
    Podcast Summary

    • Supporting the Family of Tragically Deceased Secret Service AgentListeners urged to donate to GoFundMe for Secret Service agent Noel Remagen's family after his sudden death on duty with President Trump. Donations help provide financial support during this difficult time.

      Dan Bongino, the host of The Dan Bongino Show, is asking for listeners' help in supporting the family of Noel Remagen, a Secret Service agent who tragically passed away unexpectedly while on a protection mission with President Trump. Remagen, a 42-year-old US Marine and father of two young children, had a massive cerebral vascular incident and died shortly thereafter. Bongino is urging listeners to donate to the family's GoFundMe page (gofundme.com/Remagen-family) if they are able, as they are facing the sudden loss of their breadwinner. Bongino shared that he knew Remagen personally and expressed his admiration for the Secret Service and the military's support in transporting the body back to the US. He acknowledged that times are tough, but asked for any spare contributions to make a difference in the family's life.

    • Speaker and wife support GoFundMe campaign for late patriot's familyThe speaker and his wife donated to a GoFundMe campaign to help a late patriot's family cope with financial burdens. The president held a press conference to clarify statements about Russian interference in elections, and the speaker expressed concern and promised to investigate further.

      Despite the untimely passing of a patriot, the speaker and his wife chose to support a GoFundMe campaign to help alleviate the family's financial burdens. The speaker also shared a personal story about the president's actions that touched him deeply and explained why many people continue to support the president despite his flaws. Additionally, the president held a press conference to clarify statements made in a previous meeting with Vladimir Putin regarding Russian interference in elections. The speaker expressed concern over the shady dealings and promised to investigate further.

    • DNC servers not turned over for investigationFailure to provide original servers for investigation raises questions, best practice is to examine machines directly.

      During the 2016 presidential election, the Democratic National Committee (DNC) servers were allegedly hacked by Russians, and information was exchanged with the Trump team, leading to allegations of collusion. The fact that the DNC servers were not turned over to the FBI for forensic examination is not in dispute. While it's not absolutely necessary to have the original servers, it is advisable for a thorough investigation. Former FBI Director Jim Comey acknowledged that the FBI received forensic data from a third party, but the best practice is to examine the machines themselves. The failure to turn over the servers raises questions, and it's important to understand the facts and not blindly accept media narratives without questioning why the original evidence was not provided.

    • Alleged Russian interference investigation mishandledThe FBI's investigation into Russian interference in the 2016 US election was mishandled, with the DNC hiring a private company instead of calling in the FBI immediately and the original server not being secured for the FBI to access

      During the investigation into the alleged Russian interference in the 2016 US election, the FBI did not follow standard investigative procedures. The DNC, instead of calling in the FBI immediately, hired a private company, CrowdStrike, to handle the investigation. The original server was not secured, and the FBI was not given access to it until much later. The speaker argues that this lack of action and acceptance of second-best investigative techniques is unacceptable, especially given the gravity of the alleged scandal. The speaker also points out the apparent bias in the investigation, as people with ties to the Democratic Party were involved in the handling of the case. These circumstances raise serious questions about the legitimacy of the investigation and its outcome.

    • Allegations of mishandled election investigationConcerns about inadequate investigation techniques, ignored info, and politically-motivated targeting

      There are serious concerns about the handling of the investigation into alleged Russian interference in the 2016 election and the role of certain private companies and government agencies. Some argue that second-best investigative techniques were used and crucial information was not properly obtained or acted upon. The accusations against Donald Trump regarding his statements about the DNC servers and the FBI's role in the investigation are being defended, while similar issues involving individuals connected to the Hillary Clinton campaign are being ignored. The weaponization of government agencies and the legal system to target a political campaign is a major concern for some, and the lack of transparency and accountability in the investigation is a source of frustration and mistrust.

    • Frustration with second-best explanations and uneven application of justice in the Russia investigationThe handling of the Russia investigation deviated from standard procedures, with important details overlooked and unequal treatment of individuals involved.

      The handling of the investigation into alleged Russian interference in the 2016 election and the subsequent accusations against President Trump did not follow standard operating procedures. The speaker expresses frustration with those who are willing to accept second-best explanations and overlook important details, such as the lack of the DNC servers in the FBI's possession. The speaker also criticizes the uneven application of justice, citing examples like the treatment of Michael Flynn and Hillary Clinton. The overall message is a call for a clear-eyed assessment of the situation and a commitment to upholding proper procedures and accountability.

    • Anomalous handling of info on Russian interferenceDan Bongino believes there's a discrepancy in how info on Russian interference in the 2016 election is being handled, with more transparency for Dems and less for GOP and Trump campaign

      There is a significant discrepancy in how information related to the Russian interference in the 2016 election is being handled and disseminated. According to Dan Bongino, who has experience working on cases and testifying in courtrooms, there is an anomalous effort to classify and hide information that doesn't fit the narrative when it comes to the Republican Party and Trump campaign, while information about Democratic involvement is being made public. Bongino strongly believes that the Mueller probe is a scam and that people are being misled. He encourages listeners to read an article by Paul Sperry at RealClear Investigations, which further explores this issue and provides evidence of this discrepancy in reporting.

    • Mueller investigation's focus on protecting DemocratsSuspicions raised about Mueller probe's true intentions, withholding info on GOP attacks, and prioritizing Dems' narrative over truth

      The Mueller investigation's focus on granting immunity and anonymity to five individuals, and the selective release of information regarding Russian attacks on political parties, raises suspicions that the probe is more about protecting the Democrats and maintaining the narrative of Russian collusion with Trump, rather than uncovering the truth. The withholding of information about attacks on Republican organizations further reinforces this notion. It's crucial to remember that the alleged collusion between Putin and Trump, not Putin's preference for Trump, is the core of the Democrats' narrative.

    • Democrats delaying and obstructing Russia investigationsDemocrats delaying midterm election investigations, focusing on DNC, raising suspicions of cover-up and manipulation.

      The ongoing investigations into Russian interference in the 2016 elections are being delayed and classified by Democrats, particularly regarding the Republican National Committee (RNC). This is being done in an attempt to obstruct the investigations until after the midterm elections, when they hope to take control of the House and dictate the pace and flow of the investigations. The Democrats are focusing on the attacks on the Democratic National Committee (DNC) to support their narrative that Trump colluded with the Russians to help his campaign. However, the RNC was also targeted, but with less success due to better security measures. The lack of transparency and selective release of information is raising suspicions of a cover-up and a scam to manipulate public opinion. It is crucial for voters to be aware of this and to participate in the elections to ensure accountability and transparency in the investigations.

    • A solution for those struggling to consume enough fruits and vegetablesField of Greens offers a convenient way to obtain the nutrients of fruits and vegetables through real food supplements, making it an excellent alternative for those with limited cooking skills.

      While it's widely known that consuming large amounts of fruits and vegetables contributes to good health, the challenge lies in shopping for, preparing, and cooking them. For those with limited cooking skills, a solution exists in the form of real food supplements like Field of Greens, which provides the nutrients of ground-up fruits and vegetables. It's essential to opt for whole foods instead of extracts. Field of Greens is a high-quality product that delivers on its promise, making it an excellent alternative for those struggling to incorporate enough fruits and vegetables into their daily diet.

    • Sweden's Economic Downturn During Democratic SocialismDespite popular belief, Sweden's economic growth slowed during democratic socialism, highlighting the importance of limiting government intervention and fostering entrepreneurship for economic prosperity.

      The expansion of big government policies, often referred to as democratic socialism, in Sweden during the 1975 to 1995 period resulted in slower economic growth compared to other OECD countries. Contrary to popular belief, the data shows that the wealth and prosperity of humankind is not enhanced through such policies. Instead, the Swedish economy started to turn around and outperform other countries after they began to reduce the size of their government and increase private sector employment. Additionally, the implementation of budget controls and school choice policies also contributed to the economic improvement. These findings debunk the notion that Sweden's success is an example of democratic socialism. Instead, it highlights the importance of limiting government intervention and fostering entrepreneurship and freedom for economic growth.

    • Sweden's economic turnaround debunks the myth of democratic socialism's link to prosperitySweden's economic recovery from crisis disproves the notion that democratic socialism leads to wealth, while media landscape changes enable individuals and organizations to distribute content directly to consumers, potentially disrupting traditional media monopolies

      The Swedish economy turned around when they implemented free market conservative solutions, contradicting the common belief that democratic socialism leads to prosperity. The correlation between democratic socialism and wealth is actually in the opposite direction. Additionally, the media landscape is changing with the rise of streaming services and apps, which will make it easier for individuals and organizations to create and distribute content directly to consumers, potentially disrupting traditional media monopolies. Netflix, for instance, has seen extraordinary growth but recently experienced a significant stock drop due to missing subscriber targets. The future of media consumption will likely involve a "dumb box" - a computing device like a smartphone or tablet - rather than a traditional cable box. This shift in media distribution will lower the barriers to entry for new content creators and networks.

    • Stay informed and engaged with Dan's insightful commentaryAccess Dan's podcasts, follow him on Twitter for real-time updates, and join the conversation on important issues

      Dan's insightful commentary and analysis provide valuable perspectives on the news and issues that matter most. Whether you prefer listening to podcasts on iTunes or SoundCloud, or following Dan on Twitter for real-time updates, there are plenty of ways to access his content. By doing so, you can deepen your understanding of the world around you and join the conversation on the issues that shape our society. So, make sure to check out Dan's show regularly at conservativereview.com, and don't hesitate to share your thoughts and opinions with him and others. Stay informed, stay engaged, and make a difference.

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