
    Ep. 662 - The Media Creates Another Fake Scandal

    enFebruary 19, 2021

    Podcast Summary

    • Media Frenzy Over Cruz Vacation Overshadows Real NewsDespite media attention on Cruz's vacation, NASA's Mars mission launched, school board members insulted parents, and LightStream offered debt consolidation loans with low rates.

      While the media went into overdrive about a supposed scandal involving Ted Cruz going on vacation during a power crisis in Texas, the real reason for the attention may be due to other motivations. Meanwhile, in other news, NASA successfully launched a mission to Mars, school board members were caught insulting parents, and the White House attempted to appease those seeking student loan forgiveness. During the show, the importance of managing high-interest debt was discussed, and LightStream was highlighted as a solution with easy credit card consolidation loans starting at 5.95% APR with autopay and excellent credit. The media's coverage of Cruz's vacation was criticized as overblown, and the focus shifted to the benefits of LightStream's loan services for those looking to improve their financial situation.

    • Texas Power Crisis and Senator Cruz's Trip to CancunDespite the controversy, there's no evidence of wrongdoing or corruption in Cruz's Cancun trip during Texas power crisis. Journalistic ethics were questioned in publishing private messages.

      The situation with Senator Ted Cruz traveling to Cancun during a power crisis in Texas is not a scandal, but rather a political gaffe. The controversy looks worse due to the optics, but there is no evidence of any actual wrongdoing or corruption. Publishing private text messages between Cruz's wife and friends is questionable journalistic ethics. Comparing this situation to Democrats caught breaking lockdown rules is also misleading, as the outrage wasn't about their enjoyment during the pandemic but rather the hypocrisy of enforcing rules for others while not following them themselves.

    • Media's excessive focus on Ted Cruz's Cancun tripMedia distorted Cruz's absence during crisis by equating it with Cuomo's nursing home scandal, ignoring the facts and manipulating public opinion.

      The media's intense focus on Ted Cruz's trip to Cancun during a winter storm in Texas was not justified, as it was not an abuse of power or a violation of laws. Instead, it was a distraction from the real scandal involving New York Governor Andrew Cuomo, who is under FBI investigation for his handling of nursing homes during the pandemic. Cruz's actions, while potentially unwise, did not deserve the same level of attention as the ongoing investigation into Cuomo. The media's attempt to equate the two issues was misleading and manipulative, and many conservatives fell for it. Cruz's absence during the crisis did not prevent him from addressing the situation, and his personal presence at the scene of a disaster is often more about politics than actual help.

    • The Necessity of PreparednessEmbrace photo ops for comfort, but prioritize preparedness for emergencies with affordable solutions like ReadyWise's emergency meals.

      The importance of preparedness was emphasized in the discussion, whether it's political photo ops or emergency situations. The speaker expressed confusion about the necessity of a politician's presence in a photo op, but acknowledged the comfort it brings to some citizens. The conversation then shifted to the importance of being prepared for emergencies, such as power outages or natural disasters, with ReadyWise's emergency meals being highlighted as a simple and affordable solution. The speaker also shared his recent experience watching "Hillbilly Elegy," a movie based on JD Vance's memoir, and praised the powerful performances, particularly from Glenn Close and Amy Adams. Overall, the discussion touched on the need for preparedness in various aspects of life and the importance of being informed and making the most of available resources.

    • Movie reception vs audience appreciationCritics panned 'Hillbilly Elegy,' but audiences loved it, highlighting the film's relatability and political leanings. NASA's Perseverance rover made history, and Rep. Katie Porter discussed the challenges of reopening schools.

      We witnessed a significant disconnect between the critical reception and the audience's appreciation of the movie "Hillbilly Elegy." Despite the negative reviews from critics, the film received overwhelmingly positive responses from the audience, with ratings reaching 80-90%. This disparity can often be attributed to the political leanings of the film or its content, as the movie tells a relatable story of a white working-class family dealing with drug addiction. Meanwhile, NASA's Perseverance rover made history by landing on Mars and sending back pictures, a remarkable achievement that showcases human ingenuity and our ability to explore the unknown. In the realm of politics, Representative Katie Porter discussed the challenges of reopening schools, emphasizing the importance of setting deadlines and seeking guidance from relevant agencies.

    • Impact of school closures on children's learning and emotional developmentSenator Michael Bennett urges acknowledgement of children's learning loss and emotional struggles during school closures. Disparaging remarks about parents' motivations were made during an Oakley, CA school board meeting, while a Baltimore activist suggests financial incentives to prevent violence and address education's importance beyond academics.

      The impact of the school closures on children's learning and emotional development is a significant concern that needs immediate attention. Senator Michael Bennett and others have urged the Department of Education to acknowledge this issue, particularly in relation to math and science education. Meanwhile, a report from The Daily Wire revealed that school board members in Oakley, California, made disparaging remarks about parents during an online meeting, which was broadcast live. The board members perceived parents as only wanting their babysitters back, reducing the value of education to mere childcare. Additionally, a Baltimore activist, Tyre Morehead, suggested a solution to the city's high homicide rate by offering financial incentives to prevent violence. These events underscore the importance of recognizing the significance of education beyond just academics and acknowledging the challenges faced by both educators and parents during these unprecedented times.

    • Reducing Violence with 'No Shoot Zones' and Student Loan DebtActivist proposes 'no shoot zones' for reducing violence, Biden suggests free community college for student loan debt relief

      Activist Moorhead's idea of creating "no shoot zones" in the city, where people are paid not to kill each other, is an intriguing concept aimed at reducing violence. However, it's uncertain if this approach would effectively deter gang-related conflicts. Meanwhile, during a town hall, Biden was asked about increasing student loan debt forgiveness from $10,000 to $50,000. He responded by suggesting free community college instead. While some see this as a more reasonable alternative to student loan forgiveness, others argue that both ideas need reconsideration to effectively address the root causes of these issues.

    • Student loan debt forgiveness debateThe proposed $50,000 student loan forgiveness would primarily benefit upper-class families and is a bailout for the wealthy, not the poor. Schools should also be held accountable for their roles in the student debt crisis.

      The debate over student loan debt forgiveness, specifically the proposed $50,000 relief, continues to be a contentious issue. The White House, under President Biden, has stated that they don't have the authority to cancel such a large amount of debt without limitation. However, some progressives, like Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, are pushing for more extensive relief. The issue is complex, with considerations including income levels, types of debt, and public versus private schools. However, it's important to note that $50,000 student loan forgiveness would primarily benefit upper-class families, many of whom have the means to pay back their debts. This is a bailout for the wealthy, not the poor. The speaker also acknowledged that young adults often don't fully understand the implications of taking on student debt. But, the blame shouldn't solely fall on them. Parents and schools also share responsibility for the rising student debt crisis. Schools should be held accountable for their roles in the issue, but they currently escape blame in the conversation around student loan forgiveness.

    • Encouraging gap years before collegeParents and schools can promote gap years for students to gain work experience, save money, and grow personally before attending college.

      The high cost of higher education and the pressure on students to attend college right after high school can be addressed by encouraging students to take a gap year or two before attending college. Parents and schools have a crucial role to play in this by communicating the benefits of gaining work experience, saving money, and gaining life experience before pursuing a college degree. The system is flawed, with schools and employers contributing to the issue by charging exorbitant fees and requiring degrees for jobs where they may not be necessary. Ultimately, accountability lies with these institutions and parents to ensure students are making informed decisions about their education and future careers. Dolly Parton's statement, while not directly related, highlights the importance of education but also emphasizes the value of practical experience and personal growth outside of traditional academic settings.

    • Dolly Parton requests statue delay due to current eventsDolly Parton asked for a statue delay, expressing gratitude but finding it inappropriate amidst current events. Other beloved celebrities like Betty White and Keanu Reeves may follow. Controversy surrounding statues and the 'Joe Paterno rule' suggests waiting until deceased to minimize issues.

      Dolly Parton has asked the Tennessee legislature to delay plans for a statue in her honor due to current world events. She expressed her gratitude for the intention but believes it's inappropriate at this time. The speaker also mentioned that Dolly Parton, along with a few other celebrities like Betty White and Keanu Reeves, is universally beloved, making her an excellent candidate for a statue in the future. The discussion also touched upon the controversy surrounding statues and the "Joe Paterno rule," suggesting that it's wise to wait until someone is deceased before erecting a statue to minimize potential issues. Additionally, the speaker admitted to forgetting his age and had a brief exchange about ADHD, acknowledging its complexity and the controversy surrounding its physical manifestation in the brain.

    • Everyone's Brain is Unique: No 'ADHD Brain' or 'ADHD Personality'Recognize that everyone's brain functions differently, and what may not work well in one situation might be an advantage in another. Avoid labeling individuals based on personality traits or ways of thinking.

      There is no standard or "model" brain when it comes to individual personality traits or ways of thinking. Everyone's brain is unique due to differences in personalities, experiences, and emotions. The concept of an "ADHD brain" or "ADHD personality" should not be labeled as a disorder, but rather as a different mode of thinking that may not work optimally in certain circumstances. It's essential to recognize that everyone's brain functions differently, and what may not work well in one situation might be an advantage in another. The education system's focus on left-wing ideologies and ignoring traditional values is a significant concern, as it can brainwash students and turn them into activists, rather than fostering critical thinking and individuality.

    • PragerU and The Daily Wire Fighting Against Leftist Brainwashing in K-12 Education and Cancel CulturePragerU's PREP community aims to save children from leftist indoctrination, while The Daily Wire supports figures like Gina Carano and produces exclusive content for members to combat cancel culture.

      PragerU, an educational nonprofit, is expanding its reach into K-12 education with PragerU Resources for Educators and Parents (PREP). This community aims to save children from leftist brainwashing and provides a platform for conservative parents and educators to work together. Additionally, the Daily Wire is fighting back against cancel culture by supporting figures like Gina Carano, who was canceled for her conservative views. They are producing a film with her exclusively for Daily Wire members. It's crucial for individuals to engage and fight back against cancel culture, and joining these communities can help make a difference. The strength lies in numbers, and with the support of members, the Daily Wire and PragerU can continue to take back the culture.

    • Wife's Encouragement of Husband's Dangerous Behavior Leads to ConflictA husband feels his wife's encouragement of his dangerous actions and lack of intervention make her responsible for his injuries, leading him to end their relationship and potentially explore legal options.

      The speaker believes his wife is irresponsible and morally questionable for allowing him to engage in dangerous activities and then filming and laughing at him while he is injured. He feels she is liable for his actions due to her encouragement and lack of intervention. The pattern of behavior has occurred multiple times, leading him to "cancel" her. The speaker also implies a potential legal angle to the situation. Additionally, he portrays himself as a grown man who behaves irrationally when it comes to balancing risk and reward, suggesting a condition rather than personal responsibility. The overall tone is bitter and accusatory.

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    Backstage: The Presidential Debate

    Backstage: The Presidential Debate

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    Birch Gold - Make a qualifying purchase by July 31st and get a GOLDEN Truth Bomb! Text "BEN" to 989898, or go to https://birchgold.com/BEN


    PreBorn! - Donate today to support PreBorn's life-saving work: https://www.preborn.com/BACKSTAGE


    Boll & Branch - Get 15% off your order at https://www.bollandbranch.com/BEN

    The Matt Walsh Show
    enJune 28, 2024

    Ep. 1396 - A System Run By Illiterate Imbeciles

    Ep. 1396 - A System Run By Illiterate Imbeciles

    Today on the Matt Walsh Show, a judge in Atlanta was just arrested and removed from the bench after getting into a fight at a nightclub and assaulting a police officer. Again: this woman works as a judge, not a waitress at Waffle House. But, she is just a symptom of a much larger problem. We'll discuss. Also, I'll offer my preview of tonight's presidential debate. Climate protesters attempt a very unique and hilarious method of stopping traffic. And, a guy on Twitter is roundly mocked and ridiculed after offering some unorthodox life advice to young men. As usual, the peanut gallery is wrong.




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    Join us live on Backstage for real-time coverage of the presidential debate TONIGHT at 8:30 PM ET on DailyWire+.


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    Ep. 1395 - A Flock Of Drag Queens Descend On Capitol Hill

    Ep. 1395 - A Flock Of Drag Queens Descend On Capitol Hill

    Today on the Matt Walsh Show, yesterday was "Drag Lobby Day" on Capitol Hill as several drag queens descended on our nation's capital to lobby for a host of awful legislation. The whole event was a flop, though, which may tell us something. Also, the Biden Administration promotes another cross-dressing man. The city of Los Angeles cracks down on people who are committing the crime of trying to make their communities safe and livable. And, the first annual "FatCon," a convention for fat people, just happened. I'll have the highlights, in case you were under the weight limit and couldn't attend.




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    Join us live on Backstage for real-time coverage of the presidential debate TOMORROW NIGHT at 8:30 PM ET on DailyWire+.


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    Today’s Sponsors:


    PureTalk - Start saving on wireless! http://www.PureTalk.com/WALSH


    Grand Canyon University - Find your purpose at Grand Canyon University: https://www.gcu.edu/


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    Ep. 1394 - The Fight Against Child Mutilation Makes It To The Supreme Court

    Ep. 1394 - The Fight Against Child Mutilation Makes It To The Supreme Court

    Today on the Matt Walsh Show, the Supreme Court will officially hear a challenge to Tennessee's ban on "gender affirming care" for minors. This will be a huge case that could deliver a devastating blow to the trans agenda. Also, CNN kicks a Trump spokesperson off the air for questioning CNN's objectivity ahead of the presidential debate on Thursday. Taylor Swift makes a brave stand against the patriarchy at her most recent concert. And, British academics are researching milk to discover its ties to racism and colonialism.




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    Birch Gold - Text "WALSH" to 989898, or go to https://birchgold.com/WALSH, for your no-cost, no-obligation, FREE information kit.


    Helix Sleep - Get 30% off your order + 2 dream pillows. https://helixsleep.com/WALSH


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    Ep. 1393 - Christian Conservatives Proven Right Once Again As Abstinence 'Trend' Gains Popularity

    Ep. 1393 - Christian Conservatives Proven Right Once Again As Abstinence 'Trend' Gains Popularity

    Today on the Matt Walsh Show, the media has discovered a hot new trend. It's called abstinence. For years the Left mocked Christian conservatives for promoting abstinence. Now, they're coming around, but for all the wrong reasons. Also, Jamaal Bowman and AOC team up for the cringiest campaign rally of all time. Donald Trump made two campaign promises over the weekend: one very good and one very bad. And, the wife of an NFL quarterback says that she convinced her now-husband to date her by hooking up with his backup. Why would any wife share a story like that?




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    Tax Network USA - Seize control of your financial future! Call 1(800)245-6000 or visit http://www.TNUSA.com/WALSH


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    Ep. 1392 - Disney’s Not So Secret Anti-White Agenda

    Ep. 1392 - Disney’s Not So Secret Anti-White Agenda

    Today on the Matt Walsh Show, we've heard about Disney's not-so-secret gay agenda. Now, thanks to James O'Keefe, we know more about their not-so-secret anti-white agenda. Also, MSNBC talking heads do their best to explain why classrooms should have pride flags but shouldn't have the Ten Commandments. Their argument is more revealing than they wanted it to be. And, can racism cause cancer? That was the premise of an episode of an NBC medical drama. It was not satire. Not intentionally, anyway.




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    Birch Gold - Text "WALSH" to 989898, or go to https://birchgold.com/WALSH, for your no-cost, no-obligation, FREE information kit.


    Good Ranchers - Get $100 off PLUS FREE smoked brats for a year with promo code WALSH: https://www.goodranchers.com


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    The News

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    Paul's Big Hat of Woo

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    Our question this month comes from Clemens Unger in Melbourne, Australia who helpfully suggested:

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    Aloha From "Mars"

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    Follow ‘I Need My Space’ on Social Media:

    Twitter: @INeedMySpacePod

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    FB Group:  I Need My Space Pod

    To continue the conversation from this episode, use the hashtag #INeedMySpace.

    Listen to ‘The Habitat’ on Gimlet: http://www.gimletmedia.com/the-habitat

    And on Apple: https://apple.co/2NJIy08

    Follow Lynn on Twitter: @LynnRLevy

    About Inverse:

    Inverse sparks curiosity about the future. We explore the science of anything, innovations that shape tomorrow and ideas that stretch our minds. Our goal is to motivate the next generation to build a better world.


    ‘I Need My Space’ is an Inverse production hosted by Steve Ward, produced by Sam Riddell, and executive produced by Hannah Margaret Allen and Weston Green. This episode was also produced and hosted by Moiya McTier. Our intro and outro music was created by Andrew Olivares.

    Steve: @stevejohnhenryw

    Moiya: @GoAstroMo

    Andrew: https://soundcloud.com/andrewo

    Other Topics Discussed Include: Gimlet, ‘The Habitat’, Lynn Levy, HI-SEAS, Hawaii, and NASA

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