
    Ep 761 | Is Public School the Best Choice for Christians?

    enFebruary 27, 2023

    Podcast Summary

    • Jen Wilkin's Perspective on Public Education Sparks DebateThe debate between Jen Wilkin and Jonathan Pennington emphasized the significance of individual circumstances and values when deciding between Christian and public education.

      The debate between Bible teacher Jen Wilkin and professor Jonathan Pennington, hosted by The Gospel Coalition, regarding public education versus Christian education, sparked intense discussions among listeners and generated significant buzz on Christian social media. Jen Wilkin, a mother of five and Bible teacher who sent her children to public school, faced backlash for her perspective, with some criticism being fair and others potentially misrepresenting her arguments. Wilkin responded to the backlash, and the host promised to provide the full context of her statements and share his own thoughts on the debate. The debate highlighted the importance of considering individual circumstances and values when choosing an educational path. While some prioritize Christian education for its spiritual benefits and control over curriculum, others see value in public education for its diversity and opportunities for socialization and academic excellence. Ultimately, the debate underscores the importance of respectful dialogue and understanding different perspectives on educational choices.

    • Embracing Passionate Debate and DisagreementEncourage respectful, accurate debates on important topics, even if it makes some uncomfortable. Come to conclusions based on research and prayer, and present arguments with conviction.

      The speaker believes in expressing strong convictions and having passionate debates on important cultural, political, moral, and theological topics, even if it may make some people uncomfortable. She acknowledges that people may disagree with her views and that's okay. However, she emphasizes that public debate and disagreement, as long as it's respectful and accurate, is healthy and essential for growth in both secular and religious communities. She also mentions that some people, especially Christian women, may see passionate disagreement as an attack and embrace moral relativism instead. The speaker encourages listeners to think deeply about issues, come to conclusions based on research and prayer, and present their arguments with conviction, even if it upsets some people. She acknowledges her own fallibility and the possibility of changing her mind in the future. Ultimately, she wants to create a space where people can share their thoughts and feelings without fear of judgment or attack.

    • Encountering Criticism from Certain Christian WomenDespite her genuine care and commitment to accurate representation, the speaker faces criticism and labels from certain Christian women due to her non-dogmatic stances on various issues. She emphasizes her dedication to thoughtful, fact-based discussions and aims to provide clarity, courage, and explanation to her audience.

      The speaker encounters resistance and criticism from certain Christian women due to her clear, non-dogmatic stances on various issues, such as vaccines, masks, systemic racism, and political figures. These women label her as unloving, divisive, or motivated by money or clicks, despite her genuine care for her audience and commitment to accurate representation. The speaker finds the accusations sad and ignorant, as she believes they stem from personal dislike and a misunderstanding of her motivations and goals. She emphasizes her dedication to considering the importance of topics for both herself and her audience, and her avoidance of drama and misrepresentation. Ultimately, she values thoughtful, fact-based discussions and aims to provide her audience with clarity, courage, and explanation on the issues that matter to them.

    • The value of respectful debate in the Christian communityOpen debate fosters growth and understanding, encourages respectful dialogue, and contributes to unity within the Christian community despite differing perspectives.

      The speaker values open and respectful debate, even on controversial topics, and believes that it leads to growth and understanding within the Christian community. She emphasizes the importance of discussing theological, political, and cultural issues publicly, rather than blindly following established opinions or fear-mongering. The speaker also expresses her desire to connect with a specific audience of Christian women who share her concerns and experiences. She acknowledges that not everyone will agree with her perspectives, but encourages respectful dialogue and disagreement with the common goal of following and glorifying Christ. The speaker believes that lack of vigorous debate contributes more to division within the church than its presence. She also expresses her thoughts on the recent public school vs. Christian education debate, sharing her perspective and encouraging further discussion on the topic.

    • Ensuring Family Care After Passing with EpicwillAdults can easily and affordably create a will through Epicwill, ensuring their family's future care. Free for single moms with children under 18.

      It's essential for adults to have a will to ensure their family is taken care of after their passing. Epicwill offers an easy and affordable solution, providing a complete will package for as little as $119 or free for single moms with children under 18. Regarding Jen Wilkins, while there may be differing opinions about her teachings, it's crucial to use discernment and compare them to scripture. I personally may disagree with some of her views, but I respect her abilities as a mother and the impact her teachings have had on many. Lastly, whether or not someone has children in school or not, the ongoing debate about education options requires open and thoughtful consideration from all perspectives.

    • Considering Public Schools for Community Involvement and Education as a RightChristian parents should consider public schools for community involvement and diverse experiences, but individual circumstances matter.

      Jen believes that Christian parents should consider sending their children to public schools as a way to contribute to the community and promote education as a right for all. She emphasizes that her stance is not a blanket recommendation, but rather a conviction based on her personal experiences and beliefs in the importance of community involvement and the public school ideal. She also acknowledges the benefits of public education for children's exposure to diverse backgrounds and the opportunity to engage with social issues in a humanizing way. However, she acknowledges that this may not be the best option for all families and emphasizes the importance of individual circumstances. Overall, Jen's perspective highlights the potential impact of Christian parents on the public education system and the importance of community engagement in shaping the education landscape.

    • Parents should be informed about their children's educationEnsure your child's values and beliefs align with yours, stay informed about school curriculum, and don't let fear or propaganda sway your decisions.

      While children can and do influence their peers and spread the gospel, they are not responsible for discipling others as young students. Instead, they are being discipled by their environment and the predominant worldview around them. It's important for parents to be informed about what is being taught in their school district and not be swayed by fear or propaganda. Legitimate concerns about the public education system should not be dismissed, and parents have a responsibility to ensure their children's values and beliefs are aligned with their own. Public schools teach from a particular worldview, and it's wise for parents to ensure that it aligns with their own. This is not a sign of fear, but of being informed and wise in the upbringing of their children.

    • Parents in conservative areas express concerns about explicit content and divisive curriculum in public schoolsParents in conservative areas are raising concerns about sexually explicit content and books promoting suicide in public schools, leading some to opt out of the public education system.

      Parents in conservative areas are expressing concerns about explicit content and divisive curriculum in public schools, which they feel is not aligned with their values. A notable example is Sherry Clements, a Christian woman from Texas who ran for school board but lost due to lack of support from her community, despite her concerns about sexually explicit books being assigned to her middle schooler. She reported that seven out of ten recommended books contained sexually explicit content, with one book having 53 instances. Clements also raised concerns about books that encouraged suicide. These issues are not unique to Texas; similar concerns have been raised in other conservative areas like Montana, Florida, Georgia, Texas, Oklahoma, and Alabama. Parents who want to protect their children from such content may choose to opt out of the public education system, but this decision should not be seen as fear-mongering or naivety. Instead, it is a valid concern for parents who want to be the primary influencers in their children's lives on these sensitive topics.

    • Making Education Decisions for Your FamilyConsider unique family situations and all factors before making education decisions, respectful dialogue, and prioritize healthy eating with Factor meals.

      While concerns about public schools are valid, it's important not to be misinformed or exaggerate situations. Christian parents should make their education decisions based on what's best for their family, not solely out of a biblical obligation to put others before themselves. The speaker emphasizes that each family's situation is unique, and it's crucial to consider all factors before making a decision. The speaker also encourages respectful dialogue and disagreement, rather than gaslighting or shaming others for their choices. Additionally, the speaker promotes Factor meals as a convenient solution for healthy eating, especially for busy individuals.

    • Considering the needs of others in love and educationSelflessness in love means prioritizing the needs of our children and making decisions based on their spiritual and educational growth, not as a sacrifice but as an opportunity to positively impact their lives.

      Selflessness in love means considering the interests of others, including our children, and prioritizing their needs above our own. This doesn't necessarily mean sending them to public school, but rather recognizing that the decision to homeschool or send them to a private Christian school is a loving and selfless one, as long as it aligns with what is best for the child's spiritual and educational growth. The ultimate goal is to raise children who will glorify God and contribute positively to their communities. It's important to remember that our children are others and deserve our consideration and investment, just as we would want others to invest in their education and spiritual growth. The decision of where to send our children to school should not be seen as a sacrifice, but rather an opportunity to make a positive impact on their lives and the lives of those around them.

    • The Value of a Christian EducationA Christian education shapes a person's theological understanding and worldview through daily engagement with Bible and teachings, fostering meaningful discussions and debates among peers.

      A Christian education, despite its imperfections, provides an irreplaceable foundation for a person's theological understanding and worldview. The speaker's personal experience of attending a Christian school from kindergarten to 12th grade shaped her deeply, providing daily exposure to the Bible and Christian teachings that influenced her worldview and her ability to recall and apply scripture. While parents can certainly prioritize Bible reading and home discipleship, the speaker argues that the value of a Christian education lies in the opportunity for students to engage in daily theological discussions and debates with their peers. The speaker's passion for her education and the impact it had on her life is evident, and she and her husband are committed to providing the same gift to their own children.

    • Parents prioritize Christian education for their childrenParents value Christian education, invest in it, and encourage community engagement for positive impact on schools.

      Parents value providing their children with a Christian education and consider it a priority over sending them to public schools, which they perceive as potentially teaching worldviews opposed to their faith. They believe that investing in their children's education at home or in a private Christian school aligns with their role as parents to disciple and raise their kids in a biblical worldview. Additionally, they encourage adults without children to engage with their local public schools to ensure a positive impact on their community, rather than assuming they must sacrifice their children's education to make a difference. The definition of education as helping children grow from childishness to maturity and learn to love what is true, good, and beautiful was highlighted as a desirable goal, and the historical role of Christians in shaping education was emphasized.

    • Public education promotes secular progressive worldviewBe aware of school's influence on children's beliefs, prioritize family values, limit extracurriculars, and create family community.

      Our public education system is not neutral, but rather, it promotes a secular progressive worldview. This is a shift from the past when education was seen as a means to reinforce traditional values. Today, children spend a significant amount of time in school, making it a crucial influence on their beliefs and values. The speaker emphasizes the importance of being aware of this and encourages parents to prioritize their role in their children's education, making sure they are consistently instilling their values at home. The speaker also touches upon the importance of limiting extracurricular activities and creating a sense of community within the family to counteract the influences of school and peer groups. Ultimately, the goal is to ensure that children are receiving a well-rounded education that aligns with their family's values.

    • Parents prioritize quality education and safety over diversity in school choiceMany parents choose schools based on values and morals, not just diversity, considering quality education, safety, ethics, and affordability.

      While some argue for sending children to public schools for the sake of diversity, many parents are making the choice based on the quality of education and safety of the environment, rather than genuine commitment to diversity. Jen Wilkin, for instance, emphasizes the importance of exposing children to diverse teachers and values, but also values the ethics and morals taught in Christian schools. She does not advocate for converting public schools into Christian institutions, but rather for them to serve a general population with a neutral worldview. The financial aspect is also a consideration, as some argue they cannot afford private or homeschooling options, but many homeschool families are not wealthy. Ultimately, the choice of education comes down to what set of values and morals parents believe is best for their children and the larger community.

    • Exploring alternative educational options for spiritual growthConsider charter schools for a classical education that's affordable and fosters spiritual growth

      The importance of parental presence and involvement in a child's life cannot be overstated, especially when it comes to their spiritual growth. However, the high cost of Christian private schools can make it an inaccessible option for many families. Instead, Jen Wilkins suggests looking into creative solutions like charter schools that offer a classical education and are free of charge. It's important to focus on what each educational option provides in terms of discipleship opportunities and the overall development of the child. The origins of private or public education should not be the deciding factor. Ultimately, the goal is to provide children with an environment that pushes them towards what is good, true, and beautiful, and supports their unique capabilities and development.

    • Clarifying Misunderstood Stance on Public Schools and Loving NeighborsGin Wilkins clarified that her opposition to public schools doesn't mean Christians can't love their neighbors, but rather encourages supporting families without education choices and being aware of children's learning in public schools.

      During a debate on education, Gin Wilkins clarified her stance on public schools and loving one's neighbor. She acknowledged that her initial comments may have been misinterpreted, as her argument against public schools being the only way to love one's neighbor was not clear without the full context of her debate response. Wilkins emphasized that she did not mean to imply that Christians cannot love their neighbors if they don't send their kids to public schools. Instead, she suggested considering the impact of withdrawing from public schools on the community, particularly for families without a choice in education. She encouraged those who opt out to support these families through various means. Wilkins also clarified that she did not advocate for children being missionaries in public schools, but rather for parents to be aware of what their children are learning.

    • Loving Neighbors vs. Prioritizing FamilyResearch and make informed decisions about education, prioritize family responsibilities, and engage in respectful public disagreements.

      While we should recognize the importance of loving and caring for our neighbors, there is an order to our loves, and we have a responsibility to prioritize the well-being of our own families first. This includes the education of our children. The speaker emphasizes the importance of doing thorough research and making informed decisions regarding education, rather than vilifying those who hold different views. She also encourages respectful public disagreement and discourages denigration or personal attacks. Fodi Bauchamp, an expert on the topic, shares reasons for leaving public education, and the speaker encourages listening to his perspective. Ultimately, the speaker emphasizes the importance of prioritizing our responsibilities as parents and making decisions that reflect God's order of love.

    • The Importance of a Christ-Centered EducationA Christ-centered education is vital for holistic growth and parents must prioritize it for their children, as public schools may not provide a biblical worldview.

      According to the speaker, a Christ-centered education is crucial for intellectual, spiritual, philosophical, and moral growth, and public schools, being inherently non-Christian, may not provide this type of education. The speaker argues that education is a form of discipleship and indoctrination, and parents have the responsibility to ensure their children receive a biblical worldview. He also mentions concerns about the moral and academic quality of public schools, as well as the financial burden on homeowners. Ultimately, the speaker encourages parents to prioritize a Christ-centered education for their children.

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    Ep 1024 | First Presidential Debate, 10 Commandments in Schools

    Ep 1024 | First Presidential Debate, 10 Commandments in Schools
    Today, we discuss the upcoming debate between Joe Biden and Donald Trump. What does Trump need to do to come out on top? Plus, RFK Jr. claims Trump and Biden are colluding with CNN to keep him off the debate stage. In other news, Louisiana is the first state to require the Ten Commandments to be displayed in classrooms. Does this violate "separation of church and state"? And is it an example of "Christian Nationalism"? Get your tickets for Share the Arrows: https://www.sharethearrows.com/ --- Timecodes: (00:45) Introduction (12:35) Questionable debate coverage (20:00) RFK Jr. not allowed in debate (30:15) Relatable at Home (32:30) Louisiana requires 10 Commandments in classrooms (44:59) Legal precedent (47:25) Opposition responses (52:16) Is this 'Christian nationalism'? (01:01:03) Andrew Walker & The Babylon Bee weigh in --- Today's Sponsors: Good Ranchers — Change the way you buy meat today at GoodRanchers.com with code ALLIE to claim your $100 off and free smoked brats for a year.  Get free shipping on all your orders and make this Independence Day one to remember.  Jase Medical — get up to a year’s worth of many of your prescription medications delivered in advance. Go to JaseMedical.com today and use promo code “ALLIE". A’del — try A'del's hand-crafted, artisan, small-batch cosmetics and use promo code ALLIE 25% off your first time purchase at AdelNaturalCosmetics.com. Cozy Earth - go to COZYEARTH.COM/RELATABLE to enjoy 30% off using the code RELATABLE. --- Relevant Episodes: Ep 1008 | Dr. John MacArthur on Preparing Our Kids for Battle https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/ep-1008-dr-john-macarthur-on-preparing-our-kids-for-battle/id1359249098?i=1000656550362 Ep 1023 | Pride Pullback: Are Companies Backing Down? https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/ep-1023-pride-pullback-are-companies-backing-down/id1359249098?i=1000659673322 Ep 1001 | Christian Bridal Designer vs. LGBTQ Mafia | Guest: Dominique Galbraith https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/ep-1001-christian-bridal-designer-vs-lgbtq-mafia-guest/id1359249098?i=1000655460794 Ep 922 | The Very Scary Rise of Christofascism https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/ep-922-the-very-scary-rise-of-christofascism/id1359249098?i=1000638483605 Ep 13 | Two Gay Men + A Christian Baker Walk into a Courtroom https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/relatable-with-allie-beth-stuckey/id1359249098?i=1000413171727 --- Buy Allie's book, You're Not Enough (& That's Okay): Escaping the Toxic Culture of Self-Love: https://alliebethstuckey.com/book Relatable merchandise – use promo code 'ALLIE10' for a discount: https://shop.blazemedia.com/collections/allie-stuckey Learn more about your ad choices. Visit megaphone.fm/adchoices

    Ep 1023 | Pride Pullback: Are Companies Backing Down?

    Ep 1023 | Pride Pullback: Are Companies Backing Down?
    Today, we discuss some good news: less "Pride" merchandise in stores this year. We examine some of the reasons for this development, including the impact of conservative boycotts. Is Christianity really more "intolerant" than progressivism? Are Christians actually imposing their beliefs on others? Or do they just want neutral spaces? Also, the Buffalo Bills sponsored an "inclusive" football league called the NGFFL. And a new proposal in Congress could make women eligible for the draft. We explain why this is a bad idea. Get your tickets for Share the Arrows: https://www.sharethearrows.com/ --- Timecodes: (0:30) Announcements (9:06) Businesses ditch "Pride" merch (30:44) Conservatism in EU (33:36) Brigitte Macron (35:46) Conservative boycotts (50:36) Buffalo Bills sponsor gay football league (55:53) Women added to military draft? --- Today's Sponsors: Patriot Mobile — go to PatriotMobile.com/ALLIE or call 972-PATRIOT and use promo code 'ALLIE' for free activation! EveryLife — the only premium baby brand that is unapologetically pro-life. EveryLife offers high-performing, supremely soft diapers and wipes that protect and celebrate every precious life. Head to EveryLife.com and use promo code ALLIE10 to get 10% of your first order today! American Christian Credit Union — America’s Christian Credit Union is Federally Insured by the National Credit Union Administration. Find America’s Christian Credit Union online at AmericasChristianCU.com/SWITCH BlazeTV- Subscribe to BlazeTV to get uncensored news and exclusive content. Use code ALLIE at https://BlazeTV.com for $20 off. --- Relevant Episodes: Ep 1013 | Ms. Rachel Uses Jesus to Push Pride https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/ep-1013-ms-rachel-uses-jesus-to-push-pride/id1359249098?i=1000657841626 Ep 1016 | Time to Ditch Ergobaby https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/ep-1016-time-to-ditch-ergobaby/id1359249098?i=1000658502983 Ep 913 | Target Gayifies Christmas https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/ep-913-target-gayifies-christmas/id1359249098?i=1000636829359 Ep 805 | One Year of My Target Boycott (And They're Queerer Than Ever) https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/ep-805-one-year-of-no-target-theyre-worse-than-ever/id1359249098?i=1000613121337 Ep 1020 | Botched: The Brutality of Trans Mastectomies | Guest: Soren Aldaco https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/ep-1020-botched-the-brutality-of-trans/id1359249098?i=1000659311855 --- Buy Allie's book, You're Not Enough (& That's Okay): Escaping the Toxic Culture of Self-Love: https://alliebethstuckey.com/book Relatable merchandise – use promo code 'ALLIE10' for a discount: https://shop.blazemedia.com/collections/allie-stuckey Learn more about your ad choices. Visit megaphone.fm/adchoices

    Ep 1022 | Robert Morris Resigns, Potheads vs. Karens

    Ep 1022 | Robert Morris Resigns, Potheads vs. Karens
    Today, we discuss the resignation of Pastor Robert Morris in light of his past sexual assault of a 12-year-old girl. Does forgiveness require restoration to previous positions of power? And does worldly success indicate someone is pleasing to God? On a lighter note, we discuss how horrible marijuana is, particularly its devastating effects on teenagers. Are there any good reasons to legalize weed? Is marijuana possession actually a criminal justice issue, or is this a myth? Plus, we discuss the different types of "Karens" and defend those who are actually necessary for society to function. Get your tickets for Share the Arrows: https://www.sharethearrows.com/ --- Timecodes: (01:04) Robert Morris update (18:34) Truth about weed (29:15) Weed's effects on teenagers (38:26) Cannabis & psychosis (45:10) Medical marijuana (47:32) Weed moms (48:43) Colorado & California (52:33) In defense of Karens --- Today's Sponsors: A’del — try A'del's hand-crafted, artisan, small-batch cosmetics and use promo code ALLIE 25% off your first time purchase at AdelNaturalCosmetics.com. Jase Medical — get up to a year’s worth of many of your prescription medications delivered in advance. Go to JaseMedical.com today and use promo code “ALLIE". We Heart Nutrition — nourish your body with research-backed ingredients in your vitamins at WeHeartNutrition.com and use promo code ALLIE for 20% off. My Patriot Supply — prepare yourself for anything with long-term emergency food storage. Get your new, lower-price Emergency Food Kit at PrepareWithAllie.com. --- Relevant Episodes: Ep 1021 | #SBCToo? Another Accused Megachurch Pastor https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/ep-1021-sbctoo-another-accused-megachurch-pastor/id1359249098?i=1000659436070 Ep 1003 | What If We Decriminalized Drugs? | Guest: Christina Dent https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/ep-1003-what-if-we-decriminalized-drugs-guest-christina/id1359249098?i=1000655712524 Ep 983 | What Doctors Aren’t Telling You About Antidepressants | Guest: Brooke Siem https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/ep-983-what-doctors-arent-telling-you-about-antidepressants/id1359249098?i=1000652056518 Ep 984 | Is the OnlyFans Model-Turned-Christian the Real Deal? https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/ep-984-do-30-year-old-women-hit-a-wall/id1359249098?i=1000652179415 --- Buy Allie's book, You're Not Enough (& That's Okay): Escaping the Toxic Culture of Self-Love: https://alliebethstuckey.com/book Relatable merchandise – use promo code 'ALLIE10' for a discount: https://shop.blazemedia.com/collections/allie-stuckey Learn more about your ad choices. Visit megaphone.fm/adchoices

    Ep 1021 | #SBCToo? Another Accused Megachurch Pastor

    Ep 1021 | #SBCToo? Another Accused Megachurch Pastor
    Today, we discuss the recent confession of "inappropriate sexual behavior with a young lady" from Pastor Robert Morris of Gateway Church. The alleged victim, Cindy Clemishire, claims the abuse began when she was just 12 years old and Morris was 21 and lasted for more than four years. What does this mean for Christians, particularly in light of Pastor Tony Evans' recent resignation over sin? Are all Christians qualified to be teachers? And how can victims of abuse find solace in Scripture? Plus, the Southern Baptist Church recently voted on an amendment concerning female pastors. We discuss the outcome and what this means for the SBC. Get your tickets for Share the Arrows: https://www.sharethearrows.com/ --- Timecodes: (01:10) Introduction (03:15) Introduction to Robert Morris (16:00) Church response / statement (28:30) Reason for his sabbatical (33:49) Commentary on X (38:47) Morris's past sermons & my experience in the SBC (52:53) What Scripture says about this (01:05:03) SBC votes on female pastors & IVF --- Today's Sponsors: Good Ranchers — Change the way you buy meat today at GoodRanchers.com with code ALLIE to claim your $100 off and free smoked brats for a year.  Get free shipping on all your orders and make this Independence Day one to remember.  Jase Medical — get up to a year’s worth of many of your prescription medications delivered in advance. Go to JaseMedical.com today and use promo code “ALLIE". Pre-Born — will you help rescue babies' lives? Donate by calling #250 & say keyword 'BABY' or go to Preborn.com/ALLIE. Covenant Eyes — protect you and your family from the things you shouldn't be looking at online. Go to coveyes.com/ALLIE to try it FREE for 30 days! --- Relevant Episodes: Ep 1020 | Botched: The Brutality of Trans Mastectomies | Guest: Soren Aldaco https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/ep-1020-botched-the-brutality-of-trans/id1359249098?i=1000659311855 Ep 1017 | Dr. Tony Evans Steps Down Over Secret Sin https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/ep-1017-dr-tony-evans-steps-down-over-secret-sin/id1359249098?i=1000658686225 --- Buy Allie's book, You're Not Enough (& That's Okay): Escaping the Toxic Culture of Self-Love: https://alliebethstuckey.com/book Relatable merchandise – use promo code 'ALLIE10' for a discount: https://shop.blazemedia.com/collections/allie-stuckey Learn more about your ad choices. Visit megaphone.fm/adchoices

    Ep 1020 | Botched: The Brutality of Trans Mastectomies | Guest: Soren Aldaco

    Ep 1020 | Botched: The Brutality of Trans Mastectomies | Guest: Soren Aldaco
    Today, we sit down with Soren Aldaco, a 21-year-old woman and detransitioner who is suing her former doctors for a botched mastectomy and other medical malpractices. Soren began identifying as transgender at just 11 years old, began hormone replacement therapy at 17, and had a double mastectomy at 19. Soren was prescribed all these treatments despite numerous mental health conditions and traumatic life experiences. How did this happen? Soren discusses her entire story and the failures of the medical system that left her "permanently disfigured." Get your tickets for Share the Arrows: https://www.sharethearrows.com/ --- Timecodes: (02:30) Beginnings of Soren’s story (10:00) Internet indoctrination (29:10) Identifying as a boy (35:20) Support group & starting testosterone (49:24) Double mastectomy complications (01:03:59) Treatment issues & payment (01:07:26) Soren's lawsuit (01:12:35) Soren's faith journey (01:15:59) How to support Soren --- Today's Sponsors: Good Ranchers — Change the way you buy meat today at GoodRanchers.com with code ALLIE to claim your $100 off and free smoked brats for a year.  Get free shipping on all your orders and make this Independence Day one to remember.  Carly Jean Los Angeles — use promo code ALLIE50 for $50 off your order of $100+ at carlyjeanlosangeles.com. NetSuite — gain visibility and control of your financials, planning, budgeting, and inventory so you can manage risk, get reliable forecasts, and improve margins. Go to NetSuite.com/ALLIE to get your one-of-a-kind flexible financing program. Seven Weeks Coffee — try Seven Weeks Coffee today at SevenWeeksCoffee.com and use the promo code: ALLIE to save 10% off your order. --- Relevant Episodes: Ep 186 | Sex Change Regret | Guest: Walt Heyer https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/relatable-with-allie-beth-stuckey/id1359249098?i=1000456890365 Ep 857 | Is ADHD Real? | Guest: Dr. Roger McFillin (Part One) https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/ep-857-is-adhd-real-guest-dr-roger-mcfillin-part-one/id1359249098?i=1000624680025 Ep 858 | The Disturbing Origins of Adderall | Guest: Dr. Roger McFillin (Part Two) https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/ep-858-the-disturbing-origins-of-adderall-guest-dr/id1359249098?i=1000624797989 Ep 896 | From 'Trans Men' to Transformed by Christ | Guest: Laura Perry Smalts (Part One) https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/relatable-with-allie-beth-stuckey/id1359249098?i=1000632613519 Ep 897 | A Detransitioner on the Lie of 'Trans Joy' | Guest: Laura Perry Smalts (Part Two) https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/relatable-with-allie-beth-stuckey/id1359249098?i=1000632747460 Ep 963 | The Dangers of Gentle Parenting, SEL & Empathy | Guest: Abigail Shrier https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/ep-963-the-dangers-of-gentle-parenting-sel-empathy/id1359249098?i=1000648254377 --- Links: Soren's X thread detailing the surgical complications: https://x.com/sorenaldaco/status/1635535612236242947 --- Buy Allie's book, You're Not Enough (& That's Okay): Escaping the Toxic Culture of Self-Love: https://alliebethstuckey.com/book Relatable merchandise – use promo code 'ALLIE10' for a discount: https://shop.blazemedia.com/collections/allie-stuckey Learn more about your ad choices. Visit megaphone.fm/adchoices

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    Episode 26: On Growing Your Personal Board of Directors

    Episode 26: On Growing Your Personal Board of Directors

    Good day friends and welcome back to another episode where we discuss how authenticity, transparency, passion and purpose leads to more visionary organizations. I’m your host, Erin Patchell, founder of Positivist Group and your host of Weirdos in the Workplace. Today we’re talking about the idea of having a Personal Board of Directors. If you’ve been listening to the podcast, you might know that I’m a big believer in not doing things on your own, accepting the advice and ideas of others, and understanding the radical truth while envisioning with clarity where we could go from here. Having a personal board of directors is critical for anyone who has really big goals. 

    Today we’re answering the question, "who do you need by your side as you scale the corporate ladder or grow your own business?” Stay tuned. 

    Anyone who's ever started a business and I think most people who are in leadership roles knows it's never just business—it's personal. Hell, it’s deeply, existentially personal. We’re talking Kierkegaard levels of introspection here. I mean, your business is like your baby; it's an extension of yourself.

    Now, I'm not sure I've ever met an entrepreneur who's perfectly mastered the art of balancing head decisions with heart decisions. You're either overly analytical, dissecting every choice like it’s a page from Dostoevsky, or we’re so passionate about our vision and taking care of our people that our hearts eclipse our heads, and we make decisions that can sometimes end up compromising that very vision. 

    The reality is that as a business owner or business leader, you are being pulled in a multitude of different directions and this is more true today than ever in a world fully entrenched in a cultural and technological revolution simultaneously. The world, businesses and life have never been more complex.

    You know what I mean? That's why having a board of advisors—your own 'Personal Board of Directors'—is absolutely vital.

    Let's start by breaking it down. What the heck is a Personal Board of Directors? This is your inner circle, the sage advisors, mentors, and influencers who guide you through the maze of your professional life. This is your ultimate "dream team" for self-development and decision-making, minus the obligations of fiduciary responsibilities.

    Remember the wise words of Plato: "Know thyself." But he also should've added, "Know others who know things you don't." Your Personal Board isn't just an echo chamber of you; it's a reflection of different facets of what you need to grow.

    Imagine being lost in a forest. Your strategy is like the compass and map that guide you in the direction your business is already headed, your team is the engine that drives you to your goals, but your Personal Board is like having a group of local guides, each with different survival skills, telling you how to find that fruit, how to hack that path, and maybe how to avoid quicksand while you're at it.

    Obviously one of the questions that arises is “how do I know who I need on my team?” Well, how well do you know yourself, your triggers, your instincts, your motivations… your fears? Find people who aren’t just perfectly aligned with your vision and philosophy. Find people who share similar high level values, but who think and act a little bit differently from you. Find some diversity, in personal history, culture, neurotype and more. In summary, your Personal Board of Directors is your personal "think tank" that helps you navigate the uncharted waters of your career and personal development.

    You might be asking, "How do I find these people?"

    In the wise words of Socrates, "I cannot teach anybody anything, I can only make them think." Your mentors are here to make you think. They’ve walked the path you're on, stumbled over the rocks you haven’t seen yet, and—most importantly—have gotten back up. They give you that grand overview, the 'stratospheric perspective' if you will, that helps filter out the noise. It’s so easy to get swept up in the details, having people to grab us by the scruff of our necks and drag us out of the tornado and remind us why we’re doing this in the first place, is absolutely essential.

    Your personal board of directors will come in all shapes, colours, sizes and more.  And so what you’re really looking for is a person who is willing to challenge you, and you’re willing to accept it. You’re accepting the challenge. They push you forward.  They make you think differently. They help make you think more deeply.

    And the best, best, best way to find your own personal board of directors is to become part of someone else’s personal board of directors as well.

    Like Oprah Winfrey said, “Surround yourself with people who are going to lift you higher.”

    I hope this episode inspires you to take more time to talk and build community with individuals who you may find, inspire and teach you to be more than who you are right now. The only way to find them is to search, cultivate transparency and authenticity, lower your guard, and become curious about the people you meet. When you meet people who challenge you, who spark a fire inside of you and drive you to want to be more and do more, you know you may have a new member of your “personal board.”

    That’s all for today, stay weird, stay wonderful and don’t stay out of trouble.


    How to Make a Big Decision

    How to Make a Big Decision
    Some of the most important moments of our lives are crossroads of different kinds. There’s a big decision, and we have to pick one thing over another. Today Dr. Hanson and Forrest explore how to make the important decisions in life.  Support the Podcast: We're now on Patreon! If you'd like to support the podcast, follow this link. Key Topics: 2:00: Common themes in big decisions. 5:00: Balancing short- and long-term decisions. 10:15: Knowing your own nature, and having different priorities. 17:20: Using analysis to inform intuition. 21:15: Identifying the “parts” of a decision. 22:50: Analyzing costs and benefits. 33:00: Write it down. 36:20: Working backwards. 40:30: Getting clear on what you want.  42:30: Thinking over the long haul.  43:30: The three circles. 45:00: Finding “comps.” 50:30: The calculus of a decision. 59:00: Affective forecasting Sponsors: From Dr. Hanson: The Foundations of Well-Being brings together the lessons of a lifetime of practice into one year-long online program. Podcast listeners can use the code BEINGWELL25 at checkout for an additional 25% off! Please don't hesitate to apply for a scholarship if you're in need.  Join over a million people using BetterHelp, the world’s largest online counseling platform. Visit betterhelp.com/beingwell for 10% off your first month!  Want to sleep better? Try the legendary Calm app! Visit calm.com/beingwell for 40% off a premium subscription. Start a new healthy habit with Seed! Visit seed.com/beingwell and use code BEINGWELL to get 20% off your first month of Seed’s Daily Synbiotic. Build healthy habits with Most Days! Download it in the App Store or go to MostDays.com/beingwell for more information. Connect with the show: Follow Forrest on YouTube Follow us on Instagram Follow Rick on Facebook Follow Forrest on Facebook Subscribe on iTunes Learn more about your ad choices. Visit megaphone.fm/adchoices

    How to Make Decision Making Easier For Yourself

    How to Make Decision Making Easier For Yourself
    This week's episode is one that is going to give you some ideas and tips that you can apply in any area of your life.... Its about decision making - soooo you will be able to apply it to any area of your life where you have to make decisions... which is EVERY area of your life! Did you have to make any decisions this week??? Do you still have any decisions you're wrestling with, or undecided about?... What's the way you are approaching that decision and is it working for you or not...? What criteria are you using? In this episode Shandra shares: 2 key tips on how to approach decision making to make it a lot easier for you plus 3 other ideas to help make them not as difficult An idea from Deepak Chopra that helps bring a different perspective on 'making the right decision' PLUS an invitation for you to join her signature online program 'CEO You - be your own boss in the business of your life' It's a 6 week online leadership and career change program for women at a professional crossroad... This is the first and only time this program has been open since this time last year and the doors are officially open on 28th October - for one week only. If you're interested in finding out more about the program you can click here And decide if it's right for you! Thank you for listening!