
    Ep. 690 - Sacrificing A Goat For Racial Justice

    enMarch 31, 2021

    Podcast Summary

    • The complexities of George Floyd's death and memorializationUnderstanding the separate discussions of George Floyd's death (manner, race, hero worship) is crucial for informed conversations, as they are often conflated but distinct issues.

      The conversation surrounding George Floyd's death and the subsequent memorialization of his life is a complex issue that can be broken down into three separate discussions: the manner of his death, the role of race, and the posthumous hero worship. These topics should not be conflated, but unfortunately, they often are, leading to a convoluted narrative that requires belief in the idea that Floyd was murdered due to racism, and therefore deserving of national celebration. However, it may be challenging to prove that Floyd was murdered, given his history of drug use and resistance during the arrest. The media and left's perspective on this issue is that these three propositions are interconnected, but it is possible to question one without rejecting the others. It is essential to maintain a clear understanding of these separate conversations to engage in meaningful and informed discussions on the topic.

    • George Floyd's case should be decided in court, with all evidence considered.The speaker argues against racial animus in George Floyd's death and questions the extensive mourning for a career criminal with a history of violence.

      The George Floyd case should be decided in court, and all evidence should be considered before reaching a verdict. Regarding the controversy surrounding racism in the case, the speaker argues that there is no evidence suggesting Derek Chauvin was motivated by racial animus. Furthermore, statistics show that the likelihood of an unarmed black or white suspect's arrest resulting in death is almost identical. The speaker also believes that celebrating George Floyd, who was a career criminal with a history of violence, is inappropriate. Despite the manner of his death, his past actions do not warrant the extensive mourning and attention he received.

    • Reflections on honoring public figures and childhood fantasiesConsider the potential impact of our actions on future generations and prioritize health, whether it's about public figures or personal well-being.

      The way we choose to honor and celebrate public figures raises important questions about the messages we want to send to future generations. Using George Floyd as an example, the speaker questions whether it's appropriate to celebrate a violent felon, given the potential impact on children. In a lighter vein, the speaker also shared a personal story about the Tooth Fairy and the dilemma of maintaining childhood fantasies. In the midst of these reflections, the speaker introduced RexMD, a service that makes it simple for men to get prescription ED medications online, emphasizing the importance of taking care of one's health. Overall, the discussion touched on the significance of considering the potential impact of our actions, whether it's about public figures or the way we raise our children, and the importance of addressing health concerns in a convenient and accessible way.

    • Intervening in hate crimes and violent situationsWe all have a responsibility to intervene in hate crimes and violent situations, but societal norms discourage us. Stricter prison sentences and prison reform can help prevent such incidents.

      We should all take responsibility to intervene in hate crimes and violent situations, but our society discourages people from doing so due to fear of repercussions. The discussion also highlighted a disturbing hate crime against an Asian woman in New York, where a man brutally attacked her and two bystanders did nothing to help. The attacker, Brandon Elliott, was on parole after killing his mother, and the discussion emphasized the need for stricter prison sentences and prison reform to prevent such incidents. The takeaway is that each of us has a responsibility to intervene and make our communities safer, despite the potential risks.

    • Crimes with severe consequences deserve stricter punishmentIndividuals who commit heinous crimes should face severe consequences, including life imprisonment, to protect the innocent and ensure public safety.

      Individuals who commit heinous crimes, such as murder or brutal assaults, should be subjected to severe consequences, including life imprisonment. The notion of "three strikes" or even "ten strikes" before incarceration for life is not viable. Such individuals have demonstrated a disregard for civilized society and a desire to behave like animals. Brandon Elliott's case, where he killed his mother and then attacked an elderly woman, highlights the need for stricter prison sentences for those who pose a threat to public safety. Eugene Goo's argument that black-on-Asian crimes are a result of white supremacy is not only racist but also misguided. The focus should be on holding individuals accountable for their actions, regardless of their race, and expecting them to act as civilized members of society. Ultimately, the goal is to protect the innocent and ensure public safety.

    • Rep. Ocasio-Cortez argues against using 'surge' to describe border influxBeing mindful of language can impact perceptions and emotions. Rep. Ocasio-Cortez encourages focusing on human aspect instead of militaristic frame for border situation. YouTube tests hiding dislike counts to protect creators' well-being.

      Language matters and the framing of issues can have significant consequences. Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (AOC) argues against using the term "surge" to describe the influx of migrants at the border, as it invokes a militaristic and potentially white supremacist frame. Instead, she encourages focusing on the human aspect of the situation. Additionally, YouTube is testing a feature to hide public dislike counts on videos in response to creator feedback about the negative impact of dislikes on their well-being. This conversation highlights the importance of being mindful of the language we use and the potential emotional impact of online interactions.

    • The Derek Chauvin trial is more than just a legal proceeding for many, it's a symbol of deeper issues including racism and the criminal justice system.The Derek Chauvin trial is seen as a representation of America's history of racial injustice and a call for justice for other black individuals killed by police.

      The trial of Derek Chauvin, who is accused of killing George Floyd, has become more than just a legal proceeding for many people. For some, it's a symbol of deeper issues, including racism and the criminal justice system. Chelsea Handler and Lindsay Davis, among others, have expressed this perspective publicly. They believe that the trial is not just about Chauvin or Floyd, but about America and its history of racial injustice. The case is seen as a representation of the alleged sins of whiteness and a call for justice for other black individuals who have been killed by police. The media and certain groups have made Chauvin a sacrificial goat, and his trial a means to address larger societal issues. Chet Hanks, the son of Tom Hanks, has also weighed in on this topic, highlighting the importance of acknowledging and addressing these underlying issues.

    • White Boy Summer: A Trend of Unclear MeaningSocial media can create a trend with unclear meaning, dividing opinions and leading to counter-trends.

      Chet Hanks introduced the concept of "white boy summer," which turned out to be a series of rules for how white boys should dress during the summer. The rules included bans on plaid shirts, Sperry top-siders, and the term "smoke shows." Hanks himself appeared unsure about the meaning behind the term and the rules, leaving many confused. Some found the concept unappealing, while others saw it as a harmless trend. Later, a listener suggested the counter-trend of "white dad summer," which involved dressing in polos, cargo shorts, and New Balances, among other things. Overall, the discussion highlights the power of social media to create and spread trends, even if their meaning remains unclear.

    • Fair trials can still be held amidst a city's admission of guiltDespite a city's prior actions, fair trials should be allowed to proceed. Quick, text-based conversations can help end relationships. Protect and defend constitutional rights.

      Fair trials can still be held despite a city's admission of guilt and settlement in a related case. The Chauvin trial, taking place in Minneapolis, raises questions about impartiality due to the city's prior actions. However, the trial is ongoing, and it's important to remember that the judicial process should be allowed to run its course. Another key takeaway is that when it comes to ending relationships, it might be best to keep it simple and straightforward. According to Matt Walsh, having a quick, text-based conversation can help avoid lengthy, emotional discussions that might lead to regret or further investment in a relationship that isn't working out. Lastly, the importance of understanding and defending the Constitution was emphasized. With ongoing attacks on constitutional rights, it's crucial for individuals to educate themselves and be prepared to stand up for their liberties. The Constitution Coach program offers a comprehensive learning experience, combining intellectual and physical training, as well as opportunities for fellowship with like-minded individuals.

    • Seeking Expert Training for Gun Ownership and Effective ParentingContinuously learn and adapt in gun ownership and parenting for improved skills and peace of mind. Seek expert training and resources for gun safety and effective parenting strategies.

      No matter your experience with guns or parenting, there's always room for improvement and valuable lessons to be learned. For gun ownership, seeking proper training from experts like Rick and the Constitution Coach team can make a significant difference in your skills and confidence to defend your family. Similarly, in parenting, although societal norms may discourage the use of tools like child leashes, they can provide ease and peace of mind for managing young children in crowded environments. The stigma against such practices can make it difficult for parents to openly discuss their use, but the benefits are clear. Both gun safety and effective parenting require continuous learning and adaptation to the ever-changing world around us. Don't miss out on the opportunity to enhance your skills and knowledge. Visit constitutioncoach.com for gun training and dailywire.com for Candace's talk show to learn more.

    • Changes in societal norms and expectations of parentingModern parenting is filled with rules and regulations, leading to increased complexity and frustration for parents.

      Societal norms and expectations around parenting have drastically changed over the years, leading to increased rules, shame, and complexity. The speaker reminisces about simpler times when children were given more freedom, such as being left in a car or not using car seats. However, these practices are now considered neglectful or even dangerous. Modern parenting comes with numerous regulations, from car seats to leaving children unattended, making it more challenging for parents. Despite this, the speaker acknowledges that they are also part of the problem and expresses a sense of frustration towards the current state of affairs.

    • Political drama and border issuesCriminal activity persists at the southern border, while Gaetz faces investigation and Big Tech targets conservative voices

      Criminal activity, such as human smuggling by coyotes, remains a significant issue at our southern border. Meanwhile, political drama continues in Washington D.C., with Republican Matt Gaetz facing a sex scandal investigation and considering leaving Congress. Simultaneously, Big Tech is under scrutiny for attempting to silence conservative voices like Steven Crowder. These events highlight the complexities and challenges present in our current political climate. Stay informed with The Michael Knowles Show for more in-depth discussions on these topics and others.

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    The Matt Walsh Show
    enJune 28, 2024

    Ep. 1396 - A System Run By Illiterate Imbeciles

    Ep. 1396 - A System Run By Illiterate Imbeciles

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    Ep. 1395 - A Flock Of Drag Queens Descend On Capitol Hill

    Ep. 1395 - A Flock Of Drag Queens Descend On Capitol Hill

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    Ep. 1394 - The Fight Against Child Mutilation Makes It To The Supreme Court

    Ep. 1394 - The Fight Against Child Mutilation Makes It To The Supreme Court

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    Ep. 1391 - Anti-Human Eco Brats Deface One Of The Oldest Monuments On Earth

    Ep. 1391 - Anti-Human Eco Brats Deface One Of The Oldest Monuments On Earth

    Today on the Matt Walsh Show, the anti-human climate alarmist brats are at it again. This time, they defaced one of the oldest and most historically significant monuments on the planet. These people don't love the planet. They just hate humanity. Also, Louisiana is mandating a copy of the Ten Commandments for every classroom in the state. The usual suspects are claiming that this is an attack on the First Amendment. I'll explain why that's ridiculous. And, the "bio-hacking" movement continues to grow. These are people who think that dying is a choice, rather than an inevitable fact of human existence.




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    Ep. 1390 - Major Polling Firm Changes Its Own Results After Left-Wing Activists Complain

    Ep. 1390 - Major Polling Firm Changes Its Own Results After Left-Wing Activists Complain

    Today on the Matt Walsh Show, the term "Orwellian" is overused these days–but, no other word can describe what just happened with a Pew survey finding that a vast majority of black Americans believe in racial conspiracy theories. The findings were so upsetting to activists that Pew went back and changed the report. This is a crazy story that few are talking about. We'll discuss. Also, Donald Trump reportedly floated the idea of abolishing the income tax. That's a great idea that should garner a lot more enthusiasm than it does. And, a democratic congresswoman claims that she miraculously cured cancer. Where are the fact-checkers on this one?




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    Join us live on Backstage for real-time coverage of the presidential debate on 6/27 at 8:30 PM ET on DailyWire+.


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    Balance of Nature - Get 35% off Your Order + FREE Fiber & Spice Supplements. Use promo code WALSH at checkout: https://www.balanceofnature.com/


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    “Many people think that was fundamentally really wrong and ultimately governments are now threatened”

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    [Business, mindset, entrepreneur, disruptors]







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    Ye Playing? Elon Musk, Twitter, FTX CEO Interview & More! | The Olga S. Pérez Show Live | Episode 60

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    00:00 Start
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    About the host:

    Olga is a Life Strategist and CEO of O.S. Communications, LLC. Founder of The Charge Station™Networking Events. Olga shares her insights and unique views about life topics, current events, and cultural trends.

    Olga is passionate about happiness and empowering the next generation of leaders by sharing thought-provoking perspectives on life and disrupting the traditional approach to happiness. https://www.olgasperez.com

    Business inquiries: info@olgasperez.com

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