
    Podcast Summary

    • Overcoming Opposition to WinThrough resilience and determination, the team overcame opposition to win, emphasizing the importance of enjoying successes while staying vigilant and working with reliable sponsors like WaxRx.

      Despite facing intense opposition from various sources, including the media, activist groups, and political adversaries, the team was able to get back up and fight back effectively, ultimately emerging victorious. Dan Vongino, the show's host, emphasized the importance of enjoying the moment but also staying vigilant as the November elections approach. The team took a well-deserved break after the hard-fought win, but now it's time to get back to work. Another key takeaway is the value of having reliable sponsors like WaxRx, whose products Dan personally uses and trusts. Overall, the message is one of resilience and determination in the face of adversity.

    • GOP holds firm despite pressure, fails to pass entitlement reform and defund Planned Parenthood in the pastDespite historical pressure, GOP resisted during debt ceiling vote, showcasing determination to stand firm.

      History has shown that the GOP has a tendency to back down under pressure from activist groups, the media, and the swamp rats on Capitol Hill. This was a concern during the recent vote on the debt ceiling, but to the surprise of many, they held their ground and didn't fold. A notable example of this trend is the failure to pass entitlement reform, which is mathematically necessary, due to the pressure from interest groups. Another instance is the attempt to defund Planned Parenthood and the confirmation process for Supreme Court nominees like Miguel Estrada. Despite the anxiety, the GOP managed to hold strong this time around. On a different note, a customer review highlighted the benefits of using WaxRx for removing Neo Wax, saving significant time and money compared to doctor visits. This simple yet effective solution can make a noticeable difference in people's lives. If you're interested, you can try the WaxRx system by visiting GoWaxRx.com and using the offer code DAN for free shipping.

    • Express gratitude and stay firm in beliefsAppreciate decisions that align with values, stay unapologetic in face of opposition, and never back down to the liberal opposition's narrative

      It's important to express gratitude towards those in power for making decisions in line with our values, while also remaining firm and unapologetic in the face of opposition. The concept of "owning the libs" is a call to action to never back down to the liberal opposition, even in the face of criticism and mockery. The old rules of politics have changed, and it's crucial to recognize that the radical left and their media allies are not interested in compromise or diplomacy. Instead, we must remain steadfast in our beliefs and continue to challenge the narrative they try to push. Additionally, it's essential to incentivize those in power to continue making decisions that align with our values by expressing our appreciation and support.

    • Mitch McConnell's 'Street Fight Politics'McConnell's tactical approach to confirming Kavanaugh despite opposition sets a new standard for political strategy, with the left expected to respond aggressively and moderates seeking bipartisan solutions.

      The political landscape has shifted, and the new rules involve disregarding media narratives, activist group pressure, and focusing on moving forward with tactical political strategy. This approach, which was exemplified by Mitch McConnell's push to confirm Kavanaugh despite opposition, is being referred to as "street fight politics." The left is expected to respond with increased aggression, and moderates may attempt to join the conversation for bipartisan solutions. However, the radical left has shown no interest in peace pipe smoking, and the taste of defeat may be the only thing that forces them to self-reflect. The old rules of compromise and civil discourse may no longer be effective, and the winner-takes-all mentality is now the norm.

    • Republican Party's introspection after lossesConsistent defeats force parties to reconsider policies and values, leading to potential change.

      Consistent political defeats force parties to reevaluate their stance and consider change. During a discussion about the Republican Party's autopsy report following Obama's presidency, it was noted that the conclusion to appeal to the left on radical immigration policies was misguided. Instead, Hispanic voters value economic freedom and liberty. The Republican Party's losses at various levels of government, including the presidency, House of Representatives, and courts, forced them to reconsider their stance on government spending, social issues, and other policies. The same will apply to the Democrats if they continue to lose elections. Additionally, there is no appeasing the left, and they will never return the favor, even if Republicans vote for their nominees in good faith. The key takeaway is that consistent political defeats can lead to meaningful change and introspection within a party.

    • Stop trying to appease the left and nominate consistent conservativesRepublicans should nominate unapologetically conservative candidates and not worry about left's pressure or perception

      There is no appeasing the left, and Republicans should stop trying to compromise with them or nominate moderates. Instead, they should nominate consistent conservatives and own the label. The left's treatment of Brett Kavanaugh, despite his moderate background, showed that they would never consider Republicans as bipartisan bridge builders. The left's social pressure and media coverage turned Kavanaugh into a persona non grata in law schools and other circles. This means that Republicans can let Kavanaugh be himself and not worry about him being pressured to change his conservative views. The lesson is to be unapologetically conservative and not let the left's pressure dictate nominations or policies.

    • The power of doing the right thingEncountering supporters from out of state motivated by podcast, Republican enthusiasm for midterms equal to Democrats

      Doing the right thing, even in the face of adversity, can significantly energize the base. This was evident during the Kavanaugh hearings when chaos did not sell, and the silent majority ultimately prevailed. Dan Bongino, the host of the podcast, shared his experience of encountering supporters from out of state who were motivated to attend his church after hearing him on the show. He was humbled by the outpouring of support and emphasized that it was the actions of listeners, not just his words, that made a difference. According to recent polls, Republican enthusiasm for the midterm elections is now on par with Democrats, demonstrating the power of taking action and doing what is right.

    • Exercising rights through voting and workHistorically, significant social changes have come through democratic process, not chaos or court rulings. Safe and effective dry fire practice with iTarget Pro system improves proficiency.

      While some people may resort to chaos and violence in the streets, the more effective and productive approach is to exercise our rights through voting and working. The importance of freedom and individual rights was emphasized, but it was also noted that chaos does not sell and that significant social changes have historically come through the democratic process rather than through violence or court rulings. Another key point discussed was the importance of proficiency and safety when handling firearms, with the recommendation of using the iTarget Pro system for dry fire practice. The system allows for safe and effective dry firing, improving proficiency without the use of live ammunition. Lastly, a critique was made against the Democratic Party for relying too heavily on the Supreme Court for social victories rather than gaining popular mandates through elections.

    • The People's Mandate: Elected Reps > Courts > PresidencyThe Supreme Court doesn't dictate the people's will; it's the legislative branch that represents the mandate of the people. The recent decision has highlighted the importance of voting in November.

      The Supreme Court does not hold supreme power over the will of the people. The people express their mandate through their elected representatives in the legislative branch, not the judicial branch or the presidency. The recent Supreme Court decision has led some on the left to criticize judicial supremacy, but they have historically relied on the courts to enact unpopular mandates. The Democrats' frustration stems from their belief that they were unfairly denied the appointment of Merrick Garland during a presidential election year, a precedent they themselves set. This frustration has led to dangerous rhetoric, and it's important for everyone to remember the role of each branch of government and the importance of showing up to vote in November.

    • FBI withheld crucial information from FISA court during Trump investigationThe FBI failed to disclose the Democratic Party's involvement in the Clinton dirt dossier to the FISA court, leading to concerns of FISA abuse during the Trump investigation

      The FBI and DOJ withheld crucial information from the FISA court during the investigation into the Trump campaign. Devin Nunes, during an appearance on Maria Bartiromo's show, highlighted this issue by pointing out that Michael Sussman, a lawyer for the Democrats, was feeding information directly to James Baker, the top lawyer at the FBI, before the FISA warrant was obtained. This means that the FBI knew of the Democratic Party's involvement in the Clinton dirt dossier but failed to disclose this information to the FISA court. This is a clear example of FISA abuse and further proves that the FBI's origin story for spying on the Trump campaign is incomplete and unreliable. The relationships between various Obama administration officials, Democratic Party fixers, and FBI personnel are intricately connected and detailed in Bartiromo's show and Maria Bartiromo's book. The bottom line is that the FBI's justification for spying on the Trump campaign is debunked, and the evidence of FISA abuse is clear.

    • FBI's biased handling of Trump investigationThe FBI colluded with Democrats to use unverified info from a political operative to spy on Trump, bypassing normal channels and lying about its origins

      The FBI's handling of the investigation into Donald Trump during the 2016 election was a political hit job from the start. The Democrats and their lawyers colluded with the FBI to spy on Trump using unverified information from a paid political operator. This information was funneled directly to the highest levels of the FBI, bypassing normal channels. The FBI then lied about the origins of the information and denied having any doubts about its legitimacy. The entire process was a scandal, involving an information super highway into the DOJ, spying on the Trump team, and attempts to set them up. The FBI's head lawyer has now admitted under oath that the information came from a DNC paid lawyer, contradicting previous statements made by Jim Comey and the FBI. If they had nothing to hide and believed the information was legitimate, why did they lie about it?

    • Investing in underdog political candidates can lead to unexpected victoriesSupporting underdog political candidates, even in deep blue states, can inspire new voters and lead to long-term impacts on elections

      Investing in underdog political candidates, even in deep blue states, can have significant long-term impacts. The speaker shares his experience of running for Senate in Maryland, a deep blue state, and being told he had no chance. Despite the loss, the campaign sparked interest in politics among new voters, who later supported a Republican candidate and led to a surprising victory in the state. The speaker emphasizes the importance of supporting underdog candidates and building infrastructure for future elections. Additionally, the speaker promotes Brickhouse Nutrition's product, Foundation, which he claims will help people look and feel better in just seven days.

    • GOP Ad Criticizes Whitehouse for Bringing up Flatulence during Kavanaugh HearingThe GOP is using an unconventional campaign tactic against Dem Senator Sheldon Whitehouse, labeling him a 'gas bag' for bringing up flatulence during Kavanaugh hearing. Listeners are encouraged to support strong underdog candidates like Bob Flanders in Rhode Island and John James in Michigan.

      The Republican Party is using a campaign ad in Rhode Island to criticize incumbent Democrat Senator Sheldon Whitehouse for bringing up the topic of flatulence during a Senate hearing with Brett Kavanaugh. The ad, created by Bob Flanders, portrays Whitehouse as an embarrassment and a "gas bag," urging voters to support a problem solver instead. The speaker in the text, who has received a tweet from Flanders, believes that Flanders is a strong candidate and encourages listeners to support him, emphasizing the potential impact of supporting underdog campaigns in blue states. The speaker also mentions John James in Michigan as another worthy candidate to support. Overall, the discussion highlights the use of unconventional tactics in political campaigns and the importance of voter support in close races.

    • Every vote counts in key racesSupport GOP candidates like John Cox and get out to vote, as every vote can impact the outcome and Republicans have potential advantages in the midterms due to voter intensity and the economy's positive direction.

      Every vote counts, especially in key races like those mentioned in the podcast. The speaker emphasized the importance of supporting Republican candidates, such as John Cox in California, and getting out to vote, even if the outcome may not be certain. The speaker also highlighted the potential advantages for Republicans in the upcoming midterm elections, including voter intensity and the economy's positive direction. It's crucial for Republicans to stay engaged and active in the political process, as every vote can make a difference. Additionally, the speaker encouraged listeners to read an older article about the midterm elections and the potential advantages for Republicans. Overall, the message was clear: every vote matters, and Republicans need to turn out in force to make a difference in the upcoming elections.

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