
    Ep. 660 - How The Left Creates A Society Of Self-Loathing Narcissists

    enFebruary 17, 2021

    Podcast Summary

    • Encouraging Self-Loathing: Harmful Messaging in Schools and OrganizationsBe aware of divisive ideologies in education, protect children from negative impacts, factual reporting is important, and stay informed about organizations' actions.

      Our culture, including schools and organizations, encourages self-loathing, particularly in children, by promoting divisive and problematic ideologies. For instance, a school in New York is urging white students to adopt the roles of white traders and white abolitionists. This is just one example of the harmful messaging that is being disseminated. It's important to be aware of these trends and take steps to protect ourselves and our children from the negative impacts of such ideologies. Another takeaway is the importance of factual reporting and being cautious of scams, as seen in the Netflix scam example mentioned. Lastly, it's crucial to stay informed about the actions of organizations and institutions, especially those that are influencing our children's education. In the case of the SLOW Factory Foundation, their advocacy for "white abolition" and other divisive messaging highlights the need for vigilance and critical thinking.

    • Exploring White Identities and RacismWhite individuals are encouraged to critically examine their role in systemic racism and adopt an abolitionist identity, but this framework is controversial and can be perceived as racist. Open dialogue and working towards an equitable society is crucial.

      There exists a conceptualization of white identities, ranging from negative to less negative, with the ultimate goal being for white individuals to adopt a white abolitionist identity. This framework, while complex, can be simplified as an attempt to encourage white individuals to critically examine their role in perpetuating systemic racism and work towards dismantling it. However, it's important to note that this framework is controversial and can be perceived as racist in its extremes. It's also just one way self-loathing is instilled in the population, and it's not the only way. Ultimately, it's crucial for individuals of all races to engage in open, honest, and respectful dialogue about race and work towards creating a more equitable society.

    • Our culture sends harmful messages about self-imageCulture encourages self-loathing, leading to generations of narcissists. Boys and girls, regardless of race, need positive self-image and acceptance.

      Our culture is sending a harmful message to children, encouraging self-loathing rather than self-love and acceptance. Boys, especially white boys, are being told to hate themselves and their masculinity, while girls are encouraged to reject traditional femininity. This negative self-image is leading to generations of self-loathing narcissists, and it's not just limited to white boys. We need to recognize that this self-loathing is a problem and work towards promoting positive self-image and acceptance for all. Meanwhile, issues like hair loss, which affect millions of Americans, are often overlooked and misunderstood. It's important to talk openly about these common experiences and explore solutions, like Nutrafol's botanical supplement, which can help promote healthy hair growth and overall wellness. By addressing both the cultural and personal issues, we can work towards creating a more positive and supportive environment for children and adults alike.

    • Remembering Rush Limbaugh's Impact on Media and Dignity in Facing MortalityRespect Rush Limbaugh's impact on media and his dignity in facing mortality. Support the show by improving your hair health with Nutrafol's special offer.

      Rush Limbaugh, a legendary and irreplaceable figure in media, passed away at the age of 70 from lung cancer. Despite political differences, his courage and dignity in facing his mortality is something to be respected. It's important not to amplify the negativity of those celebrating his death. Nutrafol, on the other hand, offers a natural solution to achieve optimal hair growth, with a special offer of 20% off and free shipping at nutrafol.com using promo code Walsh. This is a meaningful way to support the show and improve your hair health. Let's remember Rush Limbaugh's impact on media and his handling of his own mortality, and offer respect and dignity in return.

    • New information questions initial report of Capitol Officer Brian Sicknick's cause of deathNew evidence suggests Officer Sicknick may have suffered a stroke unrelated to the riot, contrasting media response to similar incidents during BLM protests

      The initial report of Capitol Police Officer Brian Sicknick's cause of death during the January 6th riot has been questioned, and new information suggests that he may have suffered a stroke unrelated to the event. This theory is credible due to the lack of evidence supporting any other theory, and the absence of official confirmation regarding the medical exam or autopsy report. The media's response to this situation contrasts with their handling of similar incidents during the summer's BLM riots, where such reports would not have been reported or assumed to be connected to the riots. Ultimately, the exploitation and lying about Sicknick's death by the Democrat party highlights the importance of waiting for facts before jumping to conclusions.

    • The importance of questioning the sources of informationDon't blindly believe mainstream media narratives. Be skeptical and verify the credibility of sources to avoid being misinformed.

      The mainstream media narrative should not be taken at face value, especially when there's political significance involved. The discussion highlighted the fabrication of a story regarding Officer Brian Sicknick's death during the Capitol riots, which was later revealed to be a total lie. This incident underscores the importance of being skeptical and questioning the sources of information, especially when there's uncertainty or ambiguity. Another example given was the allegations against Woody Allen in the HBO documentary "Allen vs. Farrow." Despite the numerous allegations against him, many in Hollywood continued to work with him, demonstrating the need for critical evaluation of information and the people who disseminate it. Overall, it's crucial to approach news and information with a healthy dose of skepticism and to verify the credibility of sources.

    • Claudia Conway's American Idol Debut Sparks Debate on ExploitationThe decision to have Claudia Conway on American Idol raises questions of exploitation, while the Biden administration clarifies its intention to distinguish from Trump's foreign policy

      The decision to have Claudia Conway, the daughter of Kellyanne and George Conway, on American Idol is a subject of debate, with some viewing it as exploitative and others seeing it as an opportunity for her if she's a talented singer. The question of exploitation arises when considering her singing abilities and the reason for her participation on the show. Meanwhile, Jen Psaki, the White House Press Secretary, clarified that the Biden administration does not intend to follow Donald Trump's foreign policy as a model, focusing instead on domestic and national security teams' collaboration in policy-making.

    • Criticisms of Biden's Foreign Policy and Small Business AssistanceThe Biden administration faces criticism for perceived disconnect from everyday people's concerns, including foreign policy and small business assistance. Some believe the administration's response to small businesses lacks universality and focus, while others express skepticism towards Bill Gates' suggestion for synthetic beef to combat climate change.

      President Biden's foreign policy is being criticized for not living up to the bar set by former President Obama, who is praised for not starting any new wars. The speaker also expresses disappointment in the administration's response to helping small businesses, particularly for white male business owners. Jen Psaki's answer regarding small business assistance was perceived as out of touch, focusing on the nomination of a woman to lead the Small Business Administration and helping minority-owned businesses, rather than providing universal aid. Additionally, Bill Gates' suggestion for rich nations to adopt synthetic beef to combat climate change was met with skepticism, with the speaker expressing a lack of interest and concern for Gates' opinion. Overall, the discussion highlights criticisms of the Biden administration's policies and perceived disconnect from the concerns of everyday people.

    • Questioning Influential Figures' AdviceBe cautious of influential figures' advice, as their motivations and inconsistencies should be scrutinized. Examples include Bill Gates' dietary advice and attitudes towards pleasurable experiences. Additionally, consider the implications of advanced extraterrestrial civilizations' inability to navigate Earth's challenges.

      While we may be influenced by the opinions of influential figures like Bill Gates, it's important to consider why we should care about what they have to say. The speaker raises valid concerns about hypocrisy and inconsistency, using examples from Gates' potential dietary advice and attitudes towards pleasurable experiences. Additionally, the speaker shares intriguing thoughts on the possibility of advanced extraterrestrial civilizations and their apparent inability to navigate Earth's challenges. Lastly, the speaker empathizes with the struggles of those who have had their joys and freedoms taken away during the pandemic, and draws parallels to how some influential figures seem to disregard these losses. Overall, the conversation invites us to question authority and consider the motivations behind the advice and opinions we encounter.

    • The Importance of Human Connection and Personal GrowthHuman connection and companionship are essential needs. Prioritize learning and personal growth through resources like The Great Courses Plus. Don't just criticize, create and take action against cancel culture.

      While some people may have the means and luxury to survive with just the basics, human connection and companionship are essential needs for everyone. Despite the elites enjoying their privileges and pleasures, they forget that people crave companionship and human interaction. It's important to prioritize learning and personal growth, which can be achieved through resources like The Great Courses Plus. Meanwhile, cancel culture continues to impact individuals, such as Gina Carano, who have been canceled for their political beliefs. Instead of just criticizing, it's crucial for conservatives to create their own culture and fight back. The Daily Wire is taking a stand by announcing a movie deal with Gina Carano, encouraging people to join the fight and take back the culture. Remember, learning and personal growth are ongoing processes, and you can start right now with The Great Courses Plus. Sign up for a free month at thegreatcoursesplus.com/walsh. Let's not just complain, but create and take action.

    • Social media controversies can have serious real-life consequencesOnline accusations can escalate and lead to real-life consequences, even if unfounded. Consider context and facts before jumping to conclusions.

      Social media controversies can quickly escalate and have serious real-life consequences, even if the initial accusations are exaggerated or unfounded. The Bean Dad controversy is a prime example, as musician and podcast host John Roderick faced intense backlash on Twitter for allowing his daughter to struggle with opening a can of beans, with some accusing him of abuse and digging up his old tweets to further attack him. The situation escalated to the point where Child Protective Services became involved, despite the situation being an exaggeration and not actual abuse. The incident serves as a reminder that online accusations can have serious real-life consequences, and it's important to consider the context and facts before jumping to conclusions.

    • CPS Home Entry and Interviews Require Parental PermissionParents should be aware of their rights when dealing with CPS, as unfounded reports can lead to lengthy, intrusive investigations causing distress and wasted resources.

      Child Protective Services (CPS) does not have the automatic right to enter your home or speak to your child without your permission. Parents should be aware that CPS may use leading questions to elicit potentially damaging responses from children during investigations. Allowing CPS into your home could lead to lengthy and intrusive investigations, even if the allegations are baseless. The system is broken, as anyone can make an anonymous report, and all reports are investigated regardless of their merit. This can result in millions of unnecessary investigations each year, causing significant distress and resources wasted, while the number of actual child abuse cases remains a concern. It's crucial for parents to understand their rights and be cautious when dealing with CPS.

    • Approaching Child Abuse Reports with DiscretionRecognize differences in reports and allow human judgement to prevent unjust accusations and family harm

      Not all child abuse reports are created equal, and it's crucial to approach each situation with situational judgment and discretion. The recent "Bean Dad" case is a prime example of how the system can fail when every report is treated the same, leading to unjust accusations and potential harm to families. It's essential to recognize the differences between various reports and allow human beings to make judgments based on the unique circumstances. This approach could help prevent unnecessary destruction of families and improve the overall effectiveness of Child Protective Services.

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    The Matt Walsh Show
    enJune 28, 2024

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    Ep. 1393 - Christian Conservatives Proven Right Once Again As Abstinence 'Trend' Gains Popularity

    Ep. 1393 - Christian Conservatives Proven Right Once Again As Abstinence 'Trend' Gains Popularity

    Today on the Matt Walsh Show, the media has discovered a hot new trend. It's called abstinence. For years the Left mocked Christian conservatives for promoting abstinence. Now, they're coming around, but for all the wrong reasons. Also, Jamaal Bowman and AOC team up for the cringiest campaign rally of all time. Donald Trump made two campaign promises over the weekend: one very good and one very bad. And, the wife of an NFL quarterback says that she convinced her now-husband to date her by hooking up with his backup. Why would any wife share a story like that?




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    Notes, References, and Links for further study:

    1. Use the "Donate" buttons at the bottom of these notes, or on the side bar of this site, or the T&H Community, or the T&H dot com site, for “The Ultimate History Lesson: A Weekend with John Taylor Gatto” multi-DVD interview project, currently in post-production. With over 5 hours of interview footage, this is a collection of education which is invaluable.
      1. If you donate $50 or more towards the completion of this project, you will receive the entire DVD set; as our way of saying Thanks!
    2. Your invitation to the Tragedy and Hope online critical thinking community
    3. Peace Revolution Podcast’s primary hosting site (2009-2011)
    4. Peace Revolution Podcast’s backup hosting site (2006-2011, also includes the 9/11 Synchronicity Podcast episodes, starting at the bottom of the page)
    5. Tragedy and Hope dot com (all of our media productions, freeto the public)
      1. On the top menu, there is a “Trivium” selection, which includes the Brain model discussed in Peace Revolution episodes.
    6. A Peaceful Solution” by Willie Nelson w/thanks to the Willie Nelson Peace Research Institute
    7. T&H Partner Podcasts: Media Monarchy, Corbett Report, Gnostic Media, & Remedy Radio
    8. www.StartPage.com (It uses Google’s search algorithm, but doesn’tcollect your private info and search history)
      1. StartPage search engine Firefox add-on
    9. (Video) Bilderberg Group 2003, by BBC
    10. (Video) The Last Word on Utopia, by James Corbett (on CorbettReport.com)
    11. (Video) Maafa 21: Black Genocide in the 21st Century(on YouTube)
      1. Margaret Sanger (on Wikipedia)
      2. Eugenics (on Wikipedia)
      3. Eugenics Record Office (on Wikipedia)
      4. Eugenics and Population Control (in The Brain Model)
      5. Charles Darwin (on Wikipedia)
      6. Francis Galton (on Wikipedia)
    12. (Video) Webster Tarpley Interview “The Elite’s Plan for Global Extermination”,by InfoWars & PrisonPlanet.tv (on YouTube)
      1. (Article) “Obama’s Science Czar Considered Forced Abortions, Sterilization as Population Growth Solutions” (via FoxNews.com)
      2. John Holdren(on Wikipedia)
        1. Ecoscience (on Amazon.com)
      3. Paul Ehrlich(on Wikipedia)
        1. “The Population Bomb” (on Wikipedia)

    Peace Revolution partner podcasts:

    Corbett Report dot com

    Media Monarchy dot com

    Gnostic Media Podcast

    School Sucks Project Podcast

    Remedy Radio Podcast

    Meria dot net

    The Unplugged Mom Podcast

    Other productions by members of the T&H network:

    Navigating Netflix (2011) our new video series wherein we conduct a critical analysis of films you might have missed; Navigating Netflix is available for free on YouTube.

    "Memories of a Political Prisoner", an interview with Professor Chengiah Ragaven, graduate of Oxford, Cambridge, and Sussex; AFTER he was a political prisoner, who was exiled from South Africa, during Apartheid. (2011)

    What You've Been Missing! (2011) is our video series focusing in on the history of corruption in our public education system.

    Top Documentary Films dot com: Hijacking Humanity by Paul Verge (2006)

    Top Documentary Films dot com: Exposing the Noble Lie (2010)

    Top Documentary Films dot com: The Pharmacratic Inquisition by Jan Irvin (2007)

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    Black, gay and proud

    Black, gay and proud
    How do we stop talking about racism at school and work and do something about it?

    In the first episode of our second series, we're in conversation with television presenter Will Njobvu to talk about the need for greater diversity and representation in schools and colleges as well as in the workplace.

    Will has regularly featured as a co-host on Channel 5’s flagship daytime chat  show, Jeremy Vine. He’s also hosted ITV2’s entertainment news show FYI Daily and previously worked as a co-presenter on BBC Africa’s children’s show, What’s New?

    In this frank conversation with our host Joe McLoughlin, Will shares his experiences of racism and homophobia growing up as a black, gay young person. He goes on to explain how accepting who he is and being true to himself has helped him move forward and achieve his ambitions to work in the media and a happier healthier life.

    We look forward to your company as we kick off Series 2 of the Let’s Go Further podcast.

    About Will Njobvu:

    Will Njobvu is a TV and radio presenter, whose infectious personality and extensive live experience singles him out as a real talent to watch. In 2021, he hosted The Masked Singer: Unmasked which aired exclusively on ITV Hub and was repeated on ITV2. Unmasked contains exclusive interviews with that evening’s unmasked celebrity and is home to all the backstage gossip with panelists Jonathan Ross, Davina McCall, Rita Ora and new recruit Mo Gilligan. At the end of 2022, Will also fronted Channel 4's hit documentary Life After Love Island: UNTOLD.

    Will hosts both the Saturday Breakfast Show and Sunday afternoons on Capital XTRA. He also covers the Entertainment Presenter role on ITV’s Good Morning Britain. While The Masked Singer UK series 2 was on air, Will presented and scripted a 4-part digital series for Good Morning Britain called Who’s Behind The Mask? - which received over 3 million impressions online.

    Having graduated from De Montfort University with a degree in Media and Communications with Journalism, Will went on to work on the production side for Sky News, BBC Radio London, Channel 5 News and This Morning. Will has regularly featured as a co-host on Channel 5’s flagship daytime chat show, Jeremy Vine. He’s also hosted ITV2’s entertainment news show FYI Daily and previously worked as a co-presenter on BBC Africa’s children’s show, What’s New?

    In 2018, Will filmed a short feature documentary called ‘Sudden Cardiac Deaths’ for Victoria Derbyshire’s BBC2 show, about young people living with undetected heart conditions; a topic close to his heart, as he was diagnosed with an acute heart condition himself at the age of 22.

    Overcoming adversity, identity, sexuality, mental health and heart health are all topics Will is able to speak about. As a member of the LGBT community who was bullied because of his sexuality in school, Will enjoys speaking about the importance of being comfortable with your identity and taking care of your mental health as he too has overcome depression in the past.


    "Systemic Amnesia" - Nazia Kazi on the Invasion of Iraq, the War On Terror, Islamophobia and Empire

    "Systemic Amnesia" - Nazia Kazi on the Invasion of Iraq, the War On Terror, Islamophobia and Empire

    In this conversation we welcome Dr. Nazia Kazi to the podcast.

    Dr. Nazia Kazi is an anthropologist and educator based in Philadelphia. Her work explores the role of Islamophobia and racism in the context of global politics. 

    She is Associate Professor of Anthropology at Stockton University in New Jersey, where she teaches courses on race, ethnicity, immigration, and Islam in the U.S. She is the author of Islamophobia, Race, and Global Politics. Kazi is also a faculty affiliate of the Rutgers Center for Security, Race, and Rights. 

    This episode came about in response to the 20th anniversary of the US invasion of Iraq, which should be widely understood as a crime against humanity and an egregious violation of even the most basic application of international and human rights law.

    We invited Dr. Kazi on the show to discuss how US media continues to cover this war, and the broader so-called “War on Terror” over 20 years later. Kazi demystifies some of the liberal multicultural discussion of Islamophobia and examines a more complex history of the US’s relationship to Islam specifically by looking at CIA operations. She also examines the impact of post-9/11 policy making on government surveillance, the political expressions of Muslims in the US, inclusionary nonprofit politics, and extrajudicial political repression. 

    We also discuss what it is that we are to #neverforget when it comes to 9/11 and how mainstream media and K-12 education have been a part of a political assault on both historical and political analysis around that day and around the impacts of the “war on terror” on politics and state repression both domestically and internationally.

    And if you like what we do bringing you conversations like this every week then please become a patron of the show. Our show is 100% funded by our patrons and you can become one for as little as $1 a month. We’re just 8 patrons away from hitting our goal for the month. So sign up and become a patron at patreon.com/millennialsarekillingcapitalism 



    How the 'war on terror' obscures America's alliance with right-wing Islam

    What We Forget by Nazia Kazi and Anuj Shrestha

    Dr. Nazia Kazi's website

    Islamophobia, Race, and Global Politics (Updated) By Nazia Kazi