
    Ep. 810 Did You Catch the Stunning Revelation Last Night?

    enSeptember 19, 2018

    Podcast Summary

    • Discussing Democrats' tactics and Kavanaugh allegationsBongino expressed concern over Democrats' tactics, describing them as a 'deliberate, sick, deranged strategy' of personal destruction. He encouraged listeners to use TruthFinder for information and believed Kavanaugh allegations may be false.

      Dan Bongino, on his show, discussed the ongoing political strategies and recent developments, including the allegations against Brett Kavanaugh. He expressed concern over the tactics used by the Democrats, which he described as a "deliberate, sick, deranged strategy" of personal destruction. Bongino also encouraged listeners to use TruthFinder to uncover information and protect themselves. He shared his belief that the Kavanaugh allegations may be false, as the man's reputation has been severely damaged regardless. Bongino expressed gratitude for not being a Democrat and urged his audience to do their own research and make informed decisions.

    • Allegations against Kavanaugh lack credible evidenceDespite uncorroborated allegations, presumption of innocence remains crucial in determining truth and avoiding career damage and false labels.

      The allegations against Brett Kavanaugh are surrounded by a lack of credible evidence and inconsistencies in the story. Both the alleged witnesses have denied being at the party in question, and Kavanaugh himself denies the allegations. Additionally, Senator Dianne Feinstein, who received the letter about the allegations in July, waited until close to a vote to bring it up, expressing uncertainty about the truth of the claims. The presumption of innocence, a cornerstone of a free society, is being challenged if uncorroborated allegations can derail careers and label individuals as sex offenders. The upcoming hearing aims to provide a platform for both sides to tell their stories and determine credibility.

    • Reluctance of some accusers to testify raises questions about accuracy and credibilitySome accusers hesitate to testify under oath due to fear and potential recall of traumatic events, but the public and accused deserve the truth

      The reluctance of some accusers to come forward and testify under oath with missing critical details in their stories raises questions about the accuracy and credibility of their allegations. The speaker, Dan Bongino, a former criminal investigator, shares his experience of never encountering a victim who wanted their case prosecuted and their story told publicly. He believes that the fear of being under oath and the potential recall of traumatic events might be the reasons for this reluctance. However, he emphasizes that the accused is entitled to defend themselves and the public is entitled to the truth. The speaker criticizes the Democrats' strategy of holding a Supreme Court seat open indefinitely and accuses them of hypocrisy, as they were following the "Biden rule" themselves in the past.

    • Political Game of Rules and Delays in Supreme Court Confirmation ProcessDemocrats seek interminable delays in Kavanaugh confirmation, but FBI investigation unlikely to change outcome; background checks don't prove allegations' veracity; tactics could damage Supreme Court and American politics.

      The ongoing Supreme Court confirmation process for Judge Kavanaugh has devolved into a political game of rules and delays. Both parties have followed their own rules in the past, but the current situation could lead to unprecedented gridlock if the Democrats regain control of the Senate and refuse to confirm any nominee before the end of the year. The Democrats are hoping for interminable delays and even suggesting Judge Kavanaugh withdraw due to uncorroborated allegations. However, background checks for federal positions do not prove the veracity of such claims, and the FBI investigation the Democrats are demanding is unlikely to change anything. The moral and ethical implications of such tactics, which can ruin a person's reputation, were also discussed. The speaker expressed strong disagreement with these tactics and their potential impact on the Supreme Court and American politics.

    • Democrats delaying FBI investigation into Kavanaugh's backgroundDemocrats' refusal to cooperate in the FBI investigation into Kavanaugh's background may prevent reaching conclusions before midterms, potentially staining his reputation.

      The Democrats are using delay tactics in the FBI investigation into Brett Kavanaugh's background by refusing to cooperate and not providing key contacts for an investigation into Christine Blasey Ford's allegations. This strategy prolongs the investigation, making it difficult to reach conclusions before the midterm elections and potentially staining Kavanaugh's reputation. During background checks, it's common to ask for multiple sources to vouch for someone's character. However, obtaining unnamed sources requires initial cooperation from the subject. Since Ford has refused to cooperate, the investigation may not yield any conclusions, and the Democrats are aware of this. It's essential to understand that FBI background checks are not criminal investigations but criminal history investigations, focusing on determining a person's character rather than investigating crimes.

    • FBI background check vs criminal investigationDemocrats' call for criminal investigation into Kavanaugh's allegations is disingenuous and unprecedented, as background checks are not criminal investigations and Kavanaugh has passed multiple checks throughout his career.

      The FBI background check for Supreme Court nominees is not a criminal investigation. It is a criminal history check, and Brett Kavanaugh has passed multiple such checks throughout his career. The Democrats' call for a criminal investigation into allegations against Kavanaugh, which are over three decades old, is disingenuous and unprecedented. If the accuser wishes to discuss the allegations, she has the opportunity to do so in front of US senators. If she chooses not to, it is time for a vote on Kavanaugh's nomination. The Democrats' attempts to paint Kavanaugh as a sexual predator are disgusting and baseless. It is unfortunate that Kavanaugh may be stigmatized by these allegations for the rest of his life, but the politics of personal destruction have taken precedence over moral and ethical guidelines.

    • Discover the benefits of Foundation by Brickhouse NutritionTry Foundation by Brickhouse Nutrition for improved physical appearance and performance, as suggested by the speaker's positive experience and testimonials.

      There's a supplement called Foundation by Brickhouse Nutrition, which is a creatine ATP blend, that can help improve both physical appearance and performance. The speaker, who was impressed by the product's results and positive reviews, encourages listeners to try it and even suggests a mirror test to gauge its effectiveness. He emphasizes the importance of repetition when explaining complex topics, and shares an intriguing revelation about George Papadopoulos and his alleged encounter with an Israeli diplomat and Australian intelligence officer in 2016, which may have played a role in the FBI's investigation into Russian interference in the US election.

    • New information challenges the established narrative of Papadopoulos-Downer contactsNew evidence suggests contacts between Papadopoulos and Downer may have occurred before the alleged Russian dirt push, casting doubt on the established narrative of Papadopoulos's supposed collusion with the Russians

      The sequence of events in the Papadopoulos case, as we have been told, may not be as straightforward as it seems. New information suggests that contacts between Papadopoulos and Downer, which the FBI used to investigate Papadopoulos for supposedly colluding with the Russians, may have been established before the alleged push of Russian dirt. This creates a classic push-pull scenario, where information is deliberately pushed into a target to set up a later pull, making it appear as if the subject is guilty of a conspiracy. This new information challenges the established narrative and highlights the importance of considering multiple perspectives when interpreting complex investigative matters.

    • Foreign entities had motives beyond dislike for TrumpForeign intelligence entities targeted US election due to Trump's policies and potential impact on relationships

      The involvement of foreign intelligence entities in the US election was likely driven by more than just dislike for Donald Trump. According to the speaker, these entities had significant motives, such as opposition to Trump's stance on immigration and enhanced interrogation techniques, which could have negatively impacted their relationships with liberal constituencies and potentially hindered intelligence sharing. The speaker also suggests that Papadopoulos may have inadvertently fueled their anger by publicly attacking those who criticized Trump's policies. The speaker believes that the complexity of the situation requires looking beyond simple answers and considering the potential larger implications of these actions.

    • Intelligence officials from Australia, UK, and US intervened in 2016 electionIntelligence diplomats from Australia, UK, and US intervened in the 2016 election, potentially manipulating information and relationships between the five eyes countries and the US.

      The allegations against the Trump campaign during the 2016 election, including the claims about a Muslim travel ban and enhanced interrogation, were used as reasons for intelligence officials from the United States, Australia, and the United Kingdom to intervene in the democratic process. These officials, who were not trained intelligence agents but diplomats, were reportedly hostile towards Trump and emotionally invested in stopping him from being elected. The encounter between George Papadopoulos and Alexander Downer, which led to the start of the investigation into Russian interference in the election, may have been a setup, with Downer being used to "pull out" information that had already been "pushed in" by friendly intelligence services. This operation, according to the speaker, was intended to impact the intelligence and financial relationships between the five eyes countries and the United States.

    • Unintended Conversation Between George Papadopoulos and Australian Intelligence OfficerDuring a meeting, emotions caused a conversation about Trump campaign-Russian emails to derail, leading to its reporting through political channels at the State Department.

      During a meeting between George Papadopoulos and an Australian intelligence officer, the conversation about emails between the Trump campaign and Russians never took place as intended. Instead, emotions took over, and the conversation went off the rails. The information was then reported through political channels at the State Department, likely due to the fear of exposing their operation if it went through official intelligence channels. Later, when it became clear that Trump would win the presidency, Downer, the Australian official, recanted his statement.

    • Failure of Downer interview leads to focus on Carter PageInvestigators moved on from Papadopoulos to Carter Page when the Downer interview failed to provide evidence, suggesting that Papadopoulos may not have been the primary focus from the start.

      The emails mentioned in the initial FISA application against Carter Page played a pivotal role in the investigation, but the interview with Australian diplomat Alexander Downer where this information was supposed to be obtained did not go as planned. The push to extract information about emails from Downer failed, leading the investigators to activate other assets, such as Stefan Halper, to gather intelligence. The failure of the Downer interview and the subsequent shift to targeting Carter Page supports the theory proposed by journalist John Solomon, who suggests that Papadopoulos was not the primary focus of the investigation from the beginning. If a case falls apart and there's no evidence to support it, investigators typically move on to other targets. The Papadopoulos angle of the investigation appears to have fallen apart, and the focus shifted to Carter Page.

    • Investigation on Trump campaign's Russia ties shifts focusThe investigation into Trump campaign's Russia ties saw a shift in focus from Carter Page to George Papadopoulos, indicating a lack of substantial evidence against either individual, leading investigators to explore other leads.

      The investigation into the Trump campaign's alleged collusion with Russia shifted focus from George Papadopoulos to Carter Page, and then back to Papadopoulos when the case against Page fell apart. This suggests that there may have been a lack of substantial evidence against either individual, leading investigators to keep exploring other leads. Additionally, a new study reveals that air pollution significantly reduces intelligence, further emphasizing the importance of maintaining clean air filters in homes and businesses. On a different note, a fair and informative article on IJReview evaluates the Canadian single-payer healthcare system versus the US system, shedding light on the pros and cons of each. While Canada spends less on healthcare as a percentage of their GDP, the article argues that the consequences of government management and potential rationing of healthcare services should also be considered.

    • Long wait times in Canada's universal healthcare systemCanada's universal healthcare system results in long wait times for patients due to government rationing of doctors' time

      Canada's universal healthcare system, while providing lower costs for patients, comes with the trade-off of longer wait times compared to countries with more market-driven systems. According to a 2017 Fraser Institute study, the median wait time between a referral from a general practitioner and seeing a specialist was 21.2 weeks. Additionally, patients face significant wait times for diagnostic technologies, with estimates of around four weeks for a CT scan, 10 weeks for an MRI, and 3.9 weeks for an ultrasound in 2018. These long wait times have led to an estimated 63,000 Canadians traveling to other countries for care. The essence of being human is dealing with scarce resources, including a doctor's time. There are only two ways to allocate scarce resources: price them or ration them. Canada's healthcare system is rationed by time because it is heavily influenced by the government. Patients cannot effectively buy their way into the system, and doctors' time is not price-negotiable. Therefore, the system allocates resources based on time, leading to long wait times. If you don't support free market pricing in healthcare, you support rationing. Ask those who argue against free markets to explain the third way to allocate scarce resources. They'll likely be stumped.

    • Listeners' support keeps the podcast goingSubscribe to Dan's podcast on multiple platforms, follow him on Twitter, join his email list, and access his content on conservativereview.com to show your support.

      Dan Bongino expresses his gratitude to his listeners for their continued support in various ways, including subscribing to his podcast on different platforms like iTunes, iHeartRadio, SoundCloud, and Spotify, as well as following him on Twitter (@dbongino). He emphasizes that these actions are free and can be easily done. Additionally, he encourages listeners to subscribe to his email list at Bongino.com. The podcast has consistently remained on the iTunes top charts due to these subscriptions, and Bongino deeply appreciates the audience's loyalty. Listeners can access Dan's content anytime on conservativereview.com, and he will be back with new episodes in a month.

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