
    Ep. 737 The Media Continues to Ignore this Exploding Scandal

    enJune 07, 2018

    Podcast Summary

    • Criticizing Congressman Eric Swalwell and Promoting Man CratesThe Dan Vongino Show features commentary on public figures, criticism of big government and police state tactics, and promotion of Man Crates as a unique Father's Day gift solution.

      The Dan Vongino Show covers various topics, from sharing nostalgic memories to criticizing public figures like Congressman Eric Swalwell. Swalwell was labeled as a "jerk" and a "clown," and his advocacy for massive conspiracy theories and police state tactics was heavily criticized. The show also promoted Man Crates as a solution for Father's Day gift-giving, emphasizing the unique experience and satisfaction it provides. Additionally, Vongino expressed his frustration with Swalwell and Adam Schiff for their roles in advocating for big government and police state tyranny. Overall, the Dan Vongino Show offers a mix of entertainment, commentary, and promotion, all delivered with a straightforward and opinionated tone.

    • Paul Ryan's statement on FBI's handling of spygate is factually incorrectDespite claims of no investigation, former FBI Director Jim Comey confirms the FBI was probing Trump campaign-Russia ties. Ryan's statement lacks factual basis and contributes to confusion in public discourse.

      Paul Ryan's recent statement supporting Trey Gowdy's assessment of the FBI's handling of the "spygate" controversy is factually incorrect. Contrary to their claims, the FBI was indeed investigating ties between the Trump campaign and Russia, as acknowledged by former FBI Director Jim Comey. Ryan's statement that he hasn't seen anything to challenge Gowdy's assessment and that the FBI was not spying on Trump is not supported by the facts. It is important for individuals in positions of power and influence to correct any inaccuracies they may make, especially when it concerns significant matters like this. The ongoing debate highlights the importance of factual accuracy and transparency in public discourse.

    • FBI's handling of Trump investigation was irresponsibleThe FBI hid the Trump investigation from Congress for eight months, relied on a debunked dossier to get a FISA warrant, and failed to follow protocol, causing significant damage to justice

      The handling of the investigation into the Trump team by the FBI was far from following the book. The FBI hid the investigation from Congress for eight months and relied on a debunked dossier to get a FISA warrant to spy on the Trump team. The dossier was compiled by a former British spy and the FBI claimed he was credible despite the controversy of using a foreign intelligence asset to spy on a domestic political campaign. The FBI's justification for using the dossier was that it was not their information but rather from the spy they had worked with before. However, the dossier was obtained third-hand and the FBI's failure to brief Congress on the existence of the investigation when they were supposed to do so quarterly was a clear breach of protocol. The damage to the cause of justice caused by this irresponsible behavior is significant.

    • The Steele dossier's credibility was weakened by its reliance on second-hand informationThe Steele dossier's origins were questionable, and its use to launch an investigation into a political campaign sets a dangerous precedent

      The Steele dossier, which was used to initiate the investigation into the Trump campaign's alleged ties to Russia, relied heavily on second-hand information. Russian Intel reportedly gave the information to a Kremlin-connected person, who then passed it to Fusion GPS, and ultimately to Christopher Steele. This chain of events significantly weakened the credibility of the dossier, and if presented in any other context, it would likely be dismissed in a court of law. The FBI and Paul Ryan's response to this circumstantial evidence also raises questions about their actions during the investigation. It's crucial to remember that subjectivity and interpretation are inherent in any investigation, but the facts in this case are clear: the dossier's origins were questionable, and its use to launch an investigation into a political campaign sets a dangerous precedent.

    • The Importance of Expertise in Interpreting Foreign Policy FactsRelying on experts with firsthand knowledge is crucial for understanding objective facts in foreign policy, but interpretation can be subjective. Transparency and accountability are necessary for addressing concerns about privacy, civil liberties, and political bias in investigations.

      While facts may be objective, their interpretation can be subjective, particularly in the realm of foreign policy. However, when it comes to certain issues, relying on the experience and expertise of those who have firsthand knowledge can be invaluable. The ongoing debate surrounding the role of the FBI in political investigations and the use of spies or informants raises serious concerns about privacy, civil liberties, and potential political bias. The inconsistency in how such actions are applied to different political parties calls for transparency and accountability. The Awan brothers scandal, which has received little media attention, is a critical story that highlights the need for a more balanced approach to investigative journalism and the importance of holding those in power accountable.

    • We the People Holsters: Custom-Made Holsters with Adjustable FitLas Vegas-based company designs and manufactures custom holsters, offering adjustable cant, ride, and tension for a perfect fit, starting at $34 with lifetime guarantee and free shipping.

      We the People Holsters, based in Las Vegas, design and manufacture their custom-made holsters in-house using their own molds and 3D design team for a perfect fit. These holsters, which start at $34 and come with a lifetime guarantee and free shipping, offer adjustable cant, ride, and tension for maximum comfort. The company's commitment to updating designs and offering various custom options sets them apart. Meanwhile, the ongoing debate surrounds the use of government informants in political campaigns, with some questioning why Speaker of the House Paul Ryan didn't employ a spy in the Debbie Wasserman Schultz campaign, as he reportedly supports the practice. A secondary controversy involves the Awans brothers, Pakistani IT staffers who were hired by multiple Democratic congressmembers without proper background checks and allegedly accessed sensitive data on congressional networks. The House Office of Inspector General discovered over 5,700 logins by the Awans associates on a single server, raising concerns about potential data breaches.

    • Alleged Data Transfer Without Consent by AG Xavier BecerraDuring a data breach investigation, AG Xavier Becerra allowed data transfer from affected servers to another without consent. FBI is involved, suspects face charges, but prosecutors decide between complaint or indictment based on investigation goals and leverage.

      During an investigation into potential data breaches in Congress, the attorney general at the time, Xavier Becerra, allegedly allowed data from congressional servers to be moved to a different server without the knowledge or consent of those affected. When the Capitol Police requested access to the server's data, they were given information from a different server instead. This raises questions about potential espionage and cooperation with foreign entities. The FBI is reportedly involved in the case, and the suspects are facing charges. In the legal process, prosecutors may choose to bring charges through a complaint, which is easier to dismiss, or through an indictment, which is more difficult to scrap. The choice depends on the goals of the investigation and the potential leverage against suspects.

    • Allegations of spying on the Trump campaign and US House members by Pakistani brothersPossible spying on the Trump campaign and US House members by Pakistani brothers involved stolen information, fake servers, and offloading of 'massive amounts of data'. This could potentially be bigger than Watergate, but media coverage is lacking.

      There were allegations made on a podcast regarding potential spying on the Trump campaign and certain members of the US House of Representatives, involving the Pakistani brothers and the DNC. The brothers reportedly had stolen information from over 40 House members, including the current California Attorney General, and had given a fake server to the Capitol police. At the same time, there were reports of Pakistani brothers offloading "massive amounts of data" from the congressional networks, and they had logins to Debbie Wasserman Schultz's iPad. The speaker suggested that these scandals, if fully investigated, could potentially be bigger than Watergate. He also criticized the media for not pushing for more information on the issue and for allegedly covering it up. The speaker also mentioned Swalwell's alleged involvement in the destruction of the Republic. Additionally, the speaker promoted a sponsor, FilterBuy, which offers high-quality air filters for both homes and small businesses.

    • Importance of auto-delivery for air filtersSetting up auto-delivery for air filters through FilterBuy.com saves time, money, and keeps your home's air clean, extending the life of your system.

      During the discussion, the importance of setting up auto-delivery for air filters through FilterBuy.com was emphasized. This not only saves time and money but also ensures the air in your home stays clean, extending the life of your system. Additionally, there was a heated exchange between Tucker Carlson and Democratic Congressman Eric Swalwell regarding the use of a spy on the Trump campaign. Swalwell denied the allegations, but the New York Times reported otherwise, and the debate became heated as both parties refused to back down. The conversation ultimately ended with Swalwell expressing his desire to get to the bottom of various political matters, but not through the use of government informants or spies.

    • Spying can occur in various contexts, including domestic investigations for national security.Spying, while often linked to enemies, can also involve domestic investigations for national security. Emphasis on truth and factual information presented to the judiciary is crucial.

      While the term "spying" is often associated with gathering information against an enemy, it can also apply to situations where individuals or organizations are being investigated without their knowledge. During the discussion, it was acknowledged that spying can occur in various contexts, including domestic investigations. The importance of such investigations was emphasized when it comes to potential threats to national security, even if the target is a political figure or ally. The debate also touched upon the role of the judiciary in such investigations, with the emphasis on the importance of truth and the reliance on factual information presented by investigative agencies.

    • Misinformation in Judicial DecisionsInaccurate info presented to judges can lead to misguided decisions, as seen in the FISA warrant case. Be cautious of false narratives and the potential dangers of a police state mentality.

      The discussion revolves around the concern that inaccurate information presented to judges for warrants, such as in the case of the FISA warrant regarding the Steele dossier, can lead to misleading decisions. Swalwell's repeated public statements and actions, despite the subsequent revelation of false information, are criticized as supporting a police state mentality. The Democrats are accused of being tyrants who want people's money, healthcare, and guns, among other things. The speaker urges young people to be aware of this and to not be misled by the false narrative that the Democrats are the party of freedom and opportunity. The overall sentiment is that the situation is dangerous due to the influence of misinformation spread by both parties and in the media.

    • Productivity remains below average post-WWII levels but investment in factories and services is on the riseProductivity is crucial for a country's wealth, and though investment is increasing, we're still below average post-WWII. Stay informed about important stories beyond economic data.

      Productivity is a crucial factor in determining a country's wealth, and recent revised productivity numbers indicate that the economy is still below average post-WWII levels. However, there is some good news as investment in factories and services that produce goods is on the rise, which could lead to increased production and lower costs. Despite this, some important stories, such as the Samantha Power UN ambassador's role in unmasking Americans during the election, have been overlooked by the media. It's essential to question authority and stay informed about all aspects of current events.

    • Economic productivity growth revised down but expected to improvePresident Trump's unique ability to turn negative stories into positives keeps media and opposition engaged, fueling political discourse

      Productivity growth in the economy has been revised down but is expected to improve with increasing investment. Additionally, President Trump's ability to turn negative stories into positive ones, as seen with the Eagles controversy, is a unique skill that keeps the media and opposition engaged. The media's response to Trump's comments, such as labeling MS-13 as animals or criticizing the Eagles, has often backfired, making Trump look more patriotic and the opposition look divisive. This dynamic continues to fuel the political discourse and keeps the public engaged.

    • Democrats struggling to promote their agenda due to Trump's effective messaging and media obsessionTrump's messaging skills and media's fixation on him limit Democrats' ability to promote their own agenda

      The Democratic party is struggling to get their messages out due to President Trump's effective messaging skills and the media's obsession with covering Trump's actions and words. According to Dan Henninger's piece, Democrats are constantly reacting to Trump and his team, leaving them little room to promote their own agenda. Dan Bongino, the host of the show, mocked the media for their fixation on Trump and suggested that if they focused less on him, they might be able to reduce the attention he pays to them. Bongino also criticized the media for turning every story into a Trump-centric narrative, which he believes only serves to amplify Trump's influence. Overall, the discussion highlighted the power of Trump's messaging and the challenges faced by his opponents in getting their messages heard in the current political climate.

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