
    Ep. 741 - The Hallucinatory World Of The Critical Race Theorist

    enJune 14, 2021
    What tactic do defenders of CRT use against critics?
    How are adolescents influenced regarding gender identity, according to the speaker?
    What story was discussed in relation to questioning information validity?
    Why is critical thinking important in evaluating extraordinary claims?
    What products does Beardsupply.com offer for beard care?

    Podcast Summary

    • Defenders of Critical Race Theory avoid defining it directlyCRT's defenders use ambiguity to shield it from criticism, making it harder for critics to challenge its core tenets.

      MSNBC's Brandy Zdrozny and other defenders of Critical Race Theory (CRT) often avoid defining it directly and instead label its critics as uneducated or misunderstanding the complex nature of the theory. This tactic creates an aura of obscurity around CRT, making it harder for critics to challenge its core tenets. For instance, when asked to define CRT, Ibram X. Kendi, a leading CRT proponent, instead accused critics of not understanding it. CRT and Antifa are often compared as boogeymen, with their defenders arguing that only scholars and academics can truly grasp their meanings. However, avoiding clear definitions allows these concepts to remain insulated from scrutiny and criticism. The Matt Walsh Show discussed this issue, along with other topics like a new sponsor, Carnivore Trading, and various news headlines.

    • Understanding the Debate over Critical Race TheoryThe debate over critical race theory involves conflicting definitions and perspectives, with critics accusing Republicans of attacking it without understanding, while proponents argue it's necessary for understanding systemic racism and promoting social justice.

      The ongoing debate around critical race theory (CRT) involves a clash of definitions and perspectives. Republicans have criticized CRT without providing a clear definition, leading some to accuse them of attacking a concept they don't understand. Critics of CRT argue that it oversimplifies complex issues by labeling America as racist, white people as inherently racist, and minorities as victims, while advocating for vengeance. They claim that CRT is being misrepresented and that its true intentions are being obscured. Meanwhile, proponents of CRT argue that it is a necessary tool for understanding systemic racism and promoting social justice. The debate highlights the importance of clear communication and the need for a nuanced understanding of complex issues. It also underscores the potential dangers of oversimplification and the importance of critically evaluating information from multiple sources.

    • The CRT debate is not about free speech or the absence of teaching about racism in American history.The CRT debate focuses on the content and interpretation of American history, not erasing the past but understanding it in the present, and potential for creating division rather than unity.

      The debate surrounding Critical Race Theory (CRT) in schools is not about free speech or the absence of teaching about racism in American history. Instead, it's about the content and interpretation of that history. The claim that kids are being taught that slavery is good or not so bad is not based on fact. On the contrary, most Americans know that slavery existed and was a significant part of American history. The real issue is the way this history is being presented and the potential for CRT to create division rather than unity. The CRT debate is not about erasing the past but about how it is being taught and understood in the present.

    • Mental health challenges for adolescent girls during the pandemicA study shows suicide attempt rates among adolescent girls increased by up to 50% during the pandemic, possibly due to pandemic-related safety measures and economic concerns

      While Critical Race Theory (CRT) exists to address extremes in societal indoctrination, it fails to engage with reality. Meanwhile, in other news, a study published in The New York Post revealed a significant increase in suicide attempt rates among adolescent girls during the COVID-19 pandemic, with numbers rising by up to 50% compared to 2019. The study suggested young females may have been more affected by pandemic-related safety measures and economic concerns. It's a stark reminder of the mental health challenges faced by the younger generation during these uncertain times. On a lighter note, I'm excited to share that Moink, a sponsor of this show, offers high-quality, antibiotic-free meats delivered directly to your door. Use the code "waltz" at checkout to get a year of free bacon. And before I sign off, remember that there are certain things in life you can't have enough of – like fishing tackle or ammo. So, if you're in need of a pick-me-up, consider visiting Bass Pro Shops. Until next time!

    • Devastating effects on children's mental health during pandemicThe pandemic's isolation measures led to a significant increase in suicide attempts among children and adolescents, despite warnings of potential harm to their emotional wellbeing.

      The isolation and safety measures implemented during the COVID-19 pandemic, particularly for children and adolescent girls, had devastating effects on their mental health, leading to a significant increase in suicide attempts. This was a foreseeable consequence, as many warned about the potential harm to children's emotional wellbeing. Despite this knowledge, the measures were implemented, and the cost was a massive rise in suicide attempts among kids. It's important to acknowledge that while some may argue that these measures saved lives by preventing COVID-19 infections and deaths, the trade-off was not worth it. The emotional toll on children and adolescents was a price too high to pay.

    • Learning from Past Mistakes in Handling the PandemicTo prevent future crises, it's essential to learn from past mistakes, improve systems, and prioritize transparency, accountability, and inclusivity in leadership.

      During the past year, there were preventable mistakes made in handling the pandemic in the US, including technical errors, political leadership mistakes, and a lack of sacrifice for the greater good. These mistakes led to significant losses, including jobs, education, and lives. Moving forward, it's essential to learn from these mistakes and make necessary improvements to save more lives and prevent similar crises in the future. However, it's concerning that some individuals, like the person mentioned at the beginning, seem to be advocating for more of the same, including more job losses and sacrifices. Additionally, public officials, such as Mayor Lori Lightfoot, have faced criticism for their actions, such as prioritizing interviews with journalists of a certain race, which is illegal and discriminatory. Despite this, she refuses to apologize or back down, instead placing the blame on her critics. It's crucial for public officials to lead with transparency, accountability, and inclusivity, and to prioritize the well-being of all members of their communities.

    • Discussions on race, discrimination, identity, and acceptanceEmpathy, understanding, and respect are crucial for conversations about race, discrimination, identity, and acceptance. Avoiding bigotry and illegal exclusion based on appearance and respecting individuals' gender identity are essential for a more inclusive and accepting society.

      Conversations about race and discrimination, as well as personal identity and acceptance, are crucial but often challenging. In the first part of the discussion, a public figure's justification for excluding people based on their appearance during a conversation about race was criticized as bigotry and illegal. In the second part, a TikTok video showed a person coming out as transgender and expressing the pain of being misgendered. These situations highlight the importance of empathy, understanding, and respect for all individuals, regardless of their race or gender identity. The ongoing conversations around these topics demonstrate the need for continued dialogue and education to foster a more inclusive and accepting society.

    • Adolescents questioning gender identities influenced by adultsAdolescents experiencing normal emotions during puberty and adolescence can be influenced by adults to question their gender identities, leading to new identities and misunderstandings. Question the validity of information and ask important questions before accepting something as fact.

      There is a growing trend among adolescents, particularly girls, who are being influenced by adults and societal pressures to question their gender identities. This process often involves feeling normal emotions such as confusion, anxiety, and discomfort, which are then framed as evidence of being a different gender. This framework can be tempting for kids who are unsure of themselves or their place in the world, and can lead to a new identity and a whole new way of understanding themselves. However, the speaker believes that this is all the fault of the adults who are pushing these ideas on children, and that these emotions are normal and natural for kids going through puberty and adolescence. Another example given was a false story about a lobster diver being swallowed by a whale and then spit back out, which serves as a reminder to question the validity of information and to ask important questions before accepting something as fact.

    • The Lobster Diver Swallowed by a Whale Story: A Tale of SkepticismApproach extraordinary tales with skepticism, fact-check, and question sources for a more informed perspective.

      The story of a lobster diver being swallowed by a whale and then spit back out, as exciting as it may be, lacks substantial evidence. The diver, Packard, and his sister, Cynthia, have shared the story, but there's no concrete proof of injuries, witnesses, or even a clear description of what was seen. Additionally, the confusion between a great white shark and a humpback whale adds to the skepticism. While it's understandable that people might want to believe such an extraordinary tale, it's essential to approach it with a critical mind and consider the lack of solid evidence. Moreover, the discussion touched upon the importance of fact-checking and questioning the sources of information. The speaker emphasized the significance of not just accepting stories at face value, especially when they seem too good to be true. In the end, it's crucial to remember that a healthy dose of skepticism and critical thinking can help us navigate the world of information more effectively. As a side note, the speaker also shared some tips on growing a beard and introduced Beardsupply.com, which offers affordable beard oils and convenient subscription services.

    • Discussion on climate change, cancel culture, and podcastsA viewer discussed climate change, cancel culture, and recommended podcasts. Some commented on Joe Biden's mental state and Louis CK's cancellation. A suggestion was made for a secret handshake and a hypothetical question posed. NPR was canceled for an editorial.

      The discussion touched on various topics including climate change, cancel culture, and podcast recommendations. Regarding climate change, a viewer noted the use of a context label on a video about the topic. Some comments expressed opinions on Joe Biden's mental state and Louis CK's cancellation. A suggestion was made for creating a secret handshake for a group, and a hypothetical question about fighting a horse-sized duck or 25 duck-sized horses was posed. The podcast "Candace" was recommended for listeners, and Georgia Howe's new podcast "Office Hours with Georgia Howe" was highlighted. The main cancellation of the day was NPR for an editorial titled "Tom Hanks is a non-racist. It's time for him to be anti-racist."

    • Tom Hanks' Op-ed on Tulsa Race Massacre: A Step Forward but Not EnoughCritics called out Tom Hanks for focusing on white achievements in his work and urged him to acknowledge the impact of racism on black Americans in his stories.

      Tom Hanks' op-ed about the Tulsa race massacre was seen as a step in the right direction but not enough by some critics. Eric Deggans, in an NPR article, praised Hanks for bringing attention to the massacre but expressed disappointment that he didn't examine his own role in focusing on white achievements in his work. Deggans argued that white celebrities, including Hanks, have built their careers on stories about white people and need to acknowledge how their work contributes to the elevation of white culture over other cultures. The article highlights the importance of acknowledging and addressing the impact of racism on black Americans, even in seemingly unrelated stories. In essence, the call is for more intentionality and accountability from white celebrities in addressing racial issues in their work.

    • Tom Hanks' Influence on Narratives and Challenging StereotypesTom Hanks, as a prominent figure in the film industry, can use his influence to dismantle harmful stereotypes and promote diversity and representation, rather than focusing on historical fiction and reinforcing white American exceptionalism and heroism.

      Tom Hanks, as a prominent figure in the film industry, has the power to influence narratives and challenge harmful stereotypes. Instead of focusing on historical fiction and fictional discussions about the roles of baby boomer filmmakers, it's essential to consider what actions Hanks and other industry insiders can take to dismantle and broaden narrow ideas of white American exceptionalism and heroism. It's crucial to recognize the dangers of reinforcing the notion that only white people can do good things, and instead, work towards promoting diversity and representation. This includes amplifying stories of black heroism and challenging harmful stereotypes in film and media. Eric Deggans' suggestions for Tom Hanks' next movie, while extreme, highlight the importance of using storytelling as a tool for change and challenging the status quo.

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    From the white guys who brought you “What is a Woman?” comes Matt Walsh’s next question: “Am I Racist?” | IN THEATERS TOMORROW! Get tickets NOW: https://www.amiracist.com


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