
    Ep. 68: Preventive Medicine

    enApril 20, 2024

    Podcast Summary

    • Preventive medicine vs early detectionPreventive medicine saves money and improves health by preventing diseases, while early detection focuses on identifying health problems earlier for treatment

      Preventive medicine and early detection are often confused, but they are not the same thing. Preventive medicine aims to prevent health issues from occurring in the first place, while early detection focuses on identifying health problems earlier for treatment. The discussion emphasized that true preventive medicine can save money and improve overall health by preventing diseases such as type 2 diabetes. The offer for new iPhone 15s from T-Mobile and the MLB.tv free trial were mentioned as unrelated to the topic but interesting side notes. The importance of clarifying the terminology was emphasized to avoid confusion and to focus on the potential benefits of preventive measures.

    • Medical debt leading to bankruptcy62% of bankruptcies linked to medical debt, despite having health insurance, emphasizing the importance of preventative care and proper nutrition education for doctors.

      The reliance on medication as a solution to health issues, especially in older adults, can lead to significant financial burden, including bankruptcy, despite having health insurance. This issue stems from a lack of focus on preventative care and proper nutrition education for doctors. A 2009 study by Harvard researchers revealed that 62% of bankruptcies were due to medical debt, with the majority of these individuals having health coverage. Personal experiences, like the speaker's own, demonstrate the importance of seeking out preventative care and taking charge of one's health to avoid financial ruin. Preventative medicine is crucial for both physical and financial well-being.

    • Preventing Diseases: The Key to Controlling Healthcare CostsFocusing on prevention can potentially reverse diseases like type 2 diabetes, save money, and improve overall health. Investing in preventive measures is crucial for controlling healthcare costs.

      Preventive medicine is about preventing diseases from occurring instead of just catching them early. The speaker argues that focusing on prevention is crucial for improving health and reducing healthcare costs, as 100% of chronic diseases are preventable. The discussion highlights the frustration of individuals who fall into the "gray area" of health, where they're not technically diseased but not entirely healthy either. According to the CDC, preventing diseases is essential for controlling healthcare costs. By investing in preventive measures, we can potentially reverse certain diseases, such as type 2 diabetes, and save significant amounts of money in the long run. The speaker emphasizes the importance of functional medicine in addressing these issues and helping people improve their health and wallets.

    • Focusing on Preventive Medicine for Good Health and SavingsFunctional medicine prioritizes preventive care to identify and address health issues before they escalate, potentially saving money and improving overall well-being. Ignoring early symptoms could lead to severe health concerns.

      Preventive medicine is crucial for maintaining good health and potentially saving money in the long run. Functional medicine practitioners focus on identifying and addressing health issues before they become major problems, while conventional doctors often only treat symptoms once they have manifested. Our environment exposes us to countless chemicals, making it essential to have a properly functioning detoxification system. Ignoring early symptoms like aches, pains, or digestive issues could lead to more significant health concerns such as diabetes, cancer, or metabolic syndrome. It's essential to pay attention to these symptoms and address them promptly rather than denying or ignoring them. While some people may not receive a clear diagnosis from their doctors, it doesn't mean their symptoms are not valid or that they are crazy. Instead, they may need to seek alternative solutions or consider functional medicine.

    • Recognizing and addressing health concerns early onEarly recognition and prevention of health issues can save resources and prevent costly chronic diseases, regardless of age or gender.

      Prioritizing health and addressing health concerns early on can prevent costly chronic diseases and save significant resources. The speaker shares his experience running a clinic where patients of all ages, not just older women, seek treatment. He emphasizes the importance of recognizing when symptoms persist and not ignoring them, as preventative measures can make a significant difference. The speaker also highlights the financial burden of diseases such as smoking and obesity, which cost billions annually in health-related expenses. It's crucial to understand the importance of maintaining good health and addressing concerns promptly to avoid the financial and personal consequences of chronic diseases.

    • Shifting perception of normal weightRecognize that being slightly overweight is still unhealthy, prioritize preventive care through lifestyle choices, and be honest about diet and activity levels to maintain a healthy weight and overall well-being.

      Our perception of what is considered normal weight is shifting due to the high prevalence of overweight and obesity in society. However, it's essential to recognize that being slightly overweight is still not normal and can have significant health consequences. Preventive medicine plays a crucial role in maintaining good health and financial well-being. Lifestyle choices, including diet and exercise, are the foundation of preventive care. Being honest with oneself about one's diet and physical activity levels is crucial, as many people underestimate their intake of processed foods and sedentary behavior. Eating real, whole foods and incorporating regular physical activity are key to maintaining a healthy weight and overall well-being.

    • Volunteering, helping others, and maintaining a spiritual life contribute to overall health and happinessResearch shows volunteering increases sense of accomplishment, improves mood, and better physical health. Practicing gratitude, meditation, and prayer also enhance personal well-being. Understanding family history provides valuable insights and motivates healthier choices.

      Leading a well-rounded life involves more than just diet and exercise. Volunteering, helping others, and maintaining a spiritual life are essential components of overall health and happiness. Research shows that volunteering can lead to increased sense of accomplishment, improved mood, and better physical health. Similarly, practices like prayer, meditation, and expressing gratitude can contribute to personal well-being. Additionally, understanding family history can provide valuable insights and motivate healthier choices. Ultimately, making time for these aspects of life can help foster human connection and improve wellbeing.

    • Family history and preventative measures impact your health and savingsUnderstanding your family health history and practicing preventative measures like functional medicine, chiropractic care, and stress reduction can lower your risk of chronic diseases, save money on healthcare costs, and improve overall well-being.

      Understanding your family health history and seeking preventative measures, such as functional medicine and chiropractic care, can significantly reduce your risk of developing chronic diseases and save you money in the long run. Family history plays a crucial role in determining your health risks, and preventative measures can help you choose a healthier path. Chiropractic care, often overlooked, offers immense benefits, including fewer hospital admissions, outpatient surgeries, and pharmaceutical costs. Additionally, stress reduction, a great benefit of preventative medicine, can save you from conditions causing 75-90% of doctor's visits and billions in healthcare costs each year. Always ensure you're seeing a well-trained and experienced practitioner for the best results.

    • Addressing Physical Stressors for Better Well-beingNeglecting physical needs like nutrition, exercise, and sleep can worsen stress and lead to chronic health issues. Preventive measures like seeing a doctor or alternative healthcare practitioners can optimize health, reduce healthcare costs, and alleviate long-term side effects of conventional treatments.

      Stress goes beyond the daily pressures of work and personal life. It also includes the physical stressors of nutrition, exercise, and sleep. Neglecting these basic needs can exacerbate stress and lead to chronic health issues. Preventive measures, such as visiting a preventive doctor or alternative healthcare practitioners like chiropractors, nutritionists, or acupuncturists, can help optimize health, reduce healthcare costs, and alleviate the long-term side effects of conventional treatments. By addressing both mental and physical stressors, individuals can improve their overall well-being and resilience to stress.

    • Understanding individual health situation and creating a personalized planEffective disease prevention and optimal health maintenance involve personalized plans, considering all options, and seeking professional guidance

      Preventing disease and maintaining optimal health involves understanding one's individual health situation and creating a personalized plan. This approach can be more effective than seeking alternative treatments as a last resort. While alternative treatments can offer gentler solutions, they may take longer to work and may not be effective if the root cause of the problem hasn't been identified. Moreover, some conditions may require conventional medical intervention. It's essential to consider all options and seek professional guidance to determine the best approach for your unique health needs. Acting on your decision to pursue alternative treatments when you're healthy is an excellent time to establish a baseline and monitor your progress.

    • Seeking Help from a Functional Medicine PractitionerFind a functional medicine practitioner for personalized health guidance, regardless of current health status. The Institute of Natural Health offers resources to help you find the right one.

      No matter where you are in your health journey, it's never too late to seek help from a functional medicine practitioner. Whether you're currently healthy or dealing with chronic conditions, the right practitioner can help identify trends and issues in your lab results to guide you towards better health. It's important to remember that not all functional medicine practitioners are the same, so finding one that's a good fit for you is crucial. The Institute of Natural Health can help you on this journey, offering resources and guidance. Additionally, if you're looking for a new phone, consider T-Mobile's offer of four free iPhone 15s and $25 monthly lines. And for those with baseball skills, MLB's Pitch Hit and Run competition offers a chance to play at the World Series.

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