
    Podcast Summary

    • Dan's thoughts on daylight savings time and personal updatesDan discussed his dislike for daylight savings time, shared his recent injury, and promoted Shopify while discussing current events and upcoming guests.

      Dan Bongino shared his personal memories and expressed his dislike for daylight savings time during the episode of his show. He also mentioned his recent injury from grappling and upcoming plans for discussing the downer desaga and taxes in future shows. Additionally, he promoted Shopify and encouraged listeners to sign up for a trial period. The episode also featured a discussion about the Democrats' new 2020 platform and the idea of extending daylight savings time permanently. Dan also mentioned his upcoming guest, Steve Crowder, on his show. In essence, the episode covered a range of topics, including personal anecdotes, current events, and promotions.

    • Special offer for emergency food kits from Patriot SupplyListeners encouraged to be prepared with emergency food kits, but warned of potential financial burdens from Democrats' proposed tax hikes, specifically targeting farmers and small business owners.

      The speaker is currently promoting a special offer from Patriot Supply for a four-week emergency food kit, where buyers get one free kit with the purchase of one. He emphasizes the importance of being prepared and encourages listeners to take advantage of this offer. Additionally, he criticizes the Democrats for their proposed tax hikes, specifically targeting farmers and small business owners with an increase in the death tax exemption. This could result in significant financial burdens for those who have built their wealth through assets rather than cash. The speaker expresses skepticism towards the Democrats' agenda and encourages listeners to be aware of these potential tax increases.

    • Democrats' tax hike plan could hurt small farmers and middle classThe Democrats' proposed tax hike plan may negatively impact small farmers and the middle class by increasing the estate tax, potentially forcing them to sell to big companies at a premium.

      The Democrats' proposed tax hike plan for 2018 includes raising the top tax rate from 37% to 39.6%, which would disproportionately affect the wealthy. However, the speaker argues that this tax increase would also negatively impact small farmers and the middle class, as they may be forced to sell their land to big agriculture companies due to the estate tax. This selling at a premium to big companies is a consequence of the estate tax, which these farmers cannot afford to pay. The speaker criticizes this as going against the supposed liberal agenda of helping the little guy, and instead, making big agriculture companies even bigger. The speaker concludes that voting for Democrats in 2018 would mean reversing the economic benefits of the Trump and GOP tax cut plan, including the bonuses and economic growth.

    • Russian Oligarch's Lobbyist Connected to Trump-Russia Dossier CreatorRussian oligarch Oleg Deripaska, with Putin ties, had his lobbyist offer Democratic centers access to dossier creator Christopher Steele. Deripaska's lobbyist also met with Daniel Jones, a former Senate aid, who described Fusion GPS as a 'shadow media organization' funded by Silicon Valley and Soros.

      There are reported connections between Russian oligarch Oleg Deripaska, a lobbyist named Adam Waldman, and individuals involved in creating the infamous Trump-Russia dossier, Christopher Steele. Deripaska, a wealthy Russian businessman with close ties to Vladimir Putin, had his lobbyist reach out to Democratic centers offering to connect them with Steele. More recently, Deripaska wrote an op-ed in The Daily Caller mentioning Daniel Jones, a former Senate aid to Diane Feinstein, who met with Waldman. Jones described Fusion GPS, the firm that hired Steele, as a "shadow media organization" funded by Silicon Valley billionaires and George Soros. These connections suggest a possible Russian effort to influence the election through the creation and dissemination of the dossier.

    • Exercise caution with Russian sourcesApproach info from Russian sources with skepticism, consider broader context and potential motivations

      While certain information about the origins of recent political events may seem neatly tied up in a conspiracy theory, it's important to exercise caution when accepting information from sources with potential ulterior motives, such as those connected to Russian figures. The Russians, according to experts, may see themselves as powerful players on the world stage despite their economic and demographic challenges, and may attempt to manipulate information to further their goals. It's crucial to approach such information with a healthy dose of skepticism and not fall into the trap of oversimplified explanations. Even if some elements of a theory are true, it's essential to consider the broader context and potential motivations behind the information being presented.

    • Russian manipulation tactics and iTargetProRussia uses psychological warfare to sow chaos and discord, while iTargetPro is a system to improve firearm accuracy through dry fire practice

      The speakers discussed the manipulative tactics used by certain powerful entities, believed to be Russia, to sow discontent and spread misinformation in order to create chaos and discord in the Western world. They have no real ability to physically influence events but rely on psychological warfare to achieve their goals. The Russian collusion allegations against Trump and Clinton are seen as a farce and a sham, and individuals and organizations spreading such information should be approached with caution. Additionally, the iTargetPro system was introduced as a way to improve firearm accuracy through dry fire practice using a laser round.

    • Improve dry fire practice with laser round training systemsLaser round training systems like iTargetPro.com enhance dry fire practice, save time and resources, and offer a more convenient alternative to frequent range visits.

      The use of a laser round training system, like iTargetPro.com, can significantly improve your dry fire practice and save time and resources compared to frequent trips to the range. Additionally, an article from January 6, 2018, on news.com.au sheds light on the controversial meeting between George Papadopoulos, a low-level Trump campaign advisor, and Alexander Downer in London in 2016. The meeting, which led to the discovery of Russian "dirt" on Hillary Clinton's campaign, raises questions about the circumstances surrounding it and the potential for a framing operation against the Trump team. The evidence of contacts between the Trump team and individuals connected to the Clintons continues to mount, and the full story behind these interactions remains to be seen.

    • Critics question legitimacy of Mueller investigationDespite lack of evidence, some argue Mueller probe is used as a smokescreen, focusing on coincidences and unproven allegations, while no one has pleaded guilty to the actual conspiracy

      The ongoing Mueller investigation into Russian interference in the 2016 election and potential collusion with the Trump campaign is being criticized as a sham due to the lack of evidence of a conspiracy between Donald Trump and the Russians. Some argue that the investigation is being used as a smokescreen to cover up for Democratic misdeeds and the unmasking of American names in foreign intelligence reports. The speaker also points out several coincidences in the case that seem odd, such as the connection between an Australian diplomat who transferred money to the Clinton Foundation and his association with a woman who met with a Trump campaign advisor. Despite multiple prosecutions, no one has pleaded guilty to the actual conspiracy, leading some to question the legitimacy and true intentions of the Mueller investigation.

    • Political pressure may delay Mueller's investigation into Trump's obstructionMueller's investigation into Trump's potential obstruction of justice may be delayed due to political pressure, rather than a pursuit of the truth

      The investigation led by Robert Mueller into potential obstruction of justice by President Trump may be delayed due to political pressure, rather than a pursuit of the truth. According to recent reports, Mueller is hesitant to charge Trump with obstruction out of fear of being fired or shutting down the investigation. However, there is no mention in these reports of Mueller's commitment to uncovering the truth for the public. Instead, some speculate that the Democrats may be holding off on making a conclusion before the 2018 elections to use the potential findings as leverage. The truth seems to be taking a backseat to political maneuvering. It's important to remember that the ultimate goal of any investigation should be to seek the truth and bring it to light, regardless of political implications.

    • Investigations as a smokescreen for past misdeedsSome see ongoing probes as masking Obama-era wrongdoings; justice system perceived as biased; regular air filter changes improve home air quality, save money

      The ongoing Democratic-led investigations into alleged Russian collusion in the 2016 elections are being viewed by some as a smokescreen to cover up their own malfeasance during the Obama administration. The entertainment community is starting to acknowledge this as a joke, and there are concerns about the bifurcation of justice, with some high-profile individuals receiving lenient treatment while others face harsh penalties for minor offenses. Meanwhile, a simple yet important reminder: regularly changing your air filter can significantly improve the air quality in your home and save you money. FilterBuy.com offers a wide range of options and convenient auto-delivery, ensuring you never have to worry about it again. Lastly, former Director of National Intelligence James Clapper may skate on one component of his disingenuous testimony from 2013. These developments highlight the need for transparency and accountability in government and everyday life.

    • Government's transparency and honesty questioned over spying practicesFormer DNI James Clapper's false denial about NSA collecting metadata on millions of Americans raised distrust and concerns about accountability, but it's unlikely officials will face serious consequences.

      The government's transparency and honesty regarding its spying practices have been called into question, as seen in the case of former Director of National Intelligence James Clapper's false denial about the NSA collecting metadata on millions of Americans. This incident highlights the growing distrust between the public and the government, and raises concerns about accountability when officials make misleading statements. Despite the controversy and the expiration of the statute of limitations, it seems unlikely that Clapper or other officials involved in similar situations will face serious consequences. This situation underscores the importance of maintaining a critical and informed perspective on government actions and their potential implications for individual privacy.

    • AG Sessions keeps quiet on Pfizer investigation to avoid incriminating TrumpSessions avoids commenting on Pfizer probe to shield Trump from potential self-incrimination, while a coffee shop's controversial decision sparks debate on free speech rights.

      Attorney General Sessions is currently keeping quiet about the ongoing investigation into Pfizer's alleged abuse and spying on the Trump team to protect Trump from potentially incriminating himself. Sessions understands the complexities of DC politics and is likely trying to prevent Trump from publicly commenting on the case, which could lead to obstruction of justice charges. Meanwhile, a coffee shop in Oakland has drawn criticism for refusing to serve police officers, with few liberals speaking out against the decision. Despite differing opinions on the issue of free speech, it's important to remember that everyone has the right to run their business as they see fit, even if it may be perceived as controversial.

    • Liberals' Inconsistency in Applying PrinciplesLiberals argue for inclusivity in public sphere but support bankruptcy of Christian bakery for refusing gay wedding cake, highlighting need for consistency and upholding principles as non-negotiable values.

      Liberals have been inconsistent in applying their principles, particularly when it comes to private businesses and their right to refuse service based on personal beliefs. While they argue that businesses should serve everyone in the public sphere, they have supported the bankruptcy of a Christian bakery that refused to make a gay wedding cake. The hypocrisy of this situation highlights the need for consistency and the importance of upholding principles as non-negotiable values. The double standard in the culture wars, where anything on the left is acceptable while anything on the right is considered extremist, must be challenged. A potential solution could be the development of a conservative alternative economy that values consistency and upholds principles.

    • Rise of Alternative Economies and CompetitorsPressure from political and social movements could lead to the emergence of alternative economies and competitors targeting specific demographics, potentially leading to the downfall of major corporations.

      The economic landscape is shifting as companies face increasing pressure from political and social movements. According to the speaker, this could lead to the rise of alternative economies and competitors targeting specific demographics. For instance, conservative consumers may soon have a "Glamazon" or similar competitor to Amazon, as Fox News did in the media industry. The speaker believes that this financial competition could potentially lead to the downfall of major corporations, much like what happened to CNN and MSNBC. It's important to note that this is just one perspective, and the future of the economy is subject to various factors. If you're interested in this topic, check out the articles on Bongino.com for further insights.

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    Sunday Special with Mike Benz, Scott Presler, Julie Kelly and Producer Jim Verdi 06/23/24
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    Our goal is to help women become self sustaining. And it all begins by empowering yourself by...

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    More about our Guest:

    Gaylene Stingl, MST, CPA, CVA

    Blau Himmel LLC




    Visit The Women's Financial Wellness Center for a full directory listing of experts.



    Be sure to reach out if you would like to connect personally with The Women’s Financial Wellness Center. You can visit our website at https://www.womensfinancialwellnesscenter.com or grab a complimentary 30-minute consult at http://bit.ly/dashboardwfwc.


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    Submit your questions or ideas for future shows, tweet us at @askralphmedia or email us at askralph@askralphmedia.com.

    Like us on Facebook and follow us on Twitter (@askralphmedia) or visit www.askralphmedia.com for more information.

    To schedule a consultation with Ralph's team, contact him at 302-659-6560 or go to www.askralph.com for more information!

    How Long Term Care Can Destroy an Estate Plan

    How Long Term Care Can Destroy an Estate Plan

    Whenever we meet with new clients, especially married ones, I always want to review the estate planning documents that they currently have.  Sometimes those documents are 10, 20 or 30 years old.  Other times, the clients will say, “Oh, we just had our wills updated in the last year so we’re good there.  Yet, when I review the documents, I find that they are not suitable for their current needs.  How can this be?

     Very simply, no one considered how long term care costs can completely destroy an estate plan.  As I have explained in previous posts, when one spouse needs nursing home care and the other does not a spend down must occur.  The healthy spouse gets to keep one half of the couple’s assets up to a maximum of $109,540 and a home, if he/she is living there.  The ill spouse can then get Medicaid.  But, what happens if the healthy spouse dies first?

     Well, in most cases the will provides that everything is left to the surviving spouse and then to the children after the second spouse dies.  Or, perhaps, the will establishes a bypass trust for the surviving spouse, to save on estate taxes.  In either case the assets will now be accessible to the surviving spouse who is on Medicaid.  One of two things will happen.  Either the assets must be given to the State to pay back Medicaid benefits received and the surviving spouse can continue to receive benefits. The alternative is to terminate Medicaid and begin private paying for care until all the assets are spent and then reapply for Medicaid.

     Neither scenario is very appealing and need not happen if we modify the will.  Instead of leaving everything to the surviving spouse we leave the assets to a trust for that spouse, but, and here is the key, a trust that will not be counted for Medicaid eligibility purposes.  Now, those assets are available to be used for other needs not covered by Medicaid.  And when the surviving spouse passes away, there will likely be something left to pass on to the next generation, an important goal for many families.

     Does this mean that everyone should set up their will in this manner and that leaving everything to your spouse is the wrong thing to do?  Not necessarily.  What I am saying is that you do need to sit down with an elder law attorney who is well versed in the long term care system.  You may have a will that was suitable for your needs at the time it was created but things change and your plan may need to be changed too.  You may be leaving yourself vulnerable.  The State says you have to spend down most of your assets towards long term care.  With a poorly drafted estate plan you may end up spending all of your assets towards care, something even the State doesn’t require you to do.