
    Ep. 699 The One Name You Haven’t Heard in This Scandal

    enApril 16, 2018

    Podcast Summary

    • Discussing the importance of spring cleaning and recent news topicsThe hosts discussed the significance of spring cleaning, particularly for HVAC filters, and touched upon recent news topics, including the lack of significant news during the weekend, the upcoming project with podcasts, and the controversy surrounding Comey's memos and selective sharing of information with the media.

      During the discussion on The Dan Vongino Show, the hosts touched upon various news topics, including the lack of significant news during the weekend, the upcoming project with podcasts, and the importance of spring cleaning, specifically focusing on FilterBuy's HVAC filters. The hosts also discussed the recent Comey interview, where Comey's behavior was criticized for his memos and selective sharing of information with the media, particularly with President Trump compared to President Obama. Despite the liberal argument that Comey's actions were due to his mistrust of Trump, the hosts emphasized the numerous scandals during the Obama administration that warranted memorialized meetings, but Comey did not feel the need to do so.

    • Comey's bias and desire for Clinton presidency drove his actionsComey's personal biases led him to discredit Hillary during the election, potentially impacting its outcome, and his recent attacks on Trump question his credibility

      Jim Comey's actions during the email investigation and leading up to the 2016 election were driven by his personal biases and a desire to legitimize a potential Hillary Clinton presidency. He discredited himself by publicly releasing damaging information about Hillary while she was still a candidate, despite not being authorized to make a prosecutorial decision. This was done with the assumption that she would win the election. Comey's actions were not bipartisan as some may argue, but rather a reflection of his own narcissism and ego. These actions call into question the credibility of his recent attacks on Donald Trump.

    • Comey tried to help Clinton's legitimacyFormer FBI Director Comey reopened Clinton investigation to bolster her presidency, believing she would win, not to harm her.

      Former FBI Director James Comey's decision to reopen the investigation into Hillary Clinton's emails 10 days before the 2016 presidential election was not an attempt to hurt her, but rather an effort to legitimize her presidency in the eyes of the public. According to the speaker, Comey believed Clinton was going to win and wanted to prevent any potential leaks from the NYPD or FBI New York office that could undermine her legitimacy. The speaker also mentioned that Comey's deputy, Andrew McCabe, who was later fired for leaking information, blamed the assistant director in charge of the New York field office for the leak. The speaker emphasized that Comey was not a neutral or bipartisan figure, but rather was trying to help Clinton.

    • Former FBI Director James Comey's Controversial Decision to Exonerate Hillary ClintonComey compared Clinton's handling of classified emails to Petraeus', but argued Clinton was careless, not intentionally guilty. Thousands of Clinton emails were deleted, and the responsible person used software to make them irrecoverable, raising questions about intent and missing emails' impact on election outcome.

      During the 2016 presidential election, former FBI Director James Comey made a controversial decision to exonerate Hillary Clinton for her handling of classified emails despite her order to remove sensitive markings and send emails over an unsecured server. Comey compared Clinton's actions to those of former General David Petraeus, who was found guilty for leaking classified information to his mistress. However, Comey argued that Clinton was careless rather than intentionally guilty. Additionally, thousands of Clinton's emails were reportedly deleted, and the person responsible for their deletion, Paul Combetta, used software like BleachBit to make them irrecoverable. This raises questions about Clinton's intent and the potential existence of damaging emails that could have impacted the election outcome.

    • IT specialist deleted Clinton's emails, granted immunity despite liesThe FBI granted immunity to an IT specialist who deleted Hillary Clinton's emails despite lying about it, while others were charged for similar offenses, raising concerns about investigation's impartiality and potential political motivation.

      During the 2016 presidential investigation, Paul Combetta, an IT specialist, deleted Hillary Clinton's emails, which later left an internet footprint. He initially lied to the FBI about his recall of deleting the emails but later revised his story. Despite his lies, he was granted immunity by then-FBI Director James Comey without producing the emails or cooperating. This contrasted with other individuals, like Michael Flynn, who were charged with lying to the FBI without being given such leniency. The inconsistency in the application of justice raises questions about the impartiality of the investigation. The speaker believes that the investigation was politically motivated and aimed at distracting from the actions of the Hillary and Obama administrations.

    • Criticism of selective justice in governmentThe speaker criticizes certain government officials for using their positions to target political enemies, accusing them of inconsistent application of justice. They emphasize the importance of impartiality and call for accountability.

      The speaker expresses strong criticism towards certain government officials, accusing them of using their positions to target political enemies under the guise of impartiality. They mention specific instances of what they perceive as inconsistent or selective application of justice. Additionally, the speaker promotes a firearms training system called iTarget Pro, emphasizing the importance of proficiency and accuracy in handling firearms. The show they mention had record-breaking viewership, with a focus on investigating the actions of individuals like Kathy Ruemiller and Lisa Monaco. Overall, the speaker's tone is critical and passionate, expressing a deep concern for what they perceive as misuse of power and lack of impartiality within the government.

    • Mueller's past relationships raise questions about impartialityMueller's past connections to individuals from the Obama White House involved in the promotion of the Russian collusion theory and past scandals may compromise his investigation's impartiality, raising concerns for a fair and unbiased probe.

      Special Counsel Robert Mueller's investigation into Russian collusion in the 2016 election may be compromised due to his personal and professional relationships with individuals from the Obama White House who were involved in the initial promotion of the collusion theory and in Obama-era scandals. Mueller has worked closely with some of these individuals, including Lisa Monaco and Michael R. Gottlieb, on previous cases. This raises questions about Mueller's impartiality and whether he should recuse himself or appoint an outside investigator to ensure a fair and unbiased investigation. Additionally, there are concerns that Mueller may be protecting former President Barack Obama and former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton from potential scrutiny.

    • U.S. installs new Ukrainian prime minister, Hunter Biden joins Burisma board, Biden visits UkraineDuring Obama's tenure, Biden's son joined a Ukrainian gas company's board, Biden visited Ukraine days later, and an Atlantic Council agreement was signed in 2017, raising questions about potential conflicts of interest.

      During the Obama administration in 2014, the U.S. installed a new prime minister in Ukraine named Yatsenko. Around the same time, Hunter Biden was appointed to the board of directors for a large Ukrainian natural gas company called Burisma. Just four days later, Vice President Joe Biden visited Ukraine. In 2017, Joe Biden's son signed a cooperation agreement with the Atlantic Council, which is partly funded by a Ukrainian businessman under investigation by Mueller. The speaker speculates that there may have been an agreement in Hillary Clinton's missing emails for Hunter Biden's appointment to Burisma. The implication is that Mueller's investigation of Trump may also implicate Biden due to their interconnected business dealings in Ukraine. The speaker argues that given Trump's international business dealings and the vast number of federal regulations, it's likely that any investigation would uncover some infraction.

    • Mueller's probe targets individuals with ties to both Trump and Clinton campsMueller's investigation into Russian interference in the 2016 election targets individuals with connections to both the Trump and Clinton camps, potentially using them as leverage against those in the Trump camp. However, the inconsistent intensity towards individuals with ties to both sides raises questions about potential bias.

      Robert Mueller's investigation into Russian interference in the 2016 election appears to focus on individuals with connections to both the Trump and Clinton camps. Mueller's strategy seems to be to use these individuals as leverage against those in the Trump camp, potentially to keep them quiet about any perceived wrongdoing related to the Clintons. An example given is the investigation into Ukrainian businessman Viktor Pinchuk, who donated $25 million to the Clinton Foundation but is under investigation for a $150,000 speaking fee paid to Trump. The inconsistency in the investigation's intensity towards individuals with ties to both sides raises questions about potential bias. Additionally, Ukrainian government officials and their connections to the Democratic National Committee and the Trump campaign have come under scrutiny, but Mueller's investigation seems to be ignoring these foreign influences on the election.

    • Admission of attempts to leak intel on Russia and Ukraine before Obama left officeA former Deputy Secretary of Defense tried to leak intel on Russia and Ukraine to the Hill, while Hunter Biden was appointed to a Ukrainian gas company and a Clinton donor funded a council he worked on, raising questions of potential conflicts of interest and collusion between the Biden family, Clintons, and Ukraine during the 2016 election.

      During a live interview on MSNBC, a former Deputy Secretary of Defense, who covered Russia, Ukraine, and Eurasia, admitted to having special sources of intelligence on Russia and trying to leak it to the Hill before President Obama left office, out of fear that the Trump team would compromise those sources. Simultaneously, Hunter Biden, Joe Biden's son, was appointed to a board of a major national gas company in Ukraine, and a Ukrainian donor, who was a major donor to the Clintons, funded a council that the former deputy secretary worked on. This raises questions about potential conflicts of interest and collusion between the Biden family, the Clintons, and Ukraine, during the 2016 election. The Atlantic Council, which was funded by this Ukrainian donor, also signed a cooperation agreement with the natural gas company that Hunter Biden was appointed to. The implications of these connections and the denial of knowledge of these relationships by the Clinton team and Mueller's investigation are significant and warrant further investigation.

    • Conflicts of Interest between Biden, Son, and UkraineThe Mueller investigation did not fully investigate significant conflicts of interest between Joe Biden, his son, and Ukraine, including connections between Ukrainian donors, the Clinton Foundation, and the Atlanta Council.

      There are significant conflicts of interest involving Joe Biden, his son, and Ukraine, which were not fully investigated during the Mueller investigation. The Ukrainians were helping to expose information about Paul Manafort and other matters while Biden was reportedly conflicted. Additionally, there are connections between Ukrainian donors, the Clinton Foundation, and the Atlanta Council, where Biden's son sat on the board of a Ukrainian gas company. These connections add to the indisputable conflicts that should have been further investigated. The speaker also mentioned an article by Matt Palumbo debunking the claim that Obama is responsible for the Trump economy. The speaker ended by promoting Brickhouse Nutrition as a sponsor, specifically mentioning their Dawn to Dusk product for those with busy lives.

    • Dawn to Dusk Energy: Sustained Release and Mood EnhancementDawn to Dusk Energy offers a sustained energy release and mood enhancement, making it a more effective alternative to quick-acting energy drinks and pills.

      The Dawn to Dusk energy product offers a sustained release of energy and mood-enhancing ingredients, making it a more effective alternative to other energy drinks and pills that provide a quick but short-lived energy boost. Additionally, the speaker highlighted the strategic communication tactics used by the Democratic party, which involves moving the window of acceptable arguments to the far left, making more moderate positions seem reasonable in comparison. Trump's communication strategy has been effective in turning this tactic around and taking radically conservative positions. The Dawn to Dusk energy product is available at brickhousenutrition.com/Dan.

    • Donald Trump shifts the Overton Window with bold actionsTrump's unconventional approach to politics allows him to troll critics, reset public discourse, and challenge foreign powers in new ways

      Donald Trump's unconventional approach to politics, including his willingness to take bold and controversial positions, has allowed him to shift the Overton Window and reset the terms of public discourse on certain issues. This was evident in his handling of the recent Syrian airstrikes, where he used a tweet and press conference to troll his critics and assert American dominance in a way that previous politicians had not. By doing so, Trump has effectively "trolled" the left and made it safer for other Republicans to take similar positions. Additionally, Trump's bold statement during the press conference about Russia's ineffective air defense system was a deliberate insult to Putin, demonstrating Trump's willingness to challenge foreign powers in a way that previous administrations had not. Overall, Trump's actions show that he is a master troll who is not afraid to push boundaries and reset the terms of the debate.

    • Comparisons drawn between Trump's actions and past political momentsTrump's handling of Ukraine and Russian airspace drew comparisons to past political events, raising concerns about Democratic involvement and potential implications for the Biden family.

      President Trump's handling of the Ukraine situation and his bold statements regarding Russian airspace have drawn comparisons to past political moments, such as the Bush administration and a Simpsons episode. The discussion also highlighted the Democrats' alleged involvement in passing information on Trump and the potential implications for the Biden family. The Biden administration's relationship with Ukraine has come under scrutiny, and there are concerns that they are relying on Robert Mueller to resolve any issues related to this matter. Overall, the conversation emphasized the political complexities and potential ramifications of these situations.

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    I have my daughter, Alexis, back on the show to give us all her organizing and decluttering tips. She organizes our house top to bottom and has some simple strategies for spring cleaning your home. When you declutter your space, you declutter your mindset. This is the week of the new moon as well as spring, which is a great time to freshen up your space leaving you feeling less overwhelmed and more at peace.

    Join my FREE Spring Workshop on decluttering your shitty money mindset beliefs. Giveaways during the workshop! Claim your spot HERE.


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