
    Ep. 739 Hidden Bombshells in the Leak Investigation

    enJune 11, 2018

    Podcast Summary

    • Trump's Media Interactions and a Listener's Product Success StoryTrump skillfully handled a reporter's question, restoring hearing through WaxRx improved a listener's life, and clear communication is key.

      During the Dan Bongino show, the host discussed various topics including the latest news on the Trump-Kim summit, the CNN reporter's question to Trump, and the importance of using the right product to improve one's life, illustrated by a listener's story about WaxRx. Trump's response to the CNN reporter's statement-like question was highlighted, with the President effectively shutting down the reporter's attempt to embarrass him. The listener's story demonstrated how the WaxRx product helped restore Brandon's hearing, enabling him to complete his EMT training. The show also featured a promotion for WaxRx, encouraging listeners to try the product and use the offer code DAN for free shipping. Overall, the episode showcased Trump's ability to handle media scrutiny, the impact of a simple product on someone's life, and the importance of clear communication.

    • Trump's Interaction with CNN and the Singapore SummitTrump's bold handling of criticism and the ongoing Singapore Summit's significance and potential outcomes were discussed in the podcast.

      During a podcast interview, Donald Trump made a humorous comment about CNN being "fake news," and the laughter of an unidentified person in the background added to the amusement. Trump's interaction with CNN was seen as a classic example of his boldness in handling criticism. Another topic discussed was the ongoing summit between Trump and North Korean leader Kim Jong-un in Singapore. The speaker expressed his skepticism about the outcome of the summit but acknowledged the importance of the event and the capabilities of the Secret Service to ensure safety during such high-profile events.

    • Obama Administration's Scandals and Missing RecordsDespite claims of a scandal-free Obama administration, numerous scandals emerged including loss of records, use of private emails, IRS, GAO, VA, Fast and Furious, Benghazi, and Iran deal, revealing deep corruption issues

      During the Obama administration, there were widespread issues with the loss and destruction of government records. This included the use of private emails for official business, which resulted in a significant number of records being unable to be traced or found. Despite the administration's claims of being scandal-free, this is just one example of the numerous scandals that came to light during their time in office. Other scandals included the IRS, the GAO, the VA, Fast and Furious, Benghazi, and the Iran deal, among others. These scandals demonstrate that the Obama administration was not as scandal-free as they claimed, and that there were deep and layered corruption issues within the administration.

    • Obama-era bank transactions with Iran and Omaha Steaks' exceptional filet mignonsAllegations of corruption during the Obama administration regarding bank transactions with Iran. Enjoy Omaha Steaks' top-notch filet mignons delivered to your door.

      During the Obama administration, there were allegations of corruption involving the encouragement of banks to engage in transactions with Iran, contrary to what was told to Congress. Meanwhile, shifting gears, I wanted to share my enthusiasm for Omaha Steaks. I've discovered their filet mignons, which I previously didn't enjoy, but Omaha Steaks' version is exceptional. They deliver high-quality, hand-trimmed, flash-frozen, and vacuum-sealed meats right to your door. This Father's Day, you can get an impressive package with various cuts at a significant discount by using the code "Bongino" on their website. Now, back to the news, there have been ongoing investigations into leaks from behind the scenes. Stay tuned for more updates on that.

    • Identifying leaks through strategic misinformationThe DOJ has increased leak investigations and warned the public against leaking sensitive information, using the example of altering a drug deal day to catch the leaker.

      There have been strategic leaks of misinformation to the media, designed to be believable but with one key fact altered, in order to identify the source of the leaks. This was explained using the analogy of the movie "Miami Vice," where a law enforcement leak was suspected and the day of a drug deal was strategically changed to catch the leaker. The Department of Justice has tripled the number of active leak investigations since January 2017, and Jeff Sessions, then-Attorney General, publicly warned leakers not to do it, emphasizing the importance of balancing the press's role with national security and the lives of those in the intelligence community and armed forces.

    • Instances of false or misleading information in media about political figuresFalse or misleading reports in media about political figures can lead to public humiliation and retractions. Fact-checking is crucial to prevent the spread of incorrect information.

      There have been multiple instances of false or misleading information being reported in the media regarding investigations into political figures, leading to public humiliation and retractions. An example given is the case of Brian Ross from ABC News, who reported that Michael Flynn was instructed to contact the Russians while Trump was still a presidential candidate. However, the story was later found to be false, and Ross was suspended. Another instance involved a report about Deutsche Bank records being sought after for Donald Trump, which was also later retracted due to incorrect information. These incidents serve as reminders of the importance of fact-checking and the potential consequences of spreading false information.

    • Allegations against Don Jr. and WikiLeaksDespite allegations, no secret information was exchanged between Don Jr. and WikiLeaks, and the investigation's motivations are questioned due to potential collusion between investigators and the leaker.

      The December 2017 allegations against Donald Trump Jr. regarding receiving an encryption key from WikiLeaks for supposedly secret documents turned out to be a non-issue. The information was already publicly available, and Don Jr. never responded to the communication. The timeline of events, as outlined in the indictment, suggests that the individual who allegedly leaked the information, James Wolf, may have been collaborating with the investigators earlier than previously known. This raises questions about the legitimacy of the investigation and its motivations. Federal investigations differ from local investigations, and the mechanics behind the scenes can be crucial in understanding the context of these events. The focus on the Deutsche Bank story, the Don Jr. story, and the Brian Ross story about Mike Flynn appears to be part of an effort to uncover leakers or moles within the Trump administration.

    • Federal investigations require meticulous detailThorough and accurate investigations are crucial in federal cases to prevent dismissed charges due to inaccurate information.

      The way law enforcement operates at the federal level is vastly different than at the local level. When it comes to investigating and prosecuting crimes, federal agents don't go out on patrol like local police officers do. Instead, they rely on reports from other agencies and individuals. This means that when building a case at the federal level, every detail needs to be meticulously gathered and presented in a clear and compelling way. If not, the case may be thrown out. This was likely the case with the FBI's investigation into the Christopher Steele dossier, as the information came second-hand and ultimately turned out to be false. This could have serious consequences for those involved, as they could potentially lose their jobs if the information they present in court is found to be inaccurate. Therefore, the importance of thorough and accurate investigation cannot be overstated, especially at the federal level.

    • FBI tests reporters with leaked informationThe FBI may have used a leaker to test reporters, potentially setting them up. Double and triple sourcing is crucial for accurate reporting.

      During the October 30, 2017 meeting, an individual, possibly James Wolfe, was given sensitive information by the FBI and asked to share it with certain reporters. The individual was told to present the information as if it had been obtained independently and to share it on specific dates. The implication is that the FBI was testing the reporters' sources and potentially setting them up. The timeline of events suggests that this was part of a larger investigation that was under seal until June 2018. The use of anonymous sources in journalism can be risky, and this incident underscores the importance of double and triple sourcing information to ensure its accuracy and authenticity. The individual, James Wolfe, was later indicted for leaking classified information, but it's possible that others were involved as well. The media's efforts to make the Trump administration look bad may have led them to trust sources that turned out to be unreliable.

    • Rarity of charging someone with lying to a federal agentJudges express surprise when someone is charged with lying to a federal agent, usually used when little evidence exists for more serious charges or to encourage cooperation for future investigations.

      Charging someone with lying to a federal agent (1001) is not a common occurrence and is usually used when law enforcement has little to no evidence against the accused for more serious charges. The speaker shares a personal experience where he witnessed a judge's reaction to such a charge during a court proceeding. The judge expressed surprise and disbelief, indicating the rarity of such a charge. The second reason for using this charge is when law enforcement has substantial evidence against the accused but wants to secure their cooperation for future investigations. The speaker suggests that in the case of the individual being discussed, the person was likely charged with a 1001 offense to encourage them to provide information to the media.

    • Leaking Sensitive Information: Negotiations and Deals with AuthoritiesThe legal process for individuals leaking sensitive information involves negotiations and potential deals with authorities, and more leakers could be identified.

      While some individuals may face consequences for leaking sensitive information, the process involves negotiations and potential deals with authorities. The case of Jimbo, currently under investigation, may be just the tip of the iceberg, as more leakers could be identified. The legal system moves at its own pace, but progress is being made. Meanwhile, it's essential to acknowledge the complexity of the situation and the challenges in enforcing the law equally against all parties involved. Additionally, Brick House Nutrition offers real food products that provide essential nutrients, making them a valuable alternative to traditional supplements.

    • Speaker's struggle with maintaining fruit and vegetable intake and her solutionSpeaker recommends 'Field of Greens' supplement for those struggling to consume enough real fruits and veggies due to busy lifestyles.

      The speaker values the health benefits of consuming real fruits and vegetables, but finds it challenging to maintain a consistent intake due to a hectic lifestyle. In response, she sought out a supplement called "Field of Greens" from Brick House Nutrition, which provides the nutritional equivalent of real, ground-up fruits and vegetables. The speaker highly recommends this product, praising its taste and effectiveness. Separately, a significant development in the Obamacare saga is that the Department of Justice will not defend the law in court against a 20-state lawsuit. The individual mandate in Obamacare, which requires Americans to have health insurance or face a penalty, has been a contentious issue. Some constitutional conservatives argue that it's unconstitutional for the government to fine citizens for not buying a product. The Supreme Court ruled that the penalty is, in fact, a tax, allowing Obamacare to proceed. The speaker expresses disappointment with this decision, as many conservatives felt the law was being rewritten.

    • Obama's Healthcare Law Faces Uncertainty as Individual Mandate Penalty EndsThe repeal of the individual mandate penalty in the Republican tax bill may render the rest of Obamacare unconstitutional, leading to its potential dismantling.

      During the Obama administration, there was a debate over whether the Affordable Care Act's individual mandate was a tax or a penalty. Obama himself stated it wasn't a tax during the election season, but later argued in court that it was. The Supreme Court eventually ruled it was a tax. Now, with the repeal of the individual mandate in the Republican tax cut bill, the absence of a penalty means the rest of the law may be unconstitutional. The Obama administration, which previously enjoyed using the word game between tax and penalty, is now facing the consequences as the Trump administration refuses to defend it in court. The 20 states that sued over the repeal are seeing the end of Obamacare, but other states may step in to defend it. The penalty goes away on January 1, 2019, and if no action is taken, parts of Obamacare will fall apart. This is a positive first step towards dismantling the controversial healthcare legislation. Stay informed on this developing story.

    • Impact of Obamacare on Premiums: Different PerspectivesDemocrats and Republicans have contrasting views on the reasons for rising Obamacare premiums, with Democrats blaming the repeal of the individual mandate penalty and Republicans pointing to the high cost of Obamacare itself leading to a 'death spiral'.

      The ongoing debate around the Affordable Care Act (Obamacare) and its impact on premiums is a complex issue. While Democrats argue that the repeal of the individual mandate penalty is causing premiums to rise, a different perspective suggests that the high cost of Obamacare is the primary reason why people are dropping out, leading to higher premiums for those who remain. This situation, known as a death spiral, is putting pressure on the insurance industry. The Democrats are being criticized for owning this "disaster" they designed. Additionally, the economy's growth under the Trump administration is a topic of contention, with Democrats claiming that synchronized global growth is responsible for the economic boom, while others argue that the Trump tax cuts were the primary driver. The ongoing debate showcases the differing perspectives on these issues.

    • Emphasizing the Importance of Staying Informed and Engaging with ContentListeners are encouraged to stay informed by tuning in regularly and engaging with content, while supporting creators through merchandise purchases.

      The Washington Examiner's piece is worth reading. The host expressed his appreciation to the listeners for tuning in and encouraged them to visit the Chum Store on Pongino.com for new merchandise. He also reminded everyone to subscribe to the podcast on various platforms like iTunes, iHeartRadio, and SoundCloud. The host signed off, expressing gratitude to the audience and promising to be back the next day. Overall, the discussion emphasized the importance of staying informed and engaging with content, as well as supporting creators and their merchandise.

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