
    Ep. 655 Are Obama Officials Starting to Turn?

    enFebruary 14, 2018

    Podcast Summary

    • Exploring Shooting Techniques and National SecurityImprove marksmanship with iTarget Pro system, be cautious of liberal intentions, and consider the dangers of a big government society.

      The Dan Bongino Show covers a range of topics, from politics and current events to personal development and shooting techniques. One intriguing discussion centered around the importance of accurate shooting and the use of the iTarget Pro system for dry fire practice. The system, which involves using a laser bullet and a phone app, allows shooters to see where their rounds would have gone, helping them improve their marksmanship. Another topic touched on the contrast between liberal intentions and real-world results. The show also addressed a theory regarding Susan Rice's role in national security, which the host deemed outrageous. Additionally, concerns were raised about Americans' desire for big government and the potential consequences of such a trend.

    • Obama Admin Email Before Trump InaugurationDuring Obama's tenure, Susan Rice sent herself an email about a Trump investigation meeting, raising questions about transparency and communication between administrations.

      There are theories circulating that Susan Rice, during the Obama administration, sent an email to herself just before President Trump took office, acknowledging a meeting about the ongoing investigation into the Trump team. This email was significant because neither Obama nor Comey had publicly acknowledged this meeting. The theory is that Rice sent the email strategically after the Obama team left office to leave an evidence trail for the Trump team. While some see this as a good faith effort, others dispute this premise and view it as an attempt to cover up past actions. Regardless of motive, the email's existence raises questions about the transparency and communication between the outgoing and incoming administrations.

    • Rice's unmasking actions and inconsistent statementsSusan Rice's unmasking of Trump officials after Benghazi and during transition period, along with her inconsistent statements, raise concerns about her honesty and loyalty to the Obama administration

      Susan Rice's actions regarding the unmasking of Trump administration officials after the Benghazi incident raises questions about her honesty and loyalty to the Obama administration. If Rice was truly concerned about being used as a fall guy and being lied to, as suggested, why did she continue to lie about her involvement in unmasking these officials long after the Benghazi incident? Her lawyer's statement does little to clarify this inconsistency. The pattern of deception is further highlighted in an older article by Eli Lake, which details Rice's unmasking of Trump officials during the transition period. The inconsistency in Rice's actions and statements calls into question her credibility and motives.

    • Obama administration withheld info from Trump team on Russian communicationsNew revelations question the origins of the Trump-Russia investigation, with possible conflicts of interest and connections between Obama officials, Russian actors, and the Clinton campaign.

      There are growing concerns about potential conflicts of interest and questionable connections in the origins of the Trump-Russia investigation. The Obama administration reportedly withheld information from the Trump transition team regarding Russian communications with Michael Flynn, while Susan Rice's recent accusations against Flynn raise doubts. Additionally, new allegations suggest that the author of the infamous Steele dossier, Christopher Steele, may have been paid by a Russian oligarch with ties to Vladimir Putin at the same time he was working for the Hillary Clinton campaign. These revelations add to the complexity of an already intricate scandal and underscore the need for transparency and accountability.

    • Russian collusion concerns with Hillary Clinton campaign and a Russian oligarchRevelations of payments to Deripaska steel and text exchanges between a lobbyist and Senator Warner raise concerns of Russian collusion with the Hillary Clinton campaign. Some call for Democrats to move on, fearing potential fallout. Mueller investigation may serve as distraction from real Russian collusion between the Hillary campaign, DNC, and Russians.

      There are growing concerns of Russian collusion between the Hillary Clinton campaign and a Russian oligarch with connections to Vladimir Putin, as evidenced by payments to Deripaska steel and text exchanges between a lobbyist and Senator Mark Warner. These revelations have led some to call for the Democrats to "take a bath" on the issue and move on, as the potential fallout could be significant. Additionally, it appears that the Mueller investigation may serve as a distraction technique for the Democrats, as they fear that without it, the media's focus may shift to the real Russian collusion that occurred between the Hillary campaign, the DNC, and actual Russians.

    • Importance of HVAC filter maintenance during harsh wintersMaintain HVAC filters for health and financial reasons. Trust in government for problem-solving may lead to increased spending.

      This winter has been harsh, leading to increased use and potential issues with HVAC systems. Proper filter maintenance is crucial for both health and financial reasons. Filter by Calm is a solution offering various filter sizes, efficient shipping, and auto-delivery to simplify the process. Meanwhile, a recent poll revealed a concerning trend, with 58% of Americans desiring more government involvement in problem-solving. This suggests faith in the government's ability to address issues, which could lead to increased spending on various services, including social security and Medicare. This information may be unsettling, but it's essential to stay informed and consider the potential implications.

    • No Social Security Trust FundThe government spent Social Security funds long ago, now using current taxpayer money for benefits, urging awareness of unsustainable spending and economic growth for future generations

      There is no Social Security Trust Fund. The money was spent by the government long ago, and now they are using current taxpayer funds to pay out social security benefits. The speaker urges listeners to understand the truth about government spending and the unsustainable situation it creates for future generations. Despite 50% of Americans wanting more spending on social security, the speaker emphasizes that there is no money left in the trust fund. He encourages listeners to face the reality of the situation and work towards growing the economy and handling spending to ensure a better future for all.

    • Social Security funding shortfall and risk of bankruptcyCurrent workers' contributions may not be enough to cover future retirees' benefits, and some Americans are not concerned about the national debt.

      The Social Security system is facing a significant funding shortfall, and if we don't address this issue for those 55 and younger, there's a risk of bankruptcy. The money paid in by current workers will not be enough to cover the benefits for future retirees. Additionally, a significant number of Americans are not concerned about the national debt, which is currently at $20 trillion, equivalent to the entire annual value of our economy. To tackle this issue, it might be worth considering a more transparent approach to funding, such as quarterly bills for taxes instead of withholding. This could help Americans better understand the true cost of government programs and make informed decisions about their preferences for bigger government.

    • Underestimating Government Program CostsAmericans might overlook gov't program costs if not billed directly. Quarterly bills could help reveal impact, leading to informed decisions on spending.

      Americans may underestimate the true cost of government programs if they are not directly billed for them. The suggestion is to change the withholding system to quarterly bills for various government programs, which could help people understand the impact of their taxes and potentially lead to more informed decisions about government spending. Another wake-up call could come from rising interest rates, which could significantly increase the cost of loans and mortgages, making it essential for people to consider the long-term financial implications of their current spending habits.

    • Understanding Economy through Monthly PaymentsThe tendency to think in small time frames can make complex economic concepts easier to grasp, but large-scale money printing without economic growth can lead to inflation. To prevent inflation, the Federal Reserve may raise interest rates.

      Our tendency to think in small time frames, such as monthly payments, can make complex economic concepts easier to understand. However, the large-scale printing of money, like what occurred during the Obama years, can lead to inflation when the economy doesn't grow at a corresponding rate. This is important because, as the economy heats up and the printed money starts to chase products, prices will rise, and the only way to combat out-of-control inflation is for the Federal Reserve to raise interest rates. As evidenced by the recent Consumer Price Index jump of 0.5% in January, which was higher than expected, inflation is already starting to spike. Therefore, it's crucial that we start building more products to absorb the excess money in the economy before inflation becomes a major issue.

    • Impact of Rising Interest Rates and International TensionsRising interest rates may increase borrowing costs, potentially leading to a shift in public opinion towards smaller government involvement. International incidents, like the one in Syria, highlight the importance of diplomacy and respecting established boundaries.

      Rising interest rates could significantly increase the cost of borrowing, making everyday expenses more burdensome for Americans. This could lead to a shift in public opinion towards smaller government involvement, as was seen during the 1980s when interest rates were high. Meanwhile, in international news, a dangerous incident occurred in Syria when Russian mercenaries crossed a deconfliction zone where US forces were present, resulting in heavy casualties. This move was strategically unsound and led to a decisive response from the US military. Overall, these events underscore the importance of careful diplomacy and the potential consequences of disregarding established boundaries.

    • Russian Military Contractors Crossing Deconfliction LinesFailure to enforce boundaries and consequences may lead to disregard for international norms, as shown by recent Russian actions and US warnings of Russian interference in elections

      The Russians have found themselves in a complicated situation regarding recent military conflicts, specifically involving private military contractors crossing established deconfliction lines. The Russians denied these were their operatives, but after being warned not to cross the line, they did so, resulting in lethal engagement by the US. This incident has reportedly left Putin frustrated and unsure of his next move. The larger implication is that if nations, including the US, fail to enforce their boundaries and consequences aren't enacted, it may encourage further disregard for international norms. Additionally, the US intelligence community has warned that Russia intends to interfere in the 2018 midterm elections, emphasizing the importance of taking serious action against such threats.

    • Well-intentioned policies can have unintended consequencesThe Obama administration's efforts to reduce racial disparities in special education and discipline inadvertently led to lower placement rates for black children, underscoring the need to understand root causes and potential consequences of policies.

      Liberals' good intentions often do not translate into desired results. A prime example of this was the Obama administration's approach to addressing racial disparities in special education and discipline. Despite their intentions to help minority students, their policies led to unintended consequences. The administration's mandate to ensure equal racial proportions in special education and discipline resulted in studies showing that black children were actually being placed in special education at lower rates than white children when accounting for factors like lead exposure and premature birth. This highlights the importance of understanding the root causes of issues and the potential unintended consequences of well-intentioned policies. Additionally, the speaker emphasized the need to address foreign interference in elections and the importance of learning from past experiences, such as Russia's involvement in the 2016 US elections.

    • Policies with unintended consequencesPolicies with good intentions can have negative effects, such as decreased test scores, more disorder in classrooms, increased costs, and a shift towards private equity financing, limiting public access to wealth.

      Well-intended policies can have unintended consequences that harm everyone involved. Using the examples of education reform and corporate auditing, policies aimed at reducing discrimination and increasing accountability, respectively, have resulted in decreased test scores, more disorder in classrooms, and increased costs for businesses. These consequences have led to a decrease in publicly listed companies and a shift towards private equity financing, limiting the public's access to the wealth created by these companies. It's important to consider the potential costs and unintended consequences of policies before implementation.

    • Dan's gratitude to listenersEngage with content and creators that resonate, build and strengthen communities through various means.

      Dan expressed his gratitude to his listeners for tuning in, sharing the show, and leaving positive comments on social media. He encourages everyone to visit pongino.com and follow him on Twitter for more content. Dan's appreciation for his audience's support highlights the significance of building and maintaining connections through various platforms. Additionally, Dan's availability on multiple channels such as iTunes, SoundCloud, and Twitter, underscores the convenience and accessibility of consuming content in today's digital age. Overall, the Dan Bongino Show serves as a reminder to engage with content and creators that resonate with us, and to build and strengthen our communities through various means.

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