
    Ep. 688 - How Our Culture Turns Kids Into Murderous Psychopaths

    enMarch 29, 2021

    Podcast Summary

    • Urgent Attention Required: Violent Crimes by TeensThe disturbing trend of violent crimes committed by teenagers, like carjackings and assaults, demands introspection. A recent tragic death of a Pakistani immigrant, Mohammed Anwar, highlights the issue. Society must address the root causes and take steps to prevent escalation.

      The disturbing trend of violent crimes, including carjackings and assaults, committed by teenagers, particularly in cities like DC, requires urgent attention and introspection. The recent tragic death of Mohammed Anwar, a 66-year-old Pakistani immigrant, at the hands of two teenage girls, while delivering food for Uber Eats, is a stark reminder of the growing problem. The lack of concern for Anwar's wellbeing by those at the scene, including national guardsmen, is alarming. This incident, along with other violent crimes committed by teenagers, raises questions about the root causes of this behavior and how society can prevent it. The situation extends beyond DC, as similar incidents have occurred in other cities, resulting in harm to innocent victims. It's crucial that we address this issue honestly and take steps to understand and prevent the escalation of violent crimes by teenagers.

    • The Root Causes of Youth Violence in Urban AreasUrban youth violence is a complex issue, not just about race or gun control, and requires addressing root causes such as fatherlessness, harmful influences, and cultural normalization of violence.

      Our society is facing a troubling issue of increasing violence among young people, particularly in urban areas, and this issue is not being adequately addressed due to its political inconvenience and lack of easy solutions or narratives. These crimes, which include murder, torture, and rape, cannot be explained by typical talking points such as racism or gun control. Many of these young perpetrators come from homes without fathers and are exposed to harmful influences, such as music and entertainment, that lack moral guidance. The normalization of violence and nihilism in our culture, as evidenced by the popularity of artists like Lil Nas X and his satanic themes, contributes to this problem. The murder rate in major cities underscores the prevalence of this issue, which is happening every day and affecting countless communities. It's not enough to focus on mass shootings in schools or public places; we need to address the root causes of this violence and provide support and guidance to young people before they are drawn into a cycle of violence and crime.

    • The impact of technology on young people and the importance of moral valuesSupporting companies with moral values, like Charity Mobile, can positively impact young people's lives and counteract negative behaviors caused by technology and online culture.

      The impact of technology and online culture on young people can lead to a lack of truth, goodness, joy, and love in their lives, potentially contributing to negative behaviors. However, there is hope for change through supporting companies with moral values, like Charity Mobile, which donates a portion of proceeds to pro-life charities. The ease and benefits of using Charity Mobile make it a win-win situation for consumers. Additionally, the speaker reflects on how people often assume a negative attitude towards him and considers the possibility that he may come off as harsh, but ultimately decides it's fine.

    • Discussions on Coronavirus Vaccine Passports in the USDespite privacy concerns and potential counterfeiting issues, vaccine passports are moving forward in the US, with at least 17 initiatives underway, potentially allowing Americans to prove vaccination status for entry to certain businesses and avoiding a government mandate

      There are ongoing discussions about implementing coronavirus vaccine passports in the US, allowing Americans to prove their vaccination status to enter certain businesses. These passports, expected to be available through smartphone apps, may face privacy concerns and potential counterfeiting issues. However, some argue that these passports could be a way for the government to avoid a mandate, making vaccines a requirement for everyday life instead. This comes amidst ongoing debates over voter ID laws and concerns over undue burdens. Despite the potential issues, vaccine passport initiatives are rapidly moving forward, with at least 17 underway. It's important to note the potential double standards and implications of these discussions.

    • Trump's Media Presence and Bush's Post-Election Approach ComparedTrump's criticisms of the Biden administration dominate media headlines, contrasting Bush's low-key approach after losing an election, while Dr. Fauci emphasizes vaccinated parents' caution with unvaccinated children.

      Former President Trump continues to dominate media headlines, making multiple appearances on various news outlets to criticize the current Biden administration. Trump's messages of "they're destroying our country" have been repeated on different shows, leading to debates on whether the media is taking his bait and fueling the news cycle. Meanwhile, contrasting examples of past presidents, such as George H.W. Bush, showcase a different approach after losing an election. Bush kept a low profile and supported his successor, unlike Trump. Additionally, Dr. Fauci provided guidance on masking and interacting with children, emphasizing the importance of vaccinated parents being cautious when their unvaccinated children play in groups. Overall, the media's focus on Trump and the ongoing health guidelines illustrate the enduring impact of both figures in the public sphere.

    • Relying too heavily on non-experts' advice can have negative consequencesBe cautious when following advice from non-experts, especially for important decisions, and trust your own judgment outside their area of expertise.

      Individuals should be cautious about relying too heavily on the advice of those who are not experts in certain areas of life, especially when it comes to making important decisions for themselves and their families. The speaker in this discussion expressed concern about people following the advice of an immunologist on matters beyond his expertise, such as balancing risks and making daily life decisions. Furthermore, the speaker highlighted the potential negative consequences of constant Internet usage and encouraged setting limits to ensure a healthy balance. The survey mentioned in the text revealed that the number of people using the Internet constantly has significantly increased in recent years, particularly among older age groups. It's crucial to remember that experts can provide valuable insights into their specific fields, but individuals should trust their own judgment and expertise when making decisions outside of those areas.

    • The Impact of Technology on Desensitization and Potential Violence in YouthExcessive technology use and lack of parental guidance can lead to desensitization and potential violent behavior in youth. Authentic human experiences and empathy-building interactions are essential for healthy development.

      The lack of parental guidance and the excessive use of technology, particularly the Internet, are significant factors contributing to the desensitization and potential violent behavior in today's youth. The ubiquity of technology in children's lives, which is a cultural change from previous generations, can lead to a lack of authentic human experiences and a desensitization to real-life interactions. The speaker also touches upon the issue of representation, using the example of Band-Aids, and how small actions, such as providing a band-aid that matches a child's skin tone, can have a positive impact. Ultimately, the speaker advocates for raising children with opportunities for authentic human experiences and encouraging interactions that foster empathy and understanding.

    • Preferences and Perspectives in Everyday Life and PoliticsDiscussed were the potential implications of color preferences in Band-Aids, the drawbacks of owning birds as pets, and the ongoing debate over age limits for presidential candidates.

      The discussion touched upon various topics, including the insistence on a cut during a business transaction, the preference of brightly colored Band-Aids by children, the drawbacks of owning birds as pets, and the debate over an age limit for presidential candidates. Regarding the Band-Aids, it was suggested that the choice of colors might not hold significant meaning, but the speaker questioned if it could send the wrong message. About birds, the consensus was that they are noisy, smelly, and seemingly useless pets. In the context of the age limit for presidents, some argued that there should be a limit to ensure that the president has enough energy and mental capacity to effectively carry out the role, while others believed that age should not be a determining factor. Overall, the conversation highlighted various perspectives on everyday experiences and current issues.

    • Focusing on the majority in policy-makingPolicymakers should prioritize the needs of the majority over rare exceptions, and practical solutions like a competency test for voting and affordable auto parts shopping can be effective.

      When making policies, it's important to focus on the majority rather than rare exceptions. During a discussion about age requirements for presidency and voting, it was acknowledged that while exceptions exist, policies cannot be based on them alone. A compromise was suggested for a basic competency test for voting, but it was also emphasized that other requirements, such as raising the voting age, should be considered. Regarding the competency test, it was acknowledged that it would only establish a third-grade level of knowledge and that individuals who couldn't pass it wouldn't be able to vote. The discussion also touched on the importance of affordability and convenience when shopping for auto parts, leading to a promotion for Rockauto.com. In summary, the conversation emphasized the importance of focusing on the majority in policy-making and the benefits of practical solutions, such as a competency test for voting and affordable auto parts shopping.

    • Sleeping on it can lead to better outcomes in the morningConsider letting emotions settle before resolving conflicts for more productive conversations and healthier relationships.

      While it's commonly advised to resolve arguments before going to bed to prevent the buildup of negative emotions and chronic stress, new research suggests that letting emotions settle by sleeping on it can lead to better outcomes in the morning. However, it's important to note that this may not always be feasible, and the best approach depends on the specific situation and the individuals involved. The idea that you should never go to bed angry is a common belief, but it's essential to consider the practical realities of emotional dynamics in relationships. While it may be ideal to resolve conflicts before bedtime, it's not always possible to do so quickly or effectively. Instead, allowing emotions to settle and revisiting the issue with a fresh perspective in the morning can lead to more productive conversations and healthier relationships. Ultimately, the key is to find a balance between addressing conflicts promptly and giving emotions time to settle, as both approaches have their merits.

    • Arguments can escalate like a video gameRecognize potential for arguments to escalate, don't harbor anger, and avoid trying to resolve every dispute before bed.

      Arguments in a marriage can escalate through various levels, similar to a video game. Level 1 disputes are minor and can be resolved by recognizing their silliness and moving on or even laughing it off. However, as arguments progress, they can become more serious and potentially damaging. Level 3 and 4 disputes involve dredging up old offenses and reopening wounds, leading to deep anger and shouting. The longer an argument goes on, especially late at night when people are tired, the more likely it is to escalate. Therefore, it's not necessary to resolve every dispute before going to bed, and trying to do so can lead to more intense and emotional arguments. The popular notion that "don't go to bed angry" is biblical is a misconception. The verse in Ephesians 4:26 actually advises against sinning in anger and not letting the sun go down on one's anger, which can be interpreted as a warning against harboring wrathful anger. Overall, recognizing the potential for arguments to escalate and understanding the importance of not stewing in anger can help couples navigate their disagreements in a healthier way.

    • Approaching marital conflicts with thoughtfulness and patienceReflect on root causes, wait for calmer moment to address unresolved issues, and avoid unnecessary escalation in marriage conflicts.

      The advice to finish every argument before bedtime in a marriage is not a universally applicable rule. While it's important to avoid stewing in anger, reflecting on the cause of your anger and being silent before going to bed can be a healthier approach. It's also important to remember that actions taken during arguments, particularly when fueled by anger and fatigue, can be difficult to take back. Therefore, it's often wiser to wait until a calmer moment to address any unresolved issues. This approach can help prevent unnecessary escalation and potential harm to the relationship. Additionally, it's always a good idea to reflect on the root causes of your anger and work on addressing those underlying issues, rather than just focusing on the immediate conflict. Overall, the key takeaway is to approach marital conflicts with thoughtfulness, patience, and a commitment to working towards resolution in a healthy and productive way.

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    The Matt Walsh Show
    enJune 28, 2024

    Ep. 1396 - A System Run By Illiterate Imbeciles

    Ep. 1396 - A System Run By Illiterate Imbeciles

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    Ep. 1391 - Anti-Human Eco Brats Deface One Of The Oldest Monuments On Earth

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    Ep. 1390 - Major Polling Firm Changes Its Own Results After Left-Wing Activists Complain

    Ep. 1390 - Major Polling Firm Changes Its Own Results After Left-Wing Activists Complain

    Today on the Matt Walsh Show, the term "Orwellian" is overused these days–but, no other word can describe what just happened with a Pew survey finding that a vast majority of black Americans believe in racial conspiracy theories. The findings were so upsetting to activists that Pew went back and changed the report. This is a crazy story that few are talking about. We'll discuss. Also, Donald Trump reportedly floated the idea of abolishing the income tax. That's a great idea that should garner a lot more enthusiasm than it does. And, a democratic congresswoman claims that she miraculously cured cancer. Where are the fact-checkers on this one?




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    Join us live on Backstage for real-time coverage of the presidential debate on 6/27 at 8:30 PM ET on DailyWire+.


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    Balance of Nature - Get 35% off Your Order + FREE Fiber & Spice Supplements. Use promo code WALSH at checkout: https://www.balanceofnature.com/


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    VJ founded Balanced Excellence as an answer to his family's and friends’ constant questions about the stress associated with their children's participation in youth sports.

    The company is based on Science, Psychology and data

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    He has been on numerous TV shows and podcasts, he also produced a documentary “Frozen shorts” addressing issues in youth sport.


    52:45   min episode part 1

    02:11   Introducing V.J and he gives a few minutes background of his extensive life in youth sport which begun in 1976.

    06:11   Puberty and its impact and starting with the 10 and under group.

    14:56   Children have abundance of energy, but what about their mental capacity to learning? You will be surprised how V.J respond to this question.

    18:11   Hang On, they cannot learn by playing Simon says, or can they?

    27:51   Is a warm-up drill for U10 valuable to teach discipline? If only 1% make it, why should we coach like every will make it?

    31:26   The world is changing; we just need to listen to experts in this space.

    33:46   Which characteristics can a child learn from play?

    37:11   I asked V.J, how does guilt from coaches and parents affect young players?

    43:32   V.J discuss confidence, winning and being competitive.

    52:18   Puberty and life beyond-Life is about to change for everyone.


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    Podcast Transcript