
    Ep. 696 Fire Mueller and Never Look Back

    enApril 11, 2018

    Podcast Summary

    • A record-breaking day on The Dan Vongino Show with inspiring stories and news updatesThe Dan Vongino Show had its most popular episode yet, featuring an inspiring listener story, news on Paul Ryan's retirement and potential bombings in Syria, and debunking the myth about high tax rates for the rich in the 1950s. They also promoted iTargetPro for dry firing practice.

      The Dan Vongino show, known for delivering truthful content, had a record-breaking day with their most listened-to show ever. They acknowledged a listener's inspiring story and announced a winner of their dance contest. The show covered various breaking news topics, including Paul Ryan's decision not to run for re-election and potential bombings in Syria. They also debunked the myth that the tax rate was 90% on rich people during the Eisenhower era. Additionally, they promoted a product called iTargetPro, which uses laser rounds for dry firing practice to help improve accuracy with firearms.

    • Should Mueller be fired or not?The focus should be on investigating crimes, not targeting individuals, regardless of political affiliations.

      The decision to fire or not fire Robert Mueller as Special Counsel is a complex issue with no clear good option. Some argue that firing Mueller would lead to impeachment proceedings, while others believe he is a "white hat" investigating Clinton-related activities. However, the speaker emphasizes that investigations should focus on crimes rather than targeting individuals. The speaker also criticizes the media for their reaction to the situation and the potential for an abusive justice system. Ultimately, the speaker advocates for following the rule of law and investigating crimes rather than targeting individuals.

    • Focus on finding crimes or finding those responsible?The speaker criticizes Mueller for prioritizing finding crimes related to Trump over investigating crimes and identifying wrongdoers, using Michael Flynn as an example.

      The speaker expresses concern over the Mueller investigation's focus on finding crimes related to Trump, rather than investigating crimes and finding those responsible. They believe Mueller is targeting people and finding crimes later, rather than the reverse. The speaker uses the example of Michael Flynn to illustrate their point, stating that Flynn was not lying to the FBI, but was still charged and ruined financially. The speaker asserts that Mueller is not acting in the interests of the Trump administration or America, but is instead trying to take down Donald Trump and those around him. The speaker, who has experience investigating federal cases, believes this is the way to take down a perceived criminal syndicate. However, they note that many people have different theories and that this is not a knock against them.

    • Comparing Mueller's investigation to counterfeit casesMueller's Russia probe seen as endless, unwarranted pursuit; lower-level targets used to go after higher-level individuals; speaker doubts Trump's involvement, urges patience

      Robert Mueller's investigation into the Trump campaign is compared to counterfeit cases where lower-level people are flipped and used to go after higher-level targets. The speaker argues that Mueller is not a "good guy" and this investigation is not noble, despite Mueller's history of service to the country. The speaker believes that Trump is not involved in any wrongdoing related to counterfeit money or collusion with Russia, and the investigation will continue to target individuals with arrests and charges. The speaker warns against falling into the trap of viewing Mueller as a good guy and urges patience, but ultimately sees the investigation as an unwarranted and endless pursuit.

    • Republican politicians under fire for prioritizing reelection over justiceSome GOP senators and reps face criticism for putting reelection interests above upholding the democratic process in the Mueller investigation.

      Several Republican senators and representatives are facing criticism for their lack of action regarding the ongoing Mueller investigation and potential attempts by the president to interfere. Despite knowing the potential implications of such actions, these politicians are prioritizing their reelection interests and catering to moderate Democrats, rather than standing up for justice. This behavior is seen as weak and detrimental to the democratic process. Additionally, some misconceptions have emerged on social media regarding the constitutionality of a bill aimed at preventing a president from firing the special counsel, with some arguing it's unconstitutional. However, this is not the case, as the president has the authority to order the firing of a special counsel who works under the Department of Justice, which falls under the executive branch. It's important for elected officials to prioritize their duty to uphold the law and the democratic process over political interests.

    • Dispelling misconceptions about Jeff Berman's role in a caseFact-checking through Google can prevent misunderstandings, while addressing the unsustainable budget deficit is crucial.

      During the discussion, it was emphasized that a Trump appointee, Jeff Berman, had recused himself from a case, contrary to some liberal claims. It was suggested that fact-checking through a simple Google search could have prevented such misunderstandings. Additionally, the budget deficit was highlighted as a significant concern, with the CBO releasing a report that underscored its unsustainable nature. The hosts expressed their skepticism towards the CBO's reports but acknowledged the importance of addressing the issue. Furthermore, a product promotion was included for Brick House Nutrition's Foundation supplement, which the hosts claimed helped improve muscle tone and density.

    • Historically, tax cuts have led to increased government revenueContrary to popular belief, tax cuts have often resulted in revenue growth for the government

      Despite the growing budget deficits, predicted to reach between $800 billion and $1.2 trillion by 2020, the correlation between tax cuts and lost government revenue is debunked historically. Contrary to popular belief, tax cuts have often led to increased government revenue. For instance, Reagan, Bush, Coolidge, and Kennedy's tax cuts all resulted in revenue growth. The recent Trump tax cuts are also projected to continue increasing tax revenue according to the CBO report, contradicting the common narrative that tax cuts lead to significant revenue loss. It is crucial for policymakers to consider historical data and not let emotions cloud their judgment when dealing with fiscal matters.

    • Growing Government Deficit Despite Tax Revenue GrowthGovernment spending exceeds revenue growth due to increased spending, not decreased taxes. Facebook's bias against conservatives could lead to more government regulation, but economic growth can reduce the deficit if spending is controlled.

      Despite projected tax revenue growth, government spending is set to exceed it, leading to a growing deficit. This is due to increased spending, not decreased tax revenue. Furthermore, Facebook's apparent bias against conservatives is a win-win situation for the tech giant, as conservatives are less likely to advocate for government regulation in response. However, this could lead to increased government power and regulation in the future. The economy is projected to grow at a heavy rate, which could double its value in 20 years, but this growth would need to be coupled with responsible spending to make a significant impact on the deficit. Overall, understanding these complex issues requires acknowledging basic economic principles and recognizing the potential consequences of government intervention in the market.

    • Social media companies and liberals benefit from government regulationRegulation gives social media companies a competitive edge and aligns with liberal interests, potentially silencing conservative voices

      Social media companies, like Facebook, may not object to government regulation because it gives them a competitive advantage. This regulation can be costly for smaller competitors, forcing them out of the market. Additionally, these companies can hire liberal fact checkers, providing them with an opportunity to remove conservative content under the guise of complying with the law. This situation benefits both the companies and the liberals, as conservatives are less likely to support government intervention, and the regulation keeps competitors at bay. The end result is a win-win situation for the social media companies and the liberals, leaving conservatives at a disadvantage.

    • Importance of factual accuracy in discussionsFactual accuracy is essential for informed discussions and debates, but it can be challenging to persuade others to accept the truth even when presented with indisputable evidence.

      During a heated discussion about tax cuts and their impact on government revenue, the interlocutor made several inaccurate claims. The speaker, however, was able to fact-check and debunk these claims using concrete data. Despite providing clear evidence, the interlocutor continued to argue against the facts, leading the speaker to question his understanding or honesty. The incident underscores the importance of factual accuracy and the challenges of persuading others to accept the truth, even when presented with indisputable evidence. It also serves as a reminder that fact-checking is a crucial aspect of any informed discussion or debate.

    • The Role of Objective Values in Contrast to Liberal IdeologyObjective values, such as those found in religion, contrast the liberal ideology's goal of maximizing state control and minimizing individual autonomy. The left attacks and deconstructs objective values to promote state power over individuals.

      During a discussion on a talk show, the topic of Russian collusion and the role of objective values, particularly in relation to religion, was explored. It was pointed out that some individuals, like Marie Harf, repeatedly accuse others of having no evidence for certain claims, yet lack evidence themselves when it comes to Russian collusion. The importance of objective values, such as those found in religion, was emphasized as a contrast to the liberal ideology that seeks to minimize individual autonomy and maximize state control. Objective values, which are not open to interpretation, conflict with the liberal belief in state power and therefore, they are often attacked and deconstructed. The left's goal is to have individuals submit to the state rather than to God. This battle against objective values is evident in their efforts to ruin universities, art, sports, and religion.

    • The Left's Opposition to Art: A Threat to Its Uplifting CapacityThe left sees art as a tool for promoting equality, opposing its objective quality and uplifting capacity, and the speakers argue for appreciating art for its emotional and transformative power.

      According to Prager and Peterson, the left's opposition to art stems from their desire to diminish its uplifting capacity and the objective quality it represents. They argue that the left sees art as a means to promote equality, and the idea of good and bad art based on objective standards goes against their belief in the absence of such standards outside of what the state dictates. Prager's piece and Peterson's talk emphasize the importance of art as an uplifting force that can transform and inspire individuals, and the left's attempts to decimate its quality is a threat to this idea. The speakers encourage appreciating art for its ability to evoke emotions and provide a sense of beauty and wonder, and rejecting the left's efforts to diminish its value.

    • The Left Attacks Objective TruthThe left argues that knowledge is a construct of power and not real, and that facts are not objective truths but rather tools used to advance power, leading them to attack various aspects of society from a subjective perspective.

      According to the speaker, the left attacks objective truth and replaces it with a subjective perspective based on power dynamics, as seen in their criticisms of art, faith, and knowledge. They argue that knowledge is a construct of power and not real, and that facts are not objective truths but rather tools used to advance power. This perspective leads them to attack various aspects of society, including the university, faith, and objective reality itself, from a subjective perspective. The speaker also criticizes the liberal argument that the solution to violence is to restrict access to certain objects, such as guns or knives, rather than addressing the root causes of criminality and evil in the human heart.

    • The overlooked importance of individual self-defense and human nature's adaptabilityDespite debates on gun control and security measures, remember the significance of self-defense and human nature's ability to adapt to restrictions. Engage in actions to make a difference and embrace the journey towards growth and true happiness.

      The ongoing debate around gun control and security measures often overlooks the importance of individual self-defense and human nature's ability to adapt to restrictions. The London mayor's ban on fists as weapons is an example of this issue. Additionally, corporations like Bank of America are making decisions that could impact the manufacturing industry, further complicating the situation. However, it's essential to remember that suffering and the fight against these challenges can lead to growth and true happiness. Engaging in actions such as contacting representatives, attending protests, and speaking up on social media are all part of the ongoing struggle. Embrace the journey and learn to love the suffering as a means to join in the second creation.

    • The importance of embracing the journeyEmbrace the challenges in life and use them to build resilience and character, rather than focusing solely on the outcome.

      The ability to suffer and build character through it is the key to a greater afterlife or true happiness in life. It's not about the end result or the wins and losses, but rather the fight itself and the growth that comes from it. When we face challenges and experience suffering, we have the opportunity to learn, grow, and become stronger. So instead of focusing solely on the outcome, we should embrace the process and use each experience to build resilience and character. This perspective can help us approach life's challenges with a positive attitude and a renewed sense of purpose. Remember, it's not about the destination, but the journey.

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    Leslie and Morris discuss his organization's relaunch of 'Patriotic Millionaires University,' also known as PMU.  They created PMU as a one-stop-shop for polling, policy, and communication insights on the GOP tax scam. It was a winning message in 2018 and has never been more important or more effective with 2020 right around the corner.

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    Although they’ve added new resources to reflect new information from the last year, the central messaging has remained the same. The bottom line is this: the 2017 GOP tax scam continues to harm our economy and hold our country back, giving massive tax cuts to millionaires, billionaires, and multinational corporations at the great expense of American workers. In PMU, they make this case in a compelling format designed to keep candidates’ strategy a step ahead of the curve.

    Keep an eye out for additional announcements as 2020 approaches. They are building out PMU to include their other first principles (a Living Wage and Political Equality). Those components will be up and running soon, complete with more facts, studies, and arguments to take on an economy rigged for the rich and powerful. By giving candidates the resources they need to talk about and run on these issues, they hope to put them not just at the center of the campaign strategy for candidates, but also their legislative agenda once they’re in office.

    Since there has never been a more important time to be involved in the political process, they’ve also updated Patriotic Millionaires University for Citizens.
    This grassroots-focused sister site to PMU is built to help all participants in our democracy fight inequality and build a more prosperous country for everyone.
    You can find Patriotic Millionaires University (PMU) on the web at pmuniversity.org.The website for the Patriotic Millionaires is www.PatrioticMillionaires.org, their Instagram handle is @PatrioticMillionaires, and their Twitter handle is @PatrioticMills. Morris Pearl's Twitter handle is @Morris_Pearl.