
    Ep. 680 The Liberal War on Free Speech Continues

    enMarch 20, 2018

    Podcast Summary

    • Threats to Free Speech and Social MediaThe left seeks to regain control over speech through social media platforms, and recent events like the Cambridge Analytica scandal are opening up opportunities for censorship. Stay informed and fight back against attempts to limit free speech. Dan also shared his positive experience with the Quip toothbrush, praising its design and affordability.

      There is a growing threat to our free speech rights, particularly through the use of social media platforms. This issue has been brewing since the end of the Fairness Doctrine, which once required radio stations to present opposing viewpoints on controversial topics. The left has been eager to regain control over speech ever since, and recent events like the Cambridge Analytica scandal on Facebook are opening up Pandora's box. It's important to be aware of these tactics and to fight back against any attempts to limit our free speech. On a lighter note, Dan also shared his excitement about the Quip toothbrush, praising its sleek design and powerful vibrations. Despite receiving a free sample, he even bought his own toothbrush because he was so impressed. Quip's combination of dentistry and design makes it a standout electric toothbrush at an affordable price.

    • Quip's Convenient Toothbrushing Solution and Free SpeechQuip offers a dentist-recommended electric toothbrush with automatic head replacements and a subscription model, while the importance of free speech is under threat, with efforts to suppress diverse viewpoints.

      Quip provides a convenient and dentist-recommended toothbrushing experience with automatic brush head replacements every three months for just $5. The Quip electric toothbrush comes with a mount that suctions to your mirror and can be taken on the go. Quip's subscription model ensures your toothbrush stays clean and effective, backed by a network of over 10,000 dental professionals. In the realm of free speech, there's a growing concern about internet censorship and the suppression of opposing viewpoints. With the disappearance of the fairness doctrine in radio broadcasting, conservative talk radio thrived, and now, liberal podcasts have seen success. However, the far left cannot tolerate this diversity of ideas and is trying to suppress free speech, not just from conservatives but from all perspectives. It's crucial to stay informed and support platforms that uphold free speech. Quip's innovative toothbrush solution and the importance of protecting free speech are two distinct yet interconnected topics that remind us of the importance of making our lives easier and preserving our fundamental rights.

    • Government intervention in net neutrality debateRadical liberals pushing for govt regulation of net neutrality could lead to unintended consequences and potential regulatory overreach.

      Radical liberals are pushing for the return of the fairness doctrine through the issue of net neutrality. They aim to bring the government into regulation, which could lead to a "Chuck Ecker Effect," where government power grows and becomes promiscuously used in other areas. Republicans advocating for net neutrality argue for a level playing field, but the government's involvement could lead to unintended consequences and potential regulatory overreach. The government's power lies in its ability to say "no," and introducing it into a medium can result in unforeseen consequences. It's essential to consider the long-term implications of government intervention in the name of "leveling the playing field."

    • Net neutrality debate goes beyond equal charges for content providersThe net neutrality debate could lead to government control in various sectors, potentially impacting services like garbage collection, water, and pool and fertilizer services.

      The net neutrality debate is not just about keeping equal charges for content providers. It's also about the government's power to say no and the potential for far-reaching consequences. Once the government can control one area, other areas may be impacted. This is why the debate over net neutrality is significant, as it could lead to government control in various sectors, potentially affecting services like garbage collection, water, and even pool and fertilizer services. The government's monopoly on force makes it a powerful entity, and Republicans should be cautious about supporting net neutrality regulations that could expand government control.

    • Liberals shift focus to cultural spaceLiberals prioritize cultural influence to spread ideas and suppress opposing views, while conservatives need to engage in culture wars and understand politics is downstream.

      Liberals have lost political power and are now focusing on the cultural space to spread their ideas and control the narrative. They use mediums like movies, Hollywood, and social media to promote their agenda and suppress opposing views. Conservatives, on the other hand, need to be better at engaging in culture wars and understand that politics is downstream. The importance of controlling the cultural space cannot be overstated, as it allows liberals to isolate people from the truth and promote their minority views, which are often contrary to the majority's interests. The social media companies are a concern for conservatives as they are already winning the culture war on these platforms, but they still need political power to formalize their control. It's crucial for conservatives to understand this dynamic and take action to counter the liberal influence in both the political and cultural spheres.

    • Social media platforms seek legal protection amid concerns over conservative contentSocial media companies push for regulations like net neutrality and the 1996 Communications Decency Act to shield them from lawsuits and financial liabilities related to content moderation, but potential changes in legislation could impact free speech and internet freedom.

      Social media platforms like YouTube, Twitter, and Facebook are concerned about potential lawsuits and financial liabilities, especially in the context of their handling of conservative content. They want protection from these issues due to their role in the ongoing ideological war. This concern could lead them to support regulations like net neutrality and the 1996 Communications Decency Act, which would give them more control and legal shields. However, current legislation aims to wipe out these exemptions, which could change the landscape for these companies. It's essential to consider the implications of these regulatory shifts for free speech and internet freedom.

    • Potential infringement on free speech rights with net neutrality regulationsNet neutrality regulations could lead to greater government control over online content, potentially silencing conservative voices and infringing on free speech rights.

      The push for net neutrality regulations could lead to greater government control over online content, potentially infringing on free speech rights. This could start with the removal of exemptions for certain types of content, and could eventually lead to hate crimes legislation, resulting in the silencing of conservative voices online. This is a concern raised by some, and it's important to be aware of the potential implications of these regulations. It's not just about stopping sex trafficking, but considering the broader implications for online freedom and free speech.

    • Perceived War on First Amendment by LeftThe left seeks to regulate free speech, particularly on the internet, not for all, but for their own ideas. Historical examples include the fairness doctrine and talk radio's growth.

      There is a perceived war on the First Amendment by the left, who are trying to regulate free speech, particularly on the internet. This was discussed in relation to a case in the Supreme Court regarding pro-life pregnancy centers being forced to advertise abortion services. The speaker believes that the left is not interested in free speech for all, but rather only their own ideas. They cited historical examples of the fairness doctrine and the growth of talk radio as evidence. The importance of accurate firearm usage was also touched upon as a listener favorite topic.

    • Improve marksmanship skills through dry firingProper finger placement and trigger control during dry firing enhance shooting abilities. Laser rounds offer instant shot placement feedback.

      Practicing dry firing with the right techniques and tools can significantly improve your marksmanship skills. The speaker emphasizes the importance of using the correct finger and controlling the trigger properly. He also mentions the use of laser rounds for instant feedback on shot placement. Additionally, the speaker shares an interview with a bomb technician on his other show, highlighting the sophistication of the Austin bombings and the ongoing investigation. Lastly, he expresses frustration over a Wall Street Journal article about Obamacare, labeling it as lacking substance and preying on people's ignorance.

    • Cost Sharing Payments vs Tax Credits Debate in CongressCongress debates between cost sharing payments and tax credits for Obamacare, with the government proposing $30 billion for cost sharing payments, allowing for more spending on subsidies based on liberal preferences

      The ongoing debate in Congress regarding spending bills for Obamacare centers around cost sharing versus tax credits. Obamacare's design includes cost sharing payments from the government to insurance companies to offset out-of-pocket costs for low-income individuals. However, liberal groups oppose these payments because they allow insurance companies to keep premiums low, reducing the need for tax credits and government spending. Despite this, the government is currently proposing $30 billion to pay for these cost sharing payments. This intricate setup allows the government to spend more money on tax credits or subsidies, depending on which liberals prefer, ultimately resulting in significant government spending either way.

    • Health Insurers vs. Republicans: A Standoff Over Healthcare PaymentsThe government spending bill negotiations have become a contentious standoff between health insurers and Republicans over cost sharing and reinsurance payments. Insurers threaten to increase premiums, while Republicans hold up the bill. The situation underscores the challenges of affordable healthcare and the role of government subsidies.

      The ongoing government spending bill negotiations have become a standoff between health insurers and Republicans over cost sharing and reinsurance payments. Health insurers are threatening to increase premiums significantly before the midterms if these payments are not included in the bill. Republicans, in turn, are holding up the bill to secure these payments, which some view as a shakedown or ransom demand. The situation has sparked frustration and calls for legislators to be more transparent and truthful with the public about the situation. The underlying issue is the affordability of healthcare and the role of government subsidies in keeping premiums down. Ultimately, the situation highlights the complex and contentious nature of healthcare policy and the challenges of finding a solution that works for all stakeholders.

    • Politicians exploit complex issues and public ignorancePoliticians manipulate complex issues like healthcare and air quality for their benefit, while the public overlooks simple actions to improve their own environments, such as changing air filters.

      Politicians can thrive on ignorance and use complex issues like healthcare and air quality to their advantage. In the case of Obamacare, the speakers expressed frustration with Democrats blocking efforts to improve the system while also raising premiums. Meanwhile, in the environmental sphere, people are quick to criticize industries for polluting the air but fail to take simple actions like changing their air filters at home. The speakers encouraged listeners to check out FilterBuy.com for easy and efficient air filter delivery. Lastly, the exodus from liberal states like California continues, with 138,000 people leaving in the past year. This trend is a significant issue that requires further understanding and action.

    • Liberals prioritize their policies over middle class needsDespite liberal policies worsening cost of living and housing issues, many middle class individuals continue to vote for them, revealing a disconnect between their actions and beliefs

      The CNBC story about people leaving high-tax states like California for more affordable places refutes the liberal argument that they prioritize the needs of the middle class. The survey data shows that cost of living and housing are the primary reasons for the exodus, yet these issues are worsened by liberal policies. Despite this, many of these individuals continue to vote for liberal politicians. This disconnect highlights the liberal's lack of understanding of the consequences of their policies on the very people they claim to support. The cultural dominance of liberal ideas has led many to believe that their issues are caused by factors other than liberal policies. This disconnect between actions and beliefs is a significant issue that needs to be addressed.

    • Being cautious about government regulation of net neutralityDemocrats trying to manipulate net neutrality debate, could lead to negative consequences for conservatives, stay informed and vigilant

      It's important for conservatives to be cautious about government regulation, specifically regarding net neutrality. Dan Bongino argues that Democrats, who control the media and messaging, are trying to convince people that capitalism and Republican ideas are to blame for their problems. He warns that introducing government control in the name of net neutrality could lead to a disastrous outcome for conservatives, as the Democrats have the cultural and potentially political power to manipulate the situation to their advantage. Bongino urges listeners to avoid being swayed by this narrative and to remember the negative consequences of government intervention in the past. He encourages people to stay informed and to be vigilant against attempts to restrict internet freedom. Overall, the message is to be wary of government regulation and to remember the potential negative consequences.

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    • Big Tech can impact politics in a big way, they can decide what is shown and what is censored giving them ultimate control on the narrative. This is scaring governments and should scare you too.
    • Free speech has to be for all otherwise it isn’t free speech.
    • It is the governments job to step in when monopolies and control becomes too big, this is what they are doing and it will serve us all if the bid goes through.


    “Many people think that was fundamentally really wrong and ultimately governments are now threatened”

    “If I want free speech then I want free speech for all”

    [Business, mindset, entrepreneur, disruptors]







    Rob Moore is an author of 9 business books, 5 UK bestsellers, holds 3 world records for public speaking, entrepreneur, property investor, and property educator. Author of the global bestseller “Life Leverage” Host of UK’s No.1 business podcast “Disruptors”

    “If you don't risk anything, you risk everything”


    Rob’s official website: https://robmoore.com/

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    disruptive, disruptors, entreprenuer, business, social media, marketing, money, growth, scale, scale up, risk, property: http://www.robmoore.com