
    Ep 831 | Chrissy Teigen’s Surrogacy Announcement & No More Affirmative Action | Guest: Steve Deace

    enJune 29, 2023

    Podcast Summary

    • Supreme Court rules against affirmative action, Trump faces indictmentsThe Supreme Court's decision against affirmative action policies and Trump's potential indictments bring up questions about equality, justice, and individual rights in higher education and politics.

      The Supreme Court has ruled affirmative action policies at universities unconstitutional, which could have significant implications for higher education. Meanwhile, former President Trump faces indictments, but the details and implications of these charges are still unclear. Additionally, the hosts announced the availability of new merchandise on their website, featuring popular phrases from the show. These events highlight ongoing debates about equality, justice, and individual rights. Stay tuned for further analysis and discussion on these topics.

    • Legal Issues Facing Former President TrumpFormer President Trump faces multiple legal issues, including indictments for hush money payments and mishandling classified documents, which could impact his political future.

      Former President Donald Trump is currently facing multiple legal issues, including indictments for hush money payments to Stormy Daniels and mishandling classified documents. These indictments mark a first for an American president or former president and could potentially impact Trump's political future. The classified document case involves Trump allegedly taking sensitive documents from the White House when he left office, while the Stormy Daniels case involves payments made to silence her about an alleged sexual encounter during the 2016 presidential campaign. Trump has pleaded not guilty to the charges, and further court dates have not been scheduled. These indictments come as Trump is considering a run for the presidency again in 2024, and they could potentially impact his chances in the election. It's important to note that the media coverage of these cases can be confusing, with multiple investigations and indictments taking place. It's crucial to look beyond the headlines for a more accurate understanding of the situation. Additionally, it's worth mentioning that 7 Weeks Coffee, a sponsor of this discussion, is a company that supports pregnancy centers and donates a portion of every sale to them. These centers provide valuable resources and support for pregnant mothers and fathers in need.

    • Two high-profile investigationsFormer President Trump faces multiple probes, including for election interference and record keeping, while Hunter Biden deals with tax evasion and gun charges. Debates persist over fairness and politics in these cases.

      Former President Donald Trump and his son Hunter Biden are currently under investigation for various allegations. Trump is facing multiple investigations, including one in Manhattan where he was indicted on 34 felony counts of violating New York law on corporate record keeping. He is also under investigation for attempting to overturn the results of the 2020 presidential election in Georgia. The investigation into his role in the January 6th Capitol riot is still ongoing. Hunter Biden, on the other hand, is facing charges for tax evasion and gun crimes, and is scheduled to have his first court appearance on July 26th. The Hunter Biden investigation has also raised questions about potential involvement of President Joe Biden in his son's business dealings. Both investigations have sparked debates about the fairness of the justice system and the role of politics in criminal proceedings. The media coverage of these investigations has been extensive, with some commentators arguing that they are politically motivated while others believe that they are necessary to hold individuals accountable for their actions. Overall, these investigations highlight the complex and ongoing nature of political and legal issues in the United States.

    • Trump's Legal Woes: Challenges in Manhattan vs MiamiDespite potential for a fairer trial in Miami, Trump faces significant legal challenges, particularly regarding the January 6th Insurrection case, which could lead to an indictment later this summer.

      The ongoing legal proceedings against Donald Trump are complex and convoluted, making it difficult for the public to trust media coverage or even identify the key parts of the evidence. The situation is particularly challenging in Manhattan, where Trump's chances for a fair trial are slim due to his low approval ratings in that area. In Miami, however, there's a possibility for a more balanced jury, and Trump may have a chance for a fair trial. The most concerning case for Trump is the one related to January 6th and the Insurrection, which could lead to his indictment later this summer. As Trump gears up for the primary, it's essential to ask how he plans to navigate potential legal restrictions and continue his campaign if indicted. These are important questions that need to be addressed as the situation unfolds.

    • Legal strategies for Trump's team if convictedDespite potential legal issues, Trump maintains significant support among Republicans, raising concerns about the RNC's stance on felon nominees and the risks of unconstitutional practices.

      The discussion revolves around the potential legal strategies for Donald Trump's team if he is found guilty of felonies and faces ballot access issues due to his name and conviction in key swing states for the upcoming election. The speaker expresses concerns about the Democrats' history of pushing unconstitutional practices and the risk of trusting Trump's personal promises, especially regarding potential deals with the federal government. The speaker suggests that the RNC should not allow a convicted felon to be a nominee but with a pledge not to drop out. Despite Trump's popularity among Republican voters, the speaker finds it remarkable that he still has 45% support in an NBC poll given his past actions and media scrutiny.

    • Donald Trump's tenacity keeps him a force in GOP despite scandalsDespite numerous scandals, Trump's tenacity keeps him a top Republican contender. Biden faces similar challenges, and the outcome of the 2024 GOP nomination race may hinge on DeSantis' debate performance against Trump.

      Despite the numerous scandals and controversies surrounding Donald Trump's political career, his tenacity and ability to persevere have kept him a formidable force in the Republican Party. This trait, viewed as tenacity by some and shamelessness by others, has allowed him to weather various crises and continue leading in the polls. The same can be said for Joe Biden, who has faced accusations of lying and other scandals but has managed to keep going. The outcome of the 2024 Republican nomination race may depend on how well Ron DeSantis performs against Trump in debates, with the potential to flip the narrative either way. If Trump and DeSantis were to debate, Trump's presence could overshadow DeSantis, while a strong performance by DeSantis could establish him as a serious contender. Ultimately, the candidates' ability to perform under pressure and connect with voters will be crucial factors in determining the outcome of the race.

    • Impact of Republican primary debates on Trump's participationTrump might skip debates if DeSantis challenges him effectively, potentially impacting the Republican Party and future elections.

      The upcoming Republican primary debates could significantly impact former President Trump's participation. An analysis of Trump's absence from a debate during his 2016 campaign, when Ted Cruz embarrassed him, suggests that Trump might not show up if DeSantis effectively portrays him as past his prime. The debate stage is crucial for candidates to make a connection with voters, and Trump's strategy of attacking DeSantis from the left may not be effective. If DeSantis can present himself as a strong, capable contender, Trump might choose not to attend. This could have significant implications for the future of the Republican Party and the country. The stakes are high, and the next election could determine the direction of our children's future. Trump's involvement in the upcoming election could lead to legal consequences if he or a sympathetic candidate does not win.

    • Former President Trump's Ego May Hinder His Chances in 2024Despite Trump's determination, his focus on personal vendettas and fragile ego could hinder his chances in the 2024 election. A successful Republican candidate should embody a warrior spirit with a constructive focus.

      While there are several Republican candidates who could potentially win against President Joe Biden in the upcoming election, former President Donald Trump may not be one of them due to his fixation on personal vendettas and fragile ego. The speaker expresses admiration for Trump's determination and desire to prove himself but warns against his tendency to focus on revenge rather than addressing the needs of others. The speaker uses historical examples, such as General Douglas MacArthur and King Saul, to illustrate the destructive potential of an unchecked male ego. Ultimately, the speaker argues that a successful Republican candidate should embody a warrior spirit with a constructive, rather than destructive, focus.

    • Trump's unconventional diplomacy and loss of powerTrump's unconventional diplomacy led to Middle East peace, but his inability to make deals with adversaries and ego-driven decisions led to loss of power. Ron DeSantis' entry into the presidential race could provide competition and clarify Trump's role, while organizations like Preborn save lives through free sonograms and resources.

      Former President Trump's unconventional approach to diplomacy, characterized by his willingness to challenge long-held assumptions and make deals based on self-interest, was effective in securing the Middle East peace deal. However, his inability to make deals with political adversaries, such as Pelosi and Schumer, and his own ego-driven decisions, led to a loss of authority and ultimately, the usurping of his power by advisors like Fauci and Birx during the COVID-19 response. Trump's recent post on Truth Social, suggesting that every living president except for him are descendants of slaveholders, while divisive, raises an interesting question about accountability for historical wrongs. It's important to remember that individuals should not be defined solely by their ancestors' actions, but rather by their own character and actions. Competition and opposition are essential for keeping leaders in check and ensuring that they stay focused on the needs of the people. Ron DeSantis' entry into the presidential race could provide much-needed competition and help clarify Trump's role in American politics. Additionally, organizations like Preborn are making a real difference in saving the lives of vulnerable children by providing free sonograms and resources to women. Consider donating to help support their cause.

    • The Effectiveness of Trump's Statement on Historical InjusticesThe effectiveness of Trump's statements on historical injustices depends on the consistency and authenticity of his underlying worldview. A cohesive message that resonates with his base could be a powerful campaign tool, but empty gestures or divisive distractions without a clear commitment may harm his image and cause further division.

      The debate over former President Trump's statement regarding ancestral responsibility for historical injustices raises complex questions about accountability and progress. While some argue that it's an irrational claim, others see it as a reflection of the need to address systemic issues rooted in the past. However, the effectiveness of such a stance depends on the consistency and authenticity of the underlying worldview. If Trump's team can execute a cohesive message that resonates with his base, it could potentially be a powerful campaign tool. But without a clear and committed worldview, such statements may come across as empty gestures or divisive distractions. Ultimately, the issue underscores the importance of understanding the underlying motivations and beliefs that shape our actions and the impact they have on our communities.

    • Trump's self-interest vs. DeSantis' visionTrump's actions driven by self-interest and approval, lacks long-term relationships and convictions. DeSantis faces challenge of articulating clear vision, balance strategic execution with compelling future vision.

      Donald Trump's political actions are driven by his self-interest and a desire for approval, rather than a strong moral foundation or transcendent reason. This transactional approach may bring short-term gains, but it lacks the ability to form long-term relationships or maintain convictions under pressure. Ron DeSantis, on the other hand, faces the challenge of articulating a clear vision for America beyond his successful political strategies. While some may argue that his ruthless efficiency is a fulfillment of prophecy, others may struggle to distill his complex worldview into a simple campaign message. Ultimately, the success of a political leader depends on their ability to balance strategic execution with a compelling and consistent vision for the future.

    • Finding a Compelling Campaign Message for Ron DeSantisRon DeSantis needs a clear campaign message beyond his record and must differentiate himself from opponents, while controversies surrounding the Biden administration continue to unfold.

      Ron DeSantis, a potential Republican presidential candidate, needs to find a compelling rallying cry for his campaign, beyond his record of "messing around and finding out." DeSantis faces competition from a candidate known for casting a vision, and his opponent's controversies may not be enough to carry his campaign alone. Meanwhile, the ongoing Hunter Biden scandal continues to raise questions about the Biden administration and its handling of potential conflicts of interest. In the world of wealth management, Constitution Wealth offers a solution for those seeking to align their investments with their values, providing services that cater to pro-life, pro-America clients. Lastly, the US Supreme Court made headlines by ruling against the use of race as a factor in college admissions, marking a significant decision in affirmative action policy.

    • US Supreme Court Rules Against Race-Conscious Admissions PoliciesThe US Supreme Court's decision against race-conscious admissions policies may disadvantage Asian American students and shift universities towards prioritizing non-academic factors, potentially suppressing certain groups and leading to debates on social justice and equal opportunity.

      The US Supreme Court has ruled against race-conscious admissions policies in higher education institutions, specifically Harvard and the University of North Carolina. This decision, which was met with both support and dissent among the justices, has led universities to shift their admission standards to prioritize factors other than academic achievements, potentially disadvantaging Asian American students. Critics argue that such social engineering attempts to create equal outcomes inevitably lead to the suppression of certain groups, as seen in the historical failure of communist systems and the current debate around social justice. The court decision marks a significant shift in admissions policies and could have far-reaching implications for diversity and equal opportunity in education.

    • Maintaining consistent standards for fairnessLowering standards for equity leads to unequal treatment and a 'cakeistocracy' of least qualified individuals, emphasizing the importance of equal application of standards.

      Ensuring equal outcomes for individuals with vastly different backgrounds, upbringings, and talents is an unrealistic goal. Justice Clarence Thomas emphasized that maintaining consistent standards, regardless of race or background, is the fair approach. However, recent cases, such as Harvard's admission policies, reveal blatant discrimination and unequal treatment, which ultimately harms society as a whole. Lowering standards for the sake of equity leads to a "cakeistocracy," where society is run by the least qualified individuals. Additionally, the Chrissy Teigen story serves as a reminder of the complexities and challenges individuals face in their personal lives, further emphasizing the importance of equal application of standards.

    • Exploring Ethical Concerns in SurrogacySurrogacy raises ethical concerns regarding exploitation, disrupted natural bond, and complex issues of buying eggs and renting wombs, potentially impacting a child's healthy development.

      While surrogacy may seem like a beautiful and redemptive process for intended parents, it raises ethical concerns regarding the exploitation of women's bodies and the potential psychological impact on the child. Surrogacy involves separating the child from the woman who has carried him or her for nine months, disrupting the natural bond between them. The process also involves buying eggs and renting a womb, adding more complex ethical issues. Despite the joy and love intended parents may feel towards their children, the surrogacy process intentionally goes against the ideal for the healthy development of a child.

    • Exploring Ethical Concerns in Surrogacy and IVF IndustriesIt's crucial to consider the needs and well-being of children in surrogacy and IVF industries, addressing potential exploitation and risks for all involved.

      The surrogacy and IVF industries raise ethical concerns, particularly regarding the potential exploitation of women and the risks imposed on embryos. Despite the desire to fulfill adults' wishes to become parents, it's crucial to consider the needs and well-being of children involved. The conversation around these issues has gained traction in conservative circles, and it's essential to ask tough questions for the sake of children. The speakers Katie Faust and Jennifer Lahl have been advocating for this discussion for a long time, and their efforts are now gaining more recognition. While it's important to remember that this conversation is not meant to condemn the parents or the babies, it's a necessary exploration to ensure the best interests of all involved. Next week, we'll have interviews with Nancy Piercy, and we'll continue our regular programming the following Thursday. Have a great weekend!

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    Ep 1020 | Botched: The Brutality of Trans Mastectomies | Guest: Soren Aldaco

    Ep 1020 | Botched: The Brutality of Trans Mastectomies | Guest: Soren Aldaco
    Today, we sit down with Soren Aldaco, a 21-year-old woman and detransitioner who is suing her former doctors for a botched mastectomy and other medical malpractices. Soren began identifying as transgender at just 11 years old, began hormone replacement therapy at 17, and had a double mastectomy at 19. Soren was prescribed all these treatments despite numerous mental health conditions and traumatic life experiences. How did this happen? Soren discusses her entire story and the failures of the medical system that left her "permanently disfigured." Get your tickets for Share the Arrows: https://www.sharethearrows.com/ --- Timecodes: (02:30) Beginnings of Soren’s story (10:00) Internet indoctrination (29:10) Identifying as a boy (35:20) Support group & starting testosterone (49:24) Double mastectomy complications (01:03:59) Treatment issues & payment (01:07:26) Soren's lawsuit (01:12:35) Soren's faith journey (01:15:59) How to support Soren --- Today's Sponsors: Good Ranchers — Change the way you buy meat today at GoodRanchers.com with code ALLIE to claim your $100 off and free smoked brats for a year.  Get free shipping on all your orders and make this Independence Day one to remember.  Carly Jean Los Angeles — use promo code ALLIE50 for $50 off your order of $100+ at carlyjeanlosangeles.com. NetSuite — gain visibility and control of your financials, planning, budgeting, and inventory so you can manage risk, get reliable forecasts, and improve margins. Go to NetSuite.com/ALLIE to get your one-of-a-kind flexible financing program. Seven Weeks Coffee — try Seven Weeks Coffee today at SevenWeeksCoffee.com and use the promo code: ALLIE to save 10% off your order. --- Relevant Episodes: Ep 186 | Sex Change Regret | Guest: Walt Heyer https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/relatable-with-allie-beth-stuckey/id1359249098?i=1000456890365 Ep 857 | Is ADHD Real? | Guest: Dr. Roger McFillin (Part One) https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/ep-857-is-adhd-real-guest-dr-roger-mcfillin-part-one/id1359249098?i=1000624680025 Ep 858 | The Disturbing Origins of Adderall | Guest: Dr. Roger McFillin (Part Two) https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/ep-858-the-disturbing-origins-of-adderall-guest-dr/id1359249098?i=1000624797989 Ep 896 | From 'Trans Men' to Transformed by Christ | Guest: Laura Perry Smalts (Part One) https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/relatable-with-allie-beth-stuckey/id1359249098?i=1000632613519 Ep 897 | A Detransitioner on the Lie of 'Trans Joy' | Guest: Laura Perry Smalts (Part Two) https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/relatable-with-allie-beth-stuckey/id1359249098?i=1000632747460 Ep 963 | The Dangers of Gentle Parenting, SEL & Empathy | Guest: Abigail Shrier https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/ep-963-the-dangers-of-gentle-parenting-sel-empathy/id1359249098?i=1000648254377 --- Links: Soren's X thread detailing the surgical complications: https://x.com/sorenaldaco/status/1635535612236242947 --- Buy Allie's book, You're Not Enough (& That's Okay): Escaping the Toxic Culture of Self-Love: https://alliebethstuckey.com/book Relatable merchandise – use promo code 'ALLIE10' for a discount: https://shop.blazemedia.com/collections/allie-stuckey Learn more about your ad choices. Visit megaphone.fm/adchoices

    Ep 1019 | The Christian ‘Ashley Madison’ Couple Speaks Out | Guests: Sam & Nia Rader

    Ep 1019 | The Christian ‘Ashley Madison’ Couple Speaks Out | Guests: Sam & Nia Rader
    Today, we sit down with family vloggers Sam and Nia Rader. Back in 2015, this Christian couple's world was turned upside down during a data breach of the infidelity website "Ashley Madison." Because of this breach, names of people who had signed up for the site, seeking to have an affair, became public. Sam's name was included in the leak. The couple then faced an uphill battle as they struggled to heal their marriage, sought true repentance, and dealt with the publicity of their marital struggles. They recently told their story again to Netflix in the streaming company's documentary on the data leak. We ask them to delve into their story and share what they believe Netflix got wrong. Get Sam and Nia's book here: https://www.amazon.com/Sam-Nia-Live-Truth-Restored/dp/B0D4657827 Get your tickets for Share the Arrows: https://www.sharethearrows.com/ --- Timecodes: (01:08) Sam & Nia introduction (03:00) How Sam & Nia went viral (09:35) Signing up for ‘Ashley Madison’ (20:20) Getting convicted (26:10) Finding out about the leak (37:28) What happened after the leak (48:00) Nia's feelings & Sam's repentance (52:07) The Bible & divorce (56:05) Netflix's portrayal (01:00:51) Backlash & healing from infidelity (01:07:29) Where to find their book --- Today's Sponsors: My Patriot Supply — prepare yourself for anything with long-term emergency food storage. Get your new, lower-price three month Emergency Food Kit at PrepareWithAllie.com. EveryLife — the only premium baby brand that is unapologetically pro-life. EveryLife offers high-performing, supremely soft diapers and wipes that protect and celebrate every precious life. Head to EveryLife.com and use promo code ALLIE10 to get 10% of your first order today! American Christian Credit Union — America’s Christian Credit Union is Federally Insured by the National Credit Union Administration. Find America’s Christian Credit Union online at AmericasChristianCU.com/SWITCH Freedom Project Academy — Take back your child’s education at Freedom Project Academy. Right now, save 10% on tuition when you enroll at Freedom For School dot com, that’s Freedom F-O-R School dot com. --- Relevant Episodes: Ep 957 | How the Gospel Heals Anger, Addiction & Adultery | Guest: Jeff Allen https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/ep-957-how-the-gospel-heals-anger-addiction-adultery/id1359249098?i=1000647135892 Ep 989 | Nickelodeon Has a Predator Problem https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/ep-989-nickelodeon-has-a-predator-problem/id1359249098?i=1000653246789 --- Buy Allie's book, You're Not Enough (& That's Okay): Escaping the Toxic Culture of Self-Love: https://alliebethstuckey.com/book Relatable merchandise – use promo code 'ALLIE10' for a discount: https://shop.blazemedia.com/collections/allie-stuckey Learn more about your ad choices. Visit megaphone.fm/adchoices

    Ep 1018 | Former IVF Doctor Blows the Whistle | Guest: Dr. Lauren Rubal

    Ep 1018 | Former IVF Doctor Blows the Whistle | Guest: Dr. Lauren Rubal
    Today, we sit down with Dr. Lauren Rubal, a Reproductive Endocrinology & Infertility physician who focuses on fertility, recurrent miscarriage, painful, irregular, or heavy cycles, and menopause through an integrative lens. Instead of taking a bandaid, one-size-fits-all approach, Dr. Rubal views each patient as an entire person - body, mind, and soul - and works to address the root cause of reproductive disorders. But she wasn't always in this field. Dr. Rubal started her career in conventional medicine, and even practiced IVF. What prompted her to leave and start her own practice? How does Integrative Medicine differ from a more typical medical approach? What's so bad about IVF? Is there any such thing as "ethical" IVF? And why is hormonal birth control an ineffective treatment? We address all that and more. Find Dr. Rubal at: https://www.laurenrubalmd.com/ Get your tickets for Share the Arrows: https://www.sharethearrows.com/ --- Timecodes: (01:22) About Dr. Rubal & her practice (05:20) The process of IVF (13:11) Ethics of “donating” sperm (15:15) Egg fertilization & the fate of embryos (20:17) Egg grading & testing (34:55) Embryo transfer process (43:55) Risk of miscarriage (45:10) More ethical IVF? (46:15) Selective reductions (51:11) Why Dr. Rubal left the IVF practice (58:47) Why we need education about fertility (01:04:57) Her integrative approach to health (01:07:25) Where to find Dr. Rubal --- Today's Sponsors: Covenant Eyes — protect you and your family from the things you shouldn't be looking at online. Go to coveyes.com/ALLIE to try it FREE for 30 days! Birch Gold — protect your future with gold. Text 'ALLIE' to 989898 for a free, zero obligation info kit on diversifying and protecting your savings with gold. Patriot Mobile — go to PatriotMobile.com/ALLIE or call 972-PATRIOT and use promo code 'ALLIE' for free activation! Balance of Nature — Balance of Nature's proprietary blend of 31 fruits and vegetables come in easy to swallow capsules to give your body the nourishment it needs. Go to BalanceofNature.com and use code ALLIE for 35% off. --- Relevant Episodes: Ep 976 | Birth Control: What the Media Won’t Tell You https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/ep-976-birth-control-what-the-media-wont-tell-you/id1359249098?i=1000650764644 Ep 959 | Birth Control Is Making Women Bisexual | Guest: Emily Detrick https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/ep-959-birth-control-is-making-women-bisexual-guest/id1359249098?i=1000647441400 Ep 254 | Birth Control, IVF & Surrogacy https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/ep-254-birth-control-ivf-surrogacy/id1359249098?i=1000475691301 Ep 695 | Why Children's Rights Trump Adults' Feelings | Guest: Katy Faust https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/ep-695-why-childrens-rights-trump-adults-feelings-guest/id1359249098?i=1000583336623 Ep 554 | IVF, Embryo Adoption, & Surrogacy: Answering the Hard Questions | Guest: Jennifer Lahl https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/ep-554-ivf-embryo-adoption-surrogacy-answering-the/id1359249098?i=1000549207733 --- Buy Allie's book, You're Not Enough (& That's Okay): Escaping the Toxic Culture of Self-Love: https://alliebethstuckey.com/book Relatable merchandise – use promo code 'ALLIE10' for a discount: https://shop.blazemedia.com/collections/allie-stuckey Learn more about your ad choices. Visit megaphone.fm/adchoices

    Ep 1017 | Dr. Tony Evans Steps Down Over Secret Sin

    Ep 1017 | Dr. Tony Evans Steps Down Over Secret Sin
    Today, we discuss some news in the Baptist church — Pastor Tony Evans has decided to step down due to a "secret" past sin. Is he obligated to confess his sin? In related news, the Southern Baptist Church is expected to outlaw female pastors and issue a resolution urging the government to limit IVF. We discuss what these votes mean for the future of the church. Plus, more of Cru's LGBTQ curriculum recently leaked, and we go through some concerns we have with it. Get your tickets for Share the Arrows: https://www.sharethearrows.com/ --- Timecodes: (00:00) Introduction (01:09) Tony Evans steps down (13:09) SBC to vote on female pastors & IVF (29:29) Cru LGBTQ Curriculum Update (57:31) Announcements --- Today's Sponsors: Range Leather — highest quality leather, age-old techniques and all backed up with a “forever guarantee." Go to rangeleather.com and use coupon code "ALLIE" to receive 15% off your first order. A’del — try A'del's hand-crafted, artisan, small-batch cosmetics and use promo code ALLIE 25% off your first time purchase at AdelNaturalCosmetics.com Pre-Born — will you help rescue babies' lives? Donate by calling #250 & say keyword 'BABY' or go to Preborn.com/ALLIE. Carly Jean Los Angeles — use promo code ALLIE50 for $50 off your order of $100+ at carlyjeanlosangeles.com. --- Relevant Episodes: Ep 669 | My Thoughts on Matt Chandler & Baptist Theology https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/relatable-with-allie-beth-stuckey/id1359249098?i=1000577833389 Ep 607 | John MacArthur, Hillsong Documentary, & SBC Drama | Guest: Megan Basham https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/relatable-with-allie-beth-stuckey/id1359249098?i=1000558899144 Ep 765 | Can Women Be Pastors? | BSC vs. Saddleback | Q&A https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/relatable-with-allie-beth-stuckey/id1359249098?i=1000603031549 Ep 960 | Unraveling Cru's Troubling LGBTQ Curriculum https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/relatable-with-allie-beth-stuckey/id1359249098?i=1000647583878 Ep 908 | Calling Out Cru's LGBTQ Compromise https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/relatable-with-allie-beth-stuckey/id1359249098?i=1000634953278 Ep 796 | Former Lesbian Activist Calls "Soft" Christians to Repentace | Guest: Rosaria Butterfield https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/relatable-with-allie-beth-stuckey/id1359249098?i=1000610921016 Ep 782 | 'Pronoun Hospitality' Is Sin: Rosaria Butterfield's Confession https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/relatable-with-allie-beth-stuckey/id1359249098?i=1000607404995 Ep 896 | From 'Trans Men' to Transformed by Christ | Guest: Laura Perry Smalts (Part One) https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/relatable-with-allie-beth-stuckey/id1359249098?i=1000632613519 Ep 897 | A Detransitioner on the Lie of Trans ‘Joy’ | Guest: Laura Perry Smalts (Part Two) https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/ep-897-a-detransitioner-on-the-lie-of-trans/id1359249098?i=1000632747460 --- Buy Allie's book, You're Not Enough (& That's Okay): Escaping the Toxic Culture of Self-Love: https://alliebethstuckey.com/book Relatable merchandise – use promo code 'ALLIE10' for a discount: https://shop.blazemedia.com/collections/allie-stuckey Learn more about your ad choices. Visit megaphone.fm/adchoices

    Ep 1016 | Time to Ditch Ergobaby

    Ep 1016 | Time to Ditch Ergobaby
    Today, we discuss some stories of Christian courage, including high school student Micah Price and NBA coach Joe Mazzulla. Micah Price was denied his diploma for praising Jesus in his grad speech in violation of school policy, while Joe Mazzulla gave a fiery answer to a reporter at a press conference. In other news, 'Jars of Clay' lead singer Dan Haseltine posted in support of Pride month, using Scripture to justify his position. We explain why he is wrong, and why Christians cannot support same-sex unions. Plus, Ergobaby recently voiced its support for transgenderism in children. And what was up with Joe Biden on D-Day? Get your tickets for Share the Arrows: https://www.sharethearrows.com/ --- Timecodes: (01:46) Micah Price (13:48) Joe Mazzulla (23:32) Share the Arrows event (26:21) Father's Day merch (29:00) Christian singer supports "Pride" (38:27) Testimony from Relatable listener (41:23) Ergobaby supports transing children (57:50) Joe Biden D-Day --- Today's Sponsors: We Heart Nutrition — nourish your body with research-backed ingredients in your vitamins at WeHeartNutrition.com and use promo code ALLIE for 20% off. Good Ranchers — Change the way you buy meat today at GoodRanchers.com with code ALLIE to claim your free applewood smoked bacon for LIFE, get 100% American meat delivered, and get the perfect gift for dad this Father's Day. Jase Medical — get up to a year’s worth of many of your prescription medications delivered in advance. Go to JaseMedical.com today and use promo code “ALLIE". Seven Weeks Coffee — try Seven Weeks Coffee today at SevenWeeksCoffee.com and use the promo code: ALLIE to save 10% off your order. --- Relevant Episodes: Ep 717 | From Porn Star to Pastor | Guest: Joshua Broome https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/relatable-with-allie-beth-stuckey/id1359249098?i=1000588385066 Ep 896 | From 'Trans Men' to Transformed by Christ | Guest: Laura Perry Smalts (Part One) https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/relatable-with-allie-beth-stuckey/id1359249098?i=1000632613519 Ep 413 | The Dead End of Deconstruction | Guest: Alisa Childers https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/relatable-with-allie-beth-stuckey/id1359249098?i=1000519848554 Ep 920 | Russell Moore, David French & the Fake Threat of Christian Nationalism | Guest: John Cooper https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/relatable-with-allie-beth-stuckey/id1359249098?i=1000638231068 Ep 726 | 'The Chosen:' Questions & Controversies | Guest: Dallas Jenkins https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/relatable-with-allie-beth-stuckey/id1359249098?i=1000590668548 Ep 808 | Lauren Daigle Has "No Idea" About Abortion Law. Is That Ok? https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/relatable-with-allie-beth-stuckey/id1359249098?i=1000613574084 --- Buy Allie's book, You're Not Enough (& That's Okay): Escaping the Toxic Culture of Self-Love: https://alliebethstuckey.com/book Relatable merchandise – use promo code 'ALLIE10' for a discount: https://shop.blazemedia.com/collections/allie-stuckey Learn more about your ad choices. Visit megaphone.fm/adchoices

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    We are excited to Partner with New Day Healing and Wellness. They are located in Memphis, Tennessee. If you stop by use the Mizell code for 50% off your first session! 
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    Ep.048 Why It’s Super Important to Decide When You Are Not Going to Study Each Week

    Ep.048 Why It’s Super Important to Decide When You Are Not Going to Study Each Week

    #048 – Welcome to another minisode of the Chloe Made Me Study podcast. Each Monday, I will release a super short episode designed to share one studying idea, strategy or mindset shift that will help you start your study week off feeling focused, productive and confident.

    These minisodes will help you shake off any negative studying baggage from the week before and offer a moment to pause, reflect and change approach so you can move off in a new, more successful direction.

    In this week’s minisode, you’ll learn the importance of intentionality in your studying – being intentional while you’re doing the work but ALSO while you’re relaxing. I’ll share with you one simple question that could seriously improve your studying motivation, productivity and positivity. You’ll walk away with an understanding of the action you can take to look after your mental health throughout your studies.

    Click here to find out more about my membership, The Kickbutt Students Club.

    Click here to discover my range of study skills trainings.

    Click here to grab a copy of my book, The Return to Study Handbook.

    And finally, come follow me on Instagram @chloe.burroughs.

    Healthcare Information Security (with Jack Kufahl, Chief Information Security Officer at Michigan Medicine)

    Healthcare Information Security (with Jack Kufahl, Chief Information Security Officer at Michigan Medicine)

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    Jack Kufahl is responsible for planning, developing, implementing, and maintaining the Michigan Medicine information assurance program. He directs all information assurance activity across the academic medical center to ensure the confidentiality, integrity and availability of electronic information and IT/Information Service (IS) resources critical to the tripartite mission of patient care, research, and education at Michigan Medicine.

    Innovators is a podcast production of Harris Search Associates. 

    *The views and opinions shared by the guests on Innovators do not necessarily reflect the views of the interviewee's institution or organization.*



    Welcome in to your new podcast! My name is Dr. Luke Hobson. I'm a Program Manager for MIT and an Online Instructor for SNHU. The purpose of this podcast is to share my experiences with you about instructional design practices, effective teaching methods, working with SMEs, writing your dissertation and more. If you are an instructional designer, an L&D manager, an e-learning developer, an online instructor, a teacher, a professor, or any other kind of educator, welcome home.

    For more information, check out my site at drlukehobson.com.

    Do you want to become an instructional designer? Check out Idol Courses Academy!

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