
    About this Episode

    Jenna has lost weight many times.

    When she was younger she liked to workout and went to exercise classes. If she wanted to lose weight she could just give up carbs and sugar and the pounds would melt away. She lost 40 pounds doing the Keto Diet a few years ago, and she loved it, but she couldn’t maintain it and over time the weight crept back. Jenna wanted to lose the weight, but more than that, she wanted to have more energy and feel comfortable in her own skin. She was sick of feeling self-conscious and constantly pulling her shirt away from her body. Jenna did the work and has lost the weight, kept it off, and transformed the way she sees herself.


    If you haven’t yet, be sure to go back and listen to the previous podcasts in the case study series. Number 81 is about Tara, a self-proclaimed control freak, and how she learned to be less critical and enjoy the journey.   Number 80 . It’s all about where limiting thoughts sneak in and how they affect us. Why do we need to talk about our past anyway?  We dig into that, and I share some of my past and what I learned about my thoughts and feelings.


    These podcasts are examples of the kind of freedom my clients experience in areas of their life. If any of their stories resonate with you, maybe it’s time for you to work on yourself too! Click this link to book a free strategy call and let’s have an honest conversation. 


    Would you do me a favour? Referral is the #1 way that Families Matter Most has grown to more than 60000 podcast downloads! Please share this free resource to your community- share it out, email the link, send a comment over social, post a 5 star review- anything you can do to help us reach more parents! I’m so grateful for this community, thank you for your support! 



    Recent Episodes from Families Matter Most

    Ep 101 The Kids Tell All (Featuring my kids, Matt, Evan & Ryan)

    Ep 101 The Kids Tell All (Featuring my kids, Matt, Evan & Ryan)


    Disclaimer: My kids tell all and things might be shared that your kids are not ready to hear.  

    This week on the Families Matter Most podcast Matt, Evan, and Ryan tell all the parenting wins and fails from their perspective. That’s right. Jenn is interviewing all three of her sons and they are sharing some deep parenting moments. Hear personal stories from the first born “fails” to the youngest child’s safe place. This podcast gets really raw and honest, sharing how the consequence didn’t fit the child, or trying a new parenting approach did not fit the age of her sons. Learn new ways to incorporate TRUST. COMMUNITY. And CONNECTION in your home today!

    Ready to work on connecting to your family in a new way? Book a Free Strategy Call today.
    Looking for more parenting Resources? Check out our website.


    Ep 100 Everything You Wanted to Know (Featuring Sean Dean)

    Ep 100 Everything You Wanted to Know (Featuring Sean Dean)

    Wow! 100 Episodes, I can't believe we have made it this far. Thank you to those who have been with us from day one, who have shared our podcast, or shared your questions and stories to help us keep this podcast going. 

    Families Matter Most Podcast  turned 5 years old this week, and we hit 100 podcasts today! So thank you, thank you, thank you!


    On today's episode of Families Matter Most, Sean takes over the microphone and asks Jenn some deep questions about herself, marriage, work, and family. We will also hear Jenn do a speed answer round with personal and fun questions. Get to know Jenn on a deeper level on today's 100th podcast episode.


    Want to learn more about Jenn's Coaching business? Click Here.

    Interested in some free parenting resources? Click Here.


    Have a question for Jenn or need some parenting advice. Email Us.


    Stay Tuned Next Podcast for some interviews with Jenn's family and friends...

    Ep 99 Just How Angry Are You?

    Ep 99 Just How Angry Are You?

    This week, we are sharing something special. Today, I want to share one of my sessions from my online course No More Yelling.

    So today's podcast will actually be lesson two, where I break down our anger and diving into the three areas of anger. Yes, it's amazing when you can identify you are frustrated or angry, but how do you identify your trigger area? How do you calm yourself down? Today, I am sharing how you can do just this. 

    So grab a piece of paper and pen, and let's get started. 

    Did you love this week's episode and want to work on this more? Check out No More Yelling today.

    Want More Podcasts on Similar Topics:

    Are You The Problem?

    Stop Being So Negative!

    How to Reduce Anger Now.


    Want to email us: familiesmattermost@gmail.com 
    Website: www.familiesmattermost.com
    Or Find us on Facebook, TikTok & Instagram at Families Matter Most


    Ep 98 Fostering, Adopting and Connecting (Featuring Tammy Winter)

    Ep 98 Fostering, Adopting and Connecting (Featuring Tammy Winter)

    Parenting is hard, parenting children no matter how they become part of your family is hard. Today, Tammy Winters shares the similarities and differences of raising children whether they are biological, foster, or adopted kids. As a parent, it’s easy to think you know it all, that everything can be fixed by love, love, love, but is that always the case?

    Join me in hearing Tammy's story, her heart, and her wisdom on fostering/ adopting.

    Want to connect? 

    Facebook, Instagram & Tik Tok: Families Matter Most 




    Gordon Nuefeld- Hold on to Your Kids


    Families Matter Most Attachment Podcast:

    Ep. 56 Blanket Time-Teaching Kids Self Control

    Ep.54 Tying Strings


    Ep 97 An Actual Happy New Year

    Ep 97 An Actual Happy New Year

    An Actual Happy New Year -A year in recap. Families Matter Most (Jenn,) has made some huge changes and adjustments. Today,  she wants to share how she navigated lots of change all in one year.  Plus, Jenn has some tools and tips to help you succeed and reach your goals this year. 

    What is your goal for 2024?

    Are you looking for accountability? Click Here.

    Would you like to lose weight and keep it off? I have  a free Bootcamp starting January 15th! Click Here.


    Looking for more Motivation Podcasts:

    Lose Weight For Good.

    Mindset You Need to Reach Your Goals

    Time Management.

    Exhaustion, Overwhelm & Burnout


    Need More encouragement? Here is podcast #1, for you to see how far we have come from day one of podcasting. Feelings.


    Ep 96 Are you the Problem?

    Ep 96 Are you the Problem?

    We all love to have that friend that tells us life is so hard, but do you have that person that will also challenge you? What if the problem really is you? It's easy to get inside our own heads and hyper-focus. Remember that song, “Hi, it’s me. I’m the problem, it’s me.” Ya, that song is a stab in the gut to admit, but often the truth. 

    We've all been there. We have all thought, "everybody has abandoned me, I’m the victim, why is everyone so awful to me?" BUT could this be a tell tale sign that it isn't them? 

    Before we spend long days around lots of people we may not "like" let's challenge ourselves with some truths. So we are mentally prepared for awkward moments. 


    Looking for more tools and motivation?
    Check us out on Facebook or Instagram at Families Matter Most
    Or on our website: www.familiesmattermost.com



    Ep 95 Defiance: When your kid says NO!

    Ep 95 Defiance: When your kid says NO!

    Christmas is coming and so are the big and little meltdowns.


    But do you feel ready and equipped to parent these moments?


    Are you ready to parent without your own emotions getting in the way. You know what I'm talking about, your kids don't listen, you get mad, then you have to apologize for freaking out. Learning moment is now gone and guilt steps in...


    Was this weeks podcast helpful? Let us know in the comments or share with your friends.

    Looking for more tools?

    Check us out on Social @familiesmattermost
    Or our website www.familiesmattermost.com


    Ep 94 Lose Your Weight for Good (Featuring Jaycee Tara)

    Ep 94 Lose Your Weight for Good (Featuring Jaycee Tara)



    Lose Your Weight for Good with Special Guest and friend Jaycee Tara. This week we are getting real sharing Jaycee's story of dieting, binging, and the root of why she did this. Have you ever wondered, what is beneath your desire to diet? Why you feel required to diet? 

    If you have had these thoughts, you will want to listen to today's podcast where Health Coach Jaycee shares her journey of losing weight for good. Jaycee shares all the things she did wrong, as well as her journey to a healthy lifestyle. Are you ready to start a sustainable - for good method? Click Here to get your cheatsheet to start today!

    Want to Connect with Jaycee?

    Lose Your Weight For Good on FB @jayceetara   
    Insta @loseyourweightforgood


    Connect with Families Matter Most:
    FB or Instagram @familiesmattermost

    Podcasts Like this:

    Lose Weight and Keep it Off (case study)
    Commit to Your Health
    Four Simple Ways to Not Gain Weight


    Ep 93 Stop Overreacting

    Ep 93 Stop Overreacting

    This week we are talking about overreacting. Making the situation all about ME! Wait, I don’t have a problem, why are you targeting me? Ha! When was the last time your emotions or your brain created a bigger problem out of a small thing? I have three steps to help you avoid overreacting with your family, your spouse, and those around you.

    Looking for more resources?



    Ep 92 Stop Being So Negative

    Ep 92 Stop Being So Negative

    We all have hard days. We all have that triggering thought, that spirals us into a whole day or week of terrible, negative thoughts. 

    But do you find these thoughts have taken over everything? Today's podcast is all about our negative thoughts, and tools to help you find positive thoughts. These tools will reframe your thoughts, and motivate you to have some great days ahead. 



    Looking for more podcasts on thoughts:

    Building Better Relationships

    Mom Guilt

    When Life is Absolute Crap

    The 3 Enemies of Success and Happiness

    Self Sabotage

    The Three Lies


    Ready to work on yourself:
