
    Ep. 698 - 500 White People Killed By Cops. Zero Protests.

    enApril 12, 2021

    Podcast Summary

    • The Complexity of Police EncountersEvery police encounter is unique and requires careful examination of all available facts before jumping to conclusions, regardless of race or narrative.

      The death of a black man, Dante Wright, during a police encounter in Brooklyn Center, Minnesota, led to widespread rioting and destruction, but the narrative being pushed by some is that the shooting was unjustified and racially motivated based on limited information. However, it's important to remember that every situation is complex and there is often more to the story than what initially meets the eye. For instance, Wright had a warrant out for his arrest and had previously posted social media content depicting gang activity and drug use. It's crucial to wait for all the facts to come out before jumping to conclusions. Additionally, it's worth noting that there have been hundreds of white people killed by police in the past year without any resulting protests or riots. This inconsistency highlights the importance of examining each incident on its own merit rather than through a lens of race or narrative.

    • Protests against police brutality may be performativeThe text questions the authenticity of protests against police brutality, suggesting they may be driven by ideology rather than genuine emotion or concern for victims.

      The anger and tears displayed during protests against alleged police brutality by groups like BLM and Antifa may not be genuine. According to the text, these protests are often performance, and the destruction caused is the only real thing. The text also highlights the disparity in coverage and outrage between the deaths of black people and white people at the hands of police. Despite black people being more likely to be killed by police, there is a significant lack of protests, riots, or mourning for white victims. The text suggests that this selectivity in moral outrage raises questions about the authenticity of the movement. The text also mentions the qualification that black people are more likely to commit violent crime, which further complicates the racial narrative often presented by these groups. Overall, the text argues that the emotional reactions and moral outrage displayed during these protests are ideological and not real.

    • Learn Constitutional Education from Constitution CoachConstitution Coach's classes offer intellectual and physical training, connection with like-minded individuals, and are crucial for defending liberty.

      The constitutional education and training provided by Constitution Coach is crucial for citizens looking to defend liberty. The upcoming class on April 25th offers a unique combination of intellectual and physical training, as well as the opportunity to connect with like-minded individuals. Meanwhile, the ongoing trial of Derek Chauvin has already seen attacks on the jury, with MSNBC leading the charge. What's concerning is that the jury has been seeded with individuals who may lack crucial information or have preconceived biases. The fear is that one juror, who may not fully understand how the jury system works, could refuse to see reason and potentially influence the outcome of the trial. For those who value justice, truth, and the rule of law, it's essential to be aware of these issues and support organizations like Constitution Coach that equip citizens with the knowledge and skills they need to engage in meaningful civic discourse.

    • Impartiality of jury can be compromised by preconceived notionsUnderstanding jury selection process crucial for fair trials. Preconceived notions can manipulate jury selection and lead to unfair trials, potentially ruining innocent lives. Complete context and information needed before jumping to conclusions.

      The fairness and impartiality of a jury can be compromised when potential jurors have already formed opinions about a case before being presented with all the facts in a court of law. This can lead to unfair trials and potentially ruin the lives of innocent people. The discussion also highlighted the importance of understanding the jury selection process and the role of potential jurors in ensuring a fair trial. The concern was raised about individuals, like the person mentioned in the discussion, who aim to manipulate the jury selection process to achieve a desired outcome based on their preconceived notions. Additionally, the discussion touched upon the viral video of a lieutenant being pepper-sprayed during a traffic stop, emphasizing the need for complete context and information before jumping to conclusions.

    • Clear communication and following instructions crucial during traffic stopsEffective communication and compliance with instructions are essential for preventing misunderstandings and escalation during traffic stops. Officers should establish clear communication roles and individuals should follow instructions to ensure safety and maintain order.

      During a traffic stop, clear communication and following instructions are crucial to prevent misunderstandings and potential escalation. In the discussed incident, conflicting orders from officers and disregard for proper procedures from both sides contributed to the situation. It's essential for officers to establish clear communication roles and for individuals to comply with instructions to ensure safety and maintain order. Additionally, it's important to remember that each situation is unique and should not be immediately categorized into a specific narrative. A balanced, reasonable perspective, like that of officer Zeke Arcam, can provide valuable insights into understanding complex incidents.

    • Police incidents and deeper societal issuesEvery police incident with a black man sparks societal debates, most interactions involve blame on both sides, and it's essential to understand each other's perspectives. In politics, debates are healthy but some stances are indefensible.

      Every incident involving police and a black man, no matter how isolated, is seen as a symptom of a deeper problem in society. It's important to remember that most human interactions, including those that escalate, involve blame on both sides. In the case of the viral video, the speaker shared a personal experience where he was mistakenly suspected of wrongdoing by the police, highlighting the importance of understanding each other's perspectives. Regarding Asa Hutchinson's defense of child castration, the speaker believes it's healthy for society and the Republican Party to have vigorous debates on important issues, but finds Hutchinson's stance on the issue indefensible and not compassionate.

    • Politician's Change in Stance on Child Abuse Criticized, Celebrity Politics DiscussedA politician's shift on child abuse sparked skepticism, Dwayne Johnson's potential presidency intrigued, and CNN's reporting on Fox News faced criticism.

      During a discussion on child abuse related to gender issues, a politician's sudden change in stance was criticized as insincere and potentially driven by political motives rather than compassion or personal conviction. Another topic touched upon was the increasing importance of celebrity status in politics, with 46% of Americans expressing interest in seeing Dwayne "The Rock" Johnson run for president. However, it was emphasized that wanting to see a celebrity run does not necessarily mean they would vote for them, and politics should be treated as a serious matter rather than entertainment. Lastly, CNN's Brian Stelter was criticized for focusing excessively on Fox News personalities in his reporting.

    • Fox News Stars Keep Vaccine Status PrivateWhile some TV personalities openly share their vaccination experiences, Fox News hosts remain private, sparking debate over transparency and personal choice in influencer culture. Controversial influencer James Charles continues to be supported by major platforms despite allegations.

      There's a noticeable absence of vaccine selfies from the biggest stars on Fox News. While many other TV personalities have shared their vaccination experiences, Fox News hosts have remained private about their choices. Some find this absence concerning and are calling for transparency, while others view it as a personal decision. Meanwhile, there's been a ongoing debate about the deplatforming of influencer James Charles due to allegations of preying on underage boys. Despite the evidence against him, major platforms like TikTok and YouTube continue to support him. Overall, the discussion highlights the complexities of personal choices and the role of corporations in influencer culture.

    • Individuals Challenging Gender Norms and Sleep QualityPeople may challenge gender norms in various cultures, and it's essential to prioritize a good night's sleep for optimal health. Helix Sleep provides customized mattresses to ensure quality rest.

      Despite the commonality of people not shopping for clothing often, there are individuals who challenge gender norms in various cultures, such as fa'afafinees in Samoa. These individuals may dress in a way that aligns with the opposite gender but do not claim to be biologically women. The western world stands out for its confusion regarding gender identity. Additionally, the importance of a good night's sleep was emphasized, and Helix Sleep offers a customized mattress solution to ensure optimal sleep quality. Lastly, the topic of body positivity and fat acceptance was discussed, with the reminder that everyone's weight gain experiences during the pandemic are valid, and there should be no shame in gaining weight or in helping others maintain their health in a way that suits them best.

    • Focus on feeling good, not weight loss pressureEmbrace current condition, admit it's not ideal, and make positive changes for health and well-being, avoiding negative comparisons and excuses

      During and after the pandemic, it's essential to focus on moving our bodies and promoting positivity rather than weight loss pressure and shame. Experts agree that making people feel good is the priority. Social media should not be a platform for comparing fitness levels or weight loss strategies, as it can make others feel bad. People should embrace their current physical condition, admit it's not ideal, and take control to make changes. The body positivity mentality, which can prevent people from trying to improve themselves, contains a self-contradiction. The pandemic or other excuses should not be used to avoid taking care of our health. Instead, we should confront our situation, admit we have control, and make positive changes. A woman on Oprah Winfrey's show in 2019 claimed racism was the reason for her weight gain, but ultimately, it's essential to take responsibility for our health and well-being.

    • Body Positivity and Obesity: A Confusing MessageThe body positivity movement's conflicting messages about obesity can hinder efforts to promote positive body image and overall health. Clarifying the movement's stance on obesity is necessary for effective promotion.

      The body positivity movement presents conflicting messages about obesity. It encourages people to be proud of their bodies regardless of shape or size, while also making excuses for weight gain. This creates a schizophrenic message that can't logically coexist. Obesity should be recognized as a bad thing, something to be addressed and prevented, not celebrated or pitied. It's important to acknowledge the personal accountability in addressing obesity, rather than blaming external factors. Ultimately, obesity is either a disease or something beautiful, but it can't be both. The body positivity movement needs to clarify its stance on obesity to effectively promote positive body image and overall health.

    • Corporate America and Media Against Everyday AmericansCorporate America exploits COVID-19 for agenda pushing, media fuels fear with 'COVID panic porn' at expense of everyday Americans' well-being

      Corporate America and the media are working against the interests of everyday Americans. On The Ben Shapiro Show, this topic was discussed in depth, with a focus on the ongoing COVID-19 situation and the promotion of "COVID panic porn" by the media. The show argued that Corporate America, through various means, is taking advantage of the pandemic to push their agendas, often at the expense of individual freedoms and economic stability. Meanwhile, the media continues to fuel fear and uncertainty by focusing on the negative aspects of the virus, rather than providing accurate and balanced information. This dynamic is harmful to the well-being of everyday Americans, and it's important to be aware of these power structures and their motivations.

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    The Matt Walsh Show
    enJune 28, 2024

    Ep. 1396 - A System Run By Illiterate Imbeciles

    Ep. 1396 - A System Run By Illiterate Imbeciles

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    Ep. 1390 - Major Polling Firm Changes Its Own Results After Left-Wing Activists Complain

    Ep. 1390 - Major Polling Firm Changes Its Own Results After Left-Wing Activists Complain

    Today on the Matt Walsh Show, the term "Orwellian" is overused these days–but, no other word can describe what just happened with a Pew survey finding that a vast majority of black Americans believe in racial conspiracy theories. The findings were so upsetting to activists that Pew went back and changed the report. This is a crazy story that few are talking about. We'll discuss. Also, Donald Trump reportedly floated the idea of abolishing the income tax. That's a great idea that should garner a lot more enthusiasm than it does. And, a democratic congresswoman claims that she miraculously cured cancer. Where are the fact-checkers on this one?




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