
    Podcast Summary

    • Media's relentless pursuit of Russian collusion hoaxMedia's focus on Russian collusion hoax ignores facts, public interest wanes, real investigations continue

      The media's credibility has taken a hit due to their relentless pursuit of the Russian collusion hoax against President Trump. Despite the lack of evidence and the collapsing walls of this investigation, they continue to ignore the facts and focus on discredited sources. Meanwhile, Trump's approval ratings among Republicans remain high, and the public's interest in Russia-related issues is at an all-time low. It's important to keep perspective and not get distracted by the noise. The real investigations and substantive issues will be addressed in due time.

    • Media and individuals shift focus from one scandal to anotherMedia and individuals often move on from one scandal to another, neglecting to address core issues, creating a 'two step' dance. Essential investment: Teeter Inversion Table for a healthy spine and active lifestyle.

      The media and certain individuals have a pattern of shifting focus from one scandal to another instead of addressing the core issues. The example given is the ongoing saga involving Joe Scarborough and the Carter Page investigation. When one scandal begins to unravel, they quickly move on to the next, creating a "two step" dance. This behavior is a disgrace and will be looked back on with criticism in the future. Additionally, the speaker strongly endorses the Teeter Inversion Table, which he uses regularly for his arthritis and back pain. He considers it an essential investment for maintaining a healthy spine and active lifestyle.

    • Democrats' Two-Step Strategy: Shifting Narratives on Carter Page and George PapadopoulosThe Democrats and their media allies are using a two-pronged strategy to distract from scandals by switching between narratives about Carter Page being a Russian spy and George Papadopoulos' meeting with an Australian diplomat. Both narratives are destructive to the Democrats, and they're trying to confuse the public by constantly shifting between them.

      The Democrats and their media allies are using a two-step strategy to distract from scandals. They switch between two narratives - one being Carter Page being a Russian spy with no evidence, and the other being George Papadopoulos' meeting with an Australian diplomat. When one narrative becomes problematic, they quickly shift to the other. For instance, during the release of the Pfizer application against Carter Page, which exposed the hoax, they moved back to Papadopoulos to divert attention. It's crucial to understand that both narratives are destructive to the Democrats, and they're trying to confuse the public by constantly switching between them. Additionally, there's a fundamental misunderstanding of how probable cause works in obtaining warrants, and it's essential to differentiate between the various evidence standards in criminal and civil court cases.

    • FBI used unverified evidence to establish probable causeSignificant portion of evidence used to establish probable cause in a case was not true and acknowledged as unverified by FBI officials.

      During the discussion, it was emphasized that the evidence presented to a court must meet a certain standard to prove probable cause. However, it was also pointed out that in the case under consideration, around 40-50% of the evidence used was unverified and, in the words of the FBI director, was "salacious and unverified." This means that a significant portion of the information used to establish probable cause was not true, and the FBI officials involved acknowledged this. The FBI's own words reveal that they knew the information was not verified and yet used it to meet the evidence standard. This raises questions about the reliability and accuracy of the evidence used to make important decisions in this case.

    • Alleged Russian interference investigation marked by questionable evidence and inaccuraciesInvestigation into Russian interference in 2016 election and Trump campaign associates marked by questionable evidence, inaccuracies, and concerns over transparency and credibility

      The investigation into alleged Russian interference in the 2016 election and the role of individuals associated with the Trump campaign, such as Carter Page and George Papadopoulos, has been marked by questionable evidence and inaccuracies. The handling of information by the FBI and DOJ, including the alleged failure to disclose important details and the potential for information laundering, has raised concerns about transparency and credibility. The ongoing efforts to salvage the reputations of those involved in the investigation may ultimately prove futile as more information comes to light.

    • Possible Western intelligence asset's involvement in Carter Page investigationThe speaker suggests that a Maltese professor, Joseph Mifsud, may have been a Western intelligence asset, not a Russian one, and that his interactions with a Trump campaign advisor could have led to the FBI investigation, potentially changing the narrative.

      The focus on Carter Page's interaction with a Russian professor in 2016, which led to the FBI investigation, may not be the entire story. The speaker believes that a Maltese professor named Joseph Mifsud, who was also believed to have interacted with a Trump campaign advisor, may have been a Western intelligence asset, not a Russian one. The implication is that the information he shared with the advisor was planted, and later relayed to the Australians and the FBI. This could potentially change the narrative of the investigation and cast doubt on the origins of the probe. The disappearance of Mifsud since his February 2017 FBI interview adds to the intrigue. The speaker emphasizes the importance of understanding who Mifsud really was and what role he played in the case.

    • Possible Western intelligence involvement in Russia probeThe focus on Papadopoulos may be a distraction from a larger scandal involving a Western intelligence asset planting info about Clinton emails to the Trump team.

      The focus on George Papadopoulos in the Russia investigation may be a distraction from the larger scandal involving a possible Western intelligence asset planting information about Hillary Clinton's emails with the Trump team. The speaker warns against ignoring the potential involvement of Joseph Mifsud and his extensive connections to Western intelligence, as this could potentially prove that the Trump team was framed. The media's continued focus on Papadopoulos could lead to the exposure of this larger scandal, but there seems to be little interest in this line of investigation. The speaker remains optimistic that the political and tactical advantage gained from not fully addressing the issue outweighs the desire for prosecutions and investigations at this time. Trump's decision not to declassify documents related to the investigation adds to the belief that there is more to this story than meets the eye.

    • Trump uses investigations to his advantagePresident Trump strategically uses ongoing investigations into potential government leaks and his opponents' actions to keep them distracted and weakened, allowing him to focus on other important issues.

      The ongoing investigation into potential leaks in the government, specifically regarding individuals like John Brennan, Susan Rice, and Andy McCabe, is a tactical win for President Trump. The media's focus on the Russian collusion hoax has allowed Trump to let the investigation play out publicly, and the Democrats' continued focus on this issue is wasting their time and resources. Additionally, Trump is strategically choosing not to redact certain information, using it as a political tool to keep the focus on his opponents and their potential wrongdoings. The ongoing security clearance debate is also part of this larger strategy, as Trump allows his opponents to maintain their clearances while he lets the investigation unfold. Overall, Trump is using these situations to his advantage, keeping his opponents distracted and weakened while he focuses on other important issues.

    • Suspected Leaker's Conversation Matches Unredacted Pfizer Document DateAn ongoing investigation reveals a Senate staffer's suspected leak, matched by an unredacted Pfizer document date. The investigation continues, with some leakers possibly allowed to remain for network discovery.

      There is an ongoing investigation into leaks of classified information, and a Senate Intelligence Committee staffer, James Wolf, has already been charged. The unredacted date on a Pfizer document, which matches the date of Wolf's conversation with a reporter, raises suspicions of a deliberate leak. The security clearances of those under investigation allow them to continue accessing sensitive information, enabling the investigation to identify leakers. The White House's recent announcement of potential security clearance revocations is not a coincidence, and it's possible that the administration has allowed some leakers to continue in order to uncover their networks. The media's focus on certain individuals, like George Papadopoulos, may be a distraction from the larger spying scandal unfolding. Trump, who is aware of the declassified information, knows the investigation has nothing on him and is likely holding back more information. The investigation is wrapping up, but it's crucial to continue investigations and prosecutions where warranted, particularly in cases of potential felony leaks and unmasking.

    • Call for accountability and justiceAccountability is demanded for alleged wrongdoings, and reliable information is crucial in maintaining trust.

      There is a call for accountability regarding alleged wrongdoings, particularly those related to Russian collusion and spygate. Evidence is demanded, and there is no tolerance for passes or pardons. Meanwhile, a solution for maintaining a healthy diet despite busy schedules was introduced: Brickhouse Nutrition's Field of Greens, a fruit and vegetable supplement made from real food. The discussion also touched on the investigation into leakers and the media's reporting of information, highlighting instances where the reported "evidence" turned out to be incorrect. The call for justice and the importance of reliable information were the main themes of the conversation.

    • Media sources given incorrect info on Don Trump Jr. WikiLeaks contactMisinformation given to media sources doesn't necessarily diminish their credibility, especially if intentional, and delivering fresh dog food directly to customers' doors is important.

      The media sources reporting on the Don Trump Jr. story with information about him being contacted by WikiLeaks with cryptic information may have been given incorrect information intentionally. This is compared to the Miami Vice analogy where law enforcement gives different dates to different entities to flush out a leaker. The wrong date given in the Don Trump Jr. story does not diminish the credibility of the sources, as there may have been an intention to mislead. Additionally, the importance of providing fresh, unprocessed food for dogs was emphasized, with the introduction of the farmer's dog company that delivers ready-to-serve meals directly to customers' doors.

    • Mueller investigation being handed off to DOJ for prosecutionMueller's Russian collusion investigation is being transferred to different areas of DOJ for potential prosecution, raising questions about its true purpose and focus on collusion.

      The ongoing Mueller investigation into Russian interference in the election and potential collusion with the Trump campaign is being handed off to different areas of the Department of Justice for prosecution, rather than being led by the special counsel's team. This raises questions about the true purpose of the investigation, as Mueller's mandate was specifically to investigate Russian collusion. An example given was the case involving Michael Cohen, Trump's attorney, who was recorded having conversations with Trump, which was referred out of the special counsel's office to the Southern District of New York. The implication is that there may be no evidence of collusion, and the investigation is instead focusing on other potential crimes. This situation highlights the complexity of the federal judicial process and the division of responsibilities within the Department of Justice.

    • Mueller not investigating all Russian collusion casesMueller has referred several Russian collusion cases back to DOJ, including the DNC hacking indictment, Maria Butina case, and Manafort case, while some have been dropped despite potential collusion allegations, raising questions about the investigation's purpose and effectiveness

      The special counsel, Robert Mueller, is not investigating all the cases related to Russian collusion as some had expected. Instead, many of these cases have been referred back to the Department of Justice. This includes the indictment of twelve Russian GRU officers for hacking the DNC, the Maria Butina case, and the Manafort case, among others. While some cases, like Manafort's, have connections to individuals associated with the Clinton orbit, others, like Butina's, have been dropped despite their potential for Russian collusion allegations. This raises questions about the purpose and effectiveness of the Mueller investigation.

    • Help the Show Reach a Broader AudienceSubscribing to Dan Bongino's podcast is free and easy, but it significantly impacts the show's ranking and reach. Click the follow button on your preferred platform to support the show.

      Your support and engagement with the show significantly impact its success. The host expressed his gratitude to the audience for downloading and listening to the podcast. However, he emphasized that subscribing to the show on various platforms like iTunes, iHeart Radio, Spotify, and SoundCloud is crucial as it contributes to the show's ranking. Subscribing is free and easy, and it doesn't require any financial commitment. By clicking the follow button, you're helping the show reach a broader audience, and the host humbly asks for your continued support. Remember, you can always listen to the show for free on Bongino.com. So, if you enjoy the content, please consider subscribing to the show on your preferred platform to help spread the word and ensure the host can continue producing high-quality content for you.

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