
    Ep. 677 Liberal Myth Busting and the Value of Hope

    enMarch 15, 2018

    Podcast Summary

    • FBI Deputy Director McCabe's Job Status and the 'Spy Gate Email' ScandalRumors suggest McCabe may be terminated, linked to 'spy gate email' scandal, Dan Vongino debunks gun violence myths, and listeners can learn on the go with Blinkist's 15-minute book summaries

      There are ongoing developments regarding Deputy Director Andrew McCabe's job status at the FBI, with rumors suggesting he may be terminated before his earliest retirement date. This news comes in the context of the ongoing "spy gate email" scandal, in which McCabe has played a key role. Meanwhile, Dan Vongino encourages listeners to debunk gun violence myths following recent events, and introduces a new sponsor, Blinkist, which offers summaries of best-selling nonfiction books in just 15 minutes, allowing readers to learn on the go. Blinkist's extensive library covers a range of topics including productivity, business, science, and self-improvement. Listeners can start a free trial or receive three months off an annual plan by visiting Blinkist.com/Dan.

    • FBI's McCabe Faces Legal Issues Beyond Losing PensionFormer FBI deputy director McCabe may face criminal charges for leaks and wife's donations during Clinton probe, despite government's bureaucratic challenges to termination.

      McCabe, the former deputy director of the FBI during the Clinton email scandal, may be facing deeper legal issues than just losing his pension. His wife received significant donations from Democratic figures linked to the Clintons while McCabe was in charge of the investigation. The discovery of leaks within the FBI about this case coincides with the appointment of an outside investigator by Jeff Sessions, and the leaking of classified information is a criminal offense. The federal government's bureaucracy makes it difficult to fire employees, even those who have been convicted of crimes, and McCabe's responsibility to carry a firearm and law enforcement authority may make it slightly easier to terminate him. The investigation into McCabe's potential wrongdoing has been ongoing for a long time, and the delay in action may be due to the government's complex bureaucracy.

    • Uncertainty surrounding McCabe's dismissalThe federal government's bureaucratic process for revoking top secret clearances can lead to lengthy uncertainty, potentially keeping damaging information within the government.

      In the federal government, having a top secret clearance is crucial for certain jobs, especially in law enforcement and intelligence. Losing this clearance means losing the ability to do the job. However, the process of revoking a clearance is not straightforward and can take a long time. The latest example of this is the ongoing situation with former FBI Deputy Director Andrew McCabe. Despite reliable sources suggesting his imminent dismissal, the federal government's bureaucratic nature and glacial pace make it uncertain when this will actually happen. McCabe's continued employment may be a strategic move to keep potentially damaging information contained within the government. Ultimately, the public will have to wait and see what unfolds.

    • Building relationships in law enforcementUnexpected election results remind us to respect historical patterns and adapt when necessary.

      In the real world of law enforcement, things don't work as they do in movies. Agents or officers need to approach local law enforcement with humility and respect, rather than asserting authority. The speaker shared a personal story from his time in the Secret Service, where the "Chum Store" helped build relationships and gain cooperation. In politics, the results of the Pennsylvania 18th congressional district special election were a significant upset, with a Democrat winning in a heavily Republican-leaning district. Pat Kiddell, a Democratic strategist, pointed out that historical voting patterns in the district favored Republicans, making the result an astronomical upset. The takeaway is that unexpected outcomes can occur, and it's essential to acknowledge and learn from them.

    • Future-focused agenda needed for Republican Party successTo win future elections, Republicans must offer a bold agenda beyond tax cuts, including spending plans, regulatory reform, military tech, school choice, Second Amendment rights, and health initiatives.

      Every election is about the future, not the past accomplishments. Republican Party, this means you can't rely solely on the tax cuts for your future success. You need a bold agenda with plans for spending, regulatory reform, government spending, defunding Planned Parenthood, military technology, school choice initiatives, and Second Amendment rights. The voters want to believe you'll provide prosperous leadership, so give them a reason to vote for you again. Resting on your laurels is not a recipe for future success. Additionally, it's essential to focus on health and nutrition, and Brick House Nutrition's Field and Greens product can help ensure you get the necessary fruits and vegetables daily.

    • The importance of consuming fruits and vegetablesEating fresh produce is ideal, but a supplement like Field of Greens can help ensure adequate intake.

      Consuming high-quality fruits and vegetables is essential for a long, productive, and healthy life. While it's ideal to eat fresh produce, having a supplement like Field of Greens, a powdered blend of fruits and vegetables, can serve as "insurance" for those who find it challenging to incorporate enough into their diet. The speaker expressed hesitancy about the recent political rally due to the involvement of politicians advancing their causes, but acknowledged the importance of defending First Amendment rights. The irony of the situation, where politicians at the rally were protected by armed guards while advocating for gun control, was also noted.

    • Gun control disparity based on social classDespite gun-free zones, elites are often protected, while the public relies solely on these signs for safety. America's violence rate may not be as high as perceived when compared to similar countries.

      There exists a significant disparity in how gun control measures are applied based on social class. The speaker shared personal experiences of how gun-free zones were disregarded when protecting the children of elites, while the general public is expected to solely rely on such signs for safety. Additionally, the speaker challenged the myth that America is an unusually violent place, arguing that when compared to countries with similar socioeconomic and demographic characteristics, the US is quite safe. The speaker plans to discuss this topic further on his NRA TV show with the author of a related article.

    • America's Misconception of Increasing ViolenceTwo-thirds of gun deaths are suicides and 80% of gun crimes use illegally obtained firearms, emphasizing the need for fact-based gun violence discussions and addressing legal gun acquisition and mental health support.

      Contrary to popular belief, America is getting safer rather than more violent. The real public safety concerns regarding firearms are suicides and illegal guns, as two-thirds of all gun deaths are suicides and 80% of gun crimes are committed using illegally obtained firearms. It's essential to have an open and fact-based discussion on gun violence, acknowledging the differences between suicides and violent crimes committed with firearms. Ignoring data and focusing on ideological causes, such as gun confiscation, does not contribute to a productive conversation.

    • Gun laws have opposite effect on criminals and law-abiding citizensFocusing on gun control may not be effective for reducing crime, consider addressing root causes and improving mental health services instead.

      While laws against criminal activities like burglary put a perimeter around the behavior of criminals, gun laws often have the opposite effect. Criminals don't care about gun laws and continue to obtain firearms through illegal channels. Meanwhile, law-abiding citizens are restricted by these laws, leaving them less able to protect themselves. It's important to note that 80% of gun crimes are committed with illegal guns, and focusing on gun control as a solution to public safety concerns may not be effective. Instead, resources could be directed towards addressing the root causes of crime and improving access to mental health services, particularly in relation to suicides. Additionally, it's worth considering that other objects, such as knives and blunt force trauma, pose greater risks to public safety based on real-world data.

    • Discussion on guns and self-defense, introduction of Thrive Market sponsorGuns are not the only cause of crime, people have the right to defend themselves, and Thrive Market offers affordable organic and non-GMO products for healthy living.

      While guns can be dangerous, they are not the only cause of crime and violence. The majority of crimes are committed with illegal guns, and people have the right to defend themselves against threats they cannot outrun. It's important to note that not everyone is arguing for gun ban, but rather for reasonable regulations. Changing the subject, Thrive Market was introduced as a sponsor, offering affordable organic and non-GMO products. This online marketplace aims to make healthy living accessible to everyone, with prices up to 50% below traditional retail. Thrive Market offers a wide range of products, from food and vitamins to cleaning supplies and e-commerce cannot be found on Amazon. They currently have a special offer for a 30-day trial with $60 in free organic groceries and free shipping. Overall, the discussion touched on the importance of self-defense and access to affordable, healthy living options.

    • Gun ownership and crime do not have a causal relationshipDespite an increase in gun ownership, gun violence has decreased in the US, challenging the notion that more guns lead to more crime. Countries like Switzerland and Israel, with high gun ownership rates, have lower gun homicides and violent crimes.

      The correlation between gun ownership and gun violence in the United States does not support the argument that more guns equal more crime. The speaker emphasizes that gun ownership has increased while gun violence has decreased, and this relationship is not causal but correlational. He uses the example of winter and colds to illustrate this concept. The speaker acknowledges that more guns do not directly cause less crime, but he also challenges the premise that more guns lead to more crime, stating that it is not backed up by data in the United States. He provides examples of countries like Switzerland and Israel, which have higher gun ownership rates than the United States but lower gun homicides and violent crimes, to further support his point. The speaker is not trying to prove that more firearm ownership equals less crime, but rather to debunk the false premise that more guns lead to more crime.

    • Gun ownership and crime: More complex than assumedSome studies suggest that in areas with higher gun ownership, crime rates may be lower due to deterrent effect, and states with more gun freedom often have lower homicide rates. Concealed carry permit holders have lower crime rates.

      The relationship between gun ownership and crime rates is more complex than often assumed. Contrary to the belief that more guns lead to more crime, some studies suggest that in areas with higher gun ownership, crime rates may actually be lower. This could be due to the deterrent effect of potential gun use by law-abiding citizens, making criminals less likely to target those areas. Additionally, states with more gun freedom, as measured by gun control advocacy groups, often have lower homicide rates. Furthermore, research on Australia's gun confiscation law shows little impact on suicide and homicide rates. Lastly, concealed carry permit holders have significantly lower crime rates compared to the general population and even to police officers. These findings challenge the common narrative that more guns equate to more crime.

    • The crisis of men not working and losing hopeResearch shows a significant increase in economically inactive American men since 1965, leading some to crime and violence. The solution is to focus on creating jobs and restoring hope.

      The real crisis we're facing is not the perceived issue of gun violence or crime committed by permit holders, but rather the crisis of men not working and losing hope. According to researcher Nicholas Eberstadt, the proportion of economically inactive American men of prime working age has increased significantly since 1965, with almost 5 million men disappearing from the workforce. This lack of hope and purpose can lead some men to turn to crime and violence as a means of immediate satisfaction. The solution, as Dan Bongino emphasizes, is to focus on creating jobs, imparting value on society, and restoring hope for these men. Elections may be about hope, but so is every person's life.

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