
    Ep 69: Stopping Swearing & Family Gatherings

    enMay 04, 2022

    Podcast Summary

    • Swearing and Its Complex Relationship with Context and AudienceSwearing can add depth to language, but it's crucial to consider context and audience before using it.

      Swearing can be seen as an important part of descriptive language, but it's important to consider the context and audience. The speaker acknowledges that they swear too much and have promised to reduce it, especially since having children. They also note that they don't mind their kids swearing to them, but don't want them to do it in public. The speaker reflects on how swearing can be a powerful way to describe things, but it's important to use it appropriately. They also mention that they had to stop swearing as much when working on a BBC One show. Overall, the conversation touched on the complex relationship between language, context, and audience.

    • Using Swearing Effectively in ComedySwear words can enhance comedy when used artfully, but overuse can dilute their impact. Experienced comedians like Lee Evans and Dara Ó Briain use swearing naturally and effectively.

      Swearing in stand-up comedy can be a powerful tool, but it's crucial to use it judiciously, especially when aiming for television. Overusing it can dilute its impact and undermine the message. Moreover, some accents and voices can make swearing sound more effective than others. Actors in auditions sometimes emphasize swear words excessively, but experienced comedians like Lee Evans and Dara Ó Briain use swearing naturally and effectively, making it almost unnoticed. Swearing, when done artfully, is a respected craft in comedy. I agree with Tom that swearing can be beautiful and brilliant when executed well. I may not do it justice, but I appreciate it as an essential part of the comedic art. A memorable example of this is Jay-Z's performance at Glastonbury Festival, which left a lasting impression on me.

    • The power of genuine emotion in deepening relationshipsAn unexpected encounter led to a heartfelt moment, reminding us of the importance of cherishing meaningful relationships and the power of genuine emotion to deepen connections.

      The unexpected encounter between Tom, Katherine, Lisa, and their friend at a festival led to a heartfelt moment of emotional connection. The friend, under the influence of drugs, expressed his deep love for his girlfriend in a raw and sincere way, leaving a lasting impression on everyone present. This moment served as a reminder of the power of genuine emotion and the importance of cherishing meaningful relationships. Moreover, the gathering of the four friends for the first time ever, which came with its own set of nerves and anticipation, marked a significant day in their friendship. The group dynamic brought out the best in each other, showcasing their unique qualities and the strength of their bond. This experience highlighted the importance of creating opportunities to deepen connections with loved ones and cherishing the moments that bring people closer together.

    • Unexpected mishaps during a visitMaintain a positive attitude and be a good host, even during unexpected mishaps. Clear communication and preparation can help reduce anxiety and ensure a successful visit.

      First impressions can be nerve-wracking and anxiety-inducing, especially when unexpected events occur. The speaker in this conversation shared an experience of preparing for a visit to a friend's house, only to encounter several mishaps along the way. From forgetting essential items to miscommunications, these incidents left the speaker feeling anxious and uncertain. However, despite these setbacks, the speaker was pleasantly surprised by their friend's gracious and accommodating response. This experience highlights the importance of maintaining a positive attitude and being a good host, even when things don't go as planned. Additionally, the conversation showcases the importance of clear communication and preparation to help reduce anxiety and ensure a successful visit.

    • Misunderstandings in Relationships: A Conversation Between Katherine and LisaEffective communication is vital to prevent misunderstandings and maintain healthy relationships. Clear and respectful communication can prevent taking sides and negative atmospheres.

      Effective communication and understanding are crucial in any relationship. During a conversation between Katherine and Lisa, they shared stories about their husbands' shortcomings. However, the dynamic of the conversation led to criticism and taking sides, creating a negative atmosphere. Rob, who was also present, noticed the tension and tried to support both women but felt trapped in the situation. Reflecting on the incident, Rob realized that he had unintentionally caused Lisa annoyance by mentioning his plans to go to the gym after Sunday brunch. He could have avoided this by communicating more effectively or going to the gym before Lisa returned home. Overall, this experience highlights the importance of clear and respectful communication to prevent misunderstandings and maintain healthy relationships.

    • Maintaining a healthy relationship requires communication and considerationBe aware of the impact of our actions on partners, apologize for insensitive behavior, prioritize active listening and empathy to repair damage.

      Communication and consideration are key in maintaining a healthy relationship. The speaker in this conversation shared an embarrassing story about dismissing his wife's feelings and making plans without involving her. He acknowledged that men sometimes have an easier time prioritizing their own interests, but it's crucial to be aware of the impact of our actions on those around us. Apologies and genuine efforts to make things right can go a long way in repairing any damage caused by insensitive behavior. The story also highlights the importance of active listening and empathy, as the wife's silent treatment served as a reminder of the consequences of neglecting our partners' needs and feelings.

    • Cultural differences and biases in interactionsCultural differences and biases can lead to awkward situations, but open communication can help bridge gaps and promote understanding.

      Cultural differences and biases can lead to uncomfortable situations. The speaker shared an experience where a woman, Grace, showed clear discomfort when she met the speaker's wife, who was of a different race. The speaker and his friends were left feeling embarrassed and hoping they were stronger than their judgmental fathers. Grace's initial discomfort seemed to ease when she saw the speaker had married outside his race. The speaker also shared his fear of dropping his babies, which he experienced when one of his seats slipped out from under him at a food court. In a later incident, the speaker and his mother attempted to help their child with constipation using a method involving olive oil and a cotton bud. The speaker offended a friend by using the term "booty hole," which led to a discussion about appropriate language and age limits for such terms. Overall, the conversations touched on themes of cultural differences, parenting, and communication.

    • Feeling Out of Place: Discrimination Based on Appearance and DemeanorEveryone deserves respect and equal treatment, regardless of appearance or background. Passionate employees can create positive shopping experiences.

      Some people, like the estate agent in this story, can make assumptions based on appearance and demeanor, making certain individuals feel unwelcome or undesirable. This was evident when the speaker entered a health food shop in Lewes and felt out of place, and even more so when he visited an estate agent where the woman and her assistant treated him dismissively. Despite the speaker's confidence and calm demeanor, they were quick to judge and dismiss him based on his appearance and perceived social status. This experience serves as a reminder that everyone deserves respect and equal treatment, regardless of their appearance or background. Additionally, the speaker's observation about the passion of health food shop employees is a positive takeaway from the conversation.

    • Exploring the world of health food shopsVisiting health food shops can inspire healthy habits, but be prepared for higher prices on items like nuts. Employees may seem healthier due to their diet, but everyone's experiences and perspectives can vary.

      Visiting a health food shop can inspire personal growth and healthy habits, but be prepared for sticker shock when it comes to the cost of certain items, like nuts. The speaker shares a humorous perspective on the connection between nuts and trees, and the unexpected digestive effects some health food items can have. While it's amusing to consider the potential benefits of shopping in a health food store, it's important to remember that everyone's experiences and perspectives can vary. The speaker also shares an interesting observation about the employees in health food shops seemingly not dealing with digestive issues or bad breath, leading to a curious theory about the effect of the food on their bodies. The conversation concludes with a discussion about the legality and etiquette of using the restroom in various retail stores.

    • Asking for Permission to Use Public ToiletsBuilding a rapport with shop or hotel staff can increase chances of accessing their facilities, but remember they're private spaces and using them without permission could lead to confrontation.

      While there may not be a specific law allowing strangers to use public toilets at will, building a rapport with shop or hotel staff by acting like a customer can increase the chances of being granted access to their facilities. This can be especially important for those who need to use the restroom urgently while out in public or traveling. However, the quality and availability of these facilities can vary greatly, and some may be in disrepair or unsanitary. It's important to remember that these are private spaces, and using them without permission or without establishing a rapport with the staff could lead to unwanted attention or even confrontation.

    • Embarrassing toilet experiences in LondonConsidering the quality of facilities is crucial when choosing places to frequent, especially in crowded urban areas like London.

      Some pubs or establishments in London have notoriously bad toilets, and one specific venue the speaker loves has particularly small and inadequate facilities. The speaker shares his embarrassment of being caught trying to use the toilet multiple times in a week, leading to being banned from using it. He suggests that if someone finds themselves in a similar situation, it might be worth considering booking a room instead. The speaker also mentions the issue of inadequate toilets being common in London offices, adding to the frustration and anxiety for those who need to use them frequently. Overall, the discussion highlights the importance of considering the quality of facilities when choosing places to frequent, especially in crowded urban areas like London.

    • Public Toilets: A Complex IssueThe financial viability and management challenges make maintaining clean, private public toileets a complex issue, impacting productivity and focus in professional settings.

      The availability and quality of public toilets is a significant concern for many people, but the cost of maintaining clean, private facilities may not be feasible for the average user. The speaker shared an experience of entering a public toilet expecting multiple stalls, only to find a single occupied toilet, leading to an uncomfortable confrontation. While the idea of well-maintained public toilets is appealing, the financial viability and potential management challenges make it a complex issue. The speaker also mentioned their preference for private, enclosed toilets in professional settings, as they believe productivity and focus can be negatively impacted by public or poorly maintained facilities.

    • Sharing embarrassing stories and acknowledging vulnerabilitiesLife's experiences, even the cringe-worthy ones, can teach us valuable lessons and promote growth

      Everyone has experiences in their lives that make them cringe. The speaker shared an embarrassing story about trying to impress a girl in his youth, and now, as an adult, he notices a trend of excessive pubic hair in public toilets. He also mentioned an incident where he accidentally walked in on someone in the bathroom. These experiences, though uncomfortable, are a part of life and serve as reminders of our vulnerabilities and human imperfections. The speaker also acknowledged an email he wrote in the past that he deeply regrets and still cringes about. These moments, though cringe-worthy, can provide us with valuable lessons and opportunities for growth.

    • Embracing Past EmbarrassmentsOur past embarrassments shape us, even if they bring cringe feelings. Embrace them as part of personal growth, not invalidating past emotions.

      Our past experiences, no matter how embarrassing they may seem now, shape who we are and how we perceive ourselves. The speaker shared several instances from their childhood that still bring them cringe feelings, despite the passage of time. One was an incident involving a judo teacher who publicly humiliated them, and another was an attempt to prank other students during a school trip that went wrong. The speaker also acknowledged that feeling embarrassed in the moment doesn't make the experience any less valid. They emphasized that it's important not to invalidate past emotions, even if they now seem cringeworthy. Overall, the discussion highlighted the importance of embracing our past, both the good and the bad, as part of our personal growth.

    • Bullying's lasting impact on individualsBullying, regardless of identity, can cause deep shame, self-doubt, and lasting damage to individuals' self-perception and inner core. Creating safe, inclusive environments is crucial to prevent it.

      Bullying, whether it's racist or based on other identities, can have profound and lasting effects on individuals. The speaker shared a personal experience of being bullied using racist language, which escalated to the involvement of teachers. Initially, they thought it was just a joke, but midway through, they started getting upset and crying. The bully assumed it was part of the act and continued, leading to a disturbing situation. This experience brought back memories of another incident in middle school where the speaker wanted to make a friend by agreeing to a staged fight. In both instances, the speaker questioned the benefit to themselves and felt a deep sense of shame and self-doubt. These experiences highlight the complex nature of bullying and its impact on one's self-perception and inner core. It also underscores the importance of creating safe and inclusive environments to prevent such incidents and promote healthy relationships.

    • Embrace opportunities and connect with others to enhance your flavor in lifeConnecting with others and new experiences enriches our lives and makes us more flavorful, just like rice krispies or seeds of rice coming together in a delicious dish.

      We are all individual ingredients in the delicious dish of life. Just like rice krispies or seeds of rice, we may seem insignificant on our own, but when we come together with other people and experiences, we expand and enhance our flavor. So, go out and meet new people, be yourself, and embrace the opportunities that come your way. As Tom said, "You bring truth and light to all of us." Remember, life is not a solitary experience, but a collective one, and every interaction adds to the richness of our existence. So, don't hesitate to reach out and connect with others. And, if you're feeling stuck or need some inspiration, listen to songs like "Skanky and Sweet" by Kronix or reach out to us at wolfalpod@gmail.com. We'd love to hear from you and help in any way we can. Keep exploring, keep growing, and keep making your dish of life a little more tasty.

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