
    Podcast Summary

    • Investigating Identity Theft at RestaurantsStay vigilant against identity theft by reporting suspicious activity and prioritizing preparedness, including building an emergency food storage plan.

      Identity theft, specifically through the use of skimming devices at restaurants, is a common and easily solvable crime. Dan Vongino, a former federal investigator, shared his experience of investigating such cases during his tenure on a financial crimes task force. He emphasized that criminals leave behind telltale signs, such as the last charge on stolen credit cards, which can lead investigators to the perpetrator. Therefore, it is essential to remain vigilant and report any suspicious activity to the authorities. Additionally, Dan encouraged listeners to prioritize preparedness in all aspects of their lives, including building an emergency food storage plan with trusted suppliers like My Patriot Supply.

    • Texts reveal potential bias between FBI officials and judgeFBI officials Strzok and Page discussed meeting with a judge, Contreras, who later presided over cases in their investigations, raising questions about potential bias and impropriety.

      There is an ongoing investigation into potential crimes committed during the Hillary Clinton email investigation and the subsequent Russia investigation. The release of information regarding this investigation has been heavily redacted, but recently, some unredacted text messages between FBI officials Peter Strzok and Lisa Page have come to light. These texts reveal that Strzok knew a federal judge, Rudolph Contreras, who later presided over the case involving Michael Flynn. Strzok and Page discussed setting up a cocktail party to meet with Contreras, raising questions about potential bias and impropriety in the handling of these investigations. The House is calling for the release of more unredacted documents to shed further light on this situation.

    • FBI attempted to influence Judge Sullivan's sentencing for FlynnUnredacted texts reveal FBI officials discussed setting up a cocktail party to influence Judge Sullivan's sentencing for Flynn, raising concerns about the integrity of the investigation and the role of DOJ and FBI in the judicial process.

      There have been unprecedented obstruction efforts by the DOJ and FBI in the release of important documents related to the investigation into potential misconduct within the Trump administration. This is evident in recently unredacted texts between FBI officials discussing attempts to influence a judge in the sentencing of Michael Flynn. The judge in question, Emmet Sullivan, was also responsible for Flynn's sentencing in December 2018. The FBI had been withholding these texts from the Department of Justice until recently. The texts reveal discussions between FBI officials about setting up a cocktail party to influence Judge Sullivan. The Washington Examiner reported in December 2018 that Judge Sullivan had told Flynn's lawyers that prosecutors would only request less punishment than sentencing guidelines recommend if Flynn provided substantial assistance in the prosecution of another person. The identity of this person was not specified, but it is a high probability that it was someone within the Trump team or even Trump himself. This raises serious questions about the integrity of the investigation and the role of the DOJ and FBI in influencing the judicial process.

    • Critics argue Mueller investigation is out of controlCritics claim indictments unrelated to collusion and raise concerns over FBI agent bias, urging caution on government targeting of individuals

      The ongoing Mueller investigation is being criticized as a "witch hunt" that is out of control and beyond its original mandate. A blog post and an article by Andy McCarthy argue that the indictments against individuals like Manafort do not relate to collusion, and that the special counsel's team seems to be charging people with crimes unrelated to their actual alleged offenses. Additionally, there have been concerning revelations about FBI agents texting each other about influencing a judge involved in the Flynn case, raising questions about the impartiality of the investigation. Liberals are being urged to pay attention to these issues, as the discretionary power of government to target individuals based on slim evidence could potentially be used against them in the future.

    • FBI agents' actions in Michael Flynn's case raise concerns of government intrusion and potential collusionThe investigation into Michael Flynn and potential collusion between investigators and the judicial system highlights the serious implications of such actions, while accurate marksmanship can be improved through the iTarget system's dry-fire practice.

      The investigation into Michael Flynn's case has raised concerns of government intrusion and potential collusion between investigators and the judicial system. The FBI agents' attempts to influence the judge, who then encouraged Flynn to testify against others, highlights the serious implications of such actions. Meanwhile, in a different context, the importance of accurate marksmanship was emphasized. The iTarget system was presented as an effective tool for improving shooting skills through dry-fire practice. By ensuring a weapon is unloaded and using a laser round to visualize shot placement, individuals can enhance their marksmanship in a safe and controlled environment. The discussion also touched upon the origins of the investigation into the Trump team, which began with an encounter between an Australian diplomat, Alexander Downer, and a Trump campaign advisor, George Papadopoulos, in a London bar. The involvement of Glenn Simpson from Fusion GPS adds another layer to this complex narrative.

    • Australian diplomat's meeting with Trump team member initiated FBI investigationThe Australian diplomat, Alexander Downer, set up a meeting with a Trump campaign member in London, providing the legal justification for the FBI investigation into the campaign, while his connections to the Clintons and a Chinese espionage-linked company add intrigue.

      The Australian diplomat, Alexander Downer, played a pivotal role in the initiation of the FBI investigation into the Trump campaign. Downer's meeting with a Trump team member in London, which was set up by a female acquaintance, provided the legal justification for the investigation as the Obama team was already gathering intelligence on Trump. Downer's connection to the Clintons through a $25 million memorandum of understanding signed with the Clinton Foundation while he was an Australian government official, adds to the intrigue. Additionally, Downer's association with a company, Wayway, which was accused of Chinese espionage efforts, and the involvement of Hillary Clinton's brother in visa approvals for individuals connected to the same company, further highlights the complex web of connections between the Clintons and key players in this story.

    • Connections between Russia probe figures and Clinton worldDowner, a key figure in Russia probe, sat on MI6 retirement home board, linked to Chinese espionage firm, and made campaign contributions to Hillary Clinton.

      There appear to be numerous connections between various individuals and entities involved in the Russia investigation and the Clinton world. For instance, Downer, who played a key role in the Russia probe, sat on the board of Haglett and Company, described as a retirement home for MI6 officers, from 2008 to 2014. Additionally, Downer's involvement with a Chinese company accused of espionage and his connection to Terry McAuliffe's company during Hillary Clinton's tenure as Secretary of State have raised eyebrows. Furthermore, federal records show that several US reps for Haglett and Company made large campaign contributions to Hillary Clinton. The ongoing question is who set up the meeting between Downer and Papadopoulos, and why. The potential implications of these connections for the Russia investigation and the Clinton camp are significant.

    • Ongoing investigations and allegations of questionable activitiesInvestigations continue into potential wrongdoing by high-level officials and foreign entities. Some individuals and groups may display hypocrisy in their calls for accountability.

      There are ongoing investigations and allegations of questionable activities involving high-level officials and foreign entities, particularly regarding the involvement of Downer, an Australian government official, in meetings with British intelligence and the handling of the Michael Flynn case. The implications of these events are significant and could potentially lead to further revelations and consequences. Another key point is the apparent hypocrisy displayed by some individuals and groups who call for the impeachment or prosecution of President Trump based on unproven collusion allegations, but express outrage when officials like McCabe are fired or face consequences for their actions. It's crucial to stay informed and consider the evidence and context in these complex situations.

    • FBI Termination and Retirement Implications for Andy McCabeMistakes in FBI investigations of Hillary Clinton email, FISA court case, and Michael Flynn led to controversy and implications for transparency and proper procedures in government.

      Andy McCabe's termination from the FBI before retirement means he won't receive a pension based on his FBI service, but he may still be able to access the money he contributed to his retirement account. However, there's confusion about this because the federal retirement system, FERS, works differently than a 401k. The FBI's botched handling of the Hillary Clinton email investigation and the FISA court case to spy on Donald Trump are two major issues raised in the discussion. The FBI's actions in these cases, whether intentional or not, were mistakes that have significant implications. The third takeaway is the case against Michael Flynn, where the FBI charged him with lying to federal agents despite initially believing his account. Overall, these incidents highlight the importance of proper investigative procedures and transparency in government.

    • Childhood pretenses vs. realityOur past actions may not reflect our true abilities, and maintaining good indoor air quality is crucial for health, with FilterBuy offering reliable HVAC filters.

      Our past experiences shape us, even if we're not the best at executing them. Dan Pangino shared a childhood memory of pretending to be a great DJ by mixing gangster rap with Funky Cold Medina, but in reality, he was the worst. This story highlights how we can put on a facade, but our true abilities may differ. Moving on, the importance of changing air filters in maintaining good indoor air quality was emphasized. Many people are vocal about environmental issues but neglect the air quality in their own homes. FilterBuy was recommended as a reliable provider of HVAC filters, offering various options and quick shipping. Lastly, the discussion touched on the evolving narrative of the Trump Russia case, which may now serve as a vehicle for regulating the internet. It's important to remember that underlying issues, such as constitutional rights and privacy, are at the heart of these discussions.

    • Democrats Shift Focus to Accusations of Data Misuse in 2016 ElectionDemocrats are accusing Trump and his team of using data from Facebook and companies like Cambridge Analytica to influence voters through targeted political ads, leading to calls for more government regulation of online platforms.

      The narrative surrounding Russian collusion in the 2016 US election against Trump is falling apart, and the Democrats are shifting their focus to accusing Trump and his team of using data from Facebook and companies like Cambridge Analytica to influence voters through targeted political ads. The Democrats aim to regulate social media and the internet based on this new narrative. Cambridge Analytica is a research company that used Facebook data for political marketing, and there is a dispute over whether Facebook allowed the company to access additional data beyond what was given during a personality quiz. The Democrats are using this issue to call for more government regulation of online platforms.

    • Conservatives Warn Against Government Regulation of Social MediaConservatives urge caution against gov't regulation of social media, fearing hate speech laws could disproportionately target them. Instead, they advise finding alternative platforms and continuing to speak out.

      There is a growing concern among conservatives about discrimination and censorship on social media platforms like Twitter and Facebook. The recent Cambridge Analytica scandal is being used by liberals as an opportunity to push for government regulation of the internet. However, conservatives are urging caution against this, as they believe it could lead to hate speech laws that would disproportionately target them. The speaker, who has personally experienced discrimination on Twitter, advises against relying on the government for solutions and instead encourages conservatives to find alternative platforms and continue speaking out. The speaker also warns that government regulation could lead to further censorship and infringement on free speech. Conservatives should remain vigilant and not fall prey to the government regulation trap.

    • Social media users are the product, not the consumersBe aware that your data is being sold to advertisers, be cautious about sharing information, and consider deleting accounts or limiting information to protect privacy.

      Social media users should be aware that they are not the consumers, but the product being sold on platforms like Facebook and Twitter. The speaker emphasized that users are willingly giving away their information in exchange for convenience, and they should understand that their data is being sold to advertisers. The speaker also advised users to be cautious about government intervention in regulating these platforms, suggesting that users can take control by deleting their accounts or limiting the information they share. The speaker encouraged users to be aware of the trade-offs they make when using social media and to take steps to protect their privacy if they are uncomfortable with being tracked. The speaker emphasized that users have the power to regulate what they give to these companies and should not rely on the government to solve the issue.

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    Related Links:

    EU General Data Protection Regulation (“GDPR”), Article 17, Right to Erasure (‘Right to be Forgotten’) (effective May 2018)

    Court of Justice of the European Union, Press Release No. 112/19, Google LLC v. Commission nationale de l’informatique et des libertés (CNIL) (Sept. 24, 2019)

    Court of Justice of the European Union, Press Release No. 128/19, Eva Glawischnig-Piesczek v. Facebook Ireland Limited (Oct. 3, 2019)

    U.S. Children’s Online Privacy Protection Rule (“COPPA”)

    California “Eraser Button Law” (SB 586) (effective January 1, 2015)

    California Consumer Privacy Act (“CCPA”)

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