
    Ep. 818 - Loudoun County Is Not An Outlier. There's A Sex Assault Epidemic In Public Schools.

    enOctober 14, 2021

    Podcast Summary

    • Long-standing issue of sexual assault and cover-ups in public schoolsThe lack of transparency and accountability in handling sexual assault cases in schools prioritizes agendas over student safety

      The Loudoun County School Board's handling of sexual assault cases is not an isolated incident. The discussion on The Matt Walsh Show revealed that there has been a long-standing issue of sexual assault and cover-ups in public schools, with Loudoun County being just one example. The school system's denial and lack of transparency in the face of such incidents are not only misleading but also harmful to the victims. The lack of accountability and the prioritization of agendas over student safety is a concerning trend that requires attention and action. It's essential to demand transparency and prioritize the well-being of students in our schools.

    • Sexual abuse in schools: A pervasive and serious problemThousands of student-on-student abuse cases reported yearly, schools mishandle or cover up cases, perpetrators within system, transgender agenda can create risks, curriculum and policies sexualize children, parents must demand action

      The issue of sexual abuse in schools, both by teachers and students, is a pervasive and serious problem that has received far less attention than it deserves. According to a report from over a decade ago, the situation may not have improved, with thousands of cases of student-on-student abuse reported each year. Schools have often mishandled these cases or even covered them up, as seen in the Loudoun County scandal. The system's first instinct is to protect itself, often at the expense of student safety. The situation is made worse by the fact that there are many perpetrators within the system, and the transgender agenda, when prioritized over student safety, can create additional risks. The school system's curriculum and policies can also contribute to a culture that sexualizes children. It's important for parents to be aware of this issue and demand action from their schools and policymakers.

    • Discussing Abortion: Effective Arguments and Strategies40 Days For Life's new guide offers effective arguments and strategies for respectful and productive discussions on abortion.

      The conversation around abortion and its impact on society has been shifting, with more parents becoming aware and engaged. Amidst the nervousness surrounding the topic, the release of "What to Say When: The Complete New Guide to Discussing Abortion" by 40 Days For Life has been successful in providing effective arguments and strategies for dialogue. Despite personal challenges like sleepless nights due to children's bad dreams, it's crucial to continue these conversations and find ways to change minds and convert hearts in our communities. The book, available on Amazon and 40daysforlife.com, offers valuable insights for those looking to engage in respectful and productive discussions on this important issue.

    • Kyrie Irving's Vaccine Standoff: Personal Liberty vs. Team ObligationsKyrie Irving's vaccine refusal sparks intense debates about personal liberty, employer rights, and the intersection of sports and politics. Irving's stance is not about being anti-vaxx or anti-team, but about staying true to his beliefs, despite potential consequences for his career.

      Kyrie Irving, the Brooklyn Nets star, has been banned from playing due to his refusal to comply with New York's vaccine mandate. Irving has expressed his belief in personal autonomy and the right to make decisions regarding his own body. He feels that his decision, which doesn't directly impact his team or the game, should be respected. The situation has sparked intense emotions and debates, with some fans and media calling for Irving to get vaccinated or leave the team. However, Irving's stance is not about being anti-vaxx or anti-team, but about staying true to his beliefs. The concern about him infecting others seems misplaced, as all other players are young, healthy, and vaccinated. The comparison to Colin Kaepernick, who was punished for taking a stand against an imaginary issue, highlights the complexity of the situation. While sports media typically defends athletes taking stands, the response to Irving's situation is more divided. The situation raises questions about personal liberty, the role of employers, and the intersection of sports and politics.

    • Personal health vs team commitmentIndividuals have the right to make personal health decisions, but they cannot compromise team goals or infringe upon others' liberties. Open dialogue and respect for individual rights are essential in complex issues.

      Individuals have the right to make personal health decisions, but they cannot compromise team goals or infringe upon others' liberties. In the ongoing debate about Kyrie Irving's refusal to get vaccinated and his impact on the Brooklyn Nets, it's essential to recognize that while some may have reservations about vaccines, team commitment and individual responsibility must prevail. The comparison of Irving's situation to Colin Kaepernick's protest is misleading, as Kaepernick's actions did not infringe upon anyone's liberties. Meanwhile, New York City Mayor Bill de Blasio's decision to remove Thomas Jefferson's statue from City Hall without public debate raises questions about transparency and the potential erasure of history. Ultimately, these issues highlight the importance of open dialogue, respect for individual rights, and a commitment to understanding complex issues from all perspectives.

    • Acknowledging the complexities of historical figuresHistorical figures were not perfect and held inconsistent views, but erasing them may not be productive. Learning from their complexities can inform a more nuanced understanding of history and present issues.

      The historical figures of the past, including Thomas Jefferson, were not perfect and held views inconsistent with modern values, such as the belief in racial equality. However, it's important to note that the widespread practice of slavery and racial prejudice was not unique to the Western world during that time. Therefore, erasing or canceling historical figures based on their past actions or beliefs may not be a productive solution to addressing contemporary social issues. Instead, acknowledging and learning from the complexities and contradictions of history can help inform a more nuanced understanding of the past and the present.

    • The Complex History Between European Civilization and Indigenous TribesEuropean forces faced advanced and violent indigenous tribes for centuries, challenging the simplistic narrative of villains and victims.

      The history between European civilization and indigenous tribes is more complex than a simple narrative of villains and victims. The indigenous tribes, such as the Comanche, were technologically advanced in their own ways and were capable of holding their own against European forces for centuries. However, they were also violent and warring peoples. By sanitizing this history, we risk turning the indigenous tribes into uninteresting and helpless figures. It's important to acknowledge the complexity and the violence of this clash of civilizations. Regarding current events, Nancy Pelosi was recently asked about the Biden administration's IRS plan to monitor bank accounts with transactions over $600. Pelosi did not provide a clear answer on the issue, but it remains a controversial topic with concerns over privacy and government overreach.

    • IRS to Monitor Bank Transactions Over Certain Threshold for Unpaid TaxesThe Build Back Better bill allows the IRS to monitor bank transactions to find unpaid taxes, focusing on high-income earners in the gig economy, but critics worry about potential privacy concerns and increased surveillance for all.

      The Build Back Better bill includes a provision allowing the IRS to crack down on unpaid taxes by monitoring bank transactions over a certain threshold. While some people are concerned about privacy and potential targeting of lower-income individuals, the IRS's primary focus is on finding tax evaders in the gig economy. Despite this, there seems to be a lack of significant outrage or action from Republicans, leading some to feel that the issue is being overlooked. It's important to note that the threshold for monitoring transactions is still under negotiation. The ultimate goal is to identify high-income earners who are not paying their taxes, but critics argue that the real intention may be to subject the entire country to permanent IRS audits and increased surveillance of financial transactions.

    • Political Timing and Unintended ConsequencesConsider opponents' reactions and motivations when formulating strategies. Fight smart and use intelligence and strategy in political battles.

      The timing of certain political actions, such as speaking out against policies or encouraging people not to vote, can have unintended consequences. This was discussed in relation to President Trump's statement encouraging Republicans not to vote in future elections due to alleged voter fraud in 2020. It was pointed out that this plan, if implemented, would likely benefit the Democrats, as they would be the ones gaining from the increased power and control in the elections. It's important for political groups and individuals to consider the potential reactions and motivations of their opponents when formulating strategies. Additionally, the importance of fighting smart and using intelligence and strategy in political battles was emphasized. The discussion also touched on Demi Lovato's claims of alien encounters and how seemingly unrelated issues can create unusual alliances.

    • Frustration over Demi Lovato's extraterrestrial representation and media diversitySpeakers discuss concerns over Demi Lovato's suitability as humanity's extraterrestrial representative and the importance of diverse representation in media, while debating Superman's effectiveness against climate change.

      The speaker expresses frustration and concern over Demi Lovato being chosen as the human representative to communicate with extraterrestrial beings, as they fear her actions may not accurately represent humanity. Additionally, there are discussions about representation in media, with some arguing that characters should reflect diverse identities, while others believe in keeping them as is. Another topic touched upon is the speaker's regret for not acknowledging a fan group during a live event. Furthermore, there's a debate on the merits of Superman as a superhero and skepticism towards his ability to fight climate change leading to a content warning from YouTube. Lastly, there's a question about The Daily Wire producing PG-13 films instead of R-rated ones.

    • The Daily Wire's commitment to worthwhile storiesThe Daily Wire produces content with honesty and completeness, regardless of rating, and offers recommendations for other worthwhile media like the Jordan Harbinger Show. They also announced their first original production, 'Shut In', and Gina Carano's new movie, 'Terror on the Prairie'.

      The Daily Wire is committed to telling worthwhile stories, regardless of the rating required to do so honestly and completely. They are not limiting themselves to R-rated movies, but will use whatever rating is necessary for each story. Additionally, they highly recommend the Jordan Harbinger Show, a podcast filled with fascinating interviews and useful advice. The Daily Wire also announced their first original production, "Shut In," a thriller about a young mother protecting her children from her violent ex-boyfriend. Gina Carano also shared her excitement for her new Daily Wire movie, "Terror on the Prairie," which just began production. Overall, The Daily Wire is dedicated to providing high-quality content that audiences won't find elsewhere.

    • Daily Wire vs Disney: Personal Freedoms and Fresh ContentThe Daily Wire, under Ben Shapiro's leadership, values personal freedoms and creates new content, while Disney faces criticism for lackluster creativity and mandating vaccines and masks.

      The Daily Wire, under Ben Shapiro's leadership, is committed to creating new content and standing firm on personal freedoms, despite facing opposition. The Hollywood Union's debate on vaccine mandates and mask policies was met with resistance from Shapiro, who believes in individual medical choices. He expressed gratitude to the Daily Wire community for their support and announced upcoming content and discounts for new members. In contrast, Disney was criticized for lackluster creativity, with the latest example being the Home Alone reboot, which closely mirrors the original film but with a British cast and less engaging characters. The Daily Wire's stance on individual freedoms and commitment to creating fresh content sets it apart from Disney's seemingly stale output.

    • Hollywood's lack of creativity is a societal issueSociety's decadence and boredom fuel Hollywood's production of repetitive content, with consumers contributing by continuing to consume it and holding onto nostalgia.

      The lack of creativity in Hollywood is a significant issue, reflecting a decadent and bored society. Major studios are not lacking ideas but rather hostile to them due to their risky nature. We as consumers contribute to this cycle by continuing to consume repetitive content and holding onto nostalgia. It's a self-fueling cycle that keeps us in perpetual adolescence. Disney and other studios are not the only ones to blame for producing stale content, but we are for continuing to consume it. We need to mature our tastes and seek out innovative ideas to break this cycle.

    • Discussing the Shipping Bottleneck and Rising InflationCriticism towards Biden for focusing on private companies amidst shipping crisis and inflation, while downplaying the impact on consumers and Hunter Biden's email scandal adding to political turmoil.

      During the latest episode of The Ben Shapiro Show, the ongoing shipping bottleneck was discussed, with President Joe Biden being criticized for blaming private companies instead of addressing the issue head-on. Meanwhile, inflation rates continue to rise, but the White House seems unfazed and dismissive of the problem. Additionally, Hunter Biden's email scandal has started to negatively impact his father's presidency. These issues were explored in depth on the show, highlighting the challenges the country is currently facing and the political responses to them.

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    DailyWire+ & Angel Studios Partner on New Film, Sound of Hope

    DailyWire+ & Angel Studios Partner on New Film, Sound of Hope

    We’re proud to announce that DailyWire+ is partnering with Angel Studios on their latest film, Sound of Hope: The Story of Possum Trot. The movie is the true story of how Donna and Reverend Martin inspired and supported 22 families from a rural black church in Texas to adopt 77 of the most at-risk kids from the foster system. This film is the beginning of a determined fight for kids. In America, there are over 100,000 children who need a home, and that is unacceptable. Join the fight for kids today. Get showtimes to see Sound of Hope in theaters starting July 4th at http://angel.com/matt.

    The Matt Walsh Show
    enJune 15, 2024

    Ep. 1387 - The Nation Rejoices As Another Left-Wing Smear Factory Suffers Mass Layoffs

    Ep. 1387 - The Nation Rejoices As Another Left-Wing Smear Factory Suffers Mass Layoffs

    Today on the Matt Walsh Show, first Media Matters had mass layoffs and now the Southern Poverty Law Center has followed suit. It's been a bloodbath for left-wing smear merchants in recent weeks. This is obviously cause for celebration. But why is this happening? And why now? We'll discuss. Also, Donald Trump is accused of saying unkind things about Milwaukee. The story is total nonsense, but it has forced the Left to pretend that they love Milwaukee, which has been funny to watch. Plus, a major scandal in the world of professional sports. And, an alleged "trad wife" becomes a viral sensation after saying the n-word. This is an important story, we're told. We'll talk about all of that and more today on the Matt Walsh Show.




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