not to quit.


    Teatime with Tom

    Tom’s segment is about being trendy – how do you update without being trendy? Specifically, we’re seeing a lot of white brick and black trim. Alan figures trends last 10 years, but he’s doing a lot of black and white tile to try to combat this effect. Sheet rock is fine, but it’s the wainscoting and shiplap that we’re seeing that’s going to be dated. What about brown paneling? Lauren says she might leave it if she bought a place with it now. Tom learned lessons early that putting in trendy things in rentals is less important than putting in finishes that will last. Alan is updating his primary and isn’t thinking about value, rather, he’s thinking about enjoyment. Tom feels the same.

    111: Landlord Landscaping Hacks and Timing the Real Estate Market

    111: Landlord Landscaping Hacks and Timing the Real Estate Market

    Real Estate Is Easy Interview

    Lauren interviewed Humzah Khraim, a landscaping professional from Atlanta. Landscaping, according to Humzah, exists to both protect the house and enhance its beauty. Of course, homeowners and investors alike are looking for curb appeal.  Once we work within nature, within our climate zone, we can make that happen. Humzah recommends building relationships with people you get along with, from plumbers to electricians to landscapers. They will steer you towards sustainable options. What’s the highest return on investment? Getting that inside-outside living vibe. But stay away from wooden decks by using pavers or stone. Should tenants be responsible for taking care of the yard? Probably not. Humzah emphasizes building beautiful neighborhoods and being a good steward of your property.


    House Money Weekly

    This week, the House Money hosts discussed House Money 106, should I wait for interest rates to drop? Now could actually be the best time to buy, according to Alan. If it cash flows today, great. If interest rates go up, no problem. Keep the rate. If interest rates go down, no problem. Refinance it. Lauren added that the idea of Dollar Cost Averaging (DCA) is talked about when it comes to the stock market, but we should apply it to real estate as well. Just keep buying. Tom’s first rate was 6.875% 18 years ago. His highest is 7.5% now. Alan points out that real estate isn’t getting rich quick, it’s getting rich eventually.

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    Sponsored by: Jasmine Mortgage Team https://www.jasminemortgageteam.com/


    Teatime with Tom

    New regulations with Dallas short-term rentals. Remember to have a black-up plan for your short-term rentals. Be ready to pivot to long-term rentals or mid-term rentals. In this case, the Dallas regulation change shouldn’t be a huge surprise, as it was months in the making, but they didn’t grandfather any in.


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    110: From Corporate America to Real Estate Investing with Randy Smith

    110: From Corporate America to Real Estate Investing with Randy Smith

    In today's episode Alan Corey is joined by Randy Smith, a real estate investor from Phoenix, Arizona. After Randy had worked closely with small business owners, he was inspired to take a journey to entrepreneurship with real estate.

    Randy was using the money he was making at his 9-5 to start buying investment properties with his wife. After making some mistakes at the beginning, Randy didn't give up and found the niche and strategies that work best for him. 

    Check out Randy's website: https://www.impactequity.net/
    Follow Randy on Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/randysmithinvestor/

    Follow Alan on Social Media: https://twitter.com/realestatemaxi
    Check out Real Estate Investing with House Money: https://podcast.housemoneymedia.com/

    Get a free mortgage consultation here: www.jasminemortgageteam.com

    109: Eliminate Housing Expense through House Hacking with Jordan Moorhead

    109: Eliminate Housing Expense through House Hacking with Jordan Moorhead

    A lot of real estate investors get their start by house hacking. House hacking is typically when you buy a multifamily property and rent out the other unit(s) to cover most or all of your mortgage payment. That is exactly what today's guest, Jordan Moorhead did. His first property was a duplex, which he rented one side and lived in the other and actually covered his entire mortgage plus had additional cash flow!

    With this strategy being so successful, he then repeated it multiple times with many BRRRRs along the way. You'll learn how Jordan quickly scaled his portfolio, his seller financing story, and why and how he cashed out his IRA to buy a property. 

    Thanks to our sponsor Jasmine Mortgage Team! Get a free consultation with Jasmine at jasminemortgageteam.com.

    Follow Jordan on Social Media! 
    IG: @jordan_moorhead

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    108: Buy and Renovate Investment Properties while Broke with Logan Haskett

    108: Buy and Renovate Investment Properties while Broke with Logan Haskett

    Today's guest is Logan Haskett, an investor from Kansas City who started investing in real estate when he was just 21 years old. Alan and Logan break down how Logan purchased a home for only $10k, renovated it, and sold it for $140k.

    The method he used to sell this property is very unconventional and so creative. This method is called "Contract to Deed" and proves that getting creative with your deals can open many doors for you (literally and figuratively). 

    Thanks to our amazing sponsor Jasmine Mortgage Team. Get a free consultation here!

    Thanks Logan for sharing your story! 
    Follow Logan on IG @loganinvests 
    Follow Logan on Twitter @LoganHaskett
    Follow Logan on YouTube https://www.youtube.com/@loganhaskett
    Follow Logan on TikTok @LoganInvests

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    Follow Alan on Social Media @RealEstateMaxi

    107: Creating Generational Wealth with Real Estate with Matthew Teifke

    107: Creating Generational Wealth with Real Estate with Matthew Teifke

    Matthew Teifke joins Alan Corey as they discuss the possibilites of creating generational wealth with real estate. Matthew started his real estate journey at just 17 years old. Over the many years of investing and being a real estate agent, Matthew's a book of knowledge but also talks about how he's always learning something new in real estate.

    You'll get an inside look at investing as a real estate agent which includes tips when sending out offers, the importance of an agent being an investor, and having the mindset to push you to success. Thanks for joining and sharing your wisdom, Matthew! 

    Get a free 15 minute consultation from our amazing sponsor Jasmine Mortgage Team

    Subscribe to Matthew's Youtube channel! https://www.youtube.com/teifkerealestate
    Follow Matthew on Instagram! @MatthewTeifke https://www.instagram.com/matthewteifke/?hl=en

    Sign up for the House Money Weekly Newsletter! https://www.housemoneymedia.com/newsletter
    Follow Alan on Social Media! @RealEstateMaxi
    Follow House Money on Twitter! @HouseMoneyMedia

    106: Everyone's Talkin' Money: Top Real Estate Investing Mistakes Newbies Make

    106: Everyone's Talkin' Money: Top Real Estate Investing Mistakes Newbies Make

    This episode of Real Estate Maximalist is a re-run of Alan's interview on "Everyone's Talkin' Money" Podcast! 

    In this episode, you'll learn the mistakes most newbies make when investing in real estate, and how not to make them. This episode is your go-to guide to investing in real estate with Alan Corey, host of the Stacking Deeds Show and Real Estate Maximalist. 

    Alan is an author, entrepreneur, and real estate coach with over 20 years of real estate experience. He is also the author of 3 books: “A Million Bucks by 30”, “Subversive Job Search”, and “House FIRE” and is sharing all his real estate investing wisdom in this jam-packed episode.


    Stacking Deeds: The Stacking Benjamins Real Estate Show

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    Leave us an honest rating and review, pretty please. Head to the podcast player you’re listening to this episode in to leave us a review or you can click here to leave a review for Everyone's Talkin' Money podcast on Apple Podcasts. 

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    Have a Shannah Shares question? Submit your question here https://bit.ly/shannahshares


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    Follow Alan on Instagram  https://www.instagram.com/realestatemaxi


    105: Creating a Real Estate Retirement Plan with Chris Bowers

    105: Creating a Real Estate Retirement Plan with Chris Bowers

    Are you setup for retirement? Our guest today, Chris Bowers built a succesful business as a realtor in Arizona but knew that if he wanted to retire early, he'd have to start investing in cash flowing properties. After making the decision to pursue properties in Oklahoma, Chris was on a flight 48 hours later to find his next investment. 

    In a year and a half, Chris went from 0 properties in Oklahoma to 16 cash flowing properties. How did he do it? He shares the full story of how he grew his portfolio, the problems he's had to solve and how anyone can do the same. 

    Thank you to our sponsor Jasmine Mortgage Team!
    Book a free consultation at https://www.jasminemortgageteam.com/

    Follow Chris on Instagram! @chrisbowers_realestate
    Listen to the agentXcel podcast!

    Follow Alan on Social Media! @RealEstateMaxi

    Get one actionable wealth building tip each week by signing up for the House Money Weekly Newsletter

    104: The Art of Land Flipping with Pete Reese

    104: The Art of Land Flipping with Pete Reese

    We're all familiar with flipping homes, but have you ever heard of "Land Flipping?" Our guest today is real estate investor and podcast host Pete Reese who made $3.5M in 2022 from land flipping. However, Pete started his real estate career with the more commonly known strategy of flipping homes. 

    Once he made the pivot to flip land, he hasn't gone back. Like everything, there are pros and cons to this strategy but Alan and Pete cover it all! From finding land owners to purchase from to the risks that come with land flipping, this episode is giving you all the dirt (pun intended)!

    Get the House Money Weekly Newsletter: housemoneymedia.com
    Get a Free Mortgage Consultation: jasminemortgageteam.com

    Check Out Pete's Website: turningprofit.com
    Follow Pete on IG: @turningprofitpete
    Follow Pete on Twitter: @TurningProfit
    Check Out Pete's YouTube Channel: Turning Profit
    Listen to the Turning Profit Podcast: Turning Profit

    Follow Alan on Social Media: @RealEstateMaxi
    Follow House Money Media on Social Media: @HouseMoneyMedia


    103: Side Hustle to 7 Figure Business with Real Estate Investor Donovan Ruffin

    103: Side Hustle to 7 Figure Business with Real Estate Investor Donovan Ruffin

    Today's guest is Donovan Ruffin, a real estate investor from Ohio who started investing in real estate as a side hustle while working a 9-5. After having success with fix and flips, Donovan was able to replace his paycheck and made real estate his full-time business. While fix and flips were helping him create wealth, he saw an oppourtunity in wholesaling to take his career to the next level. 

    Today, Donovan has done over 2500+ real estate deals and continues to grow his business bigger than he ever imagined. The best part is he used little to none of his own money. It all started with drive, motivation, and some bandit signs to get him to where he's at today. 

    Thank you Jasmine Mortgage Team for sponsoring this podcast.
    Get a free consultation by going to jasminemortgageteam.com

    Follow Donovan on Social Media:
    IG: @thedonovanruffin
    Twitter: @donovanruffin

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