
    Podcast Summary

    • Asteroid deflection and investigative case updatesAn asteroid threatening Earth could be deflected by painting one side a different color, and Dan Bongino is investigating a complex case that might be close to being solved with audience help. Dan also emphasizes the importance of good nutrition and suggests considering supplements like Bart's Buddy's Brick House Nutrition's Field of Greens.

      While discussing the annoyance of vocal fry and preparing for the upcoming release of his dance-themed merchandise, Dan Bongino also shared some intriguing scientific news. An asteroid threatening Earth's existence may be diverted by painting one side a different color to absorb more sunlight and alter its course. On a more serious note, Bongino is investigating a complex case and believes he may have found a key piece to solve it, but needs audience help. Additionally, Bongino emphasized the importance of good nutrition and encouraged listeners to consider supplements like Bart's Buddy's Brick House Nutrition's Field of Greens for a healthier lifestyle.

    • Challenging Authenticity: Food and PoliticsConsider your values when making choices about food and business transactions. Stand up for authenticity in what you eat and support companies that align with your beliefs.

      Authenticity and personal choice are being challenged in various aspects of life. In the food industry, there's a new fruit and vegetable pie made from real fruit and vegetables without any additives or extracts. It's a return to the basics, and the speaker encourages listeners to try it. In the political sphere, Citibank has announced plans to restrict purchases of certain items, such as rifles and high-capacity magazines, for those using their credit cards. The bank's executive vice president, Ed Schuyler, has even suggested that businesses that don't comply with these new rules should transition away from Citibank. This is a form of coercion, and the speaker is not advocating for a boycott but rather encouraging listeners to consider their options and make informed decisions based on their values. The common thread is the importance of standing up for what you believe in, whether it's in the food you eat or the companies you do business with.

    • Making a difference starts with small actionsFocusing on one issue and taking action can lead to significant progress, even if it seems small. Stay true to your values and don't be afraid to take a stand.

      Individuals have the power to make a difference, even if it seems small, and that focusing on one issue or challenge at a time can lead to significant progress. The speaker shares how his inspirational rant about canceling business relationships with unethical companies led others to take action, and how the strategy of confronting adversaries on a focused front can be effective in standing up against larger entities. He also emphasizes the importance of staying true to one's values and not being afraid to take a stand, even if it means facing challenges or opposition. The use of the analogy of a Brazilian Jiu Jitsu fight highlights the idea that one doesn't have to defeat every opponent at once, but rather focus on dissuading them through effective action.

    • Businesses can choose to leave behind restrictive entitiesBusinesses have the power to make a stand and transition away from entities that restrict sales or impose unnecessary regulations. Small acts of defiance can also make a difference.

      Individuals and businesses have the power to make a stand and transition away from entities that do not align with their values or beliefs. In the context of the discussion, this means that businesses can choose to leave behind those that attempt to restrict the sale of certain products, such as assault weapons, or impose unnecessary regulations. By making an example of one business, others may follow suit, ultimately leading to a transition of business away from the restrictive entity. This is a war of attrition, and the side that continues to fight and adapt in the face of losses will eventually prevail. Small acts of defiance, such as changing the channel at a Starbucks or attending a yoga retreat, can also make a difference. Ultimately, it is important to remember that individuals and businesses do not have to win everywhere, but only need to win a few battles to make a significant impact.

    • Embrace the struggle for persistence and growthContinue the fight for your beliefs, even when it's tough, as it's necessary for progress and fulfillment. Suffering can lead to growth and may even benefit the economy.

      The ongoing cultural and political battles require persistence and refusal to give in to the opposition's demands. The speaker emphasizes the importance of not considering oneself vanquished, no matter how much pressure is applied. This can be seen in the example of Fox News' success in a market dominated by MSNBC and CNN. The speaker encourages continuing the fight, even when it seems difficult or inconvenient, as this is the only way to truly achieve happiness and fulfillment. Suffering, in this context, is a necessary part of growth and progress. The speaker also suggests that the efforts to degrade conservatives in the public space may inadvertently help the financial situation in the United States by reducing the use of credit cards and encouraging cash transactions. Ultimately, the message is one of resilience and determination in the face of adversity.

    • Mueller investigation as a smokescreen for real scandalMueller's appointment as Special Counsel was a deliberate distraction from the real scandal involving the spying operation on the Trump team and the verification of information used to justify FISA proceedings.

      Robert Mueller's appointment as Special Counsel was a deliberate move to divert public attention from the real scandal – the spying operation on the Trump team. Mueller was chosen because he could run an investigation that would act as a smokescreen, allowing the real issues, such as the verification of information used to justify the FISA proceedings against Trump, to be hidden from view. The speaker is convinced that this information was bogus and nonsensical, yet it was still used in the court system. Mueller's investigation into Trump was a way to distract the public and media from these more damaging revelations. This perspective is based on extensive research and experience, as detailed in a book being written by the speaker and Denise McAllister.

    • Lapse in FBI's verification process for Joe Armacost's alleged Russian collusionDespite rigorous verification processes, false info about Joe Armacost's Russian collusion entered the court system, potentially impacting legal proceedings and trust in the justice system

      Despite the FBI and DOJ's efforts since 2001 to prevent false information from entering the court system through the Woods Procedure, which involves verifying facts supporting probable cause before surveillance, the information regarding Joe Armacost's alleged involvement in Russian collusion still managed to make it through. This procedure involves multiple stages of verification within the FBI chain of command and at the DOJ. However, it appears that the verification process was not followed rigorously enough to prevent the false information from being presented to the FISA court. The consequences of this lapse could be significant, as it undermines trust in the justice system and raises concerns about the potential for misinformation to influence legal proceedings.

    • Investigation into Trump-Russia ties: Key facts not properly verifiedConcerns about potential conflicts of interest and cover-up in the verification process of FISA applications related to Trump-Russia ties during Mueller's tenure at FBI

      During the investigation into the Trump team's alleged ties with Russia, key facts in the dossier used to justify the spying operation were not properly verified. This verification process was overseen by the Department of Justice's National Security Division, which at the time was run by Bob Mueller's former chief of staff, John Carlin. The FBI's procedures for verifying FISA applications were fine-tuned under FBI Director Robert Mueller. These facts raise concerns about potential conflicts of interest and the possibility of a cover-up. It's important to note that these allegations are still being investigated and debated, and it's crucial to separate fact from speculation. The accuracy of the details presented in this discussion should be fact-checked and verified from multiple reliable sources.

    • Building a Criminal Case: Facts, Coincidences, and Probable CauseThe investigation into Trump isn't solely about Russian collusion but rather about Trump himself and those around him. Beyond reasonable doubt, hard core affirmative proof is necessary for a conviction.

      Criminal cases are built on a series of verified facts and coincidences, which can lead to a probable cause for arrest. However, beyond a reasonable doubt, hard core affirmative proof is required for a conviction. The discussion also touched upon the investigation into Trump and the role of Bob Mueller, who was a key figure in the process despite being a potential conflict of interest due to his prior involvement in developing the verification procedures. The fear and intimidation surrounding Mueller and his investigation were also highlighted. In essence, the investigation into Trump is not about Russian collusion but rather about Trump himself and those around him. The speaker expressed concern about the potential for selective investigations and the need for accountability.

    • Beachbody on Demand: Effective Workouts Anytime, AnywhereStream over 700 workouts from top trainers, accessible anywhere, anytime, and suitable for all fitness levels, with a free trial for listeners by texting 'Dan B' to 30, 30, 30. Investigate foreign asset verification and potential conflicts of interest in intelligence gathering.

      Beachbody on Demand is a streaming service that offers a wide variety of effective workouts from renowned trainers, accessible anywhere and at any time, with hundreds of options for all fitness levels and without requiring additional equipment. The company has a long history of success stories, with programs like P90X, Insanity, and 21 Day Fix, and offers a free trial for listeners of this show by texting "Dan B" to 30, 30, 30. Another important issue discussed was the need for verification of foreign assets in light of the ongoing investigations, and the questionable role of Christopher Steele, a British spy, in providing intelligence on a U.S. presidential candidate and the potential impact of false information on the court system. The speaker emphasized the importance of investigating the verification of these foreign assets and the potential conflict of interest in having someone involved in both the verification process and in making the case go away.

    • CIA's role in verifying foreign sources and their information in counterintelligence investigationsThe importance of verifying foreign sources and their information in counterintelligence investigations was emphasized. However, in the Trump-Russia collusion investigation, the CIA's role in verifying Christopher Steele as a legitimate source or his information was compromised, leading to the investigation's discrediting.

      The verification of sources and their information is a crucial aspect of any investigation. In the context of the discussion, it was emphasized that the Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) would typically play a role in authenticating foreign sources and their information in a counterintelligence investigation. However, in the case of Christopher Steele and the Trump-Russia collusion investigation, the CIA's role in verifying Steele as a legitimate source or his information was corrupted. This is significant because Steele was not the original source of the information, and there was no verification of the source by proxy. If someone were to make an unverified claim in a court of law, they would be laughed out of the courtroom and potentially face consequences for wasting the court's time. Similarly, in the Trump case, the lack of verification of the sources and their information led to the investigation being discredited.

    • CIA's Role in ByPassing Verification of Russian Sources in Steele DossierThe CIA may have bypassed the verification process for Russian sources in the Steele dossier, potentially allowing unverified information to be used to secure warrants for surveillance against the Trump campaign. The Russians themselves may have been the asset, and the real scandal could be the CIA's disinterest in authenticating the sources.

      The origins of the Steele dossier, which was used to secure warrants for surveillance against the Trump campaign, involved unverified information from Russian sources. The verification process was bypassed, and the CIA, under John Brennan's leadership, may have had a role in this. The asset was not Christopher Steele but rather the Russians themselves. The CIA might have been disinterested in determining the authenticity of the Russian sources, which could be the real scandal. Furthermore, Carter Page, who had previously worked with the FBI, was used as a conduit to present the unverified information to the FISA courts. The FBI had worked with Steele before, so they could claim the information was verified, providing them with a cover to enter the courts.

    • Investigation into Trump team began with Carter Page, but relied on unreliable information from Christopher SteeleThe appointment of Robert Mueller as special counsel led to an investigation of the Trump team based on unreliable information from Christopher Steele, who had previously worked with the FBI. The investigation began with Carter Page, but relied heavily on Steele's unverified reports.

      The appointment of Robert Mueller as special counsel was used as a smokescreen to investigate the Trump team. The investigation began with targeting Carter Page as an entry point, using the two hop rule to access his emails and phone records. However, the information on Carter Page was not authentic, so they turned to Christopher Steele, who had previously worked with the FBI. Steele was connected to Downer, who met with Papadopoulos and allegedly passed information to the FBI. Steele's name was later hidden by the UK due to his past work as a British spy. The meeting between Downer and Papadopoulos may have been orchestrated by Papadopoulos' girlfriend, who had connections to the UK government. The investigation relied on the reliability of Steele, allowing the FBI to take over the verification process without the need to authenticate the asset.

    • Origins of Trump-Russia investigation involve complex web of connectionsThe investigation into Trump's alleged ties to Russia began with a London meeting between George Papadopoulos and Maltese professor Joseph Mifsud, who was linked to Russian oligarch Oleg Deripaska and had ties to the CIA and Christopher Steele.

      The origins of the investigation into the Trump team's alleged ties to Russia involve a complex web of connections between various individuals and organizations, including Joseph Mifsud, a Maltese professor who set up a meeting with George Papadopoulos at a London bar, Carter Page, Christopher Steele, and the CIA. Mifsud also had links to Russian oligarch Oleg Deripaska, who is a friend of Putin's. The investigation began with a need for a legal avenue to gather information, and Ms. Food's role and connections to Downer, Steel, and Deripaska are still unclear. Despite these intricate connections, Mueller's investigation has primarily focused on individuals related to the Trump team and not the spying scandal itself. The full story involves intricate webs of connections and unanswered questions, and we'll continue to explore it in the coming weeks. For more information, visit Bongino.com, subscribe to Dan's email list, and follow him on Twitter @dbongino.

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    Unlocking your health mystery takes time and persistence. However, you can solve the puzzle and reset your health by putting the puzzle pieces together. One step at a time leads to miles of greatness! ~ Kristianne Wargo Desire to be supported and encouraged by other like-minded women? Join us at http://bit.ly/WomenofIMPACT. http://bit.ly/WomenofIMPACT But unfortunately, society has trained us that if we can take away your symptoms, why can't you still live however you desire? No restrictions. No exercise. Pure joy. Or is it truly pure joy? I have been battling a couple of different viruses since the beginning of the new year. Usually, I'm pretty healthy, not getting sick. But this season has not faired in my favor.  So it got me thinking even more. Since going through perimenopause and now on the other side, plus having gut issues my entire life, maybe I really need to take a hard look at what my body needs.  I know I'm not the average person which diets or fitness regimens are created for. A 1200-1500 calorie day does not work for me at all. And please do not flood my inbox as to what I might be missing. I've done the research and am currently studying real-time as to how my body responds and reacts to food, movement, vitamins, supplements, and so forth. Like any good detective, you've gotta put the puzzle pieces together to understand the whole picture. The K.I.S.S. ~ Put the puzzle pieces together! If you are struggling with your health, I want to encourage you not to give up. You can figure out what is happening and what needs to change. One thing I've been researching is the Paleo Diet. This diet is a whole-foods diet that includes only the most nutritionally dense and sustainable foods. (The Paleo Approach, https://ThePaleoMom.com, Pg. 9) Now, you have heard me say that the food all of us should be eating follows one rule: If God made it, I can eat it. But that's in it's natural state.  For example, God did not make bread. He made grains. So how those grains are prepared and eaten does affect the nutrient density of the food along with how it is absorbed within a person's body. If you are struggling with your health or weight, this might be a good alternative for you to try. As I said, I am taking you on my health journey in discovering all my quirks and likenesses.  You get to decide what you would like to try. This by no means substitutes for personal medical advice. 
    - What are you eating that is real? This is the most natural state of the foods you eat.
    - What are you eating that is processed? If it's not one ingredient, it is processed.
    - How can you integrate more nutrient-dense foods? 
    One thing I want to caution you on. You do not have to define how you eat to anyone.  I have been asked several times, "What program are you doing?" My answer (and it should be yours, too) -- I'm eating what my body requires.  Because you might be a blend of Keto and Paleo. And there is nothing wrong with that. Don't fall into the trap that you must have a definitive cookie-cutter answer.  Your body is uniquely made. So treat it with the respect it deserves by putting together all the puzzle pieces. Now, I am currently working in the preparation stage gearing up to change my body's nutritional menu. I am taking detailed notes as to how my body responds to the "junk food". Then, I'll be able to see exactly how good food affects my body. It's going to be a long process, but I know we'll both learn so many things to benefit us in the long-run.  Hope you're ready to construct your puzzle. "Train for life. Love your journey!"   #WellnessWednesday #CreateYourNow #HealthAndWellness https://form.jotform.com/62988215824163  - This is a complimentary (FREE) coaching call with me. You will discuss your specific situation while gaining tools and strategies to move you forward. Live. Love. IMPACT!  "One step at a time leads to miles of greatness!" Subscribe to https://youtube.com/createyournow on YouTube. Wanting help with goals, setting your schedule, or needing someone to talk to (even if you don't know what you need)? It's time you https://form.jotform.com/62988215824163. This is FREE for you. Please stop trying to do life by yourself. Put YOU first! Become your best selfie so you can live your life's purpose.   ANNOUNCEMENT: Ready to shine your light and tell your story. Please click on https://goo.gl/forms/uqjN0rBZ3PZwCbft2. Here you can submit yourself to be on the podcast or make recommendations for who you would like to hear. This is going to be a beautiful series!   Subscribe to https://youtube.com/createyournow on YouTube. Listen to Create Your Now on Spotify. Listen to http://www.iheart.com/show/263-Create-Your-Now-Your-Best/ The http://bit.ly/CYNarchive1 are LIVE!! You can subscribe and listen to all the previous episodes here. http://bit.ly/CYNarchive1 andhttp://bit.ly/CYNarchive2 and http://bit.ly/CYNarchive3 and http://bit.ly/CYNarchive4 and http://bit.ly/CYNarchive5 and http://bit.ly/CYNarchive6 and https://bit.ly/CYNarchive7 Contact me at https://createyournow.com http://createyournow.com/fuss-meal-plan/ Instagram
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    HSSC 003: Top 10 tips for starting a High School Strength and Conditioning program


    TOP 10 TIPS on how to start a high school strength program. There are lots of different things that need to be done and many personnel in the school district need to be on the same page to have a successful and effective program to help the athletes perform at optimal levels. I am going to give you the my Top 10 tips on what you need in place first before starting. 



    Hello, my name is Dane Nelson. I am a former college and high school strength coach. I created this podcast for strength coaches at any level but more specifically for High School Strength Coaches. I want strength coaches to be able to connect to each other and learn more about the growing field of full time high school strength coaching.  Thanks for checking out the website.  It would be great to connect with other strength coaches and talk about what works and what doesn’t work when training high school athletes.  This is why I created this podcast. I hope  you find it useful and valuable!



    Website: www.hsstrengthcoach.com



    Contact me at hsstrengthcoach365@gmail.com



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    Sadie and Sausha dive into seven laws of training. Explain how they're intertwined and how you apply them to your own training.

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