
    Ep 67 - 1 [More] Proven Way To Heal

    enDecember 14, 2021

    About this Episode

    We hit pause on the podcast but not on the practice of helping couples heal broken trust.  Since the last episode we had another baby.  We call him our pandemic baby.  

    While we've been away from recording new content we haven't taken a break from helping couples. 

    In fact, we counted the number of couples Brad has worked with 1-on-1 in just the last 10 years and we found the number to be a staggering 5,800 couples!

    That's not in a large group...that's FACE TO FACE, 1-on-1.  That's unheard of in the counseling profession.

    During this time we've developed a new way to help our couples.  We've tested in out over the last few months and the results have exceeded our expectations.  This new way to heal is what Brad is sharing in this episode.  

    So if you're looking to heal yourself and your relationship look no further.  Visit our website at healingbrokentrust.com.

    Recent Episodes from Healing Broken Trust In Your Marriage After Infidelity

    20 Things the Unfaithful Want the Betrayed To Know...But Don't Know How To Say

    20 Things the Unfaithful Want the Betrayed To Know...But Don't Know How To Say

    Brad and Morgan outline 20 things the unfaithful partner want the betrayed partner to know but don't know how to say it.  We can help you find your voice and that is the goal of this episode.  To help you find the words you've been looking for.  Listen to the very end because you'll have a chance to hear from other couples.

    Look for more resources at healingbrokentrust.com

    Start your transformation by joining our workshop and program at healingbrokentrust.com/hbtworkshop

    Ep 71 - 23 Things the Betrayed Partner Wants The Unfaithful Partner to Know After Affair(s) In Your Relationship And Marriage

    Ep 71 - 23 Things the Betrayed Partner Wants The Unfaithful Partner to Know After Affair(s) In Your Relationship And Marriage

    This episode is like a mini-letter to the unfaithful spouse.  Our goal is to help you articulate many of the things you might be feeling but can't seem to put your finger on.

    Also, you may have heard about our workshops and master class programs…

    You may be listening to this wondering why would we join the Healing Broken Trust workshop and program?

    “We’re already in counseling, or something else, and I mean Brad and Morgan cover everything they have to say in the podcast anyways, right?”

    Well not quite.

    First of all, if you’re in counseling right now you still need the workshop.

    Individual counseling doesn’t solve marriage issues.  And I bet your marriage counselor is working on the marriage and missing all the glaring affair recovery issues you haven’t yet dealt with.

    In addition to that…we deal with so much more in the program that we’ve never covered on the podcast.

    Such as:

    • When sharing emotions is not enough,
    • When being the healer doesn’t solve the trust issues,
    • Or when your spouse isn’t helping you heal at all,
    • When cutting off the affair partner isn’t simple or straightforward in your situation,
    • When you’ve decided to re-engage and work on the relationship but the underlying causes for the affair aren’t dealt with,
    • When you think you know why the affair happened and then you are given new information,
    • When you have blind spots and can’t see what you’re missing,
    • When you’re not used to sadness so you do everything not to experience it, but in the process, you loose all access to intimacy.
    • You’re super positive, sure of the solution, thinking everything is explainable, but do you really understand why your spouse decided to look outside the relationship for some need to be met?  What need were they trying to meet?

    These are just some of what we help couples deal with in our workshop and program.

    So go to healingbrokentrust.com now and join us for the next workshop before it fills up.

    Ep 67 - 1 [More] Proven Way To Heal

    Ep 67 - 1 [More] Proven Way To Heal

    We hit pause on the podcast but not on the practice of helping couples heal broken trust.  Since the last episode we had another baby.  We call him our pandemic baby.  

    While we've been away from recording new content we haven't taken a break from helping couples. 

    In fact, we counted the number of couples Brad has worked with 1-on-1 in just the last 10 years and we found the number to be a staggering 5,800 couples!

    That's not in a large group...that's FACE TO FACE, 1-on-1.  That's unheard of in the counseling profession.

    During this time we've developed a new way to help our couples.  We've tested in out over the last few months and the results have exceeded our expectations.  This new way to heal is what Brad is sharing in this episode.  

    So if you're looking to heal yourself and your relationship look no further.  Visit our website at healingbrokentrust.com.

    Ep 65 Stress and the Negative Cycle

    Ep 65 Stress and the Negative Cycle

    Discovering that your partner has been unfaithful or needing to reveal unfaithfulness to your partner is beyond STRESSFUL.  But this episode doesn't ignore the very real truth that it can still cause the coolest cucumber to wilt.  Listen in as Brad and Morgan talk about managing stress incredibly difficult circumstances.

    At the time of this episode, we are experiencing a pandemic and we're all quarantined and practicing social distancing. We are all so stressed and now we're in close quarters with our spouse. This can make healing broken trust so difficult.

    If you're ready to take the next step in healing your relationship check out our healing broken trust workshop HERE: https://healingbrokentrustworkshop.com/

    You can do it in person or from home.  We hope to see you soon!

    Ep 64 - What Happens When The Unfaithful Is Vulnerable

    Ep 64 - What Happens When The Unfaithful Is Vulnerable

    Brad discusses what happens when the betrayer opens up and is vulnerable with the partner they've hurt.  How this can affect the future of the relationship.

    If you're ready to take the next step in healing your relationship check out our healing broken trust workshop HERE: https://healingbrokentrustworkshop.com/

    You can do it in person or from home.  We hope to see you soon!

    Ep 63 - The Challenges To Understanding Why The Affair Happened

    Ep 63 - The Challenges To Understanding Why The Affair Happened

    After an affair is discovered many people find it difficult to understand why the betrayal happened. 

    In Episode 63 Brad and Morgan discuss some of the challenges to healing.  They outline how shock and trauma affects the way understanding the affair is interpreted. 

    How the big why and little whys make a difference in healing after the affair is discovered.  How the level of pain affects the number of questions asked. 

    If you're ready to take the next step in healing your relationship check out our healing broken trust workshop HERE: https://healingbrokentrustworkshop.com/

    You can do it in person or from home.  We hope to see you soon!